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The next morning, my mom came into my bedroom and gently woke me. She said, "Turn on the light. I have a surprise for you." I said, "Really?" I reached my light switch and turned on the light. She said, "Anthony, I want you to have this." It was a shirt signed by John Lennon. I said, "But this is yours." She said, "I know, but it doesn't fit me anymore." I asked, "How did you get this one, anyway?" She said, "Well, I saw The Beatles in concert sometime before they stopped touring. I never planned on meeting any of them. I never intended on meeting my favorite celebrities because I feared that I might be disappointed. Suddenly, I was standing in front of John Lennon. I was in awe. All I could say was, 'Hi, it's nice to meet you.' He said, 'Hi, it's nice to meet you, too.' I said, 'I enjoyed the show.' He said, 'I'm glad you enjoyed the show.' After a pause, he asked, 'Do you have anything for me to sign? If you do, I'd be happy to sign it.' I said, 'I didn't really bring anything for you to sign.' He said, 'That's all right. I can sign your shirt if you want me to.' I said, 'Sure.' He signed it. I said, 'Thank you, John.' He said, 'You're welcome.' After having three kids, and being in many wash cycles, it shrank and no longer fits me. I don't want to get rid of it, so I want you to have it, Anthony." I said, "Okay." Although it had been washed many times, John's signature was still clear as day. I went for my first day of college, proudly wearing my mom's shirt.
Hello, everyone! It's ChiliPepperLuv, and this article is on the top ten things that people do on the Internet that bug me. In other words, things people do online that I don't like at all. Here it goes.

10. Pretending they've filmed an argument they had with someone; People usually do this on Animal Jam. They'll tell the person, "I filmed the whole thing, and now it's on YouTube." Most of the time, they do this to intimidate their opponent. If they actually did film the argument, what good would that do? The same goes for real life, too. If you film an argument you had with someone and post...
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Part I: Home, but Broken-Hearted for Christmas
I was excited to be home from the band's tour for Christmas, but I was saddened over my break-up with Sherry. A week after the break-up, my mom came into my bedroom. "Get up, Anthony," she said. "You've been moping around all day." I reluctantly got out of bed. She took me to the music store to get me a new guitar. She said, "This is your Christmas present." I said, "Thanks, Mom." A smile ran away from my face. "You still upset about Sherry, aren't you," she said." I said, "Yeah." She said, "That was your longest-lasting relationship." I said,...
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added by ChiliPepperLuv
This is the Beatles' first single, "Love Me Do."
Part I Our First Tour
After we graduated college, we released our third album, Hurricane. It contained our title track and second single, "Hurricane." The songs lyrics were about my struggle to find friends, as well as other struggles I've faced in the past. Other tracks included: "Bridges," "Past Life," "There's More to Life Than Money," "All I Ever Hear is Lies, Lies, Lies," "Me and My Old Fender," "Midnight," "Happy Mississippi Blues," and "Poppin' and Lockin'." The album received even more attention than Elegy. We started touring, and our tour was successful. My mom came to every concert...
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Part I Elegy
Six months after Killer's death, my friends and I decided to start working on our next album. For the first track, we decided to do a cover of "Yesterday" by the Beatles. After recording the song, I said, "Guys, we can't just do cover songs. We'll never make it." We had to adjust to the fact we had a new member, our friend, Ian, on rhythm guitar. Luckily, we knew each other. We actually go back to high school. We weren't close, then, but that's another story. Ian asked, "Do you mind if I look in your notebook, Anthony?" I said, "I don't mind." He came across a song titled "Elegy."...
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added by ChiliPepperLuv
Source: Kamirah at Deviant Art made the art. I just made the character.
Part I: The First Single
Not long after I told Charles and Simon about our first fan, we began discussing ideas for a new album, no dice. However, Simon really liked my song, "Far Away." He said, "It's a great song. When did you write it?" I said, "I wrote it after my grandpa passed away." Charles said, "I think it would make a great single." We recorded the song. "Far Away" received little more attention than Rock and Roll. One day, after school, a teenage boy stopped me. He said, "You're a member of LA Cherry Bombs. I said, "Yeah." He said, "You're the band that did the song 'Far Away.' It's...
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A month after Grandpa's death, I was finished with my first year of college. I looked back on the year. I said to Simon and Sherry, "This has really been a crappy year." Sherry said, "I'm sorry it wasn't pleasant for you." Simon said, "Look on the bright side. There are important individuals in your life who are still around, man." I said, "True that. It could have been worse. Looking back on it, this year wasn't so bad." He said, "That's the spirit." Sometime after that, I told Charles and Simon that we actually have a fan and that she encouraged us to continue to make music. I introduced my song, "Far Away," and they decided to help me work on it. "Far Away" was released as a single, and it actually received a little more attention than our debut album. We decided to continue writing material for a new album.
The End
added by ChiliPepperLuv
An awesome song by the Beatles
One day, I was jamming on some chords. My mom knocked on my door. She said, "Anthony, I have more bad news." I said, "Oh..." She said, "Grandpa is in the hospital with pneumonia." I became really quiet. The next day, he was gone. We flew to Montana for the funeral. What didn't help was that I was asked to sing. Grandpa always told me, "When I die, I want you to sing at my funeral." I once asked, "What song do you want?" He replied, "I want you to sing 'In My Life' by The Beatles." I sang that song, and my voice cracked at the end of the song. Back home, I began writing a song. The title that...
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It was a couple of months since my namesake uncle passed away. Bradley saw me walking Killer. He said, "I heard your uncle passed away." I said, "Yeah." He asked, "How are you doing?" I said, "I'm at the end stages of grief. I miss him, but I'm okay. Thanks for asking." One Friday night, Simon, Charles, and I went to the movies. When we arrived back at Simon's house, Charles and I got out of the car. Simon said, "Actually, my dad parks it closer to the house." He put it in reverse. Charles said, "Be careful, Simon." Simon said, "I know what I'm doing!" I noticed that a trash can was in the...
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It wasn't long before Sherry and I began a boyfriend/girlfriend relationship. One day, I received a call. "Hello," I answered. I heard a voice say "Hello, there, Anthony." I said, "Oh, hi, Aunt Clara. What's up?" She replied, "A lot, actually." I asked, "What do you mean?" She said, "Uncle Anthony has been diagnosed with lung cancer." I said, "That's terrible." She said, "He only has a couple of months to live." I became quiet. She said, "You're still there, right?" I said, "Yeah." She said, "You're awfully quiet." I said, "I'm just trying to wrap my mind around this. Uncle Anthony was always...
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added by ChiliPepperLuv
Anthony's Story Part 3
Before I started middle school, I was nervous. Moving to a new school is not easy. The only familiar face that was going to the same middle school was my friend, Angela. I was nervous still about the different arrangements. I decided to talk to Alan. He said, "Middle school is much better than elementary school." I asked, "Why is that?" He said, "Well, in elementary school, you have to stay with the same teacher all day. In middle school, you change classes. If you don't like one teacher, at least you get different teachers for different subjects. You don't have to stay...
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posted by ChiliPepperLuv
It was Christmas break. Exams had been completed, and we were home free for the holidays. Charles was on his Christmas break, too. He said, "Anthony, I heard that you and Simon were tied for Best All Around." I said, "We were." He said, "Cool!" I said, "Yeah, but I still can't figure out how I got Best All Around. I'm not exactly popular." He said, "Maybe you're more popular than you think, Anthony." I said, "Dean and his gang nominated me just to be mean. Jon said that it would be funny if I actually won." Charles asked, "Funny as in ha ha of funny as in nobody will see it coming?" I said,...
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posted by ChiliPepperLuv
Hey, ChiliPepperLuv fans! It's almost Thanksgiving. So, what are you thankful for? There are many things to be thankful for. Personally, I am thankful for my pet dog, music, my mom, my veterinary assistant teacher, and my friends. It's hard when there are a few family members missing, though. This will be my fourth Thanksgiving without my grandfather. He passed away in 2009. This will be my first Thanksgiving without my dog, Bingo. He was euthanized two days after Christmas last year. It's hard, but we can still make it without them. These two family members were very important to me and still are. I will never forget them.
It was October. Homecoming had come and gone, and it was time to nominate senior superlatives. Our senior sponsor read off the entire senior class. We nominated some people for certain things. Simon and Ron nominated me for Best All Around. Dean said, "You're nominating Anthony for Best All Around. Don't embarrass yourselves." Sherry said, "Dean, shut your mouth." I said, "I don't expect to win, guys! It's an honor just to be nominated." Spyke, a member of Dean's gang said, "Clearly, you've never won anything." I said, "I won a spelling bee once. That's something." Spyke yelled, "Nerd!" Simon...
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It was September 2006. I was packing my things for the next day. The next day, I was going to start my senior year of high school. My mom said, "Look at that! My baby is going to be a senior!" I said, "Mom..." She said, "I know what you're going to say. You're going to say that you're not my baby anymore." I shook my head. She said, "Don't shake your head, Anthony. You'll always be my baby." I couldn't argue with that. That's how mothers are. The next day, I met Simon in front of the school. He said, "It's weird that Charles isn't here anymore." I said, "I know." Charles had graduated back...
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Two months had passed since the incident. School was over. I decided to pay Bradley a visit. At one point, I was staring into space. Bradley asked, "Are you all right?" I didn't hear him. I was lost in thought. He got my attention by shouting, "Anthony!" I said, "I'm sorry. I was lost in thought. What did you ask me?" He said, "I asked if you we all right." I said, "Yeah." He gave me a serious look and said, "I know you're not." I said, "Okay, I was thinking about how much I want to forget prom night." He said, "I see. Tell me what happened." I said, "Reese dumped me for Dean the day before...
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When I was finally allowed to walk, and I finally got caught up with my school work, the only thing that anyone noticed was the bruises. Ron said, "Wow! What happened to you?" I said, "I was beaten." He said, "Who did this?" I said, "Dean and his gang." He said, "That dog!" I said, "I know." I later ran into Jon. He said, "That's some nice eyes you have, there, hipster." I said dryly, "Thank you very much!" Charles saw the whole thing. He stood beside me and said, "Jon, I know you were involved. If you do anything to my friend, I swear up and down that I will make you regret it for the rest...
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