Codename: Kids Next Door Club
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Kiki's eyes grew to the size of a Rainbow Monkey's belly.
"It's......beautful." she whispered. Both kids were standing and gazing at the splendor of the "Rainbow Monkey Fun-And-Run Party and Playtime Palace". Wally rolled his eyes.
"Remember, we're here to train." he told her.
"I know that, It's not like I'm gonna- HOLY CRAP, IT'S 'PRINCE OF PLAYTIME' RAINBOW MONKEY!!!!" she ran over and gave it a big hug. Wally did a facepalm.
After playing a game of "Whack-A-Meanie-Mole-Rainbow-Monkey" and "Squee-ball" Wally picked the next game that could technically qualify as "training": "Dance Dance Rainbow-lution".
"Keep your eyes on the screen!" he ordered
"I'm trying! I'm trying! You HAD to pick the hardest song on the list, didn't you?" Kiki whined.
An announcment came on overhead.
"CRAP! Our pizza's ready!"
"Tag out! Tag out!"
Hoagie was as happy as a clam. He loved contests. And he LOVED eating. The desicion to put him in a pie-eating contest was a really smart one.
He looked over at Grandma Stuffum. She looked back with that "You're Goin' DOWN!" look.
Numbuh 362 came over.
"All right, you know the rules, whoever pukes first loses. Got it?"
Both nodded.
"GO!" She blew her whistle.
Both shoveled down the pies. The pile of 5 pie pans grew to 10.
Then 20.
Then 50.
Then 99.
Hoagie and Grandma Stuffum had pie guts all over their faces and clothes. There was only one pie left. Both were swollen to the size of oversized beach balls. Haogie started out for the pie. Stuffum crawled about 2 inches behind him. Closer. Closer....Closer....YES! Hoagie reached the pie. He then shoved the whole thing in his mouth. He spat out the pie pan about 5 minutes later. Everyone cheered.....then Hoagie's face turned green.
"Uuuuuuuuuuuugh, I feel like I'm gonna........"
Everyone in the audience let out a long and loud "EEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEW!!!!!!".
Minerva, Maddy, and Val all did facepalms.
"Hoagie, Hoagie, Hoagie........."
"I WAS SO CLOSE!" he yelled. Then puked again.
Grandma Stuffum let out a triumphant laugh.
"WINNER!" Numbuh 362 said unenthusiastically as she held up her VERY large arm.
Hoagie sighed sadly. Then puked again.
"Oh! Guys, look!" Raleigh yelled.
"What'd you find this time?" David asked.
"A ROCK!!!" Raleigh screamed. Kacey was about to roll her eyes until Raleigh began to talk again. "But not just any rock! A rock in the shape of Wally's head!"
"Raleigh, they're all in the shape of Wally's head." Kacey said. She motioned them to follow. "If you guys actually help maybe I could win this bet."
David laughed hysterically.
"What?" Kacey asked, offended.
"Wally? Win a bet?" David was still laughing. "He didn't even win against Kuki in the water drinking contest."
"So?" Kacey said. "He might actually be...
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"It's been 2 hours, he should be out by now!" Kuki said while inpatiently pacing the floor.
Kacey sighed. "Kuki, we'll just have to wait and see what happens."
She scoffed, "Jim Henson had a 'wait-and-see' additude and look what happened to him!"
"Yeah! Now we've got wrong-sounding Muppets!" Kiki added.
Abby did a facepalm.
"HOW wrong-sounding are we talking?" Maddy asked.
Before she could get her answer, the doctor came out.
Kuki was the first one to jump up and go, "How is he, doc?"
The doctor sighed.
"I-I'm not sure how to put this....."
Kiki, Megan, and Kacey gasped.
"You mean he.....?"
The doctor...
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“SO CUTE!” Kiki yelled. She picked up all the ferrets. Wally took back Thrasher and hissed.
“What are their names?” Kacey asked.
“Mine is Thrasher.” Wally said.
“This is Jean!” Maddy said holding up Jean.
“And this is Bobby.” Megan said. Bobby was sleeping.
“What about the others?” Kacey asked.
“We were gonna let you guys name them.” Maddy said.
Kiki squealed.
“OK. Kiki, pick one.” Kacey said. Kiki closed her eyes and grabbed one. She grabbed the bigger one.
“I’ll name you Sniggers!” Kiki said.
“I’ll name mine…..” Kacey thought for a bit. “Waki.”...
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posted by kndkid96
"Oh! I want the pepperoni pizza and- no no wait!"
"I want the cheesburger! No..."
"The taco, maybe? I don't know, Kuki, what do you think?"
Everyone behind Val, Maddy, and Wally let out a huge groan and cursed under their breath.
Kiki sat at her usual table. Thankfully, no one caused a ton of trouble last period. Why? Except for Abby, no one understood what her French teacher was saying. Jennifer (y'know, the one mentioned in the first chapter?) sat in her usual seat.
"Looks like you've had a rough day." she observed.
Kiki slammed her juice onto the table.
"DON'T get me started." she snarled. Kacey...
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"Well, at least I got one." Thought Count Spankulot as he tied Kacey to a chair.
Kacey mumbled somthing behind her gag.
"What?" Count Spankulot asked, confused.
Kacey mumbled it again, with some vicous kicking of her legs.
"Oh for petes sake....." he exclaimed as he tore off the gag.
Kacey drew up a deep breath that burned her oxygen deprived lungs burn.
"'t..get...away..with..this" Kacey gasped out.
She had put up a heck of a fight. She had gotton a few good hits in, and a VERY good kick to the croch that had made him double over. But with her luck, she had tripped, and he had teleported....
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Before we can get to the story, I think you might need to know this:
If you didn't get the "Entrance to Hell is by the Hollywood sign' joke I shall explain. So, I recently read the book 'Percy Jackson and the Olympians'. And in the book, they have to go to the Underworld to talk to Hades. And of course, the entrance is next to the Hollywood sign.
I thought that was a little funny, so I included it in my story.
If you are not OK with the word 'hell', leave this story right now. Because I say it in here a bunch.
Just thought I'd get that out.
Now, to the story:
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It looks weird, so look at the comments

"O.K. , so far, we've come across 3 teenagers, 6 pirates, and one rather grumpy wolvereine...... " Kuki read off a list she'd drawn up.
"We're running kinda low on G.U.M.B.O.M.B.'s. " Megan stated while peering into her basket.
How low? Kacey asked.
Only nine left. Megan answered.
They divied out the weapons, one for each person.
As numbuh 2 slid the G.U.M.B.O.M.B. into his pocket, he noticed somthing strange.
Um, guys? he asked as he looked around. Does anyone know where we are?
Everyone stopped short. The woods some how became more dark, desolate, and freaky....
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Kiki before the fight
Kiki before the fight
Megan knocked on the door of the wait room. Kiki had locked them all out.
"Kiki...? Can you open the door? Please?".
"GO AWAY!!!!" she bawled.
Megan threw her hands up in the air. "I give up. Wally, you try getting through to her."
Kiki cried even louder.
Kacey smacked her cousin upside his head.
"Nice work, Mr. Sympathetic." she said sarcastically.
Abby sighed. "What are we gonna do? She's gotta fight in 10 minutes."
"Guess we're gonna have to forefit." Hoagie said, still clutching his stomach and holding back...
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Kuki stood at the front of the line. They were at Dairy Queen. Everyone in the line was either groaning, or cussing under their breath.
"OH! How about the Rooty Tooty Fresh and Fruity!" Kuki said. She nodded at that and paid the cashier. Wally was already at their table, half asleep.
"Oh, hi Kuki." Wally said. He shoved some of his ice cream into his mouth. Then, Kacey pushed the door to Dairy Queen open. Seeing Kuki and Wally, she flipped out.
"KUKI!" Kacey screamed. Kuki was startled, and jumped back, landing on top of Wally.
"Calm down, at least she got him to talk." Abby said. Kacey pulled...
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Wally blinked. He looked around.
“Get up; Kuki’s been calling you for an hour.” It was Kacey.
“It was all a dream?!” Wally yelled.
“What was?” Kacey asked. She looked down at the Rainbow Monkey on the floor and snickered.
“Well, me and Kuki started dating and-“ Wally didn’t even finish his first sentence.
“You? And Kuki?” Kacey asked. She was laughing hysterically.
“Hey, you and David were pretending to date to get rid of Tommy!” Wally said.
“We already did that. Last year. Remember?” Kacey said. Wally was confused.
“Well, I DON’T CARE!”...
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Kacey impatiently paced the floor as she proccessed the message Numbuh 362 had just sent.
How the heck was she gonna explain this to her teammates and Sector Q?
"KACEY!!!!!!!!!!" Kuki shrieked as she ran into the room.
Kacey stuffed the mission specs behind her back.
"What's the problem now?" she asked.
"I need it for my science project!" he shouted from out of the room. "I wanna see what Rainbow Monkeys do in zero gravity!"
"Wally, do your project with one of your action figures." Kacey sighed. "Now listen, Igotta tell you guys that-"
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Kiki reached for Val and Kuki reached for Mushi. Val was struggling in Kiki’s arms.
“Lemme at her!” Val yelled. “LEMME AT HER!!!!!!” Mushi stuck out her tongue, teasingly.
“KUKI!” Mushi yelled. “You’re the worst big sister EVER!” Mushi was bawling again. “Just forget about our plan, Tommy! Lemme go, Kuki! I HATE YOU!” Mushi wriggled out of Kuki’s grasp. Everyone was watching with low jaws. Mushi threw her half of a BFF Necklace on the floor and ran out of the door.
“MUSHI!” Kuki called. “MUSHI! MUSHI, COME BACK!” Kuki chased after Mushi. But Mushi was no where...
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Kacey stopped and read the sign at the beggining of the strange realm.
Kiki laughed, "Kind of a cliche, isn't it?"
"Yeah. Now, keep your eyes out for any spooks in the bushes. With Little Miss 'I Vant To Suck Your Blood' not vanting to cooperate, looks like you'll have to keep us safe."
She whined, "Why can't Wally keep everyone safe?! I'm tired!"
Kacey glared at her.
"Exactly. A tired you equals certain doom for anyone who crosses your path."
The very tired Kiki rolled her eyes.
Kuki was happily leading the group to where her and the others got transformed. The only one who...
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Hoagie jumped. He had just finished the serum. And so, he jumped. When he landed on the couch he injected it into 'Bogdan'. And he returned into The Count.
Right around then, Abby, Maddy, and Megan returned. They didn't have any kids with them. And neither did Kiki, David, Christian, and Val. Val had 15 balloons and 6 Rainbow Monkeys in hand. Christian was about to burst. But, Kacey, Kuki, Minerva, and Wally returned with 20 kids.
"We got 20!" Wally shouted.
"You didn't need to." Hoagie said. "I finished the serum." Kacey growled.
"Don't vorry. You brought all of these kids for ME!" The Count...
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Everyone gasped. Except for Val. She ran towards the not-so-Count and hugged him tight.
"Hi, Daddy!" She yelled.
"Hello, sweetheart!" The Count said. Kiki watched carefully. Val's single fang disappeared.
"Um, hi." Wally said. Everyone was shivering in fear. Wally was the only one who had the nerve to talk.
"W- w- what's going on?" Maddy asked. She was now scared because everyone else was.
"The Count isn't The Count anymore." Megan told her sister.
"I'm not The Count!" The-Not-Count said. "I'm Bogdan!"
"Bogdan?" Kacey whispered.
"Yes! Bogdan!" Bogdan said.
"You idiots!" Hoagie yelled. "That...
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The BB Gun's bullet made an awful noise. Especially when it entered Wally's head. Everyone gasped. Even Falken. Wally had a few seconds to reach up to his head before falling over. Falken couldn't believe he just shot someone. Falken tried to run. Christian and David grabbed him by the arms. Kacey had went into shock. She fell over too. Kuki was only a few feet away. She began to cry when she saw what her date had done. She ran to Wally's aid.
"You idiot!" Kuki yelled. "You didn't have to hurt him! What did he ever do to you?"
"He kicked me in the groin!" Falken shouted.
"Well, it's not gonna...
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With the assistance of several pushes and shoves, numbuh 2 got into place. he started to shout obscenities at Mushi and Sandy. With murder in there eyes, they rushed forward. Too bad they didn't see the trick wire stretched across there path.


    They had both of them in hand cuffs before you could say ''Jack-Robinson''. And if you just said that, you've got ''problems''.
''I'm proud of you Kiki.'' Kacey congratulated. ''You didn't seem to mess up at all on this mission!''
''YAY!!!!'' Kiki shrieked. She started to happy dance, but got caught up in King Sandy's cape and tore it. He growled at her.
''EEK!'' She shrieked again, but in a different tone.
That was that, another mission finished by sectors V and Q. Little did they, never mind, I will let you figure it out.
Kiki opened her eyes. There was a terrible pain in her chest and back. She tried to get up. A shriek of pain came from her. She called for help multiple times. No answer. Kiki could turn her head slightly to the side. No buildings for miles. She barely could lift up her head. All of her friends were all around the same area. But they were all covered in blood. Kiki looked at herself. Blood.
"HELP! HELP, SOMEBODY HELP ME!" Kiki yelled. The pain was unbearable. "HELP!"
Kiki looked around. All she could see were her friends around her. There was no place to hide either. Kiki let out...
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Kiki had her ear up to the door. Wally was losing it.
"GET ME OFF THIS BOAT!!" He yelled. Megan slapped some sense into him.
"Get a hold of yourself, man!" Megan said. "You're perfectly fine!" Numbuh 4 screamed. Numbuh 2 saw this as an opportunity.
"So, when we get outta this closet, wanna grab a bite to eat?" Hoagie asked. He rose his eyebrow. Megan scooted over. As did Hoagie. "C'mon, Babe! All Numbuh 2 wants is some love....." Hoagie said all 'smooth'. Megan slapped him.
"FREAK!" she yelled running toward Kacey. Megan sighed. "Who'd you e-mail?" she asked Kacey. Kacey sighed.
"No. Signal."...
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''Numbuh Fives gonna go check it out!'' Abby announced.
Her proclamation went completely unheard over the sounds of the children's eating, and Numbuh 1000s failed attempts to calm them.
Wit a sigh, she hoisted herself of her chair and borrowed numbuh 3s T.H.U.M.P.E.R. .


    ''Strange.'' numbuh 5 whispered. Below the broken window lay, obviously, shards of glass and pieces of wood, but weirdly, a stray piece of purple/pink cloth lay among the rubble. That cloth looked familiar. A creak sounded behind her. ''Uh-oh''...
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