Colorado Avalanche Club
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posted by hockeyfinn
Wow.Game one of second round it looked like men against the boys.the avelanche dominated on offense as exsoected but also on defense.a d the first to the puck all night.strong persistent checking. Passing,you name domination. By the end of the first period it looked like vegas vegas gave up ,if not early in period one. That game is long over .Long over and forgotten by the golden knights.A different and obviously refreshed and determined team has emerged.This vegas team has been the first to the puck,firstto the opponents net,crisper in passes,outchecking,outshooting and out hustling and just plain out playing the avalanche inevery period since perhaps colirado is relaxing now because they won a game 2 ,that they certainly did not deserve ,but this vegas team is not going away.They could easily win 4 straight and it would certainly be deserved concidering their effort.And there it is,the reason they are still in this round being down 2 games,effort.They are not more talented than colorado, or neccasarily faster or stronger..To a man they just never quit.Consistency.Consistant effort that is. The o e tbing that seems to evade colorado and why this team is so good then disappears .Out of the playoffs.There is one player that seems to give 100 percent effort that should be enough to inspire the rezt of this team,Nikko Rantanen.Bis effort is why colirado is up 2 zip.And at time of writing tbis could be 3 zip. Too much talent to not be housting the cup. Come on men, little more effort