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I do not own A Different Life or the Harry Potter series.

-x- How did it happen? (Chapter One) -x-


Lily Evans, 15 years old, looked around the forest to make sure no one had followed her. She sighed of relief when she saw no one. With students of Hogwarts, you could never be sure.
She turned just in time to be caught in a man’s embrace. She smiled sweetly up at the handsome man, who looked no older than 25. He pressed a soft kiss to her temple and said:

“Succeeded fooling that Potter?”

“Yes”, she said. “I just need to sway with my hips and he follows every order I give.”

“Have you found the answers?”

“Yeah”, she answered with a grin. “I was indeed adopted as you suspected, Tom. I don’t have a trace of a Muggle in me. I’m not going to tell anyone though; you’re the only one who will know.”
Tom Riddle grinned back. She will make the perfect bearer of his child…



Lily Evans, 20 years old, looked down at the child in her arms. The infant was sleeping peacefully and she turned to look at her wand. So easy. One curse, and the child would be dead. But… she could not. The witch bit her lip as a tear rolled down her cheek.

It was a beautiful day outside, but she could not let herself enjoy it. She looked down at the child again. Piercing green eyes stared back at her.

“Hi”, she whispered hoarsely to the boy. “You are not really what I expected.”

The child cooked his head and seemed to think.

“God”, she said in desperation. “You even act like him, even though you’re barely a few days old.”

The boy reached out with one small hand and touched her face. She could feel the powers vibrate. She did not notice her tears as she spoke:

“You will probably be a splitting image of him. He was a very handsome man you know. So happy when he heard I was pregnant with you. And now he is very upset.”

The child narrowed its’ eyes, asking why without the need of words.

“I turned away”, Lily whispered as an answer. “I turned my back on him and left him for James. I quickly seduced James and made him believe you are his child. But you aren’t. I don’t need to cast any spells or make any potions to confirm that.”

The child looked at her again, and gurgled. She could not help but smile.

“He will come”, she said as she rocked her son gently. “Do you know what I first fell for when I met him? His eyes. They showed me a power beyond anything else. They saw me, beneath all that know-it-all face and dumb Gryffindor bravery. He saw my Ravenclaw skills, and my Slytherin cunning. I may be known as Lily Evans for everyone, but for him, for your true father, I am known as Lily Morphis Mortimer. That is my real name by the way. I belong to a pure-blooded family, but my parents died and I was adopted by the Evans. They did not tell me, the fools. I’ll never forgive them, just as your father will never forgive me.”

The infant took a bit of Lily’s hair and yanked, hard. She quickly released her hair and looked down at the child.

“You hate me as well?” she asked softly. “I know; I even hate myself. But I can’t change what happened. I can only hope that your father, Lord Voldemort, will not find us.”