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Trump's Muslim Ban Day 1: Passengers pulled off planes, families broken apart, intl retaliation



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This is DISGUSTING. Every American should hang their head in shame, and everyone who voted for this man should hang their head even lower.

Just so everyone knows, foreign nationals from the countries that Trump banned have killed exactly ZERO American citizens on US soil. Of course, somehow he magically missed the countries that terrorists have actually come from - Saudi Arabia and Pakistan - because he has business ties there. We have a little word for that folks: corruption.

It's totally ineffectual - he's not stopping any terrorists. But he's going to help them make more.

The ban also extends to legal green card holders - so untold thousands of permanent resident visiting relatives overseas will be unable to return to their homes and their families. It also includes student visa holders.

Iran has already said it will hit back with a reciprocal ban. So yeah, looks like the US really does want to make itself an international pariah, isolationist backwater, and irrelevant/discriminatory/semi-authoritari­an country.

This is no longer a partisan issue - if you can support this action you can no longer consider yourself an objectively decent person.
posted over a year ago.
last edited over a year ago
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salemslot said:
Didn't Obama do the same thing in 2011 for 6 months? Huh, no protests then. Technically, a visa does not guarantee you entrance in a country and it can be revoked at any time if you do not produce any additional documentation the authority that grants the visa/green card deems necessary. Retraoactive power of the law is allowed in this case. This is not a permanent ban, the decree says that these countries need to gather additional information about their recidents. Now, the decree about allowing only Christian Syrians has no legal base and will easily be refuted judiciously. PrincesTale is absolutely right about the hypocrisy of Trump as no Turk, Pakistani, Saudi Arabian are in the list.
posted over a year ago.
last edited over a year ago
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jlhfan624 said:
The reason those 7 countries were banned is based on intel Obama had and likely gave to him because they were on a list of "countries of concern" regarding immigration. It's only a starting point, and I doubt he didn't include them because of business ties.

And link Obama did the same thing.

Trump's plan:
Asked what criteria the administration will consider as it looks to expand the ban beyond the initial seven countries, the official said simply the "mandate is to keep America safe."
"Not going to take any risks," the official added.

Obama's 2011 plan:
These checks are vital to advancing the U.S. government's twin goal of protecting the world's most vulnerable persons while ensuring U.S. national security and public safety," the statement said.
posted over a year ago.
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There is an absolute world of difference between what Obama did and what Trump is doing right now.

Obama paused approvals of Iraqi refugee applications for six months. Trump has suspended the entire refugee plan for 120 days, banned Syrian refugees indefinitely (even the ones that were already approved, and even the ones already on planes to the US), and (here's the CRUCIAL difference) banned entry for anyone with citizenship of the selected seven countries, including holders of legal green cards and visas. Even people of dual citizenship are affected: Iranian-Canadians have been taken off planes.

As for detaining the people who had already reached the US, the courts rightly held it to be an abuse of government power.

How is it "keeping America safe"? Like I said, foreign nationals from these countries have killed exactly ZERO American citizens on US soil. However, foreign nationals who have done so (Saudis, Pakistanis) are not on the list. Explain that?

If anything, it's doing the opposite of keeping America safe - It's allowing groups like ISIS to whip up anti-Western sentiment and more easily radicalise people. It is a absolute gift to their propaganda. Now they can say, with evidence: "See? They hate you, they don't want you. There is a war between the West and the Islamic world". Don't take my word for it - foreign affairs experts and counterterrorism officials are absolutely appalled too.

So please come up with some justification for it? I can't find any.

Edit: Also, read up some of the link of the ban. Permanent residents that were overseas visiting relatives will be unable to return to their homes and families. One of the first people they tried to deport was an Iraqi who has worked on behalf of the US government for 10 years. Do you think there should be a blanket ban on these people? Or do you think that maybe, maybe people should be assessed on a case-by-case basis?
posted over a year ago.
last edited over a year ago
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jlhfan624 said:
Oh wouldn't it be nice if in a free world I could take pictures in Mekkah? I can practice religion in North Korea, get legally married in Kenya, and commit adultery in Saudi Arabia WITHOUT being stoned to death?! "Human impact" pieces on these please.

As for the argument that this ban is allowing for ISIS propaganda and will turn them into terrorists, that's ridiculous. That's like admitting there IS such a thing as Islamic terrorism. ISIS has plenty of material to work with, and besides Canada who is so accepting still is in danger of attacks. They don't care WHO they attack. Iran has now banned US citizens, so does that mean we are now going to lash out against them?

The ban is temporary and used as a precaution. And yeah, not reading anything with BuzzFeed used as a source.
posted over a year ago.
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jlhfan624 said:
Also gonna leave this here:

(g) Notwithstanding a suspension pursuant to subsection (c) of this section or pursuant to a Presidential proclamation described in subsection (e) of this section, the Secretaries of State and Homeland Security may, on a case-by-case basis, and when in the national interest, issue visas or other immigration benefits to nationals of countries for which visas and benefits are otherwise blocked.

(e) Notwithstanding the temporary suspension imposed pursuant to subsection (a) of this section, the Secretaries of State and Homeland Security may jointly determine to admit individuals to the United States as refugees on a case-by-case basis, in their discretion, but only so long as they determine that the admission of such individuals as refugees is in the national interest -- including when the person is a religious minority in his country of nationality facing religious persecution, when admitting the person would enable the United States to conform its conduct to a preexisting international agreement, or when the person is already in transit and denying admission would cause undue hardship -- and it would not pose a risk to the security or welfare of the United States.
posted over a year ago.
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Yeah, don't use Buzzfeed. Use Breitbart and Fox News for all your Nazi-flavoured alternative facts!




And, if you can, check out "'Muslims Bans' and the (Re)Making of Political Islamophobia" by Khaled A. Beydoun. Your access to this paper may depend on your affiliation with an educational institution.

link (a girl AND a journalist... AAAAHHHH!!!) gives a handy guide to how ridiculous it would be for a terrorist group to use refugee status to get into America to 'splode it.

Wanna make America safe again? Control your guns. Screeching about "terrorism" as your people shoot each other up left, right and centre hints at the depths of American pathology.
posted over a year ago.
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salemslot said:
In the same way, CNN and Huffington Post are far-left garbage for all the antifa-flavoured facts. Let's not forget the promotion of multicultural "paradises" like Kosovo and Skopje on a daily basis and the coverage and the ethical backup of the Arab Winter, excuse me Spring *vomits*. SO we agree that information is clouded and distorted by all media, left and right and that we must dig deep enough to find some kind of truth.

His actions are strictly aiming Europe and this is an intervention in the elections that will happen this year. Don't you see that? You think this is about Muslim vs Christianity in the US or racism vs tolerance or the poor helpless families being torn apart or whatever? More children like Aylan and more women raped in Europe makes the rulers of this world happy and very large TV numbers. Seriously, get to the program. He is a bussinesman and now he is aiming to destroy the already crippled European Union where it hurts most , the immigration policy and therefore their economy( bye bye TIPP/CETA). By closing the borders which he has the right to do under 8 U.S. Code § 1182, he is forcing the Europeans to either completely open their borders and destroying the continent as people from these 7 countries have bad integration background or reconsider the open borders policy. It's a win-win situation as he mobilizes those who voted for him and is dividing everyone abroad and increasing the influence of right parties which will be under his control. So stop treating him like a crazy person, he knows exactly what he is doing as Obama knew exactly what he was doing when he blew up the Middle East.

Samantha Bee should visit Greece and the Balkans, where the immigration minister admitted after months of calling everyone criticising his policy fascists and racists, that pockets of ISiS have passed through the waves of refugees and illegal immigrants in the country and are grouping with existing UCK pockets so we should not close our borders as that would aggravate them. And take down alll your religious and historical artifacts as they are trigger points. Breathtaking reasoning. And don't forget, Greece is a country with despite a history of bad immigration policies, high-rate criminality by foreigners from Muslim countries where to the horror and disappointment of far left moronity, the percentage of the far right rascist dumb political parties are still under 6% so in not all countries the critticism to immigration policy can be presented into an oversimplified racist/Islamophobia perspective.

This is a serious universal problem, both sides have good arguments. The open border policy was an epic failure and the close border policy will be an epic failure with imminent civil wars in every single country which will lead to the ultimate big world war. So, people should start using their brain and not take sides in a fixed battle that only causes division and fear. Macarthyism (whoever doesn't agree with me is a traitor) and Stalinism (whoever does not agree me with me is a racist) are different sides of the same coin. Mercy!!!
posted over a year ago.