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    After Scamp had his bath (with my help), because he smelled like fish from jumping into a waterfall, I got him in his PJ's and tucked him into bed. "Are you nice and comfortable?" I asked.

"Yes, but my arm still hurts." said Scamp.

"Don't worry, it'll only be for a week. The doctor said it wasn't anything serious and that you should just take it easy until the splint is off. Try to get some sleep buddy, good night" I said as I left the room.
    Scamp went to sleep. Hours passed, and at 2:00 A.M., Angel sneaked out of her room and into Scamp's room. She went by Scamp's bed, looked over him and ran her fingers through his hair. "Scamp, I don't know why, but I just can't tell you my feelings to your face when you're awake. Maybe it's because I’m afraid of what will happen but I can’t tell you my real feelings for you. Are they even real feelings or is it just childish nonsense. I've gone up against many dangerous things on the streets but for some reason I can’t just tell you that I’m in love with you. We’ve been together for a while and are like good friends but we’ve never said anything about our relationship" whispered Angel. Scamp woke up after having a bad dream. "Scamp are you okay?" asked Angel.

    "Yeah, I just had a bad dream. Hey, wait a minute! What are you doing in my room?" said Scamp.

    "I couldn't sleep. I was having that nightmare again." said Angel.

    "Yeah I had sort of two nightmares. The first one was just the one of those people chasing me" Scamp explained.

    "What was the other one?" asked Angel.

    Patch then walked into the room. "What's going on, guys?" asked Patch.

    "I had a bad dream and wanted to talk to Scamp. He had a bad dream too." said Angel.

    "So, what are you doing here?" asked Scamp.

    "Well, first I had a bad dream, and then I heard you guys talking from in here." said Patch.

    "You can stay here and we can tell each other about our nightmares” said Scamp.

    “Alright” said Patch who came in, closed the door, and made himself comfortable.

    “Scamp, what was yours?" asked Angel.

    "Well, first it was back at our home and it was right after you and I got into trouble. I could hear Mom and Dad talking about us. Dad thinks we're too much of a handful and that they might need to send us away." said Scamp.

    "Away? Where?" asked Angel rather shocked.

    "They decided they might need to do what most dogs have to do with their puppies; sell them to kids. They thought that maybe five pups are too much and that since we cause so much trouble, they thought that we should go to another family." said Scamp sadly.
    "Well, good thing that it was just a dream!" said Angel.

    "Actually, Angel...to tell you the truth, it wasn't just a dream. It happened the night that we came back from our last little adventure. I heard them and I didn't wanna alarm you." said Scamp.

    “What? Why didn’t you tell me? Did you think I wouldn’t figure it out when we were getting sent away?” asked Angel in anger.

    “Angel I’m sorry, I didn’t mean to keep it from you for so long. I didn’t tell you at first because I was scared that you would freak out because you’ve gone through this before. I was going to tell you the next day but we met Patch and were having so much fun I thought I’d wait until the next day because I didn’t want to ruin our fun. I didn’t tell you the next day because we became human and I thought we had enough problems and thought I’d wait a while to tell you so you’d be more calm. Then you had your nightmares and I was going to tell you then but Chris made us go to bed and I figured it wasn’t the right time. I also thought I’d wait a while because I thought you needed time to adjust from your nightmares so I figured this was the right time. I was trying to tell you but things just kept coming up. I didn’t mean to keep this from you; you know how much it hurt me when dad kept the truth from me so I would never do this to you on purpose. Please Angel I didn’t mean for this to happen, really, please don’t be mad” explained Scamp.

    Normally Angel would’ve still been mad about something this with anyone else, but she couldn’t with Scamp. She just saw the truth in his eyes that he really didn’t mean for all of this to go so far. She wanted to be angry with him but she knew that it wouldn’t have helped if he had told her at any of those moments he just listed. She also knew that this was the Scamp she knew and loved. “Well… I guess you didn’t mean for all of this to go this far; I guess I forgive you. Let’s just move on. What was your dream Patch?” said Angel.

    "It had to do with Cruella. She's haunted my nightmares ever since I came here to this house!" explained Patch.

    "Really? But we never heard you scream!" said Scamp.

    "I don't scream when I have these nightmares; I just keep them bottled up instead. Anyway, she was talking to these people in the black shadows. They were talking about how they were planning to kidnap Scamp. It was all some kind of strange set up. Then there was this weird barking; it seemed like it came from some monster dog." Patch continued.

    "You mean that me getting lost in the woods was all just a set up?" questioned Scamp.

    "We don't know for sure. It was just a dream, after all." reasoned Angel.

    "Yeah, but it seemed weird that a bear came out of nowhere in the park and chased me. Plus, there is the fact that there were these strange people coming after me." said Scamp.

"Well, I didn't see those people in the shadows, but the voices did sound like they belonged to a man and two women." said Patch as he stared off into space with his mind thinking about his dream.

"Who were those people? What do they want with me?" asked Scamp.

"I don't know. I can't remember anything else." said Patch.

They woke me up from sleeping from all of the noise, and let me tell you, I'm not someone who's pleasant when I'm rudely awaken. So, I used a spell to look like an ugly old woman with curlers and a facial mask to scare them. I jumped into Scamp's room and shouted, "BOO!" They were screaming like babies! "What on earth are you kids doing up this late at night?! You're killing my beauty sleep!" I complained.

"Who are you?! What are you doing here?" demanded Scamp.

"Look here, lady! I grew up on the streets and I know how to fight for myself!" said Angel as she narrowed her eyes.

"I'm going to go get Chris!" said Patch as he tried to run out the door.

I put my hand on his head to keep him from going any further. "Will you kids calm down? It's me, Chris." I chuckled as I turned back into my real self.

"Wow! You weren't kidding when you said we were killing your beauty sleep." said Angel.

"I just did that to teach you a lesson, which is to never to do anything to wake me up this late at night! You guys know I'm not a morning person; I'm even worse when I'm awake during the middle of the night! Now what on earth is going on here?!" I said.

"We all had bad dreams and we couldn't sleep." explained Angel.

"Well, I'll think of what to do about that, but until then y'all keep talking" I said.

"You mean you don't know how to help us with this?" questioned Patch.

"Hey! I'm not as good at this when it's the middle of the night." I said.

"We wouldn't be in this mess if it wasn't for me! I'm the one who convinced us to go to this house. I'm so stupid!" said Scamp.
I went over to Scamp's bed and said, "Scamp, you're not stupid."

"Yes I am! I was stupid to trust Buster! I was stupid to not believe Dad! I was stupid not to have just come home! I was stupid to come to this house! I was stupid to have had the potion! Everything I do is stupid!" said Scamp.

"You know what those mistakes mean? You're a normal person. Everyone does stupid things, even the smartest people in the world." I said.

"Really? But I can't think of anything smart I've done!" said Scamp.

"Listen Scamp, I might not know you as a pup but I've gotten to know you as a little human boy. From what I know, you're a clever, handsome, kind, brave, and determined young man." I said.

"That's kind of hard for me to believe because I'm not exactly the most intelligent person I know. My sisters know a lot of fancy words and are so sophisticated, my mom knows about more stuff than I do, and my dad knows tricks that I don't know. I kind of feel like some kind of idiotic nobody in my family, like I'm some kind of mistake. It's like the only time I'm getting noticed is when I'm getting in trouble. I also feel like my mom is just trying to change me, I just want to be myself and not someone else" said Scamp.

"I know how you feel! I have ninety-eight brothers and sisters, and it's hard for me to get noticed. My two brothers, Lucky and Rolly, and my sisters, Penny and Freckles, go out on adventures sometimes too. I try to go on their adventures, but they ignore me and don't even notice that I exist. I did save them all once, but it seemed the only reason I got noticed was because of Thunderbolt. I mean, I don't expect to always get attention, but I only get attention when I'm getting in trouble and that one time I saved them, but they forgot about that. My brother Lucky always gets attention every day. He can get away with murder; I can’t get away with anything. He's the favorite of the pups, always gets attention and hardly ever gets into trouble when he's on adventures." said Patch.

"Even with a family, I kind of feel like an outcast. I mean, they're nice to me and I love them, but I don't feel exactly like family. It's better than being on the streets and with Buster, but still there's just something missing. I'm like a mouse in a house of cats. Why do I feel like there’s something missing in my life? I feel so ungrateful. I just wish I knew what it was." said Angel

"I sort of know how you guys feel." I said.

"What do you mean?" asked Patch.

"You see, I ran away from home when I was a little bit younger than you. My dad just didn’t understand me and was also so hard on me. He criticized every single little thing I did and was basically trying to make me be exactly like him. My mom just kept telling me he knew what he was talking about and didn’t try to be on my side from what I know of. I was bullied by my older siblings and was even bullied in wizard school. I just wanted to badly to get away from there so I ran away from home. I used my magic to get all my stuff together, made my own house, and basically used magic to keep myself alive and raised myself. I also never had any friends and I’m really socially awkward so until you kids came along I…. never left this house since the first day I moved in” I explained.

“You never even went back to your family?” questioned Angel.

“They never came after you” questioned Scamp.

“Did anything happen?” asked Patch.

“No; I never went back, they never came after me, and nothing happened afterward” I said

“Why don’t you go back to see them?” asked Angel.

“Because I’m angry with them and I just can’t face them” I said.

“I could face mine after my dad lied and hid the truth from me so I think you could face yours” said Scamp.

“You should try to do something” said Patch.

"Let’s talk about this later. It’s really late and we should all be in bed" I said.

"Alright" said Patch.

"Okay" asked Angel.

“Wait Chris can I talk to you about something?” asked Scamp.

“Sure buddy, kids go on to bed and I’ll check on you in a few minutes” I said. They went off to bed; I closed the door, and then went over to Scamp to talk to him. “What’s going on” I asked.

“There are kind of a few things I need to talk to you about. First of all when I was in the woods I could hear my dad’s bark. Did you see him?” wondered Scamp.

“I saw him with your family in the park and I think they were going to look for you in the woods” I answered.

“Okay now tell me something, I was in your magic room and I saw something that frightened me. It was a mirror, it showed me my reflection but it was half and half. One half was human and the other was of me as a dog. What is that thing?” wondered Scamp.

“That’s a magic mirror that shows your true self. It’s used whenever people are in disguises to show their true form. However it can also show the true form the creature should be. I’ve never heard of it showing half and half, quite curious. I’ll have to look that up. Anything else?” I asked.

“Well two more things. What do I do about those people who were after me? What if they come after me again? What if I don’t have what it takes to save myself? Last time I was in this kind of danger my dad saved me. I don’t think he will be able to this time and I want to be able to save myself. But what if I don’t have what it takes?” asked Scamp.

“Patch asked me the same thing today. I told him that deep down inside everyone there’s a strength that comes out when they need it the most. You just need to be brave enough to let it out, you’re stronger than you realize” I said.

“Really?” asked Scamp.

“Yes, now what’s your last question because I’m getting tired?” I asked in exhaustion.

“Well… it’s about Angel. When I’m around her my heart starts pumping, my stomach feels weird like I’m sick, and sometimes I’m a little nervous when I talk to her. What’s wrong with me?” wondered Scamp.

I smiled and rolled my eyes because of how obvious it was “Scamp buddy you’re in love” I said.

“Really? But I was told this was too young an age to be in love” said Scamp.

“Well it is but it’s not impossible. I of all people should know. You see magical creatures like wizards, fairies, witches, and so on have this magical sense that tells us when two non-magical creatures have found their soul mate. You’ve found yours and its Angel, your age is a rare case but still not impossible” I explained.

“Really?” questioned Scamp.

“Yes, my great, great, great, great, great, great, great, great, great ,great, great aunt was the fairy godmother to Cinderella and she knew her and the Prince were soul mates, even though they never met” I said.

“You mean that story is real?” asked Scamp.

“Yes, everyone has a fairy god-guardian, but most people don’t know it. You see they keep a very low profile. In fact every good fairy, wizard, and witch is the guardian to some creature. But they just don’t know it because they only show up on rare occasions. If they popped up with every little thing they’d never really live life” I explained.

“Who are you the guardian of” asked Scamp.

“I don’t have one, we’re usually told who they are but it sometimes takes a while to find theirs. I haven’t found mine yet but maybe I will someday. Well that’s it for tonight, goodnight buddy” I said.

I went to check on Angel and Patch, they seemed just fine. However I went to my room and all three of the kids came into my room. They asked if they could sleep in my bed and I agreed. I had to agree because I needed some sleep, otherwise, I won't be as nice as I usually am, though that's not saying much. However I enjoyed it, it was really sweet and I had a warm feeling inside. As they fell asleep they put their arms around me like they were hugging me. I put my arms around them as I gently went to sleep. It's going to be even harder now when I have to turn them back into puppies. I will miss them a lot; it's like having two little brothers and a sister. I think this is what it's like to be a dad and have to let your kids go. I don't wanna say goodbye but I know I have to. Their families will be worried sick if they never came back. Even when they're gone I'll always remember all the times that we shared and how much we love each other like a family. We're still going to have good times. In, fact as soon as Scamp gets out of his splint, I'm going to take them swimming. I'm going to make sure that we have lots of fun with each other while we can until I find the spell to turn them back.
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added by Angeelous
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added by PrincessBelle2
added by PrincessBelle2
added by auroraxaurelia
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added by Lena_t
Source: Lena_T
added by PrincessBelle2
added by PrincessBelle2
Source: Disney ABC
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added by LightningRed
Source: LightningRed
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Source: auroraxaurelia
added by Angeelous
Source: angeelous
added by auroraxaurelia
Source: auroraxaurelia
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