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posted by princesslullaby
This list was collectively made by: Cromulanfav, JonnaSe, Princesslullaby, & PpgBelle4

Pocahontas isn't gentle, classy, girly, or romantic. Cinderella prefers a sophisticated, calm princess, and Pocahontas leaps off of cliffs and climbs trees. She's not refined or subtle in her personality. Cinderella would appreciate her strength but other than that view her as too wild. She wouldn't understand Pocahontas at all.

There's no reason why she would love Ariel; she would probably feel neutral about her. Again like Pocahontas, she would find her too reckless and uncensored, and foolish too. Cinderella would more enjoy a princess that is classy and refined, and Ariel does not fit the bill. There is nothing about Ariel that Cinderella would admire, and although she might find her cute sometimes, she would also find her selfish and too headstrong.

Cinderella would admire Mulan's calmness and intelligence. She wouldn't idolize her but she would understand her. She would certainly acknowledge that Mulan is inspiring and a good role model. But she wouldn't be crazy over her personality and wouldn't necessarily connect to her.

Cinderella would like how Jasmine stands up to others and her strong personality, but she would find Jasmine TOO headstrong and stubborn somtimes, and would feel Jasmine would need to tone it down occasionally. She would be slightly envious of Jasmine's aggressiveness, but find a lot of it unnecessary given Cinderella's ideals.

5.Snow White
Cinderella would find Snow White's personality very cute and darling. She would find her funny and very silly, but in an enjoyable way. Obviously she would relate to the family life of Snow White and being used as a maid, although she might find Snow White's ideals a little too romantic, since Cinderella is pretty grounded. But Cinderella would admire how kind Snow White is to others.

Cinderella would love Aurora's personality . She'd love that she is imaginative and has this whole romantic dreamy personality. Cinderella would like how romantic, flirty, charming, gentle, classy, feminine Aurora is, and her interaction with Phillip.

Cinderella would understand and relate to Rapunzel's insecure personality given the passive-aggressiveness of her "mother", since Lady Tremaine could be passive-aggressive too, and she would really understand Rapunzel. She would admire how she broke free but still felt guilty about leaving her home. She would understand Rapunzel having a dream and taking that opportunity to go after it temporarily, and would really love Rapunzel's personality.

Notwithstanding the fact about working hard, Cinderella would admire a lot about Tiana. She would admire Tiana's passion and drive to be independent and work for herself, since it's something Cinderella would love to do but never had the chance. She would like how calm and level-headed Tiana is, while still being understanding and not budging on what she wants. She would love Tiana's motherly and doting personality, since she has a similar one. She would like how kindly Tiana deals with people who are adverse to her, while still being refined, sophisticated, and feminine.

She would love Belle. Admiring and personality wise, love her. She would really admire her for standing up for herself (while still being polite), she would love her kind, sweet caring personality. Cinderella would understand Belle's situation and feel for her, and love her grace, femininity, and kindness. She would love how kind and patient she is with the Beast while still keeping her ground.

Up next: Tiana!
Don't get me wrong. I love the Disney Princesses. They are all wonderful characters that symbolize the beautiful animated films they represent. However, I have to wonder, would Disney executives be sending a better message to their young fans if they instead called the line Disney Heroines? The reason I say this is because there are so many wonderful animated women in our favourite Disney films that are excluded from this branch of Disney entirely. Luckily, Pocahontas and Mulan were made exceptions which I think was a much needed change. If every girl can be a princess, as one of the company's...
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added by princess_caz
added by PrincessFairy
Source: http://pamupamu.tumblr.com/post/54066898696/disney-princess-palace-pets-i-love-very-very
added by PrueFever
Source: Walt Disney
Iconic Disney Kisses <3
Iconic Disney Kisses <3
In light of Valentine’s Day, I decided to write an article on the Disney Princess couple’s that I believe have the best and most realistic relationship. Oh, and spoiler alert: I only really like 4 of them.

Couples I DON’T like…

10. Mulan & Shang

Mulan & Shang
Mulan & Shang

I love Mulan – she’s intelligent, brave and selfless. And Shang’s no novice either; in fact, his bravery, leadership and courage are practically matchless. But their relationship, it was too sudden; too forced. They lacked chemistry. Make no mistake, I love Mulan and Shang, they’re great – just not together....
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added by PrincessFairy
Source: http://silentmermaid21.deviantart.com
added by ElafTalebHEJ
added by disneyprince
Hey everyone! PPGBelle4 here! :) Fhghu and I decided to collaborate on a list for fun, so why not do one on our prettiest princesses? Here is our list combined and averaged. Anyway, I hope you like it, and please comment!
PPG: PPGBelle4
FHG: Fhghu
8. Jasmine

FHG Ranking: #9
PPG Ranking: #9
Average Score: 9

FHG: She looks like an alien in my opinion. She has a big nose and extremely large eyes. She just looks weird nearly the whole time. I could only find one good shot of her. ONE. There is only one heroine who is fuglier than her, and is overrated in beauty A LOT. *cough*Meg*cough*.

PPG: Okay,...
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added by blablablu95
posted by magicfairydust
Flounder is the fairest of them all! no, I just couldn't find a fitting top image, but heyy, everyone loves Flounder!
Flounder is the fairest of them all! no, I just couldn't find a fitting top image, but heyy, everyone loves Flounder!
This took a lot of thinking. I think I changed my mind like 31364684321354652 times, but here we have it! Magicfairydust's prettiest disney princesses. I took into account what the princesses could look like at their prettiest, and also what they usually look like. It was pretty close :)

10. Pocahontas
I know, I know, I KNOW! SHOCKER! but tbh, I really don't think she's THAT gorgeous! I mean, I think she's beautiful in her own way, and she's very exotic, but she just doesn't have enough absolutely gorgeous shots. Oh gosh, I'm going to get so much hate for this one. She has the best body out...
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All right, first off a little history about myself. When I was a little girl I used to enjoy the little mermaid. Ariel was actually one of my favorite Disney princesses/movies.

Now that I am older however, I have just recently watched the little mermaid one, two and the third movie which is Ariel's beginning.

I couldn't believe what an awful role model she is and how selfish she is. I searched on the internet to find others with my similar view on her and I stumbled across this article here: link

My article here is solely debunking everything this particular person is going on about and finally...
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posted by KataraLover
I figured since Merida is now in the line-up I should remake my prettiest Disney Princess list. I wanna make it clear that I think all of them are beautiful, just in different ways. Please comment telling me what you think.

Classically beautiful but plain with a poorly drawn nose, quite common, and looks MUCH prettier in the third movie
Classically beautiful but plain with a poorly drawn nose, quite common, and looks MUCH prettier in the third movie

I know I'm going to get attacked by several people but I actually don't think she's all that special. First of all the animation is too old fashioned and her design is too simply so those are two things that work against each other. However...
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As my last countdown was boring, senseless and weird, I decided to go with a much more simpler and faster countdown topic this time. Since my last countdown was not elimination by votes, I decided to try out the elimination by comments this time. So, here are the results!

#11: Pocahontas
Many think of Poca's smile as forced and unemotional, and I guess that is true. She hardly smiles in her film, and basically all her pretty moments are non-smile ones. So no surprise she ended up last.


"Pocahontas, looks really forced and unnatural. Maybe it is because of her animation style and the...
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The Official Disney Princesses
The Official Disney Princesses
Yes, I know there has been quite a few of these done (I was acctually begining to feel a bit left out), but I just thought I'd throw my two cents out there. Enjoy!

10. Mulan

The Asian Beauty
The Asian Beauty

Mulan is a natural beauty. She traded her elegant traditional wear for an earth-green set of armor, cut her silk black hair to a man’s length, and wiped off every trace of makeup. And you know what? She still got the guy, and looked good doing it. So maybe she did pass herself off as a dude for 90% of the movie – but hey, that’s what makes her who she is.
9. Snow White...
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posted by shannon_leighx
10. Nani: the only animated Disney character with a normal body shape, she defiantly deserves a place on my list
10. Nani: the only animated Disney character with a normal body shape, she defiantly deserves a place on my list
This is my top 10 Prettiest Disney princesses (some exceptions) this is my own opinion, so please don't be rude and say I'm wrong, but please do feel free to comment your thoughts on my list :) thankyou! ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
9. Snow White: her skin is as white as snow and her lips are as red as blood, she grabs spot number 9
9. Snow White: her skin is as white as snow and her lips are as red as blood, she grabs spot number 9
8. Eilonwy: known as the forgotten Disney Princess, stunning none the less.
8. Eilonwy: known as the forgotten Disney Princess, stunning none the less.
7. Jasmine: her gorgeous Raven hair and exotic beauty is unique and sexy
7. Jasmine: her gorgeous Raven hair and exotic beauty is unique and sexy
6. Megara: her beautiful dark red hair and curvy body makes her unbelievably beautiful and sexy
6. Megara: her beautiful dark red hair and curvy body makes her unbelievably beautiful and sexy
5. Rapunzel: her gorgeous doll like green eyes, adorable smile and of course her famous long locks give her spot number 5 on my list
5. Rapunzel: her gorgeous doll like green eyes, adorable smile and of course her famous long locks give her spot number 5 on my list
4. Belle: Her beautiful chocolate hair and hazel eyes (defiantly the best eyes out of all the Disney princesses) really makes her an undeniable beauty, her smartness and wittiness makes her 10x more gorgeous.
4. Belle: Her beautiful chocolate hair and hazel eyes (defiantly the best eyes out of all the Disney princesses) really makes her an undeniable beauty, her smartness and wittiness makes her 10x more gorgeous.
3. Ariel: I'm probably going to get a lot of hate for not making her number one. Her famous fire truck red hair and beautiful face has made her my number 1 Disney beauty for a long time, but the next two have just gotten past her, sorry
3. Ariel: I'm probably going to get a lot of hate for not making her number one. Her famous fire truck red hair and beautiful face has made her my number 1 Disney beauty for a long time, but the next two have just gotten past her, sorry
2. Anna: with her beautiful auburn plats, large blue eyes, freckled face and adorable button nose, know wonder Anna's funny and awkward personality has made her the official 12th Disney princess!
2. Anna: with her beautiful auburn plats, large blue eyes, freckled face and adorable button nose, know wonder Anna's funny and awkward personality has made her the official 12th Disney princess!
1. Elsa: Anna's older and more mature magical sister. To me Elsa is on a whole new level to any previous Disney princess, her platinum blonde loose braid, gorgeous blue eyes, lightly freckled face and gorgeous ice dress makes her the most beautiful Disney
1. Elsa: Anna's older and more mature magical sister. To me Elsa is on a whole new level to any previous Disney princess, her platinum blonde loose braid, gorgeous blue eyes, lightly freckled face and gorgeous ice dress makes her the most beautiful Disney
Hello! It's been a while, but I randomly had this thought and no real place to share it. I know the title sounds a bit outlandish, but I think my theory may have some merit.

To understand the Rapunzel story fully, we have to understand the origin of the fairytale and what its morals might be for the time it was created. The original german fairytale about a poor man stealing rampion plants from a witch has been heavily connected to possible sexual assault and the witch as a cultural icon has always been linked to a bitter older spinster woman, who usually never found a husband and was therefor...
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posted by sweetie-buttons
Welcome to my second Mary Sue Test! This is for Anna. I'll be doing one for Elsa next.

Unique traits without contacts or hair dye- No, Anna's hair and eye color are pretty realistic.
An odd name- No. 'Anna' is a common name, if her pronunciation isn't.
Looks constantly commented on- No. I can't remember Anna's looks being commented on much.
Always the hero- Sort of. She saved Kristoff from the wolves, falling off the mountain, saved them from Marshmallow, and saved Elsa from being executed. 1.
Multiple characters falling for her- No. Hans only pretended to, and Kristoff didn't until the end....
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Dungeons & Dragons (or D&D for short) is a super fun tabletop roleplaying game that's been around since the 1970s but has recently gained a fair bit of popularity. I've been playing the game for around eight years at time of writing, and I strongly recommend you give it a try if you ever get the chance. It's really an absolute blast! D&D has always been one of my favorite hobbies, but within the last two years it's become an even bigger part of my life. Since I've been having so much fun with it recently, I decided it was finally time to try something I'd always wanted to do: turning...
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