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It was a fine day down in the South in New Orleans. Tiana and Naveen were at home enjoying their day off from Tiana's Palace. Tiana was fixing up some of her daddy's special gumbo for her and Naveen. As she was chopping the okra, Naveen came up behind her and wrapped his arms around Tia's waist. She looked beautiful: with her curly black hair pulled into a ponytail and a smile that was so contagious, Naveen couldn't help but smile too.
"Ma Belle Evangeline." Naveen sang softly into his wife's ear as he gently swayed Tiana's body.
"So far above me, yet I, know her heart belongs to only me." Tiana sang back beautifully as she swayed with Naveen then got back to chopping the okra.
"Tiana, I've been meaning to tell you something, my love." Naveen said.
"What's that honey?" Tiana asked, as she dunked the okra into the gumbo, drizzled some Tabasco in it and tasted it.
Naveen whispered into Tiana's ear, "Let's have a baby."
Tiana spit out her gumbo surprised.
"A baby? Naveen, sugarplum, I don't know if I- WE are ready to take on such a responsibility along with Tiana's Palace and-"
Naveen put his finger on Tiana's lips and looked deeply into her big, brown eyes "Tiana, I love you more than anything, I've never been anymore serious than when I'm with you."
"Baby," Tiana replied "this is a big step in our life, I don't know if we're ready."
Naveen gently stroked Tiana's cheek.
"We won't know unless we try, will we? Think of the happiness our little bundle of joy will bring! We're ready, Tia, I can feel it."

A few months later
Naveen was working his "mincing" shift at Tiana's Palace. Meanwhile, Tiana invited Lottie and Eudora (her mother) over to have cappuccino and beignets.
There was an awkward silence in the room, Lottie was munching her way through the sticky, sweet beignets whilst Eudora was sipping her cappuccino quietly.
"Lottie, Momma, I'm pregnant." Tiana confessed, she bit her lip, anxiously waiting for the reply.
"Who's the the father?" Lottie said while still chewing her beignet.
"What? Lottie, of course it's Naveen!It's the product of our endless love for each other!" Tiana screeched.
"Oh, good!" Lottie said as she swallowed her beignet.
"WOOOOOOHOOOOOOOO, Oh Tia, Tia, Tia. I'm gonna be a godmother!!!" Charlotte shouted then jumped with excitement on the couch.
"Oh, babycakes, I'm so happy for you two. I'm gonna be a grand-mamma!" Eudora said squeezing her daughter with joy.
"The thing is, I'm not sure if this is what I want. Naveen wants it, but me? I just don't know. Please help me, you guys!" Tia cried.
"Why on earth don't you want to have a baby? Don't you love Naveen?" her mother asked, wiping away Tiana's tears. "Because! I'm not so sure if we can handle the pressures of being parents as well as managing my own restaurant- I mean, me and Naveen just got married! This is a big step in our lives." Charlotte sat down and gave her best friend a long, comforting hug. "Don't worry, Tia, it's gonna be alright in the end, you'll see." Eudora joined in and gave her daughter a motherly embrace "It's gonna be alright, babycakes. You have to tell Naveen how you feel. After all, he is your husband.".

Later that evening
"Tiana," Naveen said as he came into the house from his shift, he walked into the kitchen to find Tiana with her back to him, slicing up vegetables "I love you with all my heart, but I don't understand why you don't want to have a child-"
"Naveen-" Tiana said but was then cut off by Naveen.
"Don't you love me? Don't you want us to have a future?-"
Tiana turned around quickly and said "Naveen, I'm pregnant."
"Are, are you serious? How long has it been?" he asked excitedly.
"I think a few weeks, now." Tiana replied.
"Ashcedanza! I'm, I'm going to be a father. We're going to be parents!" Naveen squealed as he picked up, spun his wife in the air and kissed her.
"How did this happen, I don't recall having-" Naveen said then was interrupted by Tiana "It was a few weeks ago at Lottie's birthday. We probably had a few drinks, got crazy and you know. I'm usually never the one to have a drink but one of Lottie's bartenders probably gave me the wrong drink or something."
"Who cares? I'm going to be a father! This is the best news ever!" Naveen explained then planted another kiss on Tiana's lips.

Eight months later
Tiana was rubbing her baby bump. It looked surprisingly bigger than what a nine month baby should be. She had Charlotte over to keep her company (as she was on maternity leave and Naveen was at work).
"So what are you gonna call the baby?" Lottie asked.
"I don't know yet but-" Tiana was interrupted by the sound of the doorbell. Tiana opened the door and in front of her was her mother, Naveen's mother and father and Naveen's brother Ralphie (who is now 7 and a half).
"Tiana! Naveen's family dropped by to see their grandchild!" Eudora exclaimed with a smile.
"It's not a week 'til the baby's due!" Tiana said.
"Oh well, we're here anyway!" The Queen of Maldonia said as she hugged her daughter-in-law.
"My, my, your bump is awfully big!" said the Queen.
"Yeah, it is." Tiana said.
"So, where is my eldest son?" asked the King.
"He's at the restaurant. Please come in, make yourself at home." Tiana replied. Ralphie ran up to Charlotte and gave her a big hug.
"Aww, haven't seen you in a year!" Charlotte said smiling.
"I'm SEVEN and a half!" Ralphie said.
"Naawww, you haven't changed a bit!" Lottie exclaimed, hugging him tighter.
"I'll go put on some gumbo!" Tiana said.
Charlotte put Ralphie down and went to help her best friend. As Tiana stirred up some gumbo, pain struck her stomach, like lightning.
"Aaaarrgghhh!" Tiana screamed.
"Oh my goodness, Tia! Aunt Eudora, IT'S TIME!!!" Charlotte squealed.
"Oh my, your majesties, please stay here for the time being, I'm going to the hospital with Lottie and Tia while you guys get Naveen. K?" Eudora said as she sprinted for her daughter then helped place her in Lottie's car. The three set off for the hospital.
"What are we supposed to do now, mother?" asked Ralphie.
"Right, let's go and fetch your brother like Eudora said." The King, Queen and Ralphie hopped into their car and drove to Tiana's Palace.
"Excuse me, we need to get our son!" The Queen said, panting quite heavily.
"Do you have a reservation?" asked the waiter.
"Look, we need our son, we haven't got much time left!" The King shouted. Whilst the waiter and The King were arguing, the Queen snuck past and dashed into the kitchen.
"Naveen!" she shouted.
"Mother! What are you doing here? Health and Safety!" Naveen replied.
"Tiana is in labor!!!" she shouted.
"Okay, then we must go to her!" Naveen set off with his mother then collected his father and brother. They all got into the car and drove to the hospital. When they arrived, they were rushing through several corridors.
Meanwhile, Tiana was screaming violently in pain. "PUSH, PUSH, PUSH!" The nurse said. Tiana was pushing as hard as she could, Charlotte was wiping away the beads of sweat from Tiana's forehead, Eudora was comforting her daughter in her time of need. Finally the baby came out, the nurse said "Here's the first baby." as she handed it to the other nurse to get it cleaned.
"First baby? What do you mean?" Tiana asked, breathing heavily.
"You have TWINS," the nurse said "keep PUSHING!" After several more pushes, screaming in agony and sweat, Tiana gave birth to her SECOND baby. The nurse took the baby and got it cleaned along with the other baby.
"You did it Tia!" Lottie said giving her best friend a massive hug.
"Oh, babycakes," Eudora said shedding a tear "I'm so proud of you, and I know your daddy is too."
"Thank you momma and Lottie for helping me. I think, me and Naveen are going to be alright." Tiana smiled and then pulled in her mother and Lottie for another hug.
"Here are your twins. One boy and one girl." the nurse said sweetly smiling as she handed Tiana's babies. They were dressed in blue and pink- accordingly.
Naveen, the King, the Queen and Ralphie burst into the room. Naveen was overwhelmed and awestruck at the sight of his new babies in his beautiful Tiana's arms.
"We, we have twins?" he said smiling happily.
"Yes we do, baby." Tiana replied grinning.
"This is amazing. They're so beautiful." Naveen said, crying tears of joy as he held his babies in his arms. They were parents!!!
"What's their names?" asked the Queen. Naveen handed the twins to his parents.
Tiana said "the boy is RESPECTIVELY name after our fathers: Naveen James III. And our little girl is called Naviana Charlotte-a mix of our names and after my best friend a.k.a. their GODMOTHER!" Tiana gave Lottie a big hug "Oh my goodness Tia! Thank you for naming her after me and making me a godmother!" The Queen lifted up Ralphie and showed him his new niece and nephew. "Ralphie, this is your new niece and nephew. Take care of them okay?"
"Yes, mommy!" Ralphie replied.
The whole family gathered for a picture of them and the new babies. With such a loving family, Tiana knew that Naveen was right. She whispered to herself "Let the memories begin..."

The End
Jasmine as Pocahontas. Lineart by Mellasfenixxes on devientart, coloring by me on FotoFlexer
Jasmine as Pocahontas. Lineart by Mellasfenixxes on devientart, coloring by me on FotoFlexer
You voted and you got it! Here's my take on what the movies would be like if Jasmine and Pocahontas switched places. I'm not sure if I'll continue, so comment on what you like or don't like.

Switch #1: Pocahontas and Jasmine

Let us immerse ourselves in a world where trees can talk, carpets can fly, and genies dance and sing. It is in this world that we find two princesses very different from each other, separated by time and distance. This world is about to face a drastic change, although nobody knows it. Because those two princesses are about to switch lives, switch stories, and they won’t...
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So the princesses talked and got to know each other and told their stories. "But why did you runaway from your family" Aurora asked Ariel. "My father was too strick and my sisters were so ubsesed with looks and I just wanted to be up in the world above it's inteasting to me and Eric" Awnsered Ariel. "I agree with Ariel my dad was too strick too I never even had any real friends other than my tiger that is until I ranaway and met Aladdin and Cinderella why did you stay with other horrible women why didn't you runaway" said Jasmine. "Those three were all I got before my father died I promised...
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"Oh my goodness! Are you alright?" asked the sobbing girl.
"I'm fine, just help me up," replied Princess Pea. "That damn carpet did that on purpose. It's probably halfway back to Agrabah by now."
"Oh just a land, a faraway place where the caravan cammels roam. Wow, this room sucks. You don't even have a chocolate fountain...I'm Princess Pea, by the way."
"My name's Cinderella."
"Well, nice meeting you whatever-you-just-said-your-name-was-but-it's-too-freaking-weird-for-me-to-remember. I gotta go."
"I'm afraid that's impossible," answered Cinderella sadly. "You see, my stepmother locked...
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posted by TheFabulousFAN
Ok, starting off I don't think Maleficent is in the wrong here I mean if you know anything about her back story you would know that King Stephen and the queen have been terrible to her. Then they don't even invite her to the baby's party. Heck! I would have cursed the child too. Now keeping subject on the Fairies when I was little I didn't really like the fairies they just seemed dumb, and as a 7 year old child I could think of better ways to help out Aurora. MaryWeather the blue fairy says only a true love can break the spell. But if you fast forward a bit she keeps Aurora AWAY from people....
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A few months ago it seemed these were popping up pretty often, and I really wanted to make one, but I had a tough time choosing which scene was my favorite from each movie. I didn't include Frozen though, because I'm still unsure what my favorite is. Well, I've finally narrowed it down for the others and came up with something that made me pretty happy, so let's go! I hope you enjoy :)

Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs

It was extremely tough choosing between With a Smile and a Song and the ending, but With a Smile and a Song wins out for me. The song isn't exactly the reason it places here, but...
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I wrote this because I was feeling random and strange. Plus my friends were like "We are geniuses, post this online." So I was like "this is pointless...but ok." So here is my pointless little blurb of weirdness.

Teacher/Mr.Moore: Ok class lets get down to business. I know you had a fun snow break but it's time to focus. today we will be baking muffins, we will follow the basic recipe but feel free to elaborate and make the muffin flavor of your choice. Come back to my class after school to finish the muffin project and be graded. Failure to complete this assignment will receive an F test grade....
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Forgive me, my fellow Fanpoppers for the out of character Eugene/Flynn in this poem, but I hope the sheer amount of fluffy Raflynnzel is enough to satisfy you.

The poem is all in Flynn's perspective. It's just about all the things he loves about Rapunzel and about them. Hope you like it and if you didn't, criticism is warmly welcomed! Please leave some comments below! Also, any ideas for a proper title? :)


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A radiant glow and a bubbling charm,
Big emerald...
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added by Jessikaroo
Source: Me
added by dee389
My 8th Article on this spot~!
My favorite Princess Movies~!

10.Princess and the Frog

Now though I love Tiana this movie was not good. It was uninteresting to me. I was very bored with it. IDK if it was because the main characters were frogs most of the time or because I did not love any of the characters.

9. Sleeping Beauty

Boring. I love Phillip && the fairy scenes but the princess was boring && asleep for a lot of the time.

8. Pocahontas

Now I adore Poca && I think she is beautiful. I dont not like this movie but I just like the others more. I would hsvr liked...
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added by PrincessFairy
Source: http://modern-disneyprincess.tumblr.com/post/56086290598/rapunzel-icons-x-more
added by sweetie-94
Source: sweetie-94
Even though I wrote this list 3 months ago it has changed a lot since then so I decided to write an updated list for you, hope you'll like it

11. Merida (previously 10)

I think she's pretty despite this placement, she has beautiful blue eyes and her hair has such a lovely color, but her face shape bugs me, also while she has a gorgeous haircolor the style of the hair is too curly for my taste. But she does have a cute smile, but it's a weird smile. It's also very hard for me to find good shots of her, the one above is the only shot where I think she's leaning towards beautiful, but I wouldn't...
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posted by hatelarxene
The carefree beauty
The carefree beauty
I thought since Anna and Elsa have joined the lineup, I should write my prettiest list. This is based purely on looks, so I'm gonna be completely shallow. Keep in mind that this is my opinion. And what better way to follow up my favorites list than with a prettiest list?

12. Merida
*Takes in HUGE breath and breathes out* Merida. Surprise, surprise, my least favorite DP is in last place. But I promise, I'm not being biased. I honestly don't find Merida attractive AT ALL. First off, her hair is absolutely gorgeous. Her eyes are pretty, but can be kinda creepy sometimes. I personally don't like...
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added by Winxclubgirl202
Source: Facebook
1 = Rapunzel makes the best out of living in a tower with her pet chameleon. She has no internet, no phone, nothing. Which is why I don't like it when people say she can do too many positive things, or she has too many positive traits. Her step-mother probably taught them to her so that she wouldn't be bored everyday while she's stuck up there.

2 = Rapunzel doesn't rebel the first time. She listens to Mother Gothel, and stays put. When she see's Flynn, she doesn't welcome him in. And when she does knock him out, she's proud to tell Mother Gothel.

3 = After she's out of the tower, she keeps thinking...
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I love kisses, both the chocolate kind and the lip to lip kind. But I’m not here to ranking by chocolate kind. I spoil some films in this, (Snow White, Sleeping Beauty, Frozen,) and I ranked a kiss (Or two or three) from almost all the films (Mulan didn’t have one that I ranked).

16: Belle and Adam’s the Curse is Broken Kiss
I found this kiss way to passion for me, I mean it looks like he’s about to eat her face off!!! Not my idea as a first kiss. Also the fireworks wreak it for me. But Belle looks beautiful with her hair loss and it’s magical, just please lose the fireworks.

15: Cinderella’s...
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Full Lineup
Full Lineup
Hi! I've been a part of Fanpop for a little over two years and I realized I have never written this kind of article before. I know this is an article that people normally write when they first join, but oh well. Anyway, I've decided to write it now and I hope you guys enjoy it. Feel free to express your opinion, but please do so in a mature and considerate fashion. Lets begin!

13. Merida
I think Merida is more cute then she is pretty and she kind of looks funny from the side view. Her mother is pretty than her, but I think Merida has very beautiful eyes. Her eyes are blue (my favorite color)...
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posted by dimitri_
Choosing a career path is a lot more complicated than it looks. I only did this for fun so enjoy!

I would like to thank:

for their career suggestions on my poll!

Oh my gosh! Have you ever seen anything so wonderful in your entire life?
Oh my gosh! Have you ever seen anything so wonderful in your entire life?
Ariel: Antiques Store Owner
This was pretty obvious, Ariel loves beautiful things and I mean LOVE. She'll have to major in Social Sciences to manage her store properly but it's nothing she can't handle.

Why? After all, I am sixteen.
Why? After all, I am sixteen.
Aurora: Runway Model
It depends which type of model...
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added by Beauty230405