Disney Princess Club
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Author’s Note: Hey Fanpop fans!
Here is another part of my fan fiction “Disney Princess Awards”. I know, it took time to do it! I tried to do it more interesting. I want to tell you that this part is a little long and more romantic. I am sorry, but I love romantic parts. I want to clarify that to me, Cinderella is the leader of the Disney Princesses. I know that some disagree, but I love the idea of Cinderella of been the leader. I hope that you like this part. Have suggestions? Please feel free to add in the comments. Please, write some comments, I want to know your opinions. Enjoy it!

Here they are:
Part 1 link
Part 2 link
Part 3 link
Part 4 link
Part 5 link
Part 6 link
Part 7 link

There is a big applause after all the famous Disney Princes and Princesses songs. As it was recognizing, each one is special because it went to the situation that each princess or prince had. Each one has a special one, even Mickey and Minnie have one- yes, it is weird, but is special for both of them. After the applause, Mickey and Minnie go to the microphone, dressed differently. Yes, that means that the next awards are special! Minnie is the one to speak “Hey everybody! Here we are, after the lovely music that we heard. And we are going to continue with more awards. The next awards are special; these awards were made to recognize the most valuable trait that each one of our princesses and princes has. We called them the ‘Special Awards’ yes, easy to remember. Of course, these awards would not have any nominees. Mickey, can you present the first special award?”

“Sure Minnie. The first award is to a special person in our community. She is the one that started the Disney Princesses community. She lived with a person who tried to kill her. By fortune, she was able to escape, and to find a house where she can live. Even that, she was always in a great mood, believing that there are great things in the world. She is a person that would help you to see a better world when you are angry or sad. It is a pleasure to give the award for the Most Optimistic Princess to… Princess Snow White.”

Most Optimistic Princess
Snow White

There is a big applause to her. She really is a special person because she started with the tradition of full length movies and the one to start the Disney Princess tradition. Unbelievable, this is her first award (Second, after the Genie Award for the best Disney Princess song). Her family and friends cheer for her. She really show the characteristics that the award present. She is always optimistic, not matter how life had been. Snow White goes to the stage where she receives her award from Mickey and Minnie. She even hugs them because she was so happy. Mickey and Minnie just smile. Snow White goes to the microphone and says “Thank you everybody. Thank you for this award. I am so glad that you appreciate me. Been optimistic is not that easy, but I know it is important to be. I want to thank Mickey and Minnie for this special award. Thank you! And I want to thank the people who made my life happy; my friends and my family especially to my husband , the prince of my dreams, who has been there with me. Thank You for your love and support. Thank you!” There is applause to the special winner. She goes straight to her seat where she is well received by her family and friends.

After the applause, Minnie goes the microphone and says “The next award is to another great princess. She is special because first of all, she is been known as the leader of the Disney princesses, and the most popular princess in Walt Disney World and the whole world. She is a great lady who even, that she was forced to work as a servant of her own house; she always was in the best behavior and person to people around her. She was able to continue after all the tragic and horrible moments that pass through her life. The first one was to continue after her father passed away when she was little, and no having her mother alive too. She was able to survive the life with her step family. For the great qualities that she had to comfort hard times, the award for the Most Strong Willed Princess goes to …Princess Cinderella”

Most Strong Willed princess

There is a big applause to this popular princess. As Minnie said, she is a great lady who really shows great qualities to be a princess. She is able to continue and with her determination in her dreams. She was able to find the prince of the dreams and to live a place where they love her. Her dreams come true. Cinderella is been hugged by her family and friends, and then she goes to the stage where Mickey and Minnie gave her award. Then, she goes to the microphone and says “Thank you everybody in the audience. Thank you everyone that made possible to have this award especially to Mickey and Minnie. Thank you for choosing me to have this award. Life is the one who help me to be strong. The great values that my father thought me made me strong. He is the one that made who I am. Thank you father!” She raises her award “Thank you!” There is a big applause to Cinderella. She is a great role model to the Disney Princess. Everyone recognize that. Cinderella is just great. She goes to her seat really proud of herself.

After the great applause that was given to Cinderella, Mickey goes to the microphone and when he was going to talk, Genie appear in the middle of Mickey and Minnie and says “Hello! I hope I didn’t interrupt anything” “As a matter of fact, you…” “Ok good! Because the rest of the ceremony, I want to focus on you! You are really important here in the company. The President and the Vice-President! Whoa, that’s a big role!” “Wait, Genie, what do you mean that you will focus on us?” Minnie asked “Well, I mean is that I want to talk about you! Ask you some questions that maybe or has the audience to you! Maybe they want to know you better.” Both are surprised. What questions would Genie ask? Mickey is the one to speak “What is your first question?” He is ready to any questions, and Genie is ready to ask “Ok, Mickey, the first question is to you. This is a question that one of the people in the audience asks. If you could Minnie give any award that was presented, which one would you will give to her and why? “That’s an interesting question. Mickey had never thought about that. Minnie is his greatest treasure, but which awards Minnie deserves it? “I think “Hold one, let’s go to commercials and you can answer after I came back again” He disappear. That is so strange! Mickey was going to look for him when he found a note from Genie that said “What I just said means that you can continue with the next awards, and then, when I come back, you can answer the question. Hold it! I want to make suspense. Think about it!” Minnie asked Mickey what the note said. He explained to her and then turns to the audience “What Genie meant to say is that I should continue with the awards and later, when he comes back, I would answer. Sometimes, I don’t understand Genie. He is full of surprises!”Everyone agreed with that. Then, Mickey said “Let’s continue with the next special award. This award is to a princess who since the beginning, she was full of qualities. She received special gifts, when was little. When she grew up, she developed and achieved more qualities. She always has faith for anything that she desired. She believed that her dream can come true; finding a prince. For the great believe in anything, this princess deserves the award for the Most Faithful Princess. This special princess is… Princess Aurora”

Most Faithful Princess

There is another applause to another special princess. Aurora has shown what faith is! The belief that anything could happen, and come true. This value was not given by the fairy godmothers, but she developed by herself. Cheered by her family and friends, she goes to the stage and received this award from Mickey and Minnie. Then, she goes to the microphone and says “Thank you. Thank you so much for this special award. This award is most precious award because it is for a value that I never imagined I will be recognized. The love for having my dreams come true was the one who made me faithful. You need to really believe in what you want to make it true. I can guarantee that now, I have the prince of my dreams, and a happy life. I want to thank Mickey and Minnie for this award. And I want to thank the people who made this possible to have this award. All the people who give me love and support. Thank you!” There a great applause to her. For sure, she is a believer! And for that, she was repaid! Aurora comes back to her seat where everyone received her with the love that she deserves.

When the applause to Aurora finish, Minnie was ready to present the next award “The next special award is to a princess who is been known for a variety of reasons. She is been known as a great singer and dreamer. She wished to be a human, and she looked a way to her wish come true. Even that she didn’t did in a great way, she was successful. She lived in the human world and she loved it. She fell in love with a prince. Because of that, she worked hard to achieve in staying on the human world with him. She never thought of an obstacle. This princess deserves the award for the Most Unstoppable Princess. The princess is… Princess Ariel”

Most Unstoppable Princess

There is a big applause to her. The award really represents her. She never stopped believing. She looked for anyway to continue. And she was rewarded. She is married with the prince that she fell in love, Prince Eric, and he also loves her. She is a human and enjoys the world around her. She has the happy and life that she want it. Ariel stands up and goes directly to the stage. She is so excited for been up again there, especially for a special award. Mickey and Minnie gave her award and then, Ariel goes to the microphone and says “Thank you, thank you, thank you for this award. The characteristic that you award me it was a value that I needed see in myself. I never realize that you believe that I am unstoppable. Thank you for this. Thank you to Mickey and Minnie and all the people who come together to make this award to be in my hands. Thank you!” Then, there is applause to this special princess. How good is to have an award for never stop working or dreaming. This was what Ariel thought. Ariel goes to her seat with a satisfaction. There, her family and friends wait to congratulate her.

When it became silent in there, Mickey gets close to the microphone. He still waits for Genie to appear. This whole Genie situation is weird. He decided to continue with the next award “The next special award goes to a great lady who loves to read. She spends her time in reading that leads her to be one of the smartest girls in Walt Disney Company. She also spends time helping and taking care of her father, Maurice. She shows a leadership to life. She has work hard to be able to success and not becoming ignorant in life. For her work in been successful and the love to learn things, the award for the Most Knowledgeable Princess goes to… Princess Belle”

Most Knowledgeable Princess

There is a great applause to this princess who is really intelligent. She has read different types of books-Fiction, non Fiction, biographies, etc. But her favorite had been fairy tales. People should have the same love to read and become knowledgeable as Belle had been. She is able to have her happy ending. Belle, after been cheered by her family and friends, goes to the stage, where she receives her award form Mickey and Minnie. She goes to the microphone and says “Thank you for this great award I have received. Thank you for recognizing my love to keep learning. It is a love that my father had thought me since he work hard to his experiments. He had look for solutions, and I learn from that. I want to thank my father. Also, I want to thank Mickey and Minnie who are the ones o be in charge of these awards, and to all the people that gives me support and love anytime. Thank you!” There is a big applause to her. Feeling so proud of herself, she goes to her seat. She really deserves to be proud, because she is a great person. She is a person who should follow.

After the applause, the audience focuses in Minnie that gets to the microphone to present the next award. Then Genie reopened and said “Did you miss me?” “Genie! As always, you surprise us” Minnie said “That’s the funny part! Are you ready to listen what your husband think which award fits you? Are you ready Mickey to answer the question?” “Actually, yes!” Mickey said “I believe that the awards that Minnie deserves are four awards. The first one is for the most beautiful girl in the world” In that instant, Minnie just smiles about it “For that, there is one like her. She is not special only by her outside beauty, but also for the beauty that she has inside. She is the most wonderful I ever met. She also deserves the award for the dreamiest girl. She is always believes in dreams. She can beat anyone by her sweetness. She is so sweet not only to me, but to the people around her, not matter the situation that we are. And finally, she is the most romantic person in the entire world. She loves everything that relates to a romance. She is really romantic with me. She will do a surprise dinner, bring a gift to me, or give a lot of kisses when she can. In response, I tried to be the most romantic person that I can be. So the special awards that I will give Minnie are for the Most Beautiful, Most Dreamer, Most Sweetest and Most Romantic Person in the entire world. Really, she can win any award, but these ones are the important ones. That’s my answer!” Minnie just give a big kiss in the cheek, and thank him for the great things that he said to her. Everyone applaud. Everyone thought that Mickey is great. It is great that someone expressed like this about his wife. Genie was surprised too. How lovely that Mickey was said great things. “That really explains everything! Now time to go! Minnie, that doesn’t think I will forget about you! Bye!” Then Genie disappears. Minnie gets to the microphone and says “Oh Mickey that was so sweet! I can stop thanking to you. That was great!” Mickey just said “You are welcome. Believe me, you deserve more!”

Then, Minnie said “After this great speech, we should continue with more awards. The next special award goes to a princess who since she born. This princess has all; the beauty, the money, all, but she lacks something; she lacks of friends, except from Rajah, her tiger pet. She took the opportunity to explore the world and meet new friends. One day, she decided to escape from the palace to do adventures, and she found that, but also, she met her a person who will be important in her life, her husband Aladdin. Since that day, her life changes to a better one. What makes her unique is that she has the values to be a great ruler; leadership, love, comprehension, understanding, all those values. For her great values in leadership, the award for the Most Symbolic Princess is to….Princess Jasmine”

Most Symbolic Princess

There is a big applause to this unique princess. This princess, one time wish to be not a princess, because the lack of life. But, she has what is needed to be a princess. Her husband, and her, can be the best rulers. Jasmine stands up and goes to the stage. Every one of her family and friends cheered for her. She receives her award her award from Mickey and Minnie. Then, she goes to the microphone and says “Thanks for this great award. This award is the one that I never expected. I never that I was a princess that people can follow. Thank you for the people in charge of giving the award, Mickey and Minnie, and all the people in charge of giving the award, Mickey and Minnie, and all the people around me to support me. Thank you!” There is applause to her. She changed for better. Thanks to Aladdin, she appreciates the people in his kingdom more. She learns to understand the least unfortunate. Jasmine goes to her seat, where everyone welcomes her with love.

After the great applause to Jasmine, Mickey gets ready to present the next award, the Genie appear and says “Congratulations to Jas for her award. Sorry for interrupting again this event, but I didn’t want to wait to ask the next question! Can I ask the question, Mr. President?” “Yes, but I hope that this question is not to me this time” “Well, OK! Actually, the question is to Mrs. Mouse! I hope that you didn’t expect I would not ask you questions ehh?” Minnie just laughs “Mrs. Mouse, now you have to answer to Mickey’s question -which awards would you give to Mickey is you could? Again, you have time to think about it. The question should be answer after long time. Bye!”Genie just disappear. It was a big silence. Minnie interrupts it “Oh Genie. I will waiting for you. Mickey please present the next award?” “Yes. Now, think about what about the awards are you are going to give me, because I expect good ones!” Everyone laughs about it “I will be, no worry!” “The next award is a lady that actually is not a princess, but she was accepted to be part of the Disney Princess because she what it takes to be of this group. She has a great love to the environment and the people of where she lives. She goes for the justice. She cares about anything gets to what it deserves. She even stopped a war! She is the one who fights for peace. The award for the Most Righteous Princess is for…Pocahontas”

Most Righteous Princess

There is a big applause to Pocahontas. That award goes perfectly to her. That award means that she does what is right. As Minnie said, she is a great lady that always brings peace and love. During the thoughts, Pocahontas goes to the stage to receive her deserved award. When she arrived, Mickey and Minnie give her award and congratulate. She goes to the microphone and says “Thank you for this award. Thank you for giving an award for a great value. This virtue what teaching by my father. So he is the one who I really need to thank for, and the one who deserves the award. I want to thank the people who organize and made this award, to Mickey and Minnie and to all the people who are here at my side. Thank you!” There is a big applause to her. Even that she is not that famous as the other Disney Princesses, she is admirable person. Pocahontas returns to her seat, proud of her new award.

It became silent, then Mickey approaches to the microphone, when Daisy comes to him and say “MICKEY, MICKEY, we have a problem” “What is it, Daisy?” “There is a problem with the plumbery, and the guess list is missing! Please, it is ask if you could come to backstage to see some things that it is need to fix. Can you come?” “Sure! Minnie, can you be in charge and present the next award?” “Yes, Mickey! Sure I will. Go and take care of that problem. If you need me, you send someone for me or a note!” “Thank you, see ya!”He said goodbye with a short kiss in her lips and goes to backstage. Wow! Minnie never expected that kiss! Usually, Mickey would not say goodbye with a kiss when he would come back quickly. Everyone laugh about Minnie. She was so red; she looked like if she had received a kiss for a boyfriend. She calmed herself, and said “Sorry! I never thought that I would feel like that. I looked like a high school girl that had received her first kiss right?” YES!! That what the audience responds! “I don’t what happen to me. I looked like I have never had a kiss. Well, let’s continue with the next award for another special lady. She is been known for been a heroine and not a princess. She disguises as a man to get to the army, so her father wasn’t force to go to the war. He was so weak and sick to go. In the army, she worked hard to get what she needed to be successful. She was the examples of her partners! Even that she was discovered, she didn’t give up and save China from the Mongolian. For her courage, the award for the Most Courageous Princess goes to …heroine Mulan!”

Most Courageous Princess

There is a big applause to Mulan. Who else is the best person to receive this award if not is Mulan? She is the one of the bravest persons in the whole Walt Disney Company. She gets her place of heroine of what she did for China. She saves the emperor and the whole kingdom. Her award talks about her, but still misses a lot. She is incredible! Mulan stands up and gets her award from Mickey and Minnie. When she receives her award, she goes to the microphone and says “Thank you, thank you for this award. Thank you for giving me an award so important. This award means a lot to me because, before I went to war, I feel that I was nothing. You and this award made feel important. Thank you Mickey, Minnie and all the people in charge of this award. And thank you to the people that are at my side. Thank you!” There is a big applause to Mulan. She is a person who didn’t give up and work hard to be successful. Mulan goes to her seat with her new award so happy to be important in Walt Disney Company.

After Mulan gets to her seat, and the applause end, Mickey gets back to the ceremony, gets near the microphone and says “The next award…” “Hello everyone. Sorry again for interrupting!” Genie said as he appear between Mickey and Minnie “Are you ready to listen what your wife had to say about you, Mr. President?” “I am ready, I don’t know about you Minnie?” “I am ready Mickey!” Minnie said “So Minnie, which awards would you gives to your husband?” “I will give Mickey five awards! Yes, one more award that he gave me. The first one is for been the Most Gentle man that I ever met. He is so nice, not only with me, but to all the people. He would not say any unkind word to anyone. He is friendly to anyone, and he is really romantic to me. The other one is for been the Most Enthusiastic Man. He is always has full of passion in anything that he does. He always show love for everything. Also, he is the most responsible person that I had ever met. He always checks that nothing missing and that all things that need to finish. He always looks for perfectness. The audience has seen how important his job to him is. The next award that I will give is for the Most Brave man to me. He comforts every problem, conflict or battle. He is been so brave to save from any bad guys or any situation that it may affect me. He has rescue me from drowning in the sea to been killed. And the last one is to, like I said before, is for been the Most Handsome man. And I am not just saying because he had said the same thing, but because he really is handsome! I know I will not find anyone like him. I know that there is no body like him. That what I believe that are the awards that I would give to Mickey” There is a silence there. Mickey was surprised; he have never heard Minnie that a lot of great and wonderful things about him. All the audience is glad how both show love to each other. Genie interrupts the silence “Wow! There is really love her. To say that Mickey is love is because she is really in love” The audience laugh about it “Hey! What do you try to say, that I am ugly?” “No, it was only a joke. Sorry! But now, taking seriously, there is love in here. Mickey, what do you want say about the great description, these words?” “Thank you Minnie for the great words that you said about me. I appreciate it. I am really so happy to have met you, and to be the lucky one to be your husband. Thank you!” He hugs her and gives a quick kiss in her cheek “You’re welcome Mickey” “Ok, that answer the question. I will dome back with more questions to y’all. See ya!” Genie said and disappears.

Then Mickey said “Well OK! We should continue with the next special award. This award goes to a special princess that we have. First of all, she is the first African American princess. She knows that to achieve a dream, you have to work hard. Her dream was to have her own restaurant. It was her dreams and his father’s. Even that her dad died before achieve it, she continues saving money to have it. She work in two jobs, and even miss a lot of fun for working hard. But her hard work was repaid. Now, she has the most beautiful and best restaurant in all the state of Louisiana. But besides, she also ‘dig a little deeper’ and found the love of her life when she kiss a frog to break the spell, even that she also affect it by the spell. For her hard work, the award to the Most Persistence Princess goes to ..Princess Tiana”

Most Persistence Princess

There is a big applause to Tiana. Tiana really deserved that award. She is part of a few people who work hard to achieve anything, even if that misses the world that it is outside. Even that she was critic for been boring, or people laugh of her because they believe that she would not achieve anything, she worked hard and she got what she want it; her restaurant. Her family and friends cheered for her when her name was announced for this award. After hugs and kisses, Tiana goes to the stage. She receives her award from Mickey and Minnie, and says through the microphone “Thank you, thank you for this award. This award is from a value that my daddy taught me. He told me that I couldn’t wait for a star to make a dream come true, but I also needed to work hard. He is the one that gets the credit for this. Thank you daddy that he is in heaven. Also, I want to thank Mickey and Minnie, our president and vice-president for these special awards that you have given us and to all the people in charge of all this. Thanks to all the people that are at my side to give me support, love and confidence all the time that I needed. Thank you!” There is a big applause to her. She is a great person who can be the person that you need t you side, to have a better life. She is just great! Tiana goes to her seat, where she shares her award to her loved ones.

After the applause, there was a silence and Minnie approaches to the microphone “Let me present the next special award. This award goes to a young lady who was forced to stay in a tower for 18 years. But, it didn’t stop her for dreaming. Her award was to see the lanterns in a closed distance; to enjoy and to know people where they care. She later found that the lanterns were for the lost princess- to her. She keeps up believing that she will able to achieve it. When she had an opportunity, she even force to this thief to take him to see the lanterns. Because she believes, she achieves it. Because of her beliefs and her dreams, the award for the Most Dreamy Princess, even that I had received that award before from Mickey, is the princess called… Rapunzel”

Most Dreamy Princess

There is a big applause to Rapunzel. Rapunzel is an example of a young lady that has dreams like a girl. Not saying in a bad form, but it shows that she is still a little girl inside. Rapunzel is a young woman that everyone will think is naive but she is a smart and sweet lady. The award for been dreamy fits her perfectly. Rapunzel after receiving cheers from everyone at her side, she goes to the stage. She receives her award from Mickey and Minnie and then goes to the microphone. She says “Thank you, thank you, thank you for this award. It is great! It is an award that I wish you for. ! That award is what really characterizes me. I love to dream and to look for more dreams as Eugene says. Thank you all the people who is in charge, especially to Mickey and Minnie, the people who work hard to put all these together. And I know Minnie that this award for you before. I guess that we can share. Wait; actually, I am the most dreamy princess in Walt Disney World. You are the most dreamy lady in the whole world!” “Thank you Rapunzel. We can have the same award!” “And finally, I want to thank to my family and my friends for been with me all time. Thank you!”There is a great applause to Rapunzel. She is the newest princess in the Walt Disney Company, but she is an important princess. She is a princess who has brings new things to the Disney Princess. She is special as the other princesses. She returns to her seat, really happy with this award, this special award.

After the great applause for the award that Rapunzel received, Mickey and Minnie, holding each other hand, they go the microphone and Mickey said “Here they are! The special awards that we had to the Disney Princesses. All 10 Disney Princesses are so important to an company that we want to recognize to them.” “We want to congratulate them for a great impact and work that they have made. For sure, there are special awards to our Disney Princes. But before we can continue, we are going to have a break with a little act that Genie prepares to us. Hit it Genie!” Genie appear in the stage “Let me start with…”

It will continue.
Mickey and Minnie Mouse
Mickey and Minnie Mouse
The stars of the show <3 (Art not my own - found on pinterest)
The stars of the show <3 (Art not my own - found on pinterest)
I have been wanting to write another article for a while, so I decided to write about: "Why I love the modern princesses". With any luck, I should be able to do a full series for all the eras :)

Tiana -
What I have always loved about Tiana is so hard-working and determined she is! She doesn't sit and wait for her dream to happen. She works hard day and night to achieve her goals. To me, that is a great example to set to young girls! I feel there are too many girls I know who do not try at anything at all. Tiana helps to teach that wishing and hoping only gets you so far in life. The reality...
continue reading...
Best Photo of last week was Rapunzel who gave us a spine shivering evil version of herself
Best Photo of last week was Rapunzel who gave us a spine shivering evil version of herself
Firstly if you haven't read the first articles:
Introduction: link
Week 1: link

Previously on DNTM: Jasmine gets on Ariel's nerves after talking about her behind her back, the models pose as evil versions of themselves and at a shocking elimination Aurora was sent home. Who will be eliminated tonight?

Confessionals after elimination
Snow White: I was shocked that Aurora was sent home, I thought the two of us would make it to the final two together
Snow White in confessional
Snow White in confessional

Cinderella: Was not expecting Aurora to be eliminated
Merida: I was in the bottom two with Aurora. I definitely thought...
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posted by cuteasprincie

=Anna's name means "full of grace." Ironically, =Anna is more bubbly and daring than graceful.
=Anna, being the younger sister, has two braids in her hair; while Elsa, the oldest, has one.
=Anna tends to touch her hair whenever she gets nervous.
=Anna is the 12th member in the official line-up, and is the third freckled and third computer animated princess after Rapunzel and Merida.
=She was the third to have her movie be released in Disney Digital 3D.
=Anna is the third Disney princess to have her movie rated PG after Merida from Brave and Rapunzel from Tangled.
=Anna is the...
continue reading...
It looks like everybody has done a list with the favourites scenes so I decided to make one too. I haven't included Frozen because there are still many people that haven't seen it. Anyway, enjoy!

Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs
Ending Scene

I'm not sure about my choice because the last time I saw the movie I was 6 years old, so... Anyway, the animation is stunning when they walk away and you see the castle. I find that scene very romantic and sweet and I believe that Snow White totally deserves her happy ending.

So this is love

Soo romantic! I love the animation and the atmosphere...
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posted by TheFabulousFAN
Merida VS Ariel: The Ultimate debate
Well this will be my last Article before I leave fanpop
Ok so this all happened when Hatelarxene messages me on a comment about Anna. This will be a long debate. I know some of you are annoyed with this but I'm going to make in anyway so this can be over with...for me at least. I need closure on this before I leave.

re: Anna
10 minutes ago

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Ok,so I've not been writing articles lately from a long time.It may have been over a year!So I read the articles of many other users and noticed that fan fiction articles are not written so often in this club,so I only decided to write some fan fiction in the days to come.Actually this is my first fan fiction!And so I'm not at all confident on what I'm writing and so right now I'm just dumbstruck!So I've decided to publish the plot (A small one) and the cast of a fiction (with fairly big name!),so that you all can just get an idea about what I'll be writing in the days to come...!!


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added by glezps
posted by dee389
They inspired me!
They inspired me!
Hi everyone, I'm going to be writing my favourite DP songs and I will also include relevant songs from other of my favourite movies as well my personal experience, here we go:

10) I Wonder/ Once Upon a Dream

This song makes me think of what will happen for the next day, as it also reminds me of another popular song 'Up Where We Belong'. Once Upon a Dream tells me to dream big!

9) Whistle While You Work

It helps me to do my daily chores around the house, and I love doing it at my new house because it's smaller compare to my old house! It also do my chores faster with the help of very fast music....
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The full-lineup
The full-lineup
This is my third article on this club and I decided to write it because I haven't written an article like this and I had just wrote my prettiest ranking list. Remember comments are welcome as long as they don't insult me or another commenter. Now lets begin!

13. Tiana
I just don't really like her. Please don't say I'm racist because her race has nothing to do with it. In fact I think she's really pretty and I admire her hard working spirit. I just think she's kind of boring and her movie is also my least favorite Disney princess movie.
Tiana Collage
Tiana Collage

12. Aurora
I just think Aurora has so little...
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added by Maria7Potter
Source: Maria7Potter
added by MJ_Fan_4Life007
added by ariel90
Source: Doll Divine
added by ariel90
Source: Doll Divine
added by MJ_Fan_4Life007
added by MJ_Fan_4Life007
added by jessowey
Source: Deviantart
added by jessowey
Source: Deviantart
added by PrincessFairy
Source: http://athena-chan.deviantart.com
added by karlyluvsam
Source: ragestache.com
added by RoseRapunzel
Source: http://petitetiaras.tumblr.com/