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Disney Princess Award
Disney Princess Award
Author’s Note: Hey Fanpop fans!
Here is another part of my first fan fiction “Disney Princess Awards”. I know that it is been long since the last part! I tried to do it more interesting and enjoyable! I want to tell you that this part is a little long, dramatic and more romantic. I am sorry, but I love romantic parts. Please don’t be harsh on me just because I love Prince Charming so much. He is one of my favorite Disney Princes. Also, I love Mickey and Minnie that I really want them to get really involve in the story. All these characters are own by the Walt Disney Company. I hope that you like this part. We are getting near to the end of the story. Have suggestions? Please feel free to add in the comments. Please, write some comments, I want to know your opinions. I want to know if you really like or what I need to add. Enjoy it!

Here they are:
Part 1 link
Part 2 link
Part 3 link
Part 4 link
Part 5 link
Part 6 link
Part 7 link
Part 8 link

Genie’s Act has been for 15 minutes, but it felt like it was for seconds. He is so funny that the time passed really fast. Genie has a lot of ideas that he can’t never stop. Genie’s act last until Mickey and Minnie came and told him that he needs to finish because they need to present the next special awards. Genie thanked the audience and said good bye to all the audience and to Mickey and Minnie. He told them that they should not forget that he will come to ask more questions. Then, he disappeared. Mickey and Minnie get close to the microphone. Mickey was the one to start “Thank you Genie for the great act and time that we had. I know that everyone would love to have more time with you but we need to continue. Minnie, would you present the first special award to the Disney Princes?”

“Yes, Mickey. The first special award is to a prince who has been everything to his wife. Since the first time that he met her in her castle’s well and fall in love with her, he looked to be with her. He searched her because he wanted to marry her. He didn’t give up and in the end, he found her. He thought that he lost her, so he gave her a last kiss, but thanks to that kiss, she woke up from a great sleep, and finally married her. He is so close to his wife that he deserves the award for the Most Romantic Prince. And this award goes to … Prince Ferdinard”

Most Romantic Prince
Prince Ferdinard

There is a big applause to Prince Ferdinard. Prince Ferdinard is a really romantic guy. The song that he sang to Snow White when he met her was so romantic. He falls in love with her at first sight. Afterwards, he looked everywhere to find her. Also, when he gave a kiss to Snow White when he found that she was “dead” was really romantic. Snow White gave him a hug, and then he goes to receive his award. Mickey and Minnie gave him his award, and they moved aside. Prince Ferdinard goes to the microphone and says “Thank you everybody for this award. This award was a surprise to me. Been romantic was not for me. But when I met Snow White, I was only what I want to be. I wanted to be with this girl, and I was determined to not stop until I found her. And I find her! I was so happy that I was with her now. Been romantic goes out when you are really in love. And I know that a lot of people understand me right now, right Mrs. Minnie Mouse? I am telling you because you are the Most Romantic girl ...” “Yes, it is true” Minnie said “I want to thank to Mickey and Minnie, the people in charge of this event, to the people who are at my side always; my wife and my friends. Thank you!” There is applause to him. Even that he is not a famous prince, still it can be see how important is him to the company. He goes to his seat where he is well received.

When the applause stop, Mickey and Minnie get to the microphone. Before presenting, Minnie asks Mickey “What do you think Genie is going to ask us?” “I have no idea at all, Minnie. You never know what will come from Genie. Genie could surprise us anytime. I should continue with the next award. The next award is to a prince who has always had a great education. He is a prince since he was born. He really focuses in the royal duties. He shows the values that a prince should have. He had always treated the people around him with a great respect. He has show love to his special people. He is able to manage and been a great person to the people who is not that respectful to him. He is just a great person. For the great qualities as a prince, the award for the Most Gentleman Prince goes to… Prince Charming”

Most Gentleman Prince
Prince Charming

There is a big applause to this important prince. He is an important prince because he is a great role to any prince. It is true that he doesn’t show feelings at all, but he has shown the values to be a prince. His important person, Cinderella gave a hug and congratulates him. He said thanks and goes to the stage where he receives his award from Mickey and Minnie. Then, he gets to the microphone and says “Thank you! Thank you for this important award. This award represents what I have learned and what I have been through my life. The person who I am is the person that my father wants me to be. He was the one who made who I am. And I want to thank you. Thank you for the great education, love and support that I have always received from you. Also, I want to thank my wife, Cinderella. She is the one that helps me to a better person to all the people, and for the love that I always received from her. I want to thank you, Mickey and Minnie for this great award and to all the audience who are always at my side. Thank you!” An applause is given to Prince Charming. With this great speech, it shows his education but also that he has feelings, especially to his family. He is a person who maybe it is not that known for a great adventure, but still; he is a person to admire. Prince Charming arrives to his seat where his father and his wife received him with a big hug.

Minnie smiled as she saw how well Prince Charming was received. She is happy that he receives love. Then, she says through the microphone “Congratulations Prince Charming for your award, also to the other winners. Let me present the next special award. This special award goes to a prince who since he met this girl in the forest, he was determined to marry her. He was determined to see her again when an evil witch named Maleficent took him as her prisoner. She told him that the lady that who he fall in love was the same princess that he was engaged since he was a kid. She told him that he could see Aurora after a long time. Since this part, he was brave to escape the prison and fight Maleficent to rescue Aurora. He was successful. He shows the traits for been a hero. For been a brave, not stopping man, the award for the Most Courageous Prince goes to….Prince Phillip”

Most Courageous Prince
Prince Phillip

A big applause was given to Prince Phillip. This award goes perfectly to Prince Phillip. He passed many obstacles to go to Princess Aurora’s castle. He fought a dragon to be able to save Princess Aurora. He really deserves the award for the most courageous prince. He stands up with all the cheers from family and friends. He goes to the stage to receive his award and then Prince Phillip goes to the microphone and says “Thank you for this special award that I have received. This virtue for what you given the award are for the virtue that I had to have if I want to beat Maleficent and also to be with Aurora. Thank you for recognizing it! I want to thank Mickey and Minnie, who are the ones in charge and for organizing these special awards. Thank you! Also, I want to thank everybody that is with me. I want to thank the fairies who help me to defeat Maleficent. Thanks to my family and friends for been with me when I need you. Thank you!” There is applause to him again. He really shows gratitude to all the people who made possible to have the award. He goes directly to his seat, feeling so proud of himself and happy for the great things that he has.

After the great applause to Prince Phillip, there was a silence in there. And then, the light appears with Genie. Genie transformed to Mickey Mouse dressing nice, get to the microphone, talking like Mickey “Hello everybody. Welcome back to the Disney Princesses and Princes Awards ahaha, hi pals” Then Mickey and Minnie walk through the stage. Both were surprised of what Genie was doing. Mickey interrupt by saying “Genie what are you doing?” “Oh Mickey! You are here! I though it will be great if I present since you or Minnie were not here” “Nice of you about thinking about it, but now we don’t need your help. Thank you!” “Genie, are you here to imitate Mickey or do you have another question for us?” “Both! Sometimes, I think that you can read minds, Minnie. Yes, I have another question for both of you. These questions, you are going to answer as a couple. We know that you been a couple for 84 years. We can see that you have love in there. But are you a couple who fight a lot or an old cute couple?” Mickey and Minnie laugh and Minnie answered “We are an old, cute, not perfect couple. Yes, we love each other, and we try to show it every single day, but we are not perfect. We have fights also and problems like any other couple right Mickey?” “Right Minnie. We had fights through our whole relationship!” “Oh, that gave me an idea!” Genie said “I need to go. Continue with your awards, and thanks for answering!” Then Genie disappears. Then Mickey said to Minnie “I hope that the idea is not making us fight” “I hope not”

“Well, let me present the next special award. The next special award is to a special prince. He is one of the most popular princes in Walt Disney Company. We started know him as a person who loves everything relate to the sea. He has a castle near the sea. One time, his boat drowned, and by trying to save his dog Max, he almost died by drowning. Luckily, he was saved by a special lady that he fall in love and recognize her by her voice. He looked everywhere to find the girl who had saved him. When, he was walking through the sea, he found a red hair girl. He even thought that this girl could be the one, but when he saw that she can’t speak, he lost the hope. But still, he accepted her as part of his life, he took care of her and in the end, he figured out that she was the one he was looking for. He has qualities that sometimes we don’t have. The value of accepting every situation that we have because we don’t know how this situation could be important to our life. And he had been able to continue his life even with the problems. For the great qualities of been strong, and confident in every situation, the award for the Most Acceptable Prince goes to…Prince Eric”

Most Acceptable Prince
Prince Eric

There is a big applause to Prince Eric. This award was not what Prince Eric expected to have, but he loves it. By fact, this fits him because he accepted to continue by looking for the girl that you never know if you could find it. But he was paid by finding this girl, and by finding that the girl was with him every time. Ariel hugs him; she was happy for him. He hugs her too and then, he went to the stage to receive his award. Mickey and Minnie gave him his award, and then, Prince Eric went to the microphone and said “Thank you for this award. I thank that you have looked for an award that fit me. I want to thank especially to the creators of these awards, ones in charge of this of this ceremony, to Mr. Mickey Mouse and his wife, Mrs. Minnie Mouse. Thank you! Also, I want to thank my family and friends who are always here with me at my side. Thank you so much!” A big applause to Prince Eric. For his great qualities, he is one of the most beloved princes. It’s good that people love him by his personality. When he arrived to his seat, he was well received by everyone. For sure, there is love between his family and friends.

After the great applause to Prince Eric, Minnie gets near the microphone and says “You’re welcome Prince Eric. It is a pleasure to give these special awards. All of you deserved these special awards. You repay us by seeing you happy. Let’s continue with another special award to make happy another prince who deserves an award. This award goes to a prince who was different from the princes that were before him. The first princes look like they were perfect men. But this prince was different because he was under a spell because the lack of love and respect to the people. To break the spell of been a beast, he had to fall in love and the girl also need to fall in love with him. He gave up because he believed that no one could fall in love with a beast. But one day, a young girl came to the castle looking for her father who was a prisoner. She accepted to stay with him in exchange of her father’s freedom. The time that both spend together, make them fall in love, but also to make a difference in his behavior and virtues. He learns to love and respect. He learned to be kind to anyone, so people can treat him equally. He learned and changed a lot. For his great change in him, the award for the Most Developmental Prince goes to ….Prince Adam”

Most Developmental Prince
Prince Adam

There is a big applause to this prince. He for sure deserves this award. He made a great change in his person and in his life. For been a man that anyone could hate, to a person who is nice and respectful. He is been one of the small amount of people who change for good. Every one of his family and friends cheered for him. After hugging his family and friends, he goes to the stage where Mickey and Minnie gave him his deserved award. He thanked them and goes to the microphone and says “Thank you, thank you for this special award. This is important to me because I know I was a person who everyone could hate me. And I apologize to the people that I hurt. Thanks to Belle, I became a wise, nice and great person. Thank you for everything, Belle, for teaching to love myself and the people around me! Also, thank you to the people around me, my friends, for the support that I always receive from you. Thanks to all of you, for your help me to be a better person. And not to forget, thank you to you, Mickey and Minnie for this award and this special ceremony. I imagined what a great work was to organize this. Thank you, thank you to all of you!” Applause to Prince Adam. Prince Adam is an example that some people can change. Prince Adam return to his seat, proud of himself. Also his family and friends are proud of him.

After the applause, there was a silence. Mickey and Minnie went to the microphone. Mickey is the one to present the next award “The next special award goes to….” POP. The light went out. There was darkness everywhere. The audience was surprised and wondered what happen. Mickey and Minnie surprised, try to calm the audience by yelling, almost forgetting that they can’t speak through the microphone “Dear audience, calm down! We are sorry for this problem. Don’t worry, we are looking for a way to solve it” Then, Horace came with flashlights to Mickey and Minnie. Mickey asks Horace what happen. He told Mickey and Minnie that they still are looking the problem. They would fix it as quickly as possible. But Horace asks Mickey and Minnie if they could come to backstage to help in something. They agreed but they were worried to leave the audience alone in the dark. In that moment, Genie appeared and told them that he would entertain the audience during the time that they are gone. Mickey and Minnie agreed and leave. Genie put a little light in there and he entertained the audience. After a half an hour, the lights came back and Mickey and Minnie came back too. “Thank you Genie for taking care of the audience during the time that we were out” said Minnie “No problem Minnie, anytime!” “See you later” said Minnie and then Genie disappeared. Mickey gets to the microphone and said “We are really sorry for the problem that we had. It looks like our battery was dead and we needed a new battery. It took time to get the new battery. We are sorry for having another problem.

I will continue with the presentation of the next special award that was interrupt. The next award goes to a special prince. He is the first prince who was not prince by born but for marrying a princess. He was the first prince that the movie focus in him instead of the princess. But it is understandable why. He is a person who even he stole food to survive, he is a great person. He worked hard to have a better life. He was lucky to find a lamp with a genie that help him out to be a prince and able to spend time with Princess Jasmine, who he fall in love when he met her in the market place. He made her fall in love with her as he was for her. He even fights Jafar to save the Sultan and the princess. He looked every time to be successful. For his willing to achieve anything, the award for the Most Determined Prince goes to…Prince Aladdin”

Most Determined Prince

A big applause is to Prince Aladdin. He is the most popular prince in Walt Disney Company. And it was not because he was prince, but by the way he went to be a prince. Sure, he is not perfect; he even lied to Princess Jasmine of been a prince. But he has a great heart. He was determined to win Jasmine’s heart. After, Jasmine, Genie, Abu, Carpet, the Sultan, his father and even Iago cheered for him, Aladdin went to the stage to receive his award from Mickey and Minnie. He thanks them and then, he went directly to the microphone and say “Thank you for this award. Thank you for consider me one of the most popular princes. Thanks for all the considerations that you have with me. As I said before, you believe in me when I was a poor guy. It is true that since I met Jasmine, I wanted to be with her, and I knew that I can’t be with her if I was not a prince. That’s why I tried to be a prince even that I lied to Jasmine. I thank my father in law for accepting me even that I was not a prince. Thanks to Jasmine for accepting me as her husband. Thanks to all my friends who were always with me, Abu, Carpet especially to Genie who help me to be a prince and also for saving my life. Thank you too, Mickey and Minnie for this award. Thank you for believing me. Thanks to everyone!” There is a big applause to Aladdin. He really shows gratitude to all the people at his side. It shows that he has great attitudes. That’s what makes him admired and popular. And his family and friends show him how important he is to them.

After the great applause, Minnie got to the microphone, ready to present the next award. In that moment, Genie appeared again and said “Hi! Here I am! Thank you Aladdin, for been a great friend. And for making me free of that lamp. Congratulations Aladdin for that award! You deserve it! Come on, an applause to Aladdin!”And there it was the third applause to Aladdin. Aladdin thanked the Genie. Then, Genie continued talking “I am here also to ask the next question to you, Mickey and Minnie!” “Ok Genie, what’s the next question?” Mickey said “Here’s a question of one of your biggest fan of you, and your long relationship, 84 years to be exact. The question is do you will able to continue together another 84 years and how?” That’s an interesting question. Mickey and Minnie turn to each other, thinking how to answer. Mickey turn to Genie and said “To the first question, we really hope to continue another 84 years, and other 100 years, the longest time that we can” The audience laugh and then Minnie continue with the talking “And for the second question, we believe that we can be together if we continue fill with love, patience, hard work, intelligence and comprehension. I think that if we, and other couples, have these important values, the relationship can continue many more years, right Mickey?” “Right Minnie, and believe me, that we tried to put these values to work every single day! I hope that we answer to this interesting question. And thank you this fan of us. We love to hear about you admiring us. We love you! Thank you!” Genie was satisfied with the answer, and then he said “Thank you for your answer. You seem good in answering questions! It will be more questions, so don’t relax! It will continue after a brief break!” Then he disappear again as he does every time after a question is answered.“Wow! I wonder how many questions does Genie have to us?” Minnie said “He can have a million questions to us if he wants. He has a great imagination and mind. But we will ready to answer every question right Minnie?”

“Right Mickey! Ok, I will present the next special award. The next special award goes to another no prince at born. To be exact, he is not really a prince. But he is qualified to be a prince because of his great impact and values that he has. He is an explorer who loves to travel around the world. He loves to do anything that relates in exploring or learning new things. He has find great treasures by his explorations. And I hope that to him, Pocahontas is his greatest treasure as I am to Mickey. For been so interacting and for been a great explorer, the award for the Most Adventurous Prince is to… John Smith”

Most Adventurous Prince
John Smith

There is a big applause to John Smith. Who could win this award if it isn’t John Smith? He is the greatest adventurous person in the Walt Disney Company. Even that he settled down when he married Pocahontas, he still goes to explore the New Land. Pocahontas hugged him and congratulate for his award. After a moment of cheers to John Smith, he went to the stage. He received his award from Mickey and Minnie, thank them and then he said through the microphone “Thank you, thank you to all the people who made possible to have this award. Thank you Mickey and Minnie, who are in charge of these awards and this event. Thank you to all the people who are always with me, my wife Pocahontas, who really is my biggest treasure. Thank you to my family in law and my friends. Thank you!” There is the second applause to John Smith. He is a person who learns to love the environment and respect the life around him. He goes back to his seat feeling proud of himself.

After John Smith get back to his seat and the applause end, Mickey get near the microphone, get an envelope and said through the microphone “ The next special award is to another young man who really is not a prince, but he deserves to be in the Disney Prince line, because as John Smith, he shows the great values that a prince needs. He was the Captain of the new soldiers to fight against the Mongolians. He worked hard so his students learn how to be great soldiers. He saw the potential work that they can have. He was strong to continue with the war when his father died, to continue after he discovered that his best soldier was a woman. He was so strong to fight the Mongolians, and to save the Emperor. By his hard work, the person who will get the award for the Most Strong Prince goes to…General Li Shang”

Most Strong Prince
General Li Shang

There is a great applause to General Shang. He really shows to be a strong person, physically and mentally. His hard work made him from captain to general, the place of his father. Mulan’s family and his friends congratulate and cheered him. He goes to receive his award from Mickey and Minnie. Then, he turned to the side of the audience, saying through the microphone “Thank you, thank you for this award. This award is an important part of my life. It shows me that I am valuable. People would believe that I started to be in the military because of my father. But really, it started because I love to be in the military that I would go to every military camp if I could. I learned the necessary to be a great soldier, a captain. And now, here I am, been the general. Thank you to Mickey and Minnie for this special award, to my father who taught me to be strong and been a great captain. Also, I want to thank my family and friends for their support. To my soldiers who work hard and they are always when I needed them especially to my wife Mulan, a person who can I always count. Thank you!” There is a big applause to General Shang. The audience recognizes how he work hard and able to achieve what he wants it. His family, friends were proud of him that they received him well.

When the applause to General Shang end, Minnie, Mickey at her side, was ready to announce the ninth special award to the Disney Princes. In that moment, a group of girls went to Mickey and start to say “OH MR. MICKEY MOUSE! WE ARE YOUR FANS! CAN WE ASK YOU SOME QUESTIONS? CAN YOU AUTOGRAPH THIS?”But they didn’t only ask him some questions. The girls hugged him and kissed him too. Minnie just looked to them really jealous. She didn’t like that they were so close of HER HUSBAND. This was the first time that she felt like that. Mickey sign some autographs, tried to calm them out but after, he tried to make them leave because they were interrupting the ceremony. Minnie got close to the group saying with envy “Mhm, excuse ladies!” “OH MRS. MINNIE MOUSE, HI! WE JUST WANT TO MEET MICKEY MOUSE!” “Yeah, but you have to leave; we are in a middle of a ceremony. Please I ask you to leave! MY HUSBAND has already sign your autographs, and some have already have taken some pictures with him, hug him and kiss him. Please leave now, before I need to call the Security!” Mickey turn to look Minnie, surprised how jealous she look. “Yes, ladies. Please leave the stage now. I promised you that I will take the pictures that you want and sign as many autographs you want in the end of the ceremony!” “OK MR. MICKEY MOUSE. SEE YA REALLY SOON!” And the girls leave the stage peacefully. Minnie got a Kleenex and give it to Mickey saying really angry “Here, you are covered with kisses all around your face, clean yourself!” “Oh Minnie, please don’t be jealous. You know that you are the only one for me! They were only fans of me who want to meet me, even that it wasn’t the right time” “Yeah, you let them hug and kiss you. And also, you promised to them that you will spend time with them taking pictures and signing autographs after the ceremony when you know that we had a ‘romantic’ dinner!” Minnie was really jealous. “Yes, that’s true! But we can go to the dinner after the pictures. Please don’t be jealous and angry with me! Come on, who is the most beautiful girl on the whole universe and the person who I love with all my heart? Who is Minnie? Come on, who is it?” “It’s me, Mickey!” In that moment, Mickey gave her a quick kiss in her lips “Minnie, could you be so kind to present the next special award?”

“Yes, Mickey. The next special award is to a prince who always was around by girls like Mickey was in some moments ago” “Oh, Minnie, could you forget that?” “Ok, ok! He was a prince who wanted it to be a free person, spend time with girls, friends and Jazz music. Because he didn’t show an interested in working hard, his parents drop him out, not giving more money to him. To get support for them, they have to see settled down by working and/or marrying a girl. He looked in marrying Charlotte LaBouff, the wealthiest girl in New Orleans, so he didn’t need to work. But when he met Tiana, he learned to be responsible and hard working. He even fell in love with this girl who changed him. He really shows a transformation in himself. For this, the award for the Most Transformed Prince goes to…. Prince Naveen!”

Most Transformed Prince
Prince Naveen

There is a big applause to Prince Naveen. He, as Prince Adam, changed for good and thanks to the love that they have for the woman of their lives. Prince Naveen became a favorite prince by his change in personally. After his family and friends cheered, hug and congratulate him, he goes directly to the stage. Mickey and Minnie gave him his award. After, Prince Naveen went to the microphone and said “Thank you for another award, but especially because this is a special award. I am so happy about myself that I became a better person. And all of this, I thank my wife, Tiana. She is the one who make me who I am, and the one who deserves the award. Also, thanks to my friends; Louis and Ray, that now is with his Evangeline, for your friendship. Thank you!! And finally, thanks to you, Mickey and Minnie for this award. Please Minnie, don’t be so harsh with Mickey. It is not our fault that we are irrestible to the girls, right Mickey?” “Right Prince Naveen”Mickey said laughing about it “He loves you so much, please forgive him Minnie! Thank you everybody!” And with his speech, another applause is to Prince Naveen, the handsome, funny, and nice prince. It is understandable why the girls want to be with him. But now, he is a man of only one woman, his wife Tiana. When he got to his seat, he is well received especially by his wife, who she gives him a hug and a big kiss.

After the applause, Mickey gets ready to present the last special award. This award is to a really special prince in Walt Disney Company. “The last special award is to a special important prince. Even that he is the newest prince to our company; he has made a great impact. He was a thief just like Prince Aladdin. The difference was that this prince didn’t only steal food but other valuable items. He was determined to have a castle and a big pile of money. But when he met Rapunzel, he change also. He became not worry about himself, but for Rapunzel and to the people around him. The biggest example is when he gave his life for Rapunzel’s freedom. He died for her, and for sure, it is a form that shows how his love is to Princess Rapunzel. For the great values to other people instead of himself, the award for the Most Selfless Prince goes to…Prince Eugene Fitzherbert”

Most Selfless Prince
Eugene Fitzherbert

There is a big applause to Prince Eugene Fitzherbert. He really shows what a selfless person is. He has given anything for Rapunzel after he met her. He died for her!! Rapunzel hug her husband and congratulate him. Another award for him, but the best award that describes him well. He goes to the stage, receives his award from Mickey and Minnie and said through the microphone “Thank you, thank you for another award. I really appreciate that I was considered in having another award. I believe personally, that this is one of my favorite awards that I have received. It is because it describes something great that I never imagined I would convert when I was Flynn Rider. It shows me how Flynn and Eugene were different. I want to thank first to Mickey and Minnie for this award. Also, thanks to my friends, family who are always at my side every time. And finally to all the people who are fans and vote for me. Thank you!” The next thing after the speech was a great applause to Eugene. His values and his gratitude shows why he is the person most awarded in this ceremony. Not matter that he is the newest prince, but he is a big part of this company. He goes back to his seat, where everyone receives him with a great love.

After the applause given to Eugene, Mickey and Minnie come back to the microphone. Minnie is the one to talk now “Congratulations to all 10 Disney Princes. Each one of you is special to us, and some by different ways. Again, we apologize for the power going out and for my attitude minutes ago. It was not good at all. It is my first time that I felt jealous. Now, I understand how bad felt Princess Rapunzel when the crazy girls were around Prince Eugene” “It is ok, Minnie. It shows me that you love me. After these great special awards, we have a show for you with great music. This group that comes from the movie ‘Hercules’, here they are the lovely ladies, the Muses” There is an applause to these group of ladies who for sure have great music.

It will continue.
Mickey and Minnie Mouse
Mickey and Minnie Mouse
Prince Ferdinard
Prince Ferdinard
Prince Charming
Prince Charming
Prince Phillip
Prince Phillip
Prince Eric
Prince Eric
Prince Adam
Prince Adam
Prince Aladdin
Prince Aladdin
John Smith
John Smith
General Shang
General Shang
Prince Naveen
Prince Naveen
Prince Eugene
Prince Eugene
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I love this song.
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