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I was in the mood to do another countdown, so I came up with a Disney Heroine one. This was about the Heroine (Protagonists, Deuteragonists, Tritagonists) who would fit in with the Disney Princesses (and the franchise the most), so here are the results.

These are the factors that were counted in the results:
By any factor, I mean:
-How successful the movie is
-If she is a Princess
- If she is popular
- If she is personally like some of the Princesses
- Is she too young or old

10. Nani (Lilo and Stitch)

She was definitely the obvious choice to be the first eliminated, and for many reasons. Firstly, she is not the main character (cough Jasmine, kind of Aurora cough), and was more so a sidekick. Another reason is that even though she is the same age as some of the princesses, she is just your average girl in 2002. She is just too modern to be in a franchise that is about fantasy, which she and her movie has nothing of the sort. This was definitely the biggest reason as to why she would not fit in with the Princesses and the franchise. A third reason is that her personality is too different from the Disney Princesses. She is not adventurous, romantic, a fre-spirit, or elegant. It just would not work.

- TheCrystalRing picked Nani:
She's just an average joe in Hawaii; I love her, but she isn't princess-esque at all. The movie was successful, yes, and Nani is around the age of some of the older princesses, but her personality is very different from the DPs and she isn't that popular from what I can tell. That and her movie is in modern times >.< If anyone else, I would as Eilonwy, as the company views her movie as the blackest sheep of the company and should be hidden away no matter what.
- AudreyFreak picked Nani:
What TheCrystalRing said.
- Angelica_AW picked Nani:
She's a supporting character, and I also have to agree with TheCrystalRing on Nani.
- alexon31 picked Nani:
I love her, but I don't think she's DP material. She's not the main character in the movie.
- anonheart998 picked Nani:
She's great, but pretty much what TheCrystalRing said. I just can't see it.
- BraBrief picked Nani:
I agree with TheCrystalRing, too.
- 3xZ picked Nani:
I also agree with TheCrystalRing.
- Newbiehere13 picked Nani:
I agree with TheCrystalRing.
- BelleAnastasia picked Nani:
She's a sidekick, with not that much screentime and doesn't really move the plot

9. Lilo (Lilo and Stitch)

Lilo was practically in the same boat as her older sister in many ways; she is too modern to belong in the Disney Princess franchise, being an average joe, her movie being the most dissimilar to the DP movies, and her personality would most likely clash with all of the Princess' personalities. But, she had another thing added to her, which was that she is just too young to fit in with the franchise and the other princesses. She would not be a role model for kids to look up to, when most would be older than Lilo. A lot of people voted for her in defense of Vanellope and Wreck-it Ralph, saying that the movie and characters fir in better with the DP counterparts than Lilo and her movie.

- LightningRed picked Lilo:
Nani even more belongs to be a DP than Lilo! At least, she's a grown-up not a whiny little kid.
- BraBrief picked Lilo:
too young
- Jessikaroo picked Lilo:
Too young, her movie is the most dissimilar to any princess film (WiR is actually very similar to the DP films. Both Ralph and Vanellope has princess style arcs). Plus at least Vanellope has some claim to a princess title.
- LibelluleBleu picked Lilo:
What Jessikaroo said
- Swanpride picked Lilo:
Too young, not based on a fairy tale.

Wreck it Ralph is an interesting case...because it LOOKS so Pixar, so much that I was totally disappointed for days when I decided to leave the Pixar characters off my current "Disney as many characters as possible wallpaper" for days because I couldn't include Ralph and Vanellope any more until I suddenly realized "wait a minute..they aren't Pixar!" But if you really look at the story - that's Disney, from start to finish. Pixar movies are normally buddy comedies, or about the relationships in a family or between different generations or classes - the outsiders who find acceptance somewhere that's so much Disney! The underdog who wins the race is Disney! The love story is so much Disney.
- Lilo and Vanellope are both in the same boat. But I think Van would be a bit better then Lilo because Lilo is like 4 and Van is like 6 or 8 (I know lame) and was just about a ruler her whole life (She was programmed to rule (Lame again)). Lilo would be more like a DP child friend.
- Newbiehere13 picked Lilo:
I've never thought of Lilo joining the DP lineup, even when she grows up.
- BelleAnastasia picked Lilo:
I agree with princecatcher93.
- anonheart998 picked Lilo:
She's too young and I really just can't see it.

8. Vanellope

Most votes went to Vanellope in this round, and it is completely understandable as to why. Firstly, she is too young to be with the other princesses, and would stand out like a deer in headlights with them. Secondly, she actually rejected being a princess at the end of her film, and wanted to be nothing of the sort. Her personality would clash a lot with the other princesses, and the fact that she does not sing or have a love interest really works against her (cough Merida cough). And finally, she is not meant to be a role model and to be looked up to.

- AudreyFreak picked Vanellope:
^That. She's too boyish and rude and loudmouthed. she's just meant to be cute and funny and more admirable like the DPs are supposed to be.
- Angelica_AW picked Vanellope:
I haven't seen her movie, so I could be wrong on this, but I'm pretty sure she doesn't sing or have a love interest. AND, this is the biggest one, doesn't want to be a princess....also, she's only like nine....or something close to that.
- princecatcher93 picked Vanellope:
Just because your programmed to be a princess doesn't make you a good one.
- rhythmicmagic picked Vanellope:
She's younger than the princesses. I also agree with AudreyFreak when she says Vanellope isn't meant to be a role model and admirable, like the other princesses, but just something fun to watch.
- Popcornfan picked Vanellope:
Why hasn't she left? Seriously?
- fiina picked Vanellope:
Or Wendy.
- LightningRed picked Vanellope:
Huh, though she's actually a princess she doesn't behave like a princess at all! Talking about disgusting things! Yuck! Besides, she's not pretty enough to belong with DPs.
- BraBrief picked Vanellope:
Aesthetically Vanellope is too little, even she's a real princess, she wouldn't suit well in the lineup.
- BelleAnastasia picked Vanellope:
Too young and her personality doesn't resemble a DP personality very much.

7. Wendy

She actually did not have the most votes, but my rule was for someone to have minimum 4 votes in order to be eliminated, and the heroine with the most votes did not have that, so Wendy was the one to go. People said that she fit in a little with the Disney Princesses, with being sweet, elegant, and such. But her biggest criticism was that she is too young to be a Disney Princess or a role model. They said that she did not really have a wish or a dream to accomplish in her movie, and that her not being a protagonist (even though the story follows Wendy and not Peter), and that she is too childish physically and mentally to fit in with the Disney Princesses.

- princecatcher93 picked Wendy:
You said we can base this on any factor right? So why I picked Wendy. I really don't know she's kind of a role model to girls but she doesn't seem to know what she wants and kind of let's other take rule over her (Peter Pan and Fat Indian Mama) which won't look so well with a lot of people.
- rhythmicmagic picked Wendy:
Wendy is too young to be a princess and is not the protagonist of her movie.
- BelleAnastasia picked Wendy:
As much as I love Wendy, she's not exactly DP material. True, she's dreamy and sweet, but she's way too young, and she's harder to connect to in terms of goals and wishes, at least for the older fans (by older, I mean late teens and adults).
- BraBrief picked Wendy:
Eilonwy is actually a princess.

Alice could be considered the princess of her own world and she's one of the princesses of hearts in Kingdom Hearts.

Wendy has nothing to do with royalty.
- LibelluleBleu picked Wendy:
Or Alice
- Swanpride picked Wendy:
1. not based on a fairy tale
2. too young
3. only the secondary protagonist (which is the reason I pick her above Alice)

6. Elionwy

People had some things to say about Elionwy. One of the biggest reasons why she got the boot is that her film was a critical and commercial flop, even still today (I am glad people actually saw the business side of the DP franchise on this one). She is a proncess, but she does not do anything that her WDAS predecessors and successors did, like singing, showing their castle, etc. It would be extermely difficult to market her alone, much less with the other princesses. Also, she was too young to be a princess (even though she is a few years younger than Snow White), and she is not supposed to be a role model in any way. People also said that she was just a lackluster character who lets people push her around, and then sh e gets mad. They just cold not see her with the princesses.

- princecatcher93 picked Eilonwy :
This is my comment because my laptop is about to die. I'm picking Elinowy, unlike Alice, Elinowy kind of let's people tell her want to do and she just ran off and cried for a bit and she doesn't sing. Alice is quite Kick*** for a classic Disney Female, she stands up for herself and would be a great queen or princess (Take the scene when she all up in the Queen of Hearts Face). If you make a new poll is my comment. Just come back and find it please.
- rhythmicmagic picked Eilonwy :
Eilonwy is too young, is not the protagonist of he movie (though she is a princess,) and her movie was a flop and considered Disney's worst.
- Eilonwy's very atypical when it comes to Disney girls, she'd stick out like a sore thumb. Plus she isn't really a very fleshed out character, sometimes she's rather weak and watery and it pushed around like a doll, other time she's really bossy and a bit of a know it all, and neither of those personalities connect well with young girls.
Alice is young, but at least she's reflective of the general ideals of the DP line up. She's proper and believes in good manners, she doesn't let people tell her what to do, she's kind to animals, she sings. She's adventurous and curious and highly intelligent, with a wild imagination. Plus she's a marketable face, she's iconic and you can sell her look to kids without parental backlash. For example, you can sell Alice costumes just like a DP dress, whereas the other remaining girls either don't have iconic wardrobes, or they're clothing isn't very marketable (For example, Eilonwy's dress is unrecognizable, and I'd like to see someone try to sell an Esmeralda or a Kida costume to a kid). She'd arguably fit in best with the rest of the girls if she wasn't so young, and even then in some scenes she looks older than Snow White!
- Angelica_AW picked Eilonwy :
Again, when I think of the Princesses, I think of singing, and she doesn't sing. Also, all the points above. I love her, I just don't see her fitting in with the Princess.
- dclairmont picked Eilonwy :
Her movie wasn't very popular...
- anonheart998 picked Eilonwy :
(Or Alice, even though I love her to death.) Eilonwy is a princess but she's a little too young and her movie isn't very popular. She doesn't sing but neither does Merida so that doesn't seem to matter anymore. I can't see it.
- fiina picked Eilonwy :
Well I got a boring reason, she never was part of princesses and unlike Kida and Megara she's too young. And like others pointed out, she doesn't fit in with princesses.

5. Alice

People agreed that the last child needed to leave the countdown. Even though she is an iconic Disney character in an iconic Disney film, she was still a child, and would not fit in with the others (even though she was in merchandise with the princesses in the past). That was practically the biggest and only reason that she left.

- rhythmicmagic picked Alice:
Alice is too young to be a DP, as well as Walt himself regretting Alice in Wonderland's creation (and breaking my heart.)
- Popcornfan picked Alice:
The last infant needs to go. Even if she's an icon of classic Disney. We already have other three for that.
- princecatcher93 picked Alice:
She to young.
- Angelica_AW picked Alice:
I agree with Popcornfan. Also, she doesn't have a love interest. (Yes, I know that Merida is a Princess and don't have a love interest, but I still think she shouldn't be one, and that all Disney Princess needs somewhat of an official love interest).

Jane or Kida would be next.
- Beastlysoul25 picked Alice:
Too young
- fiina picked Alice:
As mentioned too young.
- sisi_st picked Alice:
She`s way too young

4. Kida

My comment explains why Kida was eliminated in this round. "I wonder how Kida would fit in with the other princess better than Esmeralda and the others?
Firstly, there is not much known about her other than she is aware that her culture is dying, and she wants to help it. Her movie does not have the formula that the Disney Princess films and the 3 other films have, and it was a disappointment. Her outfit and appearance is different and is clearly geared to market to boys. She is not marketable, so I would really like to know how she would look and sell beside the other princesses. Being princess or a protagonist does not really matter, so it is fair game (as long as their film was a success)"

- Angelica_AW picked Kida:
As much as I love Kida, I don't think she would fit in with the other Princess.
- Beastlysoul25 picked Kida:
I'm not sure if she fits the disney princess stuff!
- BraBrief picked Kida:
I agree with you, Jayden-G, about Kida.

I think Jane deserves to be in the official lineup. She's engaged with the prince/king of the jungle.

3. Esmeralda

People were gunning for her to go, but they did not write the comments for her to be eliminated until this round. I am typing this late in night, so I will summarize why she was eliminated in a comment I wrote. "I would have to say her next. I chose her because she has nothing to do with royalty, her and her movie is a bit too adult for the Disney Princess, which was one of the biggest criticisms about her or her movie. And that pole-dancing?????? Does not fit in with the Disney Princess message ". Another reason why she was booted was because she got with Phoebus, who is not the main character of the movie.

- uploaded900 picked Esmeralda:
She and the main guy don't end up being together
- princecatcher93 picked Esmeralda:
She marries a sidekick which is a no-no...
- AudreyFreak picked Esmeralda:
She needs to go already. I agree with what you said again, Jayden.
- BraBrief picked Esmeralda:
I think Esmeralda is a sort of princess for Gispy people.

But the other two has more reasons to stay in the lineup.
- Swanpride picked Esmeralda:
Jane and Esmeralda? Never....their movies are based on books and they are not the protagonist of their movies....one could make a case for Megara, but since she is kind of the villain.
Either way, Jane's role is bigger, so Esmeralda should go first.

2. Jane

I personally think she should have won instead of number 1 winning, but I digress. People voted for Jane in defense of Megara. Megara married Hercules who is like a Prince (being the son of the God of Gods), technically making her a princess. They also said that the movie Hercules is more along the lines o fa Disney Princess movie than Tarzan (which was the company's first attempt to break away from the formula), and that Jane was not like the Disney Princesses compared to Megara.


dclairmont picked Jane:
I don't think of Megara as the villain. I think/the movie suggests, that she was forced to be with Hades and she didn't want to be.
- BelleAnastasia picked Jane:
Meg is actually a princess in the Greek mythology, so she'd fit way more in the line up than Jane.
- Swanpride picked Jane:
Megara is the only one whose story is not based on a book, and she is closer to being a princess than anyone else....
- LightningRed picked Jane:
Same reason for Jane.

Besides, Hercules is the god's son, almost like a prince. Since Megara is his spouse, she can be almost like a princess. The story is more fairy tale-like than Tarzan too. I don't see any problem of being a tritagonist and small appearance. Jasmine is also not the deuterogonist. Aladdin, Genie, Jasmine. Aurora also has small appearance.
- BraBrief picked Jane:
Meg is a princess to me. Zeus is the Gods's leader, the king of Olympus, so Hercules is a prince. It's true, he chose to stay on Earth, but he still remains a prince. Meg, like Cinderella, Belle and Tiana, is engaged with Herc (they even married in one of episode in Hercules' series). She could be the Greek princess, she deserves to stay more in the lineup than Mulan, that has nothing to do with royalty.
- Angelica_AW picked Jane:
It's a minor thing, but Jane never sings, where Meg does. Again, when I think of the Princesses, I think of singing. Also, I love Meg more. :P

1. Megara

People felt that she should win because she is technically a princess, and follows the Disney Princess formula in movie and character. Despite others saying that Megara is too adult in personality/character for the Disney Princess lineup, Jane being classier, having a smaller part compared to Jane, and the fact that she was a villain for a majority of her film, she was nonetheless voted the most Princess-Like Disney Heroine. She does follow the Disney Princess formula extremely well in a lot of ways, and it is easy seeing her getting along with some of the princesses, so it is understandable why she won.

- princecatcher93 picked Megara:
She's kind of a villain and she died and then came back to life so who knows how old she really his.
- rhythmicmagic picked Megara:
She was a villain for the first half, as well as not really being what parents would want their daughters looking up to.
- AudreyFreak picked Megara:
You guys said it for me. How did she make it this far?

Dclairmont- true, but she was rude generally unkind to everyone she met willingly. she enjoyed being bitter and sarcastic with people.
- fiina picked Megara:
I don't think she would fit in and Jane is much more adorable.

Thank everyone who participated in this countdown, and read the article. Please voice your opinion on the results of the countdown and the heroines themselves. This was a very interesting countdown.
added by malika2002
Source: idk
It's been a while since I last wrote this list so I decided to write it again, it's been changing a slight bit since the last time, anyway hope you'll like this article

13. Aurora

I really love Aurora and I do think she's brave, just not as much as the other princesses above. Her bravest moment is when she chooses to leave the cottage with the fairies instead of staying there and waiting for Phillip

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Now that we know who Fanpop's Favorite Disney Princesses are at the moment, let's get into the movies, and Fanpop user's overall opinion on them.

12. Cinderella: 269 Points.
A classic, and usually considered the most iconic Disney Princess Movie. Well, it sure didn't do too well in this countdown, and a lot of the users placed it in their bottom three, or even last. Most people tend to find it boring, dull, not entertaining, uninteresting, didn't like it in general, or just placed it last because they loved the others more. The, "old-fashioned ness" of the movie doesn't help things for...
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Beautiful, brave, selfless but fabulous! Would love to have her qualities!
Beautiful, brave, selfless but fabulous! Would love to have her qualities!
1.    Miss Bianca
She is underrated! She is the best role model! She is beautiful, brave, selfless and fabulous! She cares about others and has a lot of faith, and never gives up!
2.    Mulan
She sacrificed her life and safety for her dad and her country! She's a hero, and she is sweet and humble!
3.    Pocahontas
Another selfless heroine! Sacrificed her life for love, not just romantic love, but love of another race! She shut down racism and broke the barrier between Native Americans and European Settlers!
5.    Belle...
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