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posted by Silverrose1991
Overdone? Maybe. Needed? Strongly so.

So, maybe some of you don't know, but I'm strongly annoyed when users criticize the Clasic Princesses for reasons I think are invalid. These reasons are:

1. Weakness
2. Anti-Feminists
3. Passiveness
4. They're Mary-Sues (have no flaws)

These are the lovely ladies I'm going to defend - Cinderella, Snow White and Aurora. Art not by me.
These are the lovely ladies I'm going to defend - Cinderella, Snow White and Aurora. Art not by me.

In this article, I'll explain why these arguments are invalid. Now, I'll warn you, you'll probably disagree (or agree, depending of what is your view in the classics) a lot with this article. If you don't respect opinions that are different of yours, I recommend leaving this page and not reading this article.

Before I move on the reasons mentioned, I must leave a question hanging in the air. Why we insist in dividing the princesses acording to the era their movie was made?

The answer? I don't have one. Personally, I think each era has princesses with different personalities from each other. For an example, I find Ariel from the Renaissance and Rapunzel from the Modern Era to be similar to Snow White from the Classical. Belle and Tiana, too, I find similar to Cinderella and Aurora (only Belle in the second case).

I think we are so into the idea that the princesses must be divided acording to their eras that we don't let our eyes open and see them for what they truly are.


None of the princesses are physically strong. They're mentally strong. Mulan? She has abilities, perseverance and quick-thinking, but I don't think that physical strenght is such a big part of her.

I personally find the Classic Princesses some of the strongest ones. Let's see why.

Snow White- Many see Snow White as a very weak princess, but it's not true (there's not questioning, sorry). Would you handle separation from the one you love the most in the face of the earth well? And what about finding your cold but only family member alive wants to kill you and you have suddenly to leave your home behind? And what about enduring years of servitude even though you actually has right to something better, but you have no one to complain to, since the one putting you throught this is your dangerous, intimidating guardian?

Would you handle these things well? I don't know, but the answer is probably "no". Would I? No. Definitively not.

Cinderella- Really? How can someone say Cinderella is weak? She stays kind and faithful in her dreams even though she is abused. Yes, abused. Not physical abuse, but psychological abuse, which, I dare say, is the worst (even if slightly) type of abuse.

Who knows what have become of her if she wasn't strong? She could have sank in depression or developed an obsession with cleaning. And honestly, can you blame her for crying after the stepsisters ruined her dress that her only friends had so dearly made for her so that she could realize her dream of freedom, even if for only one evening, knowing she couldn't do anything because it would only make things worse?

But why didn't she run away?, you naively ask. Really? Do some historical research. She didn't have anywhere to run to? She would die of hunger or cold in the streets or have to sell her body or her hair or her teeth. You saw all of this happen with Fantine is Les Miserablés. In her place? I would have done the same thing.

Aurora- So imagine living isolated from everyone in a cottage in the woods. Your only company are your three old aunts and the animals from the woods, the only place you're allowed to go. To make things worse, you're strictly forbidden to talk to strangers. But one day, it's your birthday, and when everything seems dull and normal, you meet the boy/girl from your dreams. He (let's just go with he, okay?)'s so charming, so handsome and so gentle with you. There is nobody like him, anywhere at all (quote from another movie, but it fits). But you know you have to go: your aunts will be worried and you know you can't talk to strangers. But... he doesn't seem like a stranger. It's like you know him. So, you set an encounter with him, in the cottage, where he can meet your aunts.

You return home, your heart jumping with anxiety and joy, and then you see - the perfect birthday gifts! Your aunts come from their hidding place - it's a surprise party! You had forgotten it was your birthday! Then you tell them about the person you met - but they're not happy for you as you thought they would be. You don't know why. They tell you the truth: you're not who you think you are. And you're engaged to someone else!

Your heart breaks in a half. You're grief-stricken and you cry, but you know you have a duty to follow: you love your aunts and don't want them to be sad with you. So you go with them, leaving forever everything you knew: your house, your friends, your dreams, your love, your life.

What I just described is Aurora's life. If that is not strenght, I don't know what it is. Also, she seems to shake off Maleficent's spell for one moment. More points for Aurora!

Does this mean the Renassaince/Modern Princesses aren't mentally strong?: No, I never said this and I'll never say (unless there is a particularfuture princess I find weak). This only means the Classic Princesses are just as strong, and stronger than some.


Particulary, this is not a part I care much about. Honestly, why insist in wanting every heroine to scream women have rights? There's nothing wrong with heroines whose goal doesn't revolve around that. What I find wrong is preaching the opposite, which none of the Disney Princesses do.

I'm sorry if I ofended anyone with the paragraph above, it wasn't my intention. I'm all for feminism and I hate when men make sexist comments, me being a male myself.

So, let's review the feminism of each princess.

Snow White- What is so wrong with enjoying cleaning and cooking? Just because a woman does this, it doesn't mean she's an anti-feminist. I think everyone enjoys clealiness, even if lazy to get up and clean (I'm lazy myself). And I don't think that was the only reason she cleaned that cottage. Quoting Snow White herself (not her exact words, but with the same effect): "Maybe if I clean the house, they'll let me stay!".

She obviously did that she could stay - and out of kindness. She thought little children lived alone there, without a mother to put them to sleep at night with a kiss or cook them a hot meal or teach them values.

Also, it's obvious that she knows she has every one of the Dwarfs wrapped around her little finger. Just go to my review of the movie, it isn't hard to find, and see the link of a deleted scene I posted. It shows her manipulating the game to her favor! Turning tables! Making things for herself, if you please!

Really, if she was really anti-feminist, would she boss men around? She would stay quiet and meek and let them behave as savages!

Cinderella- She obviously doesn't want to be catering to the stepsisters' every whim, but she has nowhere to run. Also, she points out to the stepmother she is required by law to attend the ball. This also isn't "If Maome doesn't go to the Mountain, the Mountain goes to Maome". Noooo. Cinderella goes to the ball, not the ball goes to Cinderella.

Aurora: "Why do they treat me as a child?", I quote. She wants to be treated like an adult, wants to know the world and people. She's obedient to her aunts, yes, but that's not the thing our parents always teach us, "Respect your elders?". She's respectful and that's good, because the only people who deserve respect are those who gives respect.

And being feminist is not about selfishly pursuing your dreams (and I'm not pointing fingers at Ariel, I swear - this is not about insulting the Renassaince princesses, it's about defending the Classics). Everybody has obligations and must fullfill them, wether you want it or not.

And I'll give you one more question to answer: What is wrong with wanting love? I'm serious. If you know any answer to it other than "Nothing", tell me in the comments, because I want to know.

Does this mean the Renaissance/Modern Princesses aren't feminist?: No, of course not. I'll never say this, unless there is a particular future princess that is anti-feminist.


There is no really introduction to this one, let's just talk about why each princess isn't passive.

Snow White- Really? People find her passive? The first thing she does after finding her stepmother is after her is make some animal friends and find a place to stay. I don't know if any of the other princesses would be able to move on so quickly. But Snow White did. What she does next? Clean a house with the help of freaking animals! She also bosses the Dwarfs and manipulate them in letting her stay with her natural charm and skills. She surely is very proactive.

Cinderella- In addition to everything I said in the feminism part, people tend to forget she is the one who tells the mice to fetch Bruno. She also go and ask the Grand Duke if she can try on the slipper - she doesn't stand at the window, waving a scarf and crying, "Wait! Up there, I'm locked up!" Cinderella is anything but a damsel in distress.

Aurora- So, Aurora is a bit of a damsel in distress. But it is her fault? No! Hello, she was cursed by Maleficent, the Mistress of All Evil! She quite obviously doesn't want to be one, though. I'll repeat for the second time in this article: "Why do they treat me as a child?"

Leave her alone! You cannot blame her from being a damsel in distress! And she even tried to shake it off!

Does this mean...: You know the drill.


Finally, we are down to the last part of the article. Before I start, I want to say how ridiculous is to write this. Really? Mary-sues, people? *Shake head*

Snow White- She's bossy. That's a flaw, because no one likes to be bossed around by others, unless you are a doormat, which I would find quite peculiar. She's also manipulative. That's a negative adjective, if you doesn't know.

Naive? Maybe. I don't think she is very naive, though (read my review of the movie).

Cinderella- She's bitter of her stepfamily, she makes fun of the stepsisters ("Maybe I should interrupt the, ah, music lesson?") and was going to beat Lucifer with that broom - animal cruelty of sorts. Not that he's not deserving of it, though.

Aurora- I'm going to admit I was a bit stuck here, but just because her flaws are subtle, that doesn't mean they aren't there. She's very emotional, which can be a bad thing, and is quite pessimistic and dramatic - not that I can blame her. And of course, she's been sheltered her whole life, meaning that she isn't really prepared for the real world and her new lifestyle.

You know the drill: You know the drill.

So, that is it. My conclusion: The Classic Princesses are a bit misunderstood. They're not different from the Early Renassaince Princesses (Belle and Ariel) or the Modern Princesses.

Is this going to change your mind? I don't think so. Mine is just one more article defending the classics in a sea of others. Was that necesary? Yes. It let out my frustation.

So, I apologize por the lengthy article, but I hope you have enjoyed. Goodnight, my readers.
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