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Years ago I made an article about Fanpop users that remind me of Disney characters so I decided to do an updated one about new Fanpop users, with a few who aren't here anymore but have earned their position in the article. Some things I might say may offend some people but try not to take it too personally and keep in mind I did warn you I'm going to be brutally honest, if you don't like it it's your own fault for reading it. Enjoy!


This was a little hard but I realized that dclairmont is the most like Quasimodo. Both are very shy but are amazing guys. They're always very nice to people they meet and sometimes have trouble expressing themselves but he usually does in the end, just like Quasimodo eventually doe in the end. They're both very insecure and day dream a lot, they have dreams that they are afraid to go after but won't let it stop them. I've also noticed his taste in animated women reminds me of Quasimodo because he isn't too crazy about the really exotic women like Jasmine or Ariel and is more into the more simple beauty like Aurora. This reminds me of Quasimodo because he was into an exotic woman like Esmeralda, who wasn't good for him, and later got a girl of his own who is gorgeous in a more simple and realistic way. I don't know this just seems similar to me for some reason. I hope one day you'll get to have an amazing, smart, sweet, and beautiful woman like Madellaine. They're both really similar and to me it just clicks.


I think these two are very similar because both are really smart and creative. All of the polls she makes are just so unique and help make the club more interesting, just like Mulan always finds her unique way of doing things, like using the two dung-bell things by using them to her advantage. Both are also really loyal, she's loyal to this club just like Mulan is loyal to her family. She actually had an account before her current one, deleted it but she came back, just like how Mulan was going to leave to go home but she went back to help the army. They're both also really socially awkward and insecure, though dimitri_ doesn't seem that way on here, but are greater than they think they are. They always manage to rise to the occasion when the situation demands it.


Some of you probably don't know who he is but he was actually one of our most active, respected, complex, and confused Fanpop users. For a while he lied and told us he was a girl and did talk bad about us behind our backs but it was because he was very insecure. With that aside he always defended those who were different, especially the gay, he actually was too. Whenever someone would say something that was really insulting about any character like calling them a "thing" he would go off on someone. Even if a character wasn't that important he defended them like Esmeralda did with Quasimodo and all the other outcasts. She even wrote a fanfic, which unfortunately has been removed, about Ursula and how she came to be. It was a very touching story and now whenever I watch The Little Mermaid it makes me think that she wasn't evil but just misunderstood. It's a shame it's no longer here because it was an amazing story. He has all of Esmeralda's good qualities and thankfully none of her bad ones like being a manipulative, cowardly, damsel in distress, little jerk. Anyway it's a shame that he's no longer here and neither are his stories either. He was always great at writing stories.


First I would like to say she's the reason I decided to remake this because of her recent article about the same subject. Anyway she reminds me a lot of Angel because both are really witty but not over the top about it like Meg. They've both also have sort of a sophisticated and street-smart quality about them that makes them so clever and mature. She knows how to have fun but she knows when things can go too far and doesn't go beyond that point. They're both really nice and she's loyal to her friends here on Fanpop like Angel is loyal to Scamp. She also knows the importance of family just like Angel. She's very creative and has a great sense of humor like Angel. I had a hard time deciding because she reminded me a lot of Tiana, Meg, and Anastasia (even though she's not a Disney character) so then I finally realized that she's Angel, the perfect blend of all of them.


Hard choice between Aladdin and Jim Hawkins but I went with Aladdin because he's not as rude as Jim is, well most of the time. I think the thing about them being similar the stands out the most is that they're both not afraid to speak their minds. hatelarxene definitely isn't afraid to tell people when they're crazy for hating things like Hannah Montana, liking tormenting garbage like Austin and Ally, thinking talented people aren't talented, thinking untalented people are talented, thinking extremely attractive people are ugly, and so on. It's just like how Aladdin isn't afraid to talk down to and insult that snooty prince. While both have their headstrong and rough points they both have their sensitive sides and are good friends. They're both really clever and have a great sense of humor. No wonder he's probably my closest friend on Fanpop since he's the most like my favorite Disney Prince.


Thanks to hajirah's article I now know that Jayden-G is a guy so first sorry for thinking your a girl, I just assumed by your name being Jayden. Anyway I thought of going with Rodger Ratcliff but I realized another character that he's similar to, Woody. They're both really clever and seem like natural born leaders. They're very creative and always make very good points and eventually admit when they're wrong. He's very mature but also knows how to have fun. He's not a stick in the mud, though he has his limits, like the fact he didn't think that silly question I made about the wolf biting Kristoff's butt. They're both very loyal but also follow their own path, they go with what they think is best for them.


Cinderella was a very obvious choice for me because these two are just so nice and friendly. She's hardly ever rude, if ever at all, she usually always has something nice to say. They're kind but they do have their limits, they're not push overs at all. They also are very mature and are a bit snarky and sarcastic at times. Like whenever she hears Selena Gomez sing or has to listen to her it reminds me of how Cinderella makes jokes about Drizella singing her uhh... "music lesson". Both are quiet and timid a little bit but still aren't push overs that do stand up for themselves, just not in a Jasmine or Ariel type of way. It's kind of ironic because I actually think she looks like Cinderella's step-sister, Anastasia, not a bad thing because I love Anastasia and think she's quite pretty. She's a very good person and is probably just as hard a worker as Cinderella is.


Now this is probably where I get to being more mean but kind of depends on how you look at it. First thing to basically sum it all up on how they're similar is one thing. prussiaducky, I've told you this many times but this time I want you to listen even more carefully, you... are... INSANE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! There's the whole "My dead child" disaster, the delusion that she's a duck, the irritating over the top jokes that people for some reason find amusing, saying she has a dream squeaky toy brother killed by Pocahontas, saying that she's married to Olaf and that he was pregnant with their snow duck child, and the fact that she goes to the zoo to read to the chimpanzees (okay this one I made up)! It's like how insane Louie is for basically everything he does! I mean just watch I Wanna Be Like You and you'll know how INSANE this character is! He acts like he's a man, talks like he's high on something, and again INSANE like her. However the sad part about all of this is that while she's irritating and INSANE I'm actually starting to kind of sort of.... like her. It's still annoying but sometimes charming and it feels like the club wouldn't be the same without her, true it wouldn't seem like everyone was smoking crack but still. So despite my complaints about her I don't hate or dislike her, trust me there are some that I do but she's not one of them. She's starting to grow on me but I wanna say that me, Mongoose09, and princesslullaby (the original hilarious comedians) are still WAY funnier than her. Please no one get mad about this because I did warn you I'd be brutally honest.


Unfortunately she's not here anymore to see this but I just had to include her. She's not afraid to speak her mind like Jasmine and is one of the most vocal users on Fanpop, though not as vocal as me. She's headstrong and dedicated just like Jasmine. She knows what she wants and isn't afraid to go for it. She actually helped bring The Childhood Animated Movie Heroines club to life and if we had leaders of clubs she deserves the title of queen of that club. This is similar to Jasmine in the TV series because in one episode when Aladdin is kidnapped by Mozenrath, who wants Genie in exchange, Jasmine decides to take matters into her own hands, even though everyone says she can't. They both always come through because of their determined passion for what they set their minds to. I just wish she was here so she could see how much she's done for this club.


This was hard, I considered doing Shan-Yu because she's nothing like him. Anyway she's a lot like Pocahontas in my opinion. Both are headstrong and not afraid to speak their minds. She even made an article telling why Maleficent, who is considered the best Disney villain of ALL TIME, isn't that great a villain. She's not afraid to tell how she feels about something, no matter how popular it is or what some people think about it. It's just like how Pocahontas wasn't afraid to speak her mind, she even basically said in a less aggressive way that she didn't want to marry Kocoum. Her father insist but you could tell that she wasn't going to let it happen, her father wanted her to but she still wan't going to do it. Both are wise and creative. They're also really fun and have a great sense of humor, they're not sticks in the mud. I say this is the perfect choice for her.


This is a user that isn't as active as she used to be but still occasionally shows up. Besides a few years ago she asked who I would say is the Disney character most like her, I said Rapunzel but now I say Anna. They're both really awkward but really funny and sweet. They're both really great friends who are also very kind to people. She has some love life trouble, though at least she didn't get engaged to some jerk she just met who was just using her. She has a great sense of humor and is really fun. They're both very odd but in an awesome way. She doubts herself just like Anna but after encouragement from friends rises to the occasion. I hope she'll come back soon so she can see this, that I kept my promise that if I ever did another one of these I'd include her, let it not be said that I don't keep my promises. She's one of my closest friends and I hope she'll get to see this someday soon.


This is definitely the only one where I'm not so nice about it so if you think reading this is going to start a fight just skip it. Captain Amelia suits Swanpride absolutely perfectly. They're both cynical, arrogant, snooty, rude, act all high and might, think they're so much more intelligent than everyone else, and is a total snob. Just because someone likes Disney sequels and that they have good animation and that Sleeping Beauty's animation isn't anything special she thinks they're of lower intelligence than her. It's similar to how Amelia always talks down to everyone like they're merely scum and she's better than them, even someone highly educated like Delbert. She's always been stuck up like Amelia, have their better moments but always act like their so high and mighty. They always have something negative to say about something and are just sticks in the mud. Anyone who can't see something as obvious as this "demonstrates a level of ineptitude that borders on the imbecilic, and I mean that in a very caring way". If anyone, including Swanpride finds this rude or offensive I warned you that I'd be brutally honest and that you would want to skip this so "again with the up most respect, zip your howling screamer". Now I'd love to continue "tea, cake, the whole shebang" but I have an article to finish and you have an article to finish reading and to comment on.


There is no doubt about it that sweetie-94 is the most like Snow White. She is just the sweetest thing EVER! I've never heard her say a negative thing about anything, just like Snow White. They're both so positive about everything and never let anything get them down. They're both kind and friendly to everyone, I've never seen her get into a fight once. True sometimes she has some trouble standing up for herself but not so much anymore. I also bet that she's probably very motherly and if she had to act like a mother she'd have her limits and wouldn't be a push over, just like Snow. Snow is no idiot, she wasn't going to fall for the whole "recently" thing and knew how to put her foot down.


Unfortunately this user deleted her account so she'll probably never see this, such a shame. She's definitely Elinor, without a doubt about it. She's mature but has some sass in her. She's a mother of three so of course she's mature and motherly. She's a little stuck in her ways and ignorant about things but still a good person. She cares about things family related and her family is the most important thing to her. She believed things had to be a certain way, hence the ignorant part, but was a fun person once she loosened up some. It's a shame it's not here anymore but she's still a great user that will be greatly missed.

KataraLover (ME)

SURPRISE!!!!!!!!!!!!! This time I'm including myself to help make this edition more unique. It's hard for me to decide between Melody and Scamp so I went with both so I'll talk about both characters individually so enjoy! Also for those wanting to make their own article like this feel free to include yourselves.

Melody: Ever since I was a little kid I've always wanted to be a merman, just like Melody wanted to be a mermaid. We're both rebellious, smart, adventurous, insecure, and feel like we don't belong. I relate more to Melody than I do Ariel, even though I love both equally. Melody is more insecure and less comfortable in her skin than Ariel is. Her hair is hard to manage, just like mine is a lot of the time. I'm insecure about my looks, though I still think I'm handsome, just like Melody. I love the sea and the water, in my opinion is the most beautiful place on earth. I'm socially awkward just like her and have a hard time talking to people. I can't talk to my parents either, just like Melody, I can talk to people online but not to them. I'm always afraid I'm going to make a fool of myself just like Melody and I've been bullied like her too, I've even heard them talk about me behind my back.

Scamp: He's such an underrated character but I love him so much because I relate to him a lot. We both have strained relationships with out families, want to be free, live our own lives, be who we are, sometimes don't feel like we belong, are smart but make mistakes, have good hearts, we're awkward, clumsy, and are dorks a lot of the time. I know he sometimes acts cooler than he actually is but considering he's trying to impress junkyard dogs he had to be all talk so he won't look like some loser. I know how he feels with being that dork who wants to fit in but always makes a fool of himself, though he keeps trying while I just give up a lot of the time. We've both had someone important in out lives lie to us, he's had Tramp and I've had my brother. Because of this betrayal it's caused us to do crazy things, with Scamp it's shutting his dad out just like how I a lot of times just shut people out because I'm afraid of getting hurt. So when people talk bad about Scamp I feel like they misunderstand him and I also feel like they're insulting me because I am Scamp, just like I am Melody.

Also as a bonus treat for the two characters I'm most like I've decided to take a song, remix it to suit them. First up is Part of Your World for Melody.

Look at this stuff
Isn't it neat?
Wouldn't you think my world is complete?
Wouldn't you think I'm the girl
The girl who has everything?
Look at this castle
Treasures untold
How much gold can one room hold?
Looking around here you think
Sure, she's got everything
I've got shoes and dresses a-plenty
I've got necklaces and bracelets galore
You want jeweled tiaras?
I've got twenty!
But who cares?
No big deal
I want more

I wanna be where the merpeople are
I wanna see, wanna see them swimmin'
Gliding around on those - what do you call 'em?
Oh - tails!

Swimmin with legs, you don't get too far
Fins are required for sliding, glowing
Floating along with the - what's that word again?

Out there where they sing, out where they dance
Out where they explore each and every day
Wanderin' free - wish I could be
Part of that world

What would I give if I could live out in those waters?
What would I pay to spend a day riding the waves?
Bet'cha out there they understand
Bet they don't fence in their daughters
Bright young women sick of dreamin'
Ready to live

I'm ready to know what the merpeople know
Ask 'em my questions and get some answers
What's it like to have a dream finally at last come

When's it my turn?
Wouldn't I love, love to explore that world I dream of?
Out in the sea
Wish I could be
Part of that world

Now for Scamp's song, his will be a new version of Wrecking Ball by Miley Cyrus. Or should I say Whirlwind. It'll be how Scamp feels about his father once he finds out the truth and that everything he told him was just a lie.

We clawed, We chained our hearts in vain
We fight never understanding why
You lie, I fell under your tricks.
A dream I just couldn't deny

Don't you ever say I just ran away
I just don't belong
I can't live a lie, being someone else
I just wanna be me

I ran like a whirlwind
I never felt so free before
All I wanted was to break your walls
All you ever did was lie to me
Yeah, you, you lied to me

I find out the truth
And now, I know who you are
I slowly break, you let me burn
And now, we're ashes on the ground

Don't you ever say I just ran away
I just don't belong
I can't live a lie, being someone else
I just wanna be me

I ran like a whirlwind
I never felt so free before
All I wanted was to break your walls
All you ever did was lie to me

I ran like a whirlwind
Yeah, I just closed my eyes and leaped
Left me trapped in a sea of lies
All you ever did was lie to me
Yeah, you, you lied to me

I never meant to start a war
I just wanted you to let me in
And instead of hiding the truth
You should've just let me in
I never meant to start a war
I just wanted you to let me in
Why couldn't you just let me in?

Don't you ever say I just ran away
I just don't belong

I ran like a whirlwind
I never felt so free before
All I wanted was to break your walls
All you ever did was lie to me

I ran like a whirlwind
Yeah, I just closed my eyes and leaped
Left me trapped in a sea of lies
All you ever did was lie to me
Yeah, you, you lied to me
Yeah, you, you lied to me

Thank you everybody! I hope you enjoyed this article!
It's time to stop making excuses for Disney. It's time to stop congratulating Disney for including a line of Oaken saying hi to his family, briefly showing them with the small possibility that that's his husband in the sauna, and then calling Frozen revolutionary. Time to stop congratulating Disney over having Elsa, a character that shows no signs whatsoever of being LGBTQA+, just because she doesn't show any signs of being straight either. The fact of the matter is that Disney is the largest, most influential animation company in the entire world, heck, it's one of the largest companies in...
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324anna's current icon (Meg from "Paperman")
324anna's current icon (Meg from "Paperman")
Hello! As March's Fan of the Month I was charged with the task of interviewing April's winner, 234anna, also known as Alexandra or Alex. She's a kind and intelligent user, so I was delighted in doing so. Most of the questions I asked were borrowed from my own interview with LibelluleBleu (which didn't actually happen, because I had no idea what to write and Adele is MIA...oops), but I think I added one or two myself. I tried to put together the best article I could, so I hope you like it, Alexandra!


1. Congratulations! How do you feel about being Fan of the Month?...
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added by australia-101
As some of you know, I have a six year old sister. Her name is Arika and she really loves Disney too! (tho she prefers Barbie!) I haven't done a collaboration with either of my sisters in a while, so why not do one with our favorites. c: I hope you enjoy!

13. Elsa

I do not like Elsa. I have been through this so many times that I kinda have outgrown saying it. I find her boring (outside of "Let it Go" and the ending scene.) I find her a tad selfish & she's just not my cup of tea. Take a chair that doesn't let anyone sit on it, give it ice powers, and BAM! Ya got Elsa.

13. Snow White
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Source: http://www.charactercentral.net/
Source: http://www.charactercentral.net/
added by PrincessFairy
Source: http://stevethompson-art.tumblr.com/post/87737250930/belle-c-disney-steve-thompson-my-quick-first
posted by casserola
Horrible picture,I know
Horrible picture,I know
This would have been up sooner but my mum shut down the computer so everything got deleted and I have to write it all down again.Argh!Do you know how annoying that is?

I'm not mad at belle ;I'm mad at the movie for creating her.She's so brave;she's so kind;she's so noble.And you know what?That's not my problem with her.My problem is that the movie never shuts up about this.Every second he's on screen I can tell the movie is trying to make the ultimate role model.We have to like her;we have no other choice.They keep adding as many good traits to her as possible to get the audience to...
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added by mhs1025
Source: disneyscreencaps
Bonjour! So basically I'm doing a list of my favourite things from each movie. This is not a countdown and the objective is to not bash the movies but to see the good in them. The captions under the pictures is an example of one of my favourite quotes from that particular movie.
Before I did Snow White - The Little Mermaid and now I'm doing the movies Beauty and the Beast up to Mulan. The "rankings" are out of twelve for twelve movies on my favourites list. Not characters, movies .
Let's get started shall we?

Beauty and the Beast (1991)

Favourite Character - Belle. She's one of my favourite...
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added by Emmalou13
added by Emmalou13
Source: Emmalou13
added by mhs1025
Source: DP Wikia
Found this on youtube and thought I would share since the fans picked Ariana to play Ariel in a live action movie. I think she would be great :) (Part of Your World is only the 1st 30 seconds or so)
the little mermaid
part of your world
ariana grande
added by MJ_Fan_4Life007
Source: tumblr
added by jessowey
Source: divertart
added by jessowey
Source: divertart
added by PrincessFairy
Source: http://silentmermaid21.deviantart.com
added by SweetPea2007
Source: by *VP-ArtWorks