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posted by zikkiforever
This is why I LOVE Ariel and this is an article to protect her. I know some others done this a few months back, but this MY one. I will be doing the exact same with Merida, but why I prefer Ariel over her will be included. That will be posted soon.

First of all let's start with the most common argument against Ariel

Statement-Ariel is selfish

Now let see some definitions of words relating to the word selfish and the defintion of the word selfish.

Selfish-(of a person, action, or motive) lacking consideration for other people; concerned chiefly with one's own personal profit or pleasure.

Self-Centred-preoccupied with oneself and one's affairs.

Self-obsessed-excessively preoccupied with one's own life and circumstances; thinking only about oneself.

Egotistical-excessively conceited or absorbed in oneself; self-centred.

Self-interested-motivated by one's personal interest or advantage, especially without regard for others.

Self-seeking-having concern for one's own welfare and interests before those of others.

concern for oneself before others.

Self absorbed-absorbed in your own interests or thoughts etc

These are straight from google, a few online dictionaries ect. They are all very similar definitions on various sights.


Ariel did infact consider other people's feelings and thoughts. In the scene where Ursula is ENTICING Ariel she took her time signing the paper. Ariel thought about what she wanted more a life where she would be happy with her true love or one where she would have family, but be miserable. She considered very deeply what SHE wanted not what her dad wanted. She dreamed of exploring the human land, she didn't fit in under the sea. Ariel didn't belong there. Ariel's as so different fromt eh rest of her species,

Now real life example time, Transgenders? What are they? Who are they? Well they feel like they are not in the right body. They are meant to be somebody else. They are unhappy with being the gender they are. Now how does this relate to Ariel? She feels wrong having a tail. It is not who she wants to be. Ariel is unhappy in her body. Before you say she only got legs for live, that is wrong. It is shown how much Ariel likes humans, but falling for Eric just made her make that extra step and change.

Now why do I like her? I can relate not always feeling like you fit in. At school or work, how many of you feel the odd one out? The new guy there, the loner, the tom boy whatever. Nobody accepts you that. Sometimes you want to change and be who everybody expects you to be. I can relate to Ariel like that,

Ariel thought about her dad. In the circumstance it seemed as if Triton no longer lived her. So why would he care what Ariel did? Ariel thought about her dad's feeling and thought well he didn't seem very nice to me before, so if he hates me that much then I will do what I want? She did have regards for her family, maybe it was best she left. Ariel would be better off out of the way, Sebastian was too bothered about his job, dad was too busy with being the king who was left for her? Think about Ariel had no mother figure to make her feel better with. Yes she could have a girly chat with her sisters, but there dad was so strict they couldn't talk about get things teen could talk about.

Statement-Ariel never said sorry

What does sorry mean really? We all know what it means and say it, because we regret something. Though what does the definition say?

Sorry-feeling sad or distressed through sympathy with someone else's misfortune.

feeling regret or penitence.


Ariel didn't exactly realise at the first how much her dad cared. Ariel in the end felt sad for her dad having to be turning into a creature because of her mistake. She realised that. Has nobody ever said sorry without speaking? You saw Triton and Ariel smiling and talking. He forgave her already, if somebody forgave you it implies an apology happened. Who knows what happened during scenes when they weren't on screen? Just because they never shown the apology in the movie, doesn't mean it never happened.

Has anybody here every said "I hate you mum!", "Go away dad!", "I am never talking to you again!" or "I wish I had better parents!" etc? Obviously, they done something you didn't like. They might try to comfort you, but you think they don't care. They might of said something back like "I don't know where I got you from!", "Are you even my daughter?", "No wonder you have no friends!", "Go to you room son!". It can get very upsetting. Ariel simply thought like we do, look at how he acted towards me. I am sure he hates me now. So that is why we never saw an apology straight away.

Also, has you ever fell out with your friend? Then the next day see them and be best buddies again? I do that all the time. Nobody said sorry, but what happened was a mistake. People say sorry without speaking. Just by waving, smiling, laughing or something like that. It is like saying 'I forgive you, ok?' That happened with Ariel, Triton showed his love by sacrificing myself as if to say 'Ariel I love you still, I am sorry things got out of hand'. Ariel simply smiled back and was crying expressing her regret and sorrow. So they did say sorry without words.

Even if I misinterpreted the signals, who said in every disney movie we see everything what happened. Disney might of thought that an apology wouldn't be that interesting, so cut it out. Behind the scenes, Ariel could of said sorry. When the film ends, anything could happen after. Off camera is a mystery.

Here is my final most popular statement against Ariel love

Statement-She is stupid, never considers the consequences and has zero common sense

Here is some more definitions

Stupid/unintelligent-lacking intelligence or common sense.

having or showing a low level of intelligence.

Consequences-a result or effect, typically one that is unwelcome or unpleasant

importance or relevance.

Common sense-good sense and sound judgement in practical matters


Now let's think about this. Doesn't anybody think that human intelligence and mermaid intelligence are two different things? So do you think Ariel done fractions in maths? Plus, in The Little Mermaid 3 we see the tutor woman is not the best one. She is more bothered about overthrowing Sebastian and working her way up the social ladder rather than educating Ariel and her sisters properly.

Has anybody ever been too school or work and got something straight away, but other things slowly. Say your fantastic at reading, but awful at maths. Well Ariel could be great at her mermaid school life, but doesn't get the human way. Anybody been to a different country? Say you live in England, but when to Spain. The cultures are different, you might have to do something in a different way. You will look stupid if your culture does the opposite. It is like writing with your right hand, but you are left handed. It is something alien to you. Acting human was alien to Ariel.

Ariel considered the consequences, but with her limited freedom she had no idea Ursula was evil. Who would have thought this woman, who is making your dream come true, be evil? Ariel never gone as far out as to know about Ursula. It certainly wasn't expected that Ursula would try and destroy the wedding. Who would think the consequences would be that? It was a very unlikely thing to happen. When you have dream coming true, you don't think for the worst.

Have you ever been to a job interview and there is only one opening? Waiting outside you meet somebody so much more qualified? Then you get the job. That is not a bad consequence, but it is something unexpected. Nobody would if thought somebody who is much more qualified would not get the job. Have you ever have dropped a burger on the floor? A slice of pizza? A sandwich? Another item of food? Did you ever do the 5 second rule on it? Sometimes you want something so bad (in this case food) you just do it as Nike says. If you ate that piece of food, it would if picked up many germs and made you seriously ill, but the chances that will happen aren't massive. It is not a normal illness at all, but serious. The chances for that to happen to YOU is one in a million. Ariel didn't want her fairytale to end. Ariel wanted it so bad and when she weighed up the consequences they seemed ok.

Ariel has common sense too. Her judgment was right. Ariel was happier on land. So what was the matter in hand? Well Ariel could go in land, find her love, have legs or be under the see, be with her family, with a tail. Now her judgment was that if she went on land she could find her live and it would be her happy ending. Being under the sea, would bring her down. It seemed practical enough. She had reasons. Ariel felt neglected after such a massive fight with her dad.

Has anybody ever been out for tea to an expensive restraunt? You decided you wanted to try new food. You decide to have the most expensive thing in the menu and you hate sea food. Though you ordered squid. Great! You are trying new food, but it is expensive and you may not like it. That is pure stupidity, it is really expensive and you may hate it. Great plan. In maths class, has your teacher said what is 5 squared and you say 2. When squared means times the number by itself, that is lacking common sense. On a test you missed a page(it happened to me last week), but was so confident you done well you never went back to check. If you done that page and got a least one question right it would of raised your level/grade. You need to have more common sense. We all made those mistakes. Ariel had a fair share if them, but at the time it seemed practical. Who knew Ursula was evil? Not me, so why should she not make the deal?

That concludes the article! If you have another statement t about Ariel, say in the comments and I will give my view on the situation and may add it in the article. Ok that is all until next time :)

Leah woke the next day, the first thing she did was get ready for the day like any other day. Leah liked being the first one up instead the last one up, she headed for the stable to go for a ride. Mulan was there when she got there grooming her horse, she said " Good Morning." Leah nodded hello and mounted on Chun bareback the way Chun liked. On the trail everything was quite, Leah said to herself "Its so quite out." She looked around, nothing moved or made a sound. but she knew something big was going to happen and that day was coming. She made it home before dinner but was a tad late but she didn't mind. Dinner was quite when it was time for bed, Leah changed into her outfit and went to bed. She wondered what tomorrow would bring. Tomorrow was going to be a dangerous day.

Part 4,
Love Horsegirl202

Meanwhile thousands of miles away(Scene 25- Outside of the ruins)...

*Monster figures 1 and 2 are sitting on some random rock, and their stomachs growl*

Monster Figure 1: I'm bored, and hungry.

Monster Figure 2: Yea, so am I. When is she gonna call back?

Monster Figure 1: Hell if I know. But until then, we'll have to either A) Starve to death...

Monster Figure 2: Yawn.

Animal 1: That sounds like a good option.

Monster Figure 2: *Hits the animal* Shut up you stupid dinner- I mean snack- I mean bird, no one was talking to ya!

Animal 2: Ow, that was my beak!

Monster Figure 1: B) Eat these guys and find...
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The characters:


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link" alt="Credit to: link" width="220" height="299" />
Credit to: http://braveandboldthinking.com/2014/03/25/unveiling-the-truth-about-muslim-women/
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Excerpt from Blog (Link Provided)
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What's a Disney Princess?
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What makes a Disney Princess?

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She must be produced by hand drawing, she must sing at least once in her movie (in solo or duet) and she must either be born to royalty or marry into royalty or in some cases, both.

The OTPs

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