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If anyone's been here for more than a few months, they know that, one, my list is an ever changing mess, and two, if I'm not writing this article every two months, something is wrong. Well, it's been nearly four or so months since I last wrote this list and somehow my list has remained relatively stable. Despite it staying nearly the same, these have always been my favorite articles to write, so I just thought I'd write it again. So here I go!

13. Belle

It's tough. I can see the appeal of Belle, I really can, and at times I wonder why she's last on my list, but she just..is. I don't know, she's definitely a nice princess with more than a few admirable traits, but my problem with her is that she's always seemed to have too many admirable traits. It just seems as if while constructing Belle they were imagining the perfect, ideal princess in mind and while she does have some minor flaws, they're greatly outweighed by all her other character traits. I mean she's sassy while compassionate, beautiful yet unknowing of the fact, strange yet not to the point where the viewers find her weird..it just gets to be a bit annoying to me. The one thing I do love about her is her devotion to her father. Despite having pounding dreams of adventure, she stays in her boorish town because her father needs her. Belle is hardly a bad character, I just can't seem to love her wholly.

12. Ariel

I never thought Ariel would move up from last, but I'm slowly starting to appreciate flawed characters more. I even considered moving her higher, but there's still the problem that while I find her to be an interesting character, I can't find many character traits that I connect with. I've begun to appreciate her yearning for adventure and discovery and her going after the truth for humans and not just accepting the stigma that all humans are evil creatures. I do wish she had more of a proper apology scene, but I do think she was truly sorry for her actions in the end. Ariel is hardly perfect and I just wish the movie didn't paint her to be so. I wish The Little Mermaid made Ariel confront her flaws more head-on, but all in all I've really started to enjoy Ariel's character.

11. Mulan

Ugh, this is painful. Really, really painful. I hate having Mulan this low, I really, really hate it. I can see the appeal no doubt for Mulan, she's an incredible character and it's no mystery to me why she might just be the most popular princess on Fanpop. I love Mulan before the war, she's awkward, always yearning to please her family, but failing, forgetful, and hardly perfect. I can really identify with Mulan in those times, especially with wanting to please my parents. It's not as if in war Mulan is necessarily different than prewar Mulan, it's just the environment causes me to feel..cut off from Mulan. I don't know, just being in a war makes the situation more surreal to me I suppose, and we can no longer see Mulan doing everyday things. She does in fact seem to lose a bit of her awkwardness and clumsiness after the whole Be A Man montage and I just feel something off with her character from that point on.

10. Rapunzel

Rapunzel is a mixed bag for me. If anyone's been here for ten months or so, they'd know that for a while I had a Rapunzel faze around then where I was obsessed with her. I was obsessed with everything at face value and purely for enjoyment, and slowly I've started to see clearly and realize that Rapunzel is much like Belle, my least favorite. Rapunzel seems to be not perfect, put carefully constructed. (Jessikaroo's words, not mine. You all should read her article, it's a jem.) I do love many things about Rapunzel, I love her character development, her intelligence (both book smarts and quick thinking), her kindness and compassion, her apprehension which is a rather unique characteristic, and the many sides to her character, but I can't find enough flaws in her to find her to be a well rounded, interesting character. Rapunzel will always hold a special place in my heart, but sadly she's stuck down here.

9. Elsa

I struggled putting Elsa here. I do love her character and I often wonder if the things people have said about her have brought her here. I really adore the interesting perspective we see from Elsa. She's unlike anything we've ever seen before because people view her as a monster, certain people want to kill her even! I find that to be very interesting, especially from a Disney Princess point of view. I also can really relate to her despite her not having many known traits. Much of Elsa is left for speculation, which I don't necessarily have a problem with. What I do have a problem with is the way Elsa seems a bit inorganic. I don't know, I just can't seem to connect with her very much, though I do still feel for her. I find it very admirable that she kept herself away from Anna despite wanting to be with her only for the fact that she wanted to keep Anna safe. I also love her character arch and how she finally learns to accept herself in the end. Sadly I feel too lackluster about Elsa to move her any higher up my list.

8. Tiana

Tiana! I've had moodswings with Tiana lately, but I've never not found her to be a strong, admirable character. She, like Rapunzel, has a bit of a nostalgic feel (which is strange as their two of the newest princesses) due to the fact that when I discovered the Disney Princesses early last year, she was always on top with Aurora and Rapunzel. While she's dropped, I still find her to be an extremely interesting, unique character. She is a bit too narrow minded and obsessed with work for me, but I think she has a good reason. I suspect that going after her father's dream was a bit of a coping mechanism for mourning her father's death. I love how after she meets Naveen she learns to let lose a little while still being herself. Naveen and Tiana give each other the things that the other most needed and that's why I love that couple so dearly. Tiana is going no where but up on my list lately and I'm happy that I'm finally starting to see her character in a more positive light.

7. Jasmine

In many ways I can't find a single fault with Jasmine's character. She's very well constructed in my opinion, with so many layers and much more than meets the eyes at first glance. The sole reason she's not higher is she's just not really the character for me, but I still do adore her. I love how she knows her worth and won't let anyone treat her like she's less. While she's sassy and independent, she's also got a soft side and is a bit naive about how the world works, as shown in giving the boy that apple. I also love how forgiving she is to Aladdin because it shows how she doesn't expect people to be perfect. She could see why Aladdin felt the need to lie, and while I do kind of wish that she would've been a little more angry at him, I still like how that all was handled. I also find Jasmine to be rather quick witted and pretty intelligent and I've always liked her yearning to leave the palace walls. Jasmine's character is wonderful and I often wonder why she's so underrated on this site.

6. Anna

Ahh, Anna! These are the princesses who I adore whole heatedly and whom I struggle to say anything negative about. Anna is such a breath of fresh air and I really do adore her. I love how she shows us that wanting love isn't a bad thing and that it's okay to not be able to do everything on your own. I feel that lately there's been a bit of a superwoman complex (rhythmicmagic's words I believe, again you should check out every article written by her, she's incredible!) where the princesses have to be self-sufficient, but Anna is a bit of a throwback to the classic princesses with a modern take. I love her neverending optimism and joy, it's infectious. I also love and admire her always withstanding love for Elsa, despite Elsa constantly pushing her away. The fact that Anna sacrificed her life for Elsa is a testament to Anna's character and I have no idea how anyone could not view Anna as such a selfless character. I desperately would like to have Anna in my top five again, but for now she's stuck on the outskirts.

5. Cinderella

We've entered the top five and with an incredible princess at that! I adore Cinderella, but in a different way than I adore the rest of my top six. I just have a warm spot in my heart for Cinderella and she never fails to put a smile on my face. Even when she first appears on screen we can see so much about her. While of course warm and caring, I've also always found her to have a bit of a temper and to be one of the funniest Disney Princesses. The self control that she has is so admirable and the fact that she remains sane in that household is something to admire alone. I used to find Cinderella bland, but now that's far from the truth. I find her to be one of the most realistic princesses in the lineup, definitely out of the classic princesses. I actually like how she has moments of weakness where she starts to give up on her dreams, it's realistic and allows me to connect with her. Cinderella is just a joy and it's a wonder as to how she could've ever been last on my list.

4. Merida

I'm really having a bit of an obsession with Merida lately. Honestly, I'm not even sure why, as she's a bit of an outlier on my list, I just love her lately. Brave is my favorite Disney Princess movie because the emotions are so real. I really connect and feel for Merida's character and the character arch that she goes through in her movie is no doubt my favorite out of all the Disney Princesses. Her relationship with her mom is so touching and Merida has so many standout scenes for me. I love how Brave never once tries to shadow Merida's flaws, yet forces Merida to face them, confront them, and fix them. I find her apology to be extremely sincere and I find her character to be extraordinarily interesting. It doesn't make too much sense as to where this sudden adoration came from, but I'm very happy it came to me.

3. Snow White

If I could have all of my top three in first place, I would. I wouldn't even hesitate to do so. Alas Snow just takes the short end of the stick, but don't doubt for a second I don't love her just as much as I would if she was in first. Snow White is pure and utter joy to me. I adore her and she never fails to put a smile on my face. Snow White is such a layered princess and I love how there's so much to her. I love her motherliness and how she loves to take control of situations. She's also borderline manipulative in convincing the dwarfs to let her stay with them and a bit insecure in the fact that she desires everyone who knows her to like her. Her relationship with Grumpy is so sweet and I love how she prays for him to like her. The moment Snow White leaves the top of my list is the moment I've gone insane, I'll never understand how one can not love Snow.

2. Pocahontas

Pocahontas is incredible. She's utterly fantastic and I love her to the moon and back. She's a very interesting character in the sense that she's got a lot of fighting sides inside of her. She's rather mature and responsible, yet confused and playful. She's wise, yet lacks common sense. She's elegant, yet wild. I really admire Pocahontas and her character arch really speaks to me. I love how we see her at such a low, confused place the entire movie and how she finally figures everything out in the end and does what she knew she was supposed to do the entire time. I love how she wants to take the path less traveled, despite it being dangerous and how she doesn't take John Smith's backhanded insults. I really can't find the words to say what I want about Pocahontas because I really adore her on such a high level, but there's still one princess that I adore a tiny bit more.

1. Aurora

Ahh, what can I say, old habits die hard. Aurora is wonderful and I've never not adored her from the first time I layed eyes on her. I can really relate to Aurora's character and I've always liked how her character leaves a bit to the imagination. She's always been a bit mysterious to me, yet I've always loved that about her. Her indecisiveness, her imagination, her wonder, her kindness, her naivety, all of these are traits that don't get shoved in your face, but traits that you can see revealed from her actions. I adore how she desperately wants more freedom, but has a hard time asking for it and how she has a hard time in general telling people how she really feels. Aurora's flaws, her lack of a backbone, her having a hard time standing up for herself, her following Phillip despite knowing that she shouldn't talk to strangers are all things I accept, but just make me love her more. I really can't put my finger on the thing that allows Aurora to top my list, it's just a feeling I get every time I watch the movie that Aurora was made for me. She's my perfect princess, the one princess whom I can never agree with a single bit of criticism on, the one princess whom is my favorite.

Well, that's my article! I hope you guys enjoyed reading it and thanks for reading!! :)
Here is the Fan of the Month Interview with DsnyPrincess!

1. Congratulations for being November Fan of the Month! How did you feel?
I feel very honored and overwhelmed. I 'm also so surprised that people voted for me because I love this site and I'm always on this club!

2. How did you first get on Fanpop and Disney Princess spot?
Well I was looking up Princess quizzes to show my family how much I knew about the Princesses and saw what else you could do and I just thought "Perfect!"

3. What is your favorite activity on Fanpop?
Defiantly the polls, I just love having my opinions being voiced!

4. Is...
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Before Belle’s eyes was a monster unlike any other. Staring at her, with his fangs and cruel eyes, he inflicted fear on Belle.
Before Belle’s eyes was a monster unlike any other. Staring at her, with his fangs and cruel eyes, he inflicted fear on Belle.
Previous part

Before Belle’s eyes was a monster unlike any other. Staring at her, with his fangs and cruel eyes, he inflicted fear on Belle. A fear she’s never felt before. At the moment, she wished she was in the safe and warm arms of her love. This monster stared at her, intent on killing her or at least hurting her. He had blamed her for his form now. He had blamed Beast for his fall to the deep dark unknown almost a year ago. Yet, he had been grateful to the witch who had transformed him into this monster, so he was able to seek his revenge on the two.
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Young Stars Edition

Snow White-Selena Gomez

Cinderella-Bridgit Mendller

Aurora-Jennette McCurdy

Ariel-Ariana Grande

Belle-Anna Popplewell

Jasmine-Melinda Shankar

Pocahontas-Q'orianka Kilcher

Mulan-Ashley Argota

Tiana-Keke Palmer

Rapunzel-Annasophia Robb
posted by starlight77
As usual, lessons were unbearable to Lizzie. She had been doing the same things repeatedly since she was six years old and little had changed. It always started the same. The headmaster would have Elizabeth and her lady-in-waiting Cornelia have tea and then they would start with a geography and literature lesson that Elizabeth didn't mind. Next came the unbearable part. Learning proper party protocol or dealing with fans or dancing. None of this Elizabeth particularly enjoyed (especially dancing) but at least she didn't have to learn about the 40 different utensils for eating one meal. She...
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posted by katiemac620
With one dress per princess, this is not in any perticular order of which i like best

Snow White: Yellow dress
With only two dresses in the film my fav has got to be the yellow one. it fits her well and matches her skin tone nicely.

Cinderella: Wedding dress
White looks so good on her so my fav dress is the original wedding dress. the way it complaments the frame of her body makes her verry pretty.

Aurora: Blue dress
Her blue dress has got to be hands down my fav dress on her. blue is definetly her color, the pink doesn't quite work as well with her purple eyes and gold hair.

Ariel: Blue town dress...
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Hi. This is my first article for this club and I thought it would be logical to make it about my favourite Princesses and express my feelings about them. I have 8 favourite Disney girls, not all of them are actual Princess, but I feel the need to share my love for them here. English is not my first language and I apologize for any mistakes.

All the pictures and screen caps taken from various fanpop spots.

Number 8: Belle

I know a lot of people consider Belle to be the best Disney Princess and have her as number one. I appreciate that, however, for me, as much as I love her, she didn't make it...
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This is about Ching Lan the daughter of Mulan and Shang, her nick name (called by many) is Leah.

Leah was sleeping, it was night time the day was long with work. She woke up before her mom did to check on her horse Chun a beautiful white and black mare who was 7 years old and already strong. Leah whispered " Morning Chun." The black and white mare looked at her and nuzzled her. Leah smiled and started to get ready for the day. Mulan, her mother had woken up and also was getting ready for her day. Leah changed into a pinkish/black dress (that her mother Mulan gave to her) and braided her black hair she looked like her mother so much. Leah walked over to mom and hugged her, Mulan smiled at Leah and together the two walked down to the stable. Leah was only 10 years old and already acted like her mother and a bit like her father, Shang. Leah asked " Can you tell me the story again?" Mulan replied " Of course, but let me help you up and your horse. "

This part 1

Earlier parts:

Part 1: link

Part 2: link

Part 3: link

Part 4: link

Part 5: link

Part 6: link

Part 7: link

Part 8: link

Part 9: link

Part 10: link

Part 11: link

Now Jasmine was forced to be a slave for Jafar. Luckily Alexandra and Erica hadn't been noticed, but they still sneaked into the palace to see what was going on.

They saw how Jafar tried to make her fall in love with him and how it in the end worked, they also saw the boy who they didn't knew the name of who was trying to steal the lamp, but Jafar stopped him from doing it and when Jasmine tried to do it Jafar putted her in a hourglass.
The monkey...
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This is my first fan fiction ~ and I choose this story because it allowed me to use 4 Princesses (And one non-Princess) in major roles. All ten princesses have a part in this story as well, although 2 won't appear until part 2. I also tried to add origional aspects (most of which unfortunately won't come until the later parts either) instead of just directly quoting the movie. Anyways, I hope you enjoy reading it as much as I did writing it :) And if you could, constructive critisism for things to improve on would be definitely be nice :) Anyways, I'll stop blabbing. Enjoy :)


“Well I...
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posted by MTori311
My first article so I wanted to start with something basic. It's my opinion so please respect it and I'll respect yours :) Sorry if it's not much, I'm going to a friend's house for a sleepover in half an hour!!! :D








3.Snow White


Here's the fourth article for the Best Disney Princess sidekick countdown. It covers the places from 11 to 20. Enjoy!

Places 41 to 50 link
Places 31 to 40 link
Places 21 to 30 link

20. Chien Po
People thought that Chien Po deserved to be in the TOP 20. He ranked considerably above Yao and Ling, maybe because he's the only that wasn't mean to Mulan when she arrived in the army. Also, I think he is cuter than these guys and he surprised me while beating Flora in the tiebreaker.
"Boooring! " - demmmy

"Sorry Chien Po... but the others are better." - CodyVenusTrent

19. Gus
Gus is likeable, cute...
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Sorry for taking so long, but I've been quite busy on this spot with posting new forum posts and such, but now I decided to write about the results from the Best DP title picture countdown and I will write a few comments for each of them and where I would place them (you might recognise it from my article about it)! Anyways, enjoy the article and please comment!

10. Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs (1)

If you wonder about the numbers in the little circle that's where they are placed on my list just so that you know it! This was quite surprising for me that it had to go first because I love...
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I have returned after pretty much spending Christmas break w/ family (mostly my sister) and am in such a good mood due to non-Disney related epicness, Nostalgia Critic finishing Disneycember, and my shows returning while my favorite one comes to the finale.

But enough excuses. I also took time off to carefully go over the subject for this article because of very good reason. What's the reason?


Yes, the side characters are what make the movies for me in the Disney pics because I remember mostly their moments because they're awesome. To me, the sidekicks are the funny characters...
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Thank you so much to everybody who voted & commented on each countdown pick. Credit to princesslullaby, for the idea of putting comments in articles. I hope you enjoy reading!

10.Snow White
This sweet, refined, adorable little girl might be a joy to watch on-screen, but might've been lacking a bit in the smart department. First of all, she goes into some little house that she doesn't even know who's it is, and sleeps on their bed! Really? What if they all had malaria or something? Then, even though the dwarves warned her PLENTY of times, she lets in an old, creepy lady into her house....
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posted by Princess_Ella
Hi I am new to Fanpop, and I saw that lots of people had done this type of article so I decided to give it a try. Here is a list of my top 10 favorite Disney Princess eyes. Please enjoy, and comment because this is my first article.

10. Snow White

Her eyes are so small and round, that they just don't look like she could possibly have peripheral vision. And the color is quite dull. They just aren't stunning and they have no depth to them.
I do like Snow White, but she has no depth, especially in her eyes.There is nothing there, just a blank stare.
I do like Snow White, but she has no depth, especially in her eyes.There is nothing there, just a blank stare.

9. Pocahontas

They are too small, but they...
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Random Picture~~!
Random Picture~~!
My 8th Article~! I love writing these~! I LOVE hair~! I have a small obsession with it. So here goes~! p.s. I have decided to put both of Rapunzels Hair styles together.

10. Tiana

Well her hair does not move. && I know they had to make it that way but they could have made it in a more flattering style. I love Tiana && I think she is very pretty but I really dont like her hair.


9. Mulan

Mulans hair looks very thin. && It is also very straight. I like a little wave,curl,or Body in hair. && Mulans has none of that. It is just plain.


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Let me start off by saying that there is no Disney Princess I truly dislike. I think it’s simply impossible for me to dislike anything Disney. In a way that made this list especially hard to do because I felt bad each time I placed a Princess on the list. I love them all, with perhaps the exception of the last lady on my list, and even her I don’t completely dislike. She’s last simply because she’s the only one who managed to get me irritated at some point, something which no other princess has managed. I couldn’t find it in my heart to be irritated at any of them. But more on that...
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Read this
This article is my way to say my opinion. Please don't hunt me down and kill me if you don't like something. F- favorite, P- prettiest (like duh, right). The P icons are by CuteDiana, the biggest credit to you.

F: 10. Aurora
Just a bland piece of nothing. She is pretty, that's it. Well yeah she has some great morals, but she fell asleep and so did I.

P: 10. Rapunzel
She is nice and cute but eyes freak me out. TOO big!!! She looks like she is 12. But one this is that she has got amazing hair. That's all.

F: 9. Cinderella
She is lovely, sweet, charming and cute, but the...
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In light of the actual “fairy tale trend” in TV and movie, I recently realized how much the Disney movies have “taken over” the fairy tales they are based on, and how few people actually know the story they are based on. Because of this, I’ll compare the Disney-Version with the source text, and I’ll recommend a few other adaptations I really like. I’ll only take a look at the fairy tales – meaning I’ll skip Pocahontas and Mulan, since they are not part of my culture. Perhaps someone who grew up with those stories is ready to do a small piece about them?

Considering that...
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Hey Fanpop fans!
This is my third article, and it is about who is favorite Disney Prince in the Disney Princess club. I am sorry if I have errors in grammar. English was my second language, so I don't very good. I hope that you enjoy it and thank you for the people who help me with the picks!

10. Prince Charming
Prince Charming
Prince Charming

Prince Charming, the second prince who married Cinderella is in the last place.Fans say that he is so boring, that we don't know him a lot. People see him as lazy, because he didn't look for Cinderella, so he send servants. In my opinion, I love him, so kind, handsome....
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