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posted by SarahCorine
Voted over a month ago, the results are in. Keep reading to find out what holiday each princess represents. I had fun do this and was thinking it would be fun to redo this with princes, and maybe villains. Comment down below and let me know what you think about that idea.

Mother’s Day is an easy choice for Snow White as she is so motherly. She takes care of the dwarfs. She cooks. She cleans. I know that sounds cliché. But beyond those traits, she cares about people the way a mother would. Unconditionally. But she still has her limits much like a mother would. She bonds with her dwarf children so to speak, but she also has rules such as washing up before dinner and a bed time. She’s so cute how she kisses each of them goodbye as she sends them off to work. As motherly as she is, one user argued that Easter would be a good choice for her as well as she comes back from the dead just as Jesus did.

~princesslullaby picked Mother's Day:
Because she's so motherly
~Lavendergolden picked Mother's Day:
She nurtures her fellow animals and people with utmost tenderness and love like a mother. That's why she suits this holiday
~JungleQueen13 picked Mother's Day:
She acts like such a mother.
~MaidofOrleans picked Easter:
She basically comes back from the dead, and isn't Easter about Jesus's resurrection or something?

New Years is a perfect choice for Cinderella. When New years comes around, we think of the past year and come up with resolutions as we move forward. A type of transformation. Of all the DP’S, Cinderella arguably has one of the biggest transformation. On top of that, she gets a fresh start just as New Years gives us. One user mentioned that Cinderella has some midnight symbolism as we all know, she has to leave the ball by midnight.

~MissCinico picked New Years:
I think so, she gives me January vibes.
~MaidofOrleans picked New Years:
She has to do with a new start, not to mention the midnight symbolism.
~Lavendergolden picked New Years:
She's all about change. She dreams for a new start and is forgiving. She didn't care of her stepmother and stepsisters when she went away with Charming, as she has to start a new life, new start, forgetting her past and painful life

Another very nice choice. Aurora is such a romantic. She’s a daydreamer. This DP was one of the easiest for the voters to decide upon. Although another user mentioned Easter for the same reason as Snow as Aurora comes back to life as well. In modern day, Aurora would go all out every Valentines day with the perfect holiday outfit, makeup, and hair look. Other DP’s may have romance in their mind as well, but Aurora may just value romance the most.

~princesslullaby picked Valentines Day:
I think this is the only one, since she's about romance.
~JungleQueen13 picked Valentines Day:
Romantic type.
~MissCinico picked Valentines Day:

Now I personally think Cinco De Mayo would suit Ariel well as I think she’d have fun with the Mexican festivities and trying all the different food. Tacos. Fajitas. Nachos. Enchiladas. Mmmmm I’m so hungry. But I also think Father’s Day is a good choice for her as she clearly shares a sweet bond with her father despite their arguments and disagreements. Ultimately, she was voted as the 4th of July. Imagine how much fun she’d have watching the fireworks and running around on the beach with Eric and Max as they play with sparklers. Actually, I just realized that they don’t have fireworks under the sea. In fact, that’s one reason why she was so blown away by the view of fireworks when she first saw Eric on his ship. Another good reason why 4th of July suits her. We see that she loves the beautiful view of fireworks.

~princesslullaby picked 4th of July:
Why fathers day? Because of her dad ?
I just picked this because she's excitable and fun
~Lavendergolden picked 4th of July:
People say she's father's Day for she is her Daddy's princess and he always pampered and spoiled her.
I think she's 4th of July as she loves to be dazzled and is very funny and spunky

This one was a bit hard for me to choose as I felt Christmas would be too easy a choice considering the sequel. However, even without the sequel we see that she can represent Christmas quite well. For starters, Beast gives her the best present with that massive library. I love it. Many users agreed that Belle is seen around snow a lot and wears Christmas colors often. Reds, greens, she could pass for a giant Christmas light in her yellow dress. Belle is caring and giving. She takes care of people as she nursed Beast and her father back to health. Mary was given shelter from the cold snow as she gave birth to baby Jesus. Likewise, Belle gave Beast’s wandering heart shelter and warmed up the ice in his heart.

~missdoney picked Christmas:
her spirit for peace, genuine happiness and her love for father and other friends in castle makes me remember this holiday.And because she likes magical things and their meaning.
~MissCinico picked Christmas:
Or Thanksgiving, but that's clearly Pocahontas' territory. Belle has like the snow and the Christmas colors, she even has a Christmas mid-quel and spin off show in the winter season.
~princesslullaby picked Christmas:
Giving, peace, and also enchanted christmas

Halloween is an awesome choice for Jasmine. We see her dress up to disguise herself. For a moment, she gets to be someone else. She gets to be free. For that reason, she’d enjoy getting to dress up once a year and be someone else. If trick or treaters came to her door, she’d be the one to give them apples. We see that Genie likes to dress up as different characters. I think he’d have so much fun decorating the castle with spiderwebs and ghouls and goblins. For that matter, we see Aladdin dress up as a prince. They have a very good chance at winning best couple costume. We see Abu dressed up as an elephant. Raja as a baby tiger so Tigger basically. Even Jafar dresses up as a snake.

~MissCinico picked Halloween:
I just imagine all the times I've dressed up as a "exotic" princess. She reminds me of those classic comics in the 50s where every woman dressed up as Cleopatra or a foxy cat. She gives me those sexy costume vibes.
~Lavendergolden picked Halloween:
Eh, she's exotic and would def design a Halloween costume. Kim Kardashian dressed up as her, and it was on Halloween!! I can imagine her going wild and designing masks and accessories for Halloween. Plus her sarcastic humor, vile attitude and her smoking hot costumes get that
~MaidofOrleans picked Christmas:
None of them seem to fit her very well imo.

I’m glad to say Pocahontas wasn’t voted as Thanksgiving just because she’s Native American. One scene that portrays Pocahontas as Thanksgiving is the end when her tribe offers food to the others. The Autumn colors around her. The ship having a resemblance to the Mayflower. In the end, Pocahontas doesn’t ask for more with John Smith. She’s grateful for what she does have. Her tribe, family, and homeland. I’d imagine her hosting Thanksgiving and giving the Thanksgiving speech before dinner about how important it is to be thankful for all you have.

MissCinico picked Thanksgiving:
I could look at other reasons like her giving food to the settlers at the end of the movie, but my reason is mostly because she's Native American and there's all those fall colors in her movie.
~JungleQueen13 picked Thanksgiving:
I've never celebrated it, but it sounds very much like something Pocahontas would appreciate.
~Lavendergolden picked Thanksgiving:
Thanksgiving is about bringing peace and friendship, she did it with the settlers and her tribe. Her gratefulness and love of nature are what I love. Plus, she a Native American!! She's attracted to warm, autumnal colors. Plus the fall setting in her movie make me vote for it.

One user thought of Chinese New Years for Mulan. I didn’t even think of that. The main reason why this holiday was voted for Mulan was the personal journey she went on through her movie. From her song Reflection, when she reflects on things she wish she could change than she essentially goes on to change them. It was also mentioned that fireworks are seen in her movie much like fireworks are seen for New Years. Symbolically the fireworks go off when she wins against her villain. Just like New Years, the fireworks go off to single the end of one year and the start of another. The end of her past and the start of her promising future. Though Father’s Day would be a good choice for her as well as she shares a strong bond with her father and goes to war to save him.

~Chibi-Chipette picked New Years:
For some reason I immediately thought of the Chinese New Year. They are pretty similar.
~missdoney picked New Years:
because she is so reflexive and desired for changing.
~Lavendergolden picked New Years:
IDK why, but she is so excitable and fun, she is like New year. In new years, we take a resolution to make ourselves a better person. We saw that in her country New year was a big deal, with fireworks and all. Mulan always wants to change herself for the better. She knows that past is in the past and knows her reflection, but she wants to improve and literally does. So, I pick this

While Father’s Day would be a good choice for her as she dedicates her dream to her father, Thanksgiving was viewed as the perfect choice. Just as her father tells her, good food brings people from all walks of life together. Just like her restaurant does. In the beginning, she wants a restaurant more than anything. While it’s a noble dream to have, in the end she realizes how important it is not just to have what you want but be thankful for what you have and thank the people who help you. She comes to humble herself and thank Naveen.

~missdoney picked Thanksgiving:
because she is a simple person and have her father spirit (cooking for love and make good things).
~random_camo picked Thanksgiving:
She would be in charge of making something for Thanksgiving dinner every year.
~MaidofOrleans picked Father's Day:
Her entire dream is a tribute to her father so...

The reasoning behind Rapunzel being Easter is that she’s pastel and well hidden. Much like Snow and Aurora, Easter was argued for her although she brought someone back to life. See comments below. She has magical hair that brings healing. Easter is about the passing and coming of Jesus. Those three days on the tomb, He was healed and came back to life. She loves arts and crafts and really showing off her creative side. She would have so much fun coloring eggs. Plus she could hide them in her hair.

~MaidofOrleans picked Easter:
Same reason as Snow and Aurora, except instead of coming back from the dead herself she brings someone back from the dead.
~MissCinico picked Easter:
She's so pastel. Plus she's kept hidden :D
~princesslullaby picked Easter:
^I agree!

Now I’ve only seen Brave once so I’m going off of what I remember. While some voted her to represent Saint Patrick’s Day for the obvious reason of her being Scottish and having the classic red and green colors of that holiday, others felt she better represented Mother’s Day. While Snow represents more the motherly side of the holiday, Merida represents the childlike aspect of the holiday. No matter what your child does, you’re gonna love them without fail.

~princesslullaby picked Mother's Day:
well, because of her relationship with her mom
~MaidofOrleans picked Mother's Day:
The film is defined by her relationship with her mom.
~JungleQueen13 picked Mother's Day:
Because of her mum. I don't think any of the others fit her particularly well, although she does wear a lot of green and I can picture her celebrating St Pat's Day so an argument could be made for that too.
added by avatar_tla_fan
added by Haonako
added by eviljester88
"Mulan, what is this all about?" Shang asked as the gang entered the hallway. "Indeed, because you're starting to worry me." John replied. "I have an idea. Why don't we throw Merida a Get Well Soon feast after she gets out of here?" Mulan answered. The guys thought for a minute. Pocahontas, on the other hand, was skeptical. "I don't know. Don't get me wrong, it's a good idea, but she may be required to continue resting." she said. "Well, yeah, but we could still pull it off." Mulan replied. "I guess that makes sense." Pocahontas stated.

"Mulan, I love the idea of throwing Merida this feast,...
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Merida tossed and turned in her sleep. Flashbacks of that dreadful day had entered her mind. She was standing in her castle in front of Rapunzel and The Queen and Princess of Arendelle arguing. Suddenly, The Queen lost control and unleashed her powers. "ELSA, NO!" Anna cried out. But it was too late. Fergus was turned to frozen stone.

Merida let out a faint and brief scream as she sat up with a fright. She looked around and saw she was in the log cottage on the Jamestown territory. "Oh... Just a nightmare." Merida said to herself. She then heard both John and Shang snoring softly. Shang was...
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Merida was walking towards a teepee when John caught sight of her. "I was wondering where you went." he said. "Oh, I just wanted to explore the sights again." Merida lied. John chuckled. "Not much has changed." he said slyly. He and Merida walked back to the grounds. Suddenly, Shang ran up to them.

"Don't you scare me like that again!" he scolded. "Shang. I was just goin' for a stroll." Merida argued. "The tribe is safe." John replied. "MERIDA!" Pocahontas yelled out of nowhere. "Pocahontas. What might you want?" Merida greeted. "I need to talk to you." Pocahontas stated. She and Merida walked...
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posted by sweetie-94
Today I'll focus on why I love Ariel
Today I'll focus on why I love Ariel
Today it's 4 days until my birthday and today I'll focus on my 4th favorite DP Ariel and why I love her
Previous articles in the series:

Even though Ariel isn't in my top 3 favorite Disney Princesses I still love her very much

I love how curious she is over the human world and that she collects human treasures, it shows how much she wants to be human

I love that she'll do anything to become human no matter the risks, she's also very adventurous which I also love about her

I love how expressive she is as a human, she doesn't have a voice, but you can see just by...
continue reading...
added by mhs1025
Source: Google Images
added by mhs1025
Source: disneyscrencaps
posted by snsdlover4ever
*This will be based on the book called The Fault in Our Stars, and to avoid plagiarism, I'm adding stuff that never really happened in the book, so don't complain! Also, I read this book almost a year ago, so I might not remember some of the events that happened or when it happened. Since the movie is coming out in June, I wanted to make this so that more people would know about the hype. Hope you enjoy!*

Chapter 1
Aurora's POV

During the winter of my sixteenth year, my mother decided that I was depressed, due to me rarely leaving the kingdom, spent a lot of time in bed, reading the same book...
continue reading...
love is an open door
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Source: disneyscreencaps
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Source: disneyscreencaps
added by cynti19
Source: disneyscreencaps
added by cynti19
Source: disneyscreencaps
added by cynti19
Source: disneyscreencaps