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posted by princesslullaby
So Anna was a little more interesting to write because as I started writing Anna's, I thought about how I used Elsa the end of the movie as a basis for making her princess list so I tried to focus on end of the movie Anna. However, I realized that, although I felt like Anna had changed-- she actually hadn't. I became conscious of the fact that the narrative was making Anna go through all the motions and dramatic arcs of someone going through a change, but she was still the same person at the end of the movie. Also, like Snow White, I think Anna would absolutely adore all of the Disney Princesses.
Thanks again to UnholyNoise and wavesurf, who I think are actually going to be surprised at this list as well.

11. Jasmine

To start off, again I can't really see Anna disliking any of the Disney Princesses. So it will be harder to point out dislikes. Anna and Jasmine have a few things in common-- both have been cooped up behind literal palace walls, have a lot of social isolation and unfamiliarity about the world around them, and both never give up on the person they care about most (Aladdin and Elsa). However, Anna is so desperate for attention and love from men and Jasmine constantly turns it down to the point where Jasmine may come across to Anna as being purposefully unwilling to give anyone a chance. I think Anna would have at least taken the time to talk to Prince Achmed were she in Jasmine's position. I get the feeling that Jas pretty much rejected him before she even met him. Jasmine can be quite vocal and demanding and Anna, while resolute, doesn't express herself with such conviction. Jasmine also can give off a vibe of being sort of high maintenance and unimpressed, and I think Anna is an appreciative person since she missed out on so much in her childhood that she may see Jasmine as thankless.

10. Pocahontas

I really think Anna would find the idea of spirits that guide you extremely charming. Pocahontas is daring, fun, and bold, and I think Anna would really admire that about her. I think she would like Pocahontas' closeness with her father and how she respects him and clearly cares about him--relationship with parents (and family) may be a highly important quality for Anna since hers have passed away and she had a strained relationship with her sister, so I don't think she would like princesses who treat their parents with disrespect. Other than that, the "environmental" message that Pocahontas puts forth and her scandalous relationship with John wouldn't really touch Anna in any way. I think she would be especially bothered that Pocahontas and John broke up at the end of the movie and that neither tried to stay with the other. I think she would have a lot less to relate with Pocahontas about since Pocahontas never had to struggle for freedom. Pocahontas' main message was that she had to bring peace between two sides, and although that's vaguely what Anna had to do, that wasn't really her main focus. Also, Pocahontas one of the more serious princesses and was sometimes glum and I feel that might bore Anna.

9. Mulan

Once you get past the outer layer of "but they're both clutzy and insecure!" Mulan and Anna really don't have much in common. Firstly, Mulan was willing to marry to satisfy her family and while I don't think Anna would be against that in principle, I think Anna would have much preferred if Mulan got married on a whim for romance, rather than because of a feeling of duty. I'm not sure Anna has any reason to relate to Mulan's feeling of not being able to show who she is; that's sort of more up Elsa's alley. Mulan also never felt she was closed inside the way Anna did. However I do think Mulan saving her father would be a big deal to Anna; she would really enjoy that Mulan risked her own life for her father's. Plus, they both prove they are capable of a lot more than people think they are. Lets not forget that Anna punched Hans in the face; I think she would think some of the fighting moves that Mulan does are really cool. I can see a young Anna dressed up as Mulan practicing karate moves in her room while she's bored (and of course, a whole closet of princess dresses). But I am honestly struggling to find a reason that she would care for Mulan, their stories are so different.

8. Tiana

While you may be surprised to see Tiana this high, I think there are some key points to Tiana's personality that would draw Anna in. We have seen that Anna is a big fan of food. This is just a small note, but I think Anna would love that Tiana cooks. I can see her salivating while Tiana is making the beignets. I think Anna would really love Tiana's never-give-up attiude since Anna is a very persistent person as well. Tiana doesn't give up on herself or her dream and Anna has a lot of confidence when it comes to getting what she wants as well. More importantly, I think Anna would be enamored with Charlotte and that Tiana would remind Anna of Elsa: both practical, good at bringing others down to earth, close relationship with their fathers, reserved, and not focused on romance, just on running something they're responsible for- Tiana her restaurant, and Elsa her kingdom. I think that Anna would love that Tiana makes romance just as important in her dream by the end of the film. But Tiana's lack of fun and sometimes critical and condescending attitude may turn Anna off as well as make her feel a bit insecure about herself. I think Anna may feel a bit like Tiana is a scolding teacher.

7. Merida

Merida has this zest for life that I think would really appeal to Anna since I see it in her as well. I think she would like all that Merida accomplishes with archery, climbing up the falls, and I think Anna may even find some charm in how Merida doesn't fit into the princess mold and doesn't really want to. Anna seems like she's a lot more carefree about being royalty especially since she has no apparent responsibilities. I think Merida's relationship with Elinor may both touch and disappoint her. I don't think Anna would like the constant clashing between them in the beginning nor the cruel things they do to each other. But I do think she would be really moved by how they learn to love and respect each other and treasure their relationship with each other and strive to make improvements. Anna went through all of this was Elsa. I think again, she may not like that Merida has no interest in romance or even in chatting up one of her ex-suitors. She would, however, cut Merida some slack for being so crass with her mother; Anna was often unintentionally inconsiderate to Elsa.

6. Cinderella

There's no way Anna wouldn't fall for Cinderella's persevering kindness throughout the course of the movie. That would hit big points with Anna. As UnholyNoise said, it's impossible to not be moved by Cindy's ironclad will to survive without losing her kindness and humanity, and Anna would totally admire her for it. Cinderella is also trapped, albeit in an entirely different situation, and dreams of changes in her life. Anna would understand and sympathize with Cinderella's loneliness but would like that Cinderella found a way to pass the time by befriending the mice. Also, whether or not it's a result of her isolation, Anna is a big romantic, and would love that Cinderella gets rescued out of her oppressive and bleak situation by a handsome prince (or so to speak). I think she would love the scene where Cinderella is talking about her mother's dress would really tug at her heartstrings since Cinderella speaks of her with such nostalgic fondness. However I think Anna would just be attracted to a more vibrant and energetic princess.

5. Ariel

I can hear a collective group of gasps that are sure to follow this ranking. Yes, Anna and Ariel have a lot in common. Both fall for the first guy they find attractive and I think Anna would be very impacted by the lyrics of "Part of Your World". Those lyrics detail Ariel's desire to be where the people are and discover the world that is so close but forbidden from her, and Anna can truly understand that. I think that song would have an important part to play in Anna's ranking of Ariel. I think she would find Ariel's vivacious personality fetching and would be the type to love that she is a mermaid. However, I find Anna much more family oriented than Ariel and I think she may not be invested or get enjoyment out of Ariel & Triton's relationship. The differences between Ariel + Triton and Anna + Elsa are vast. Also, Ariel's willingness to throw her entire mermaid life away and never speak to her family again on a whim may turn Anna off. While Anna is ready to marry a man she just met, she wants him to move in with her and Elsa; I don't think she would ever abandon Elsa for a man-- I can maybe see her running away in a fit of exasperation but she would eventually want to return. Anna probably had ample opportunity to escape the castle and she never did because of her utter loyalty to her sister.

4. Aurora

Anna would be smitten with Aurora. Given Anna's clumsy nature, I think she would be taken with how graceful and lithe Aurora is. Both have been stuck in circumstances of isolation and have turned to longing for romance to cope. Anna is a true romantic and would love the romanticism of Aurora and Phillip's relationship, I think she would positively squeal over the idea of being kissed awake by her prince. I think she would have conflicted feelings of Aurora returning to the castle on her 16th birthday; on the one hand she wouldn't want Aurora and Phillip to part, but I think she would like to see Aurora reunite with her parents. I think Aurora may be a bit too serene for Anna, who would probably prefer a more animated princess.

3. Belle

I think Anna would love Belle for the same reasons that Elsa would love Belle- Belle defends the Beast against the mob ("he's no monster Gaston, you are!") just as Anna does against the people of Arandelle ("that's no blizzard, that's my sister!"). Anna would totally admire how Belle sticks up for the Beast all on her own and the efforts that Belle goes through to make sure that the Beast is protected during his fight with Gaston. Anna would relish how Belle is smart, independent, and capable because Anna is striving to stand on her own two feet, and would recognize how Belle feels ignored and like she has no one to talk to since Anna basically lived childhood in virtual silence. Anna would value Belle's generosity and self-sacrifice in taking her father's place because she would absolutely do the same for Anna. Anna would really look up to Belle as a role model.

2. Snow White

I think Anna would see a lot of herself in Snow White. Firstly, despite her circumstances, Snow White has a relentlessly positive attitude. Anna never lets go of the hope she has of repairing her relationship with Anna and her relationship with the kingdom being restored to its former glory. She is always finding a way to entertain herself until, not if, that day comes, just as Snow always searches for a positive outlook. Both are kind and understanding to others, but not without their outbursts, although Anna can be a little more abrasive. Anna and Snow White are both bossy but in an incredibly endearing way; their positivity and drive motivates the people around them. Snow has this effervescent and magnetic personality that Anna would be totally enraptured with. Snow White would just give Anna so much joy.

1. Rapunzel

I think we all saw this one coming but there is validity to this. I don't really see Anna as a Rapunzel knockoff as there are significant differences between them but they're definitely analogous. Rapunzel is physically bound to her tower, unable to find the courage to leave until the opportunity presents itself, and her only companion is her passive aggressive faux mother, Gothel. Anna (for reasons still unknown) is confined in the castle as well and never ventures outside until coronation day, when the castle gates finally open. The only individual availble for Anna to talk to (besides the staff) literally and figuratively has her back to her. Both have hyperactive, exuberant, overeager personalities and prove themselves to be more competent than people expect. I don't think there is any merit to say Anna would be disappointed that Rapunzel didn't stay with Gothel just because Anna stuck by Elsa- Elsa is a more complex situation while Gothel is clearly a villain who doesn't love Rapunzel and only uses her for her own gain. Anna would revere the love story between Rapunzel and Flynn since it's somewhat similar to hers and Kristoff's. She would love watching Rapunzel come into her own since Anna learns about herself through trying to save her sister.
First I made an article saying how fanpop users remind me of disney characters, now I'm going to do the same with people I know in real life. I'm gonna talk about my dad, mom, sister, sister-in-law, my three best friends, niece, dog, and brother. Sorry if I get too personal about somethings on here. Please leave a comment of what you think.

My Dad

Me and my dad's relationship is alot like Ariel and Triton. By dad get's easily upset, if something doesn't go exactly his way he freaks out. Just like Ariel, I can't talk to my dad about anything because he just doesn't understand. He thinks...
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I have 15 fanpop users that remind me of disney characters on this article. Some aren't disney princess related but oh well. Please don't get offended if I say something because I will probably say something negative about some of the people here. For some of you I might mentions some other disney characters you remind me of. Please leave a comment saying what you think I hope you enjoy it.

Snow White
Snow White

I know she hasn't been on here for a long time and some of you probably don't know her but I just had to. She's like Snow White because for one she's one of the nicest people...
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Hi everyone. So I know there are many other prettiest princesses countdowns, but I haven´t done mine so I decided to go for it. This is based on my opinion and not on picks done here, and for the record I think all of the princesses are very pretty. Also my opinion on this issue changes a lot, but for now these are my top most beautiful princesses.

I think she is very cute. I love her hair (both as a blonde and as a brunette) and her lips. Her smile is also very nice, but her eyes are just a little too big for my taste, the color is nice though. Her head also looks a little big....
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This movie is my favorite disney movie. It will always have a special place in my heart. I don't think disney can come up a better movie. Everytime I watch it, it does something to me that no other disney movie does. I don't know how to explain it. It makes me feel all happy inside when it's over. The part when Snow White dies and all the dwarfs and forrest animals gather at Snow Whites coffin and cry makes me cry everytime. Another reason, it's so special to me is because it's disneys original movie. I absolutely adore all the charecters in the movie. It has my favorite princess (Snow White),...
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So, I decided I don't contribute nearly enough, probably because I lose at everything. But despite the awfulness that is me, I still want to write more articles. So, here are my opinions about Snow White. It'll be long, rambling, and I doubt any of you will read it all the way through, but here it is anyway. In the slim chance that anyone is interested.

MacytheStrange's Opinions On Snow White

To some people, Cinderella has always represented someone making the best out of a bad situation. For me, it's Snow White. She's only fourteen and she's made to dress in clothes that are falling apart (and...
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added by BroadwayBelle93
So, we did this countdown a while ago, but I’ve wanted to write my personal opinions on it, and the articles I’ve written since just seemed to fit with the timing better, so this one kept getting pushed back. Sorry about that! However, if my writing this late keeps the conversation going, I’m glad I kept pushing it back!
Warning: Tiana’s section contains a LONG rant.

10. Aurora
Aurora doesn’t really do much in her movie, heck, she isn’t even really the protagonist. This film isn’t really about what Aurora does but more what happens to Aurora. Aurora sets very little of the film in...
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added by Elemental-Aura
Source: plainaged5qrd2p deviantart
added by PrincessFairy
Source: Disney
*~DreamyGal Productions~*
*~DreamyGal Productions~*
Why must they all be so lovable?
Why must they all be so lovable?

Oh my God...why can't my list ever stay the same! I swear, I feel like it's constantly changing...what am I saying; IT IS constantly changing. I can't help it! Each time I watch one of their movies, my opinion changes. Let me get one thing straight...I do not dislike ANY of them. There are some that I just LOVE, and others I just "like". So don't be offended if you find your favorite Princess low on my list. I like her...just the others a little more.

10. Tiana (#9 on my last list)
The Determined Princess
The Determined Princess

There's lots of things that I like about Tiana,...
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added by PrincessFairy
Source: Disney
posted by TheCrystalRing
So…some of y’all might remember that when I first join Fanpop, I did a Best DP Mother countdown. And now I have finally got around to making the article. Enjoy…

Poor Mulan…I totally disagree on her placement in this countdown, but this is all of the DP Club’s opinion. I thought that Mulan would be a great mom, as the kids in the second movie adored her, but other fans bring up a good point. Since Mulan is a solider, she would be away from home a lot. And since Shang’s in the army too, there wouldn’t be anyone to be with the kids. Mulan’s also pretty dedicated to the...
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added by jessowey
Source: DesktopNexus.com
added by PrincessFairy
Source: Disney
added by iHyrule
Source: By FitzOBlong
added by PrincessFairy
Source: Disney
added by chameron4eva
Source: Not Mine
added by macy022809
added by tiffany88
added by disneyprince