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posted by Pyjamarama
In New York, there was the man called Prince Pyjamarama Scrooge and he used to have a business partner called Jafar, but he died for seven years. It was Christmas eve, but Pyjamarama or Scrooge you might call him, hated Christmas. “Bah Humbug!” Snarld Pyjamarama. In Texas Pete’s hideout, there was the greatest superhero of all time, Superbulk with his best friend, Skeleton. Now that Texas Pete was in jail, Bulk and Skeleton could do anything they wanted. They could watch tv, read books, go to the restaurants, watch dvds, go on the internet, save people from dangers and everything. “What do you want to do on Christmas eve, Bulk?” Asked Skeleton. “Let’s go to work because I’ve never been to work before, Skeleton.” Said Bulk. “Good idea.” Said Skeleton. Meanwhile, back in the streets of New York, Pyjamarama was walking to work when suddenly the monkey came. “Hey!” Shouted Pyjamarama. “What are you doing to my hat? Give it back right now!” And the monkey did. “That annoying fool!” Said Pyjamarama. “Anyway, I’ve got to go to work. This is my work. Oh, and there’s my old partner, Jafar. I remember the day when he worked with me. And together, we were the best evil villains ever.” Pyjamarama opened the door and he met Bulk and Skeleton. “Who are you two men?” Asked Pyjamarama. “My name is Bulk,” Said Bulk, “Superbulk you might call me, and this is my best friend, Skeleton.” “Pleased to meet you, your highness.” Said Skeleton feeling nervous. “What?” Shouted Pyjamarama. “Skelingtons can’t talk! Anyway, my name is Prince Pyjamarama,” Said Pyjamarama, “Scrooge you might call me, and I used to have a helper, Mufti, but he ran from Punjara and was never seen again so I came to your city from there.” “Where’s Punjara?” Asked Bulk. “Punjara is in India, our popular country.” Answeared Pyjamarama. “Anyway, both of you should get on with your work.” “I don’t like doing work because I’m a skelington.” Said Skeleton. “Would you mind if I have a rest, Bulk?” “No, Skeleton. Not at all.” Said Bulk. “Go ahead.” So Pyjamarama liked to have bags of money. He liked to count money and dollars. There was a knock on the door. Bulk opened the door. It was Pyjamarama’s nephew, Prince Rajeesh. “Merry Christmas, Uncle!” Said Rajeesh excitedly. “Bah Humbug!” Said Pyjamarama. “I hate Christmas. I’ll tell you what Christmas is. Christmas is rubbish! You grasp everything on Christmas eve! Christmas should be boiled in its own pudding!” “Uncle, don’t say nasty things about Christmas.” Said Rajeesh. “Christmas is my favourite time of the year. You could come and see my friends. There are classic american dishes and deserts. Come and have some tomorrow.” “Why do you want me to try some, Rajeesh?” Asked Pyjamarama. “I’ll tell you why.” Said Rajeesh, “Because they’re the best american foods ever so I wish you a merrry christmas and a happy new year.” “Merry Christmas, Rajeesh!” Said Bulk. “Merry Christmas, Bulk.” Said Rajeesh. There was another knock on the door. Bulk opened the door again. It was Superted and Spotty. “Well,” Said Superted, “if it isn’t our best hero, Superbulk. Merry Christmas, Bulk!” “Merry Christmas, Superted and Spotty!” Said Bulk. “I know who.” Said Pyjamarama. “It’s Superted and Spotty again. What do you want?” “We want you to give us money or you’ll be arrested because we giving money to the poor.” Said Superted. “What?” Shouted Pyjamarama. “Yes, That’s right, Pyjamarama!” Said Spotty. “We’re going to give money to the poor!” “No!” Shouted Pyjamarama. “Along time ago, when you came to Punjara, you rescued my nephew, Rajeesh and you stopped me. Get out now! “But Pyjamarama,….” Said Superted and Spotty angrily. “I said now!” Shouted Pyjamarama. “Now, Now, Now, Now, Now, Now, Now, Now!” And he pushed Superted and Spotty out of this door. Superted and Spotty sliped. It was 5 o clock and Bulk and Skeleton were about to go home. “Do you think you can give us a day off? Asked Bulk. “It’s Christmas day tomorrow.” “Of course you can, Bulk.” Said Pyjamarama. “But be back the next day.” “Oh thank you Pyjamarama. And a merry christmas to you!” Said Bulk. So he and Skeleton went out of this door and they walked home. Just before going home, he met a young woman. “Hello.” Said Bulk. “What’s your name?” “My name is Linda.” Said a young woman. “And you must be a superhero.” “I certainly am, my love. My name is Superbulk, but call me Bulk for short.” Said Bulk. “Would you like to come to our hideout? Oh, and this is my best friend, Skeleton.” “Pleased to meet you, Linda.” Said Skeleton. “Pleased to meet you too, Skeleton.” Said Linda. “Of course I would, my superhero.” “Whenever villains kidnap you, I’ll save you from them.” Said Bulk. “Thank you, Bulk.” Said Linda. “You’ll always be my best superhero ever.” Meanwhile, Pyjamarama was walking home. There was his house. He went straight to his door. He was just about to open his door when suddenly Jafar on the door handle came to life. “Jafar?” Whispered Pyjamarama. “Hahahahaa!” Laughed Jafar evilly. But now Jafar on the door handle didn’t make another move so Pyjamarama opened the door. He went straight upstairs. Then he ate his mango. When he finished his mango, there were bells ringing. The fire went slowly down. Then,….. Up pop Jafar! “Who are you?” Asked Pyjamarama. “In life, I was your partner, Jafar.” Said Jafar. “I died in the lava for seven years and now I’m chained up.” “I know you,” Said Pyjamarama, “but you shouldn’t’ve been back from your death. Why have you come to me?” “Because I’m warning you to change his ways, Pyjamarama.” Said Jafar. “Tonight, you will meet 3 ghosts of villains. Listen to them. Do what they say. Goodbye, Pyjamarama.” But Pyjamarama accidently fell on Jafar’s lamp and it flew to the fire. “My lamp! NOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!!!!!” Screamed Jafar, and disappeared into the fire. Now it was time for bed for Pyjamarama. “Bah Humbug!” Said Pyjamarama quietly. He fell asleep. There was the first ghost of the villains. Pyjamarama woke up. “Who are you?” Asked Pyjamarama. “I’m Maleficent, the Ghost of Christmas Past.” Said The first ghost of the villains. “Where do you want to take me?” Asked Pyjamarama. “I’m taking you to your past.” Answered Maleficent. So she held Pyjamarama’s hand and they flew. When they got to his past, Pyjamarama spotted his old school. “I used to go to this school when I was an indian school boy.” Said Pyjamarama. “I used to live in this country, India. This indian city is Punjara.” “Come.” Said Maleficent. “We must go inside and see you as a little boy.” Young Pyjamarama was writing papers and when he grew as a 12 year old boy, he read books. “Good morning, Pyjamarama!” Said Pyjamarama’s indian teacher. “You can eat any of the indian meals and deserts at Christmas.” “Oh, I used to love indian meals and deserts. They were the best.” Said Pyjamarama. “Silent!” Shouted Maleficent. “There’s more to see!” Maleficent took Pyjamarama to see Mowgli. I’m not talking about a young boy called Mowgli. I’m talikng about the adult called Mowgli. Mowgli went to Teenage Pyjamarama. “No more work today!” Said Mowgli. “It’s Christmas!” Teenage Pyjamarama had a dance with the other indian teenagers. Then he met a young indian woman, Parsi. “Pyjamarama.” Said Parsi. “Yes, Parsi?” Said Pyjamarama. “You’re very handsome.” Sais Parsi. “Thank you, Parsi.” Said Pyjamarama. But in ten years time, he had become a villain. “Listen to me, Pyjamarama.” Said Parsi. “I loved you and we have no money.” “Be quiet, my dear!” Shouted Pyjamarama. “You’d better go now!” Poor Parsi. She was crying and walked away. “I can’t see my memories anymore.” Said Pyjamarama. “Take me home.” “Remember.” Said Maleficent. “You should have your memories yourself.” Pyjamarama was in bed again. Next, he met the second ghost of the villains. “Who are you?” Asked Pyjamarama. “The name’s Hades, the Ghost of Christmas Present. Hi. How are you doing?” Said The second ghost of the villains. “What are these foods?” Asked Pyjamarama. “Hey, there are mince pies, turkey, christmas pudding and many others.” Answeared Hades. “Where are you taking me?” Asked Pyjamarama. “We’re gonna see the streets of New York AND I WANT YOU TO SEE SUPERBULK’S HIDEOUT!” Shouted Hades. “There’s no need to shout so loud, Hades.” Said Pyjamarama crossily. Hades and Pyjamarama were walking down the streets of New York. All the people were enjoying Christmas. “YES! HADES RULES! CHRISTMASLICIOUS!” Shouted Hades excitedly. “Here we are, Pyjamarama. There’s Bulk’s hideout. We gotta go in.” “Why, Skeleton is on his own.” Said Pyjamarama. Skeleton was making Bulk and Linda cheese burgers. Meanwhile, Bulk was saying, “I’ll say my magic word, Spotty!” He said. So he said his secret magic word and flew to rescue Linda from the giant monster. Linda was finally saved. “Thanks, Superbulk!” Said Linda. “You’re my hero!” “Oh, it was nothing, Linda.” Said Superbulk. “Come on. Let’s go home and have Skeleton’s cheeseburgers.” Skeleton’s cheeseburgers were finally ready. The 3 friends sat down to eat their cheeseburgers. “We should thank Pyjamarama and we’re in love.” Said Linda. So she and Bulk kissed eachother and the couple danced together. What a beautiful romance! “What will happen to Linda?” Asked Pyjamarama. “IF YOU’RE ASKING YOUR STUPID QUESTION, I DON’T KNOW!” Shouted Hades and disappeared. Next Pyjamarama met the last ghost of the villains. “Who are you?” Asked Pyjamarama. “I’m Sykes, the Ghost of Christmas Future.” Said The last ghost of the villains. “Is there any future?” Asked Pyjamarama. “There is, Mr. Pyjamarama.” Answeared Sykes. “The people will be talking about the funeral.” “We’ll go to the cheap funeral.” Said the leader of the coppers. “Well,” Replied The coastguard, “I’m not so sure we’ll go.” Sykes took Pyjamarama to Bulk’s hideout. “I live in New York like you.” Said Sykes. “Let’s go inside.” Inside Bulk’s hideout, Bulk was crying. “I didn’t want my girlfriend to die.” Sobbed Bulk. “But she did.” “There, There, Bulk.” Said Skeleton. “It can’t be helped. I’m sad about your girlfriend’s death too.” “I know it can’t.” Sobbed Bulk. And he and Skeleton were both crying. Sykes took Pyjamarama to the graves. “Oh this grave,” Said Sykes, “see your name.” Pyjamarama rubbed off the dust and saw his own death. “Sykes!” Sobbed Pyjamarama. “I can’t die! I don’t want to die! This isn’t a future that I should die! I’ll change!” “Keep your mouth shut!” Roared Sykes. “Consider that you should die now!” “I’m back into my room! I’m still alive!” Shouted Pyjamarama overjoyed. He opened the windows and shouted to the little boy, “What’s today?” “Today’s Christmas.” Replied the little boy. “Christmas isn’t over!” Said Pyjamarama excitedly. So he ran downstairs and gave lots of cashes to Superted and Spotty. “Ah, thank you, Pyjamarama!” Said Superted happily. “And a merry christmas to you!” Said Spotty. Pyjamarama went to Rajeesh. “Hey, Rajeesh!” Shouted Pyjamarama excitedly. “Merry Christmas! I’ll try any of the american dishes and deserts, and classic american drinks too!” “Oh thank you, Uncle, and a Merry Christmas to you!” Said Rajeesh happily. Lastily, he went to Bulk’s hideout and guess what! Linda was still alive! She didn’t die after all. “Merry Christmas, Pyjamarama!” Said Bulk. “I’m so angry.” Said Pyjamarama. “But your highness, it’s Christmas day.” Explained Bulk. “I’m closing up my bank and overall, I’m getting away from my work. And….” Paused Pyjamarama. “And what, your highness?” Asked Skeleton. “I’m giving you a partner.” Finished Pyjamarama. “A Partner?” Said Bulk excitedly. “Ah, thanks, Pyjamarama. You’re so kind.” “Merry Christmas, Superbulk!” Said Pyjamarama. “And god blesses everyone!” Said Linda. And Pyjamarama and Skeleton sat to watch tv and Bulk and Linda fell in love together.

The End!
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@Disney Pick of the Litter premieres December 20 on Disney+.
pick of the litter
official trailer
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streaming december 20
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Source: images.replacements.com
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Okay I’m a week late but here is my article about watching Sleeping Beauty for the first time in years!

Like the article for Snow White and Seven Dwarfs I will write about;

1. How much I enjoyed/disliked the movie as a child

2. How much I have forgotten

3. Princess (will she be higher on my list or lower?)

4. Movie (will the movie be higher on my list or lower?)

5. Rating

6. How much has my opinion changed?

7. Would I watch it again?

Tonight's rewatch: Sleeping Beauty
Last time watched: February 14, 2009 (had a movie marathon that day)

So, how much did I liked or disliked this movie as a child?

continue reading...
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