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Harma's story: I Killed Them        

Each day I'm face with killing myself or killing the people around me...I guess I made up my mind? I guess I chose to let myself lose control? And do what felt right...even though I new it wasn't. I new that it wound come back and haunt me one day. Well really it haunt's me every day every minute and every second. From when I'm sleeping from the moment I did that unthinkable thing I did. It will never leave because I know there watching...
    But no one wound believe that a little 13 year old would do such a thing. I mean look at her, Look at her cold purple eyes and perfectly cut black hair, and small but healthy body. She looks harmless. Just a missing piece in the game who was left behind and saved. Or in other words not killed. Not killed by the still not found Wood street Murder. The case still is open. Mrs. and Mr. Lowing and there Oldest Son, Oldest daughterand new born baby boy were all killed. No one know's who did it. But I know who did it I know who killed them I know who cut them and shot them stabed them hanged them and made them go crazy. I know who Killed them...Because...because I killed them.

~~~~~~~~~~Envy's story: The Broken Hearted~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

    Have you ever loved someone so much that it hurts? Or have you ever wanted something so badly that you would any thing for it? Well if you have not let me tell you one thing...It's an terrable feeling. The feeling when your so desprite that you wound kill, hurt and cry. I've done and felt all those things and look were it's lead me. It's lead me to a world a pain and death. The death here is almost untouchable. Now I don't know what to do? He broken my heart, And I don't know if it's fixable. I think I'll be like this forever. Be anger and hate hurt and pain and broken...But I don't what to be those things I want to be happy and free and...and Loved.
    I want to be loved like everyone else. But there's no one left to love me. There all gone and who would love me after what I've done? Who would love a girl who killed so many people and hurt even more? Even if there was someone which I hope there's not. I would most likely kill them in the end...I can't trust any more or Love or even be loved but does mean I'm broken?

~~~~~~~~Misty's story: No More Light

The light is gone,
the women,
who proved to me,
that beauty still does exist,
even in the cruelest circumstances,
but she is gone,
the light has gone,
now im alone,
hiding in the dark

all my hope
all my dreams
all my happyness
have died
iv died
i should never be happy cause then all
i feel the pain
why should i live
why should i die
all there's things
go around and around in my head
iv scream
iv cryed
iv locked my self in my room
cutting myself
waching all the blood from my cuts
i dont feel any pain
i feel nouthing
my tears are full of pain
i feel so cold
that painful night
iv died from the inside
my eyes have no light
iv got scars
they say
'i wish i was dead! '
have nouthing to live for
nouthing to be loss if i die
why should i live
the world has no light to me any more
iv died
but you dont know
do you care
do you feel the pain
i felt
do you cry
i will never know...

Soft tears fell down her face as her mother craddle her in her arms saying. "Light will come back, light is here, Light will always be with you." She began to sing along. "Light is strong, light will win, light is life and love." Her mother pitted her up so that her scarlet red eyes were looking right in to her icy blue eyes.
"Remember the light will never leave you, your strong don't let the darkness win." Her voice so warm and sweet. She gentlly kissed her forehead and hugged her sweetly and slowly rubbed her head. And before she new it she was asleep once more...
But all dreams have to end even the brightest soul's have darkness deep with in them...specially ones with dark past...and future's. Darkness can devour a person making every little disappear, making the room dark and evil like a black hole with no way out. But we all know that, that's no way to live your life scared and confused hiding in the corner of your room. But what if one little girl had to...because she was to scared to sleep...

You look at her she looks like a normal girl. Her hair tied back with a ribbon and her new shoes polished. And she's wearing her new dress that has bright colors of pink red and white with flower's thron every which way. She looks normal right? Well this little girl with scarlet eyes and pale white skin has a few secret's...But lets not get in to that. You look at her yes she's little and sweet but her heart and her destiny are much darker....
I have but one question for you. Do you believe in Magic? If you do then I have another question for you. Do you believe in Witches and Fairies and Heros? If you do keep reading...because I have another question. Do you believe in darkness and light? Because dakness and light live in everything in everyone...even you. Some have more darkness then other's some have more light. But no madder who you are you both...but one little didn't believe there was any light left for her. Because her life was felled with monster's and deadly dreams. All she saw was darkness and evil...could even imagine that. Only seeing darkness no light no good only bad. I coldn't even imagine what she thinks when she goes to sleep at night wondering if she'll wake up and it will be better again or wake to everything she's ever loved gone...But no one cares about the little blonde girl who cries on Brixtion street. No one cares that she cries herself to sleep or the terrible things she does in the bathroom while her parents are away. No cares about little old Misty S. Roseberg...


Pain, Pain Go Away,
Come again another day.
If you don't then I will sing.
Pain, Pain Go Away...
My eyes are heavy
My feet are in flame
I cannot hear what you say
I cannot say what you say
My limbs are numb
My arms are armed
I cannot walk
I cannot run
I have got stuck forever in the magical tablet of sun
Pain pain go away
She left forever
She won't come
It's only you and me
Pleasure far away
Frost gather on my wings
I try to fly
But the gravity defy
The higher I rise
The further I sigh
There's no escape from this inescapable lie.
Harma when she was little
Harma when she was little
Envy little
Envy little
Misty little
Misty little
posted by Horsegirl202
This is Amber's sister Molly the fairy of space.

Name: Molly

Age: 18

Gender: Female

Origin: The planet Earth

Mythical Creature: Fairy

Level of Magic: Enchantix

Powers/Abilities: She is the fairy of space, outer space that is. Molly can bring in comets and other rocks into Earth or as an attack.

Personality: Molly is very caring, she loves to help her friends in times of need and will let nothing stand in her way.

Clothing: She wears a light blue tank-top and jeans, her shoes are boots that look similar to Amber's.

Pet: Nope

Background: She was born on Earth as a actress's only daughter, she learned that her real father was Tony Stark and moved in with him and his daughter Amber. The two become good friends since when Molly arrived when Amber was only 3.


Mother: Dead (died of cancer)
Father: Tony Stark
Chapter 11- Lunar Eclipse

    “Victoria you know who I am and were I am I know you do you could never forget me!” Said the same soft voice in Viva’s dream.
    “Why do you keep on telling me to remember why don’t you get I don’t want to remember anything from my past!” Yelled Viva in tears and on her knees like she had given up.
    “Victoria my little sister don’t cry for soon all will be reveled soon.” Said the voice as it despaired into the dark as Viva woke up in relieve that her dream was over. As Viva opened...
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Okay so you know Izzy Dana and Sasha finally discover who their mothers are. But, they also realize that they have to change, this enclueds new adituides and a new look. so here are their new 'profiles'

Izzy: Izzy is now the 'leader' of her 'pack' and she makes all the disicions. she is quiet in class and completly ignores Envy Harma and Misty instead of challenging them, as for her new look, she died her hair so at the top until about her ears its just white but as you go down it slowly turns blue until at her knees its completly blue and then ends at mid calf. She wears a strapless tee that...
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Chapter 16- The Question and Caring

    “The Omega Dimension we can’t go there!” Said Musa
    “Remember the last time we went there!” Said Timmy
    “We barley made it out!” Said Flora
    “Were else is it as cold as the Omega Dimension?” Asked Viva
    “There lots of other places were it’s cold!” Said Stella
    “Like what? Asked Artista.
    “I don’t but I bet there is!” Said Stella.
    “I promised Lunette...
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Chapter 13- Remembering

    “What?!!” Yelled everyone but Luna.
    “That can’t be true right Viva?” Asked Eric.
    “Yes it’s finally happened!” Yelled Luna with joy.
    “It’s not true!” Said Rick.
    “How dare you question are rights and in are Kingdom! Bow down to the rightful Princess’s of Nova for they have returned to save are home!” Yelled Luna proudly.
    “This is all happening to fast!” Said Eclipse.
    “I’m not...
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posted by Horsegirl202
Hope you enjoy!

Him my name is Amber Stark, I am 13 years old and I live in New York city my father is Tony Stark or Iron Man. I'm also apart of the team known as the Avengers the first teenager in the team. I like fighting with the Avengers but I can get hurt at tines, like last week where I got shot in the arm it still hurts a bit. I found out I was also a fairy only two days ago. I was walking down the trail in the woods I thought I heard something it was a strange site to see. The voice said " Not so sunny now are you?" I went to check it out and I saw a girl no not a normal girl but a fairy! Her hair was in pig tails and she wore orange shirt and pants. This girl was named Stella fairy of the shining sun.....

This my best story I wrote so far,
Love Horsegirl202

Keep watch for more to Chapter 1
Chapter 9- Viva’s Song- The Quest For Nova

Words hurt when written
from the chore of the heart
Where pain resides
Hidden in the folds of memory
They sometimes fester and die
The shocking secret of a child
I had to dig deep
I had to convince my soul
It was okay
That secrets could be revealed
Once buried deep and safe
Away from prying eyes for years
Behind the veil of hidden tears
I used to smile
Mask in place
hiding from my devastating past
My child mind convinced it was my fault
Never wanting them to know
My innocent life shattered
Shards of mirror reflecting
the emptiness inside my soul
Never trusting
A fugitive...
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The Song of the Sparrow -chapter 1 (part 1)
Hi,as the princess of delalasiona. I here by had one same day.I danced at the subway and park.I got kidnapped by another guy,again.I met some curiously creatures. GTG!!!!

CONGRO!Hey,its me... Ashia Menace Nokia.I'm still curious about the people I met at woods of haydra.If that's what it's call.I NEED to know more!!! Wait,hold on someone's at my window!I need...
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Chapter 5 Is This Were I belong? The Quest For Nova

    Is this were I belong? In this strangely beautiful World. A girl like me having these powers? Time will tell.

    As Eclipse and Viva made it to Magic Eclipse was thinking if her life was all just a big lie and made up what was truly going on. But Eclipse lost her train of thought when they landed on the other side of the portal.
    “Wow!” Eclipse said looking all around.
    “I know I have only seen this place in pictures and it’s so much more pretty!”...
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Chapter 2: Being Watched THE QUEST FOR NOVA

    Have you ever felt like your being watched from all sides? Well that’s what i’m felling right now and I don’t like it! Because it makes fell like a freak but there’s no one there but is there?

    Eclipse walked down the street looking all around her because she had that strange felling that she was being watched like there was someone around every corner and behind every bush. But Eclipse walked on to the little park witch was her favorite place to go when things like what just happen with her mom....
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The Girl Who Remembered Everything
Book One off The Quest For Nova Series

    I fell like I remember things for a reason... but for what reason I don't know? I remember this women and young girls. And dragons and witches. But I don't know why? I'm just a normal girl... Well I used to be. Before all the pain and hurt. I was just like you. Happy. I remember my mom dying and my best friend dying and my pet also dying. Yes my life is filled with death but some say all that pain makes you strong.
    My life is...or was a black hole and I felt like I could never...
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posted by allicyn123
It was her finally it was her! The ice blue eyes, the long swaying white hair, the pale porclen skin. The face with bloodied hands banging on the window, the face that cradled her and held her close, finally. The picture Dana managed to scrounge apon Was oddly taken, she was running her face peered over her shoulder. her hair flaid but in a wild mess.
"That's it! Thats her!" Izzy tried not to scream, "From my dreams, its her! I know it is!"
"Calm down Izzy, okay its her, nnow what about the other girls that you saw? Me and Sasha's mothers?" Dana was ovously trying not to burst also, bu she...
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1 Happy Things:)
I Have a stable life, my parents are good to me, they make sure I'm well taken care of and they love me<3 I love them too... My brither is so much better than me at well... just about everything, but that's probably the only thing that keeps me going and even trying

2 Bad Things:(
I'm destroying myself.
I'm not who i'm 'supposed' to be.
I'm hanging out with the wrong friends because all I've ever wanted was him... But he barely even says hi to me anymore,
Soon I'll be nothing but a pile of dust
Unless I change

3 Crying and Crying Over and Over :*(
I read your storys,
all of them...
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Ok here is some informantion about some character's


Power-The power of the Tree of Life
Boyfriend to be-Drake
Pixie-Amphrite the pixie of both sides
Spirit Animal-Tani the Dragon of the Eclipse’s
Character plot-
Eclipse has always been lied to by her mother and she is a very important character in The Quest For Nova.

Power-The power of visions
Boyfriend to be-Eric
Pixie-Peek the pixie of secrets
Spirit Animal-Nidhug the Dragon of Dream’s
Character plot-Viva is a ever powerful fairy. She can tell the future and shape shift. She is sweet by she has...
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posted by lovebaltor
Dimentia Noire. [Click to enlarge]
Dimentia Noire. [Click to enlarge]
Name: Dementia Noire.

Age: 17.

Origin: The Planet Blanca.

Mythical Creature: Witch.

Level of Magic: Gloomix.

Powers/Abilities: She has powers over souls and space: Her soul attacks are basically torturing the person inside out. She can use their greatest fears against them, and since she can manipulate their souls as well - the damage will be more prolonged. Her space attacks mainly consist of space disasters; comets, supernovas and gamma rays.

Personality: She manipulates people a lot to get her way. But, she is also very childish. She can never act very serious when she battles someone; always...
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Chapter 1 : Were do I Belong
    Have you ever felt like you don’t belong? I have. Have ever felt like there something out there that you are meet to do that’s so important be you don’t know what it is? I have. I know its weird to fell this way but I do and I have know idea why. WHY. What a strong word like why did that magical thing happen to me that ever special day in the park when everything change for good or for evil. Well that’s what you choose.

    “Hey mom?” Eclipse said from her bedroom door.
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posted by lovebaltor
Name: Lauretta Moretti.

Age: 19.

Origin: The Planet Hydra.

Mythical Creature: Elf.

Powers/Abilities: Lauretta being an elf, is very swift on her feet and very flexible. She can hear very well from her ears, and see very well with her large eyes. She was a few magical abilities, such as; producing fire, manipulating water, shape-shifting (She can turn into a gaseous white, smoke) and the ability to speak to certain creatures.

Personality: Lauretta is very mysterious, and does not reveal much to anyone. (Even those whom she is quite close to) She speaks very carefully toward anyone: choosing her...
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THis is how Lilly sorta looks like :)
THis is how Lilly sorta looks like :)
Alquestria,a land of magical creatures,good and bad.Where Elves,fairies and all your fairytale creatures roam freely.Alquestria has been peaceful for years,but now a new danger lurks--caputuring the Alquestrians and draining out their magic..
Lilly, a 14 year old is just and ordinary Human girl.She gets bullied and teased all the times.But when she gets lost in the woods,she finds herself in a whole different world,Alquestria.It's up to her, and ordinary Human Girl to save the Alquestria before danger spreads into the human world.But will she in time?
Alguestria--form far far away
Alguestria--form far far away
Okay in the next Quest For Nova book Wanted there are some new magical creatures that I want you to meet. They are called Morpheus. Morpheus are creatures that can shape shift in to any animal or thing. There a normal state is a cat like human with razor sharp senses. There asassin's ready to meet them well here they are........................


Onza Is the youngest out of the three. But she's one person who is willing to battle for what she believes in. She has Long snow white hair and red eyes.


Lilith Is very quite she has amazing senses and you don't want to mess with her when she is mad.


Zula is the leader of the three she is very dark and mean she's is one person who you don't want to meet

Fierce & Love

This is Onza she is the youngest out of the there she met be little but she's really to take you on!
This is Onza she is the youngest out of the there she met be little but she's really to take you on!
This is Lilith, Lilith is very powerful and quite person she has amazing senses
This is Lilith, Lilith is very powerful and quite person she has amazing senses
This is Zula, Zula is the leader of the three she is one person you don't want to mess with...
This is Zula, Zula is the leader of the three she is one person you don't want to mess with...
Chapter 7- The Helpers- The Quest For Nova

    “What?” All the girls said at the same time
    “Now girls i’m not saying that you are all princess!” Said Miss Fairygonda
    “Good because I think I would know if I was a princess!” Said Artista
    “Now because you girls hold the neckless of Nova you all have special powers. And I hope that you girls all know what they are? Asked Miss fairygonda.
    “Wwwwweeeeelllllll?” All the girls said at the same time.
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