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as ellie is on tour again bolt gets lost in the uk & ellie is all the way in the us & ellie has to go back & get bolt but she cant go back & bolt thought ellie did,nt want bolt any more so bolt went & looked for a home but he was now in a dog pound with a mean german shepard bolt was atopted & he seen ellie on tv saying she wants bolt back home with her bolt needs to get back to ellie but how? can he do it ellie was going to do a show but she did,nt she was sad about bolt geting lost it is now 2 months since bolt got lost & ellie is back home to look for bolt she found bolt in the streets bolt was happy to see ellie now its time to have some time to them selfs that is what they wanted for along time & the puppys are doing dog shows now & lady is too bolt thought the puppys was cute & ellie allways wanted to do dog shows so it worked out for every 1