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Game of Thrones is a series that is full of characters. There are so many characters that ranking them all is a challenge that I'm not willing to engage in. Instead, I'll just be ranking my top 25 favorite characters from the series. Since the show has dozens of major characters, there are plenty of important characters that won't make my list. It's important to note that this ranking consists of my own personal opinions. I'll have plenty of opinions that will likely be unpopular, but regardless, I hope that you enjoy the ranking. There will be some spoilers in my ranking.

25. Barristan Selmy

In a show that is filled with untrustworthy characters, having a character as honorable as Barristan Selmy is appreciated. It could be argued that nobody was more loyal and respectful to Daenerys throughout her adventures. It could be argued that he was one of the most respectful characters in the series.

24. Melisandre

Melisandre is not exactly the most heroic character. However, her mysterious nature and cool style make her an appealing addition to the series. Also, she deserves some credit for making sure that Jon Snow stayed in the series.

23. Ygritte

Ygritte served as an effective love interest for Jon Snow that was an interesting character in her own right. During her time on the show, she and Jon went through a fair number of compelling conflicts. Her sassiness and wit made her a good person to pair off with Jon.

22. Jorah Mormont

Poor Jorah Mormont was forever destined to remain in the friendzone. However, if you consider the fact that Jorah is old enough to be Danerys's father, it's probably for the best that he and Daenerys get together. Although Jorah's feelings for Daenerys may raise some eyebrows, he was a loyal advisor that was one of the show's more well-intentioned characters. Also, Iain Glen, who played Jorah, went on to play Bruce Wayne in Titans.

21. Qyburn

Qyburn served as Cersei Lannister's assistant in the later seasons of the series. Qyburn was certainly a bad guy, but his strong presence and loyalty to Cersei made him an oddly likable villain.

20. Night King

As the big villain that the show built up to for several season, the Night King is one of the most intimidating characters in the series. He lacks the complexity and depth of other villains, but he makes up for it with his strong impact on the story and his massive threat to the heroes.

19. High Sparrow

The High Sparrow is a villain that was played by the charismatic, Oscar-winning Jonathan Pyrce. His villainous actions made him an easy character to dislike, but Jonathan Pyrce's great acting and the show's clever writing made the High Sparrow a compelling threat.

18. Mance Rayder

Similar to the High Sparrow, Mance Rayder is an antagonist that benefits from being played by a very talented actor. Ciarán Hinds played Mance Rayder. Mance Rayder served as one of Jon Snow's more interesting rivals.

17. Davos Seaworth

In a show that's packed with villainous, untrustworthy characters, someone like Davos Seaworth is a refreshing character to have around. He's one of the most respectful and honorable characters in the series. His fatherly bond with Shireen is one of the more emotional subplots.

16. Brienne of Tarth

Brienne is one of the cooler side heroes in the series. Her honorability, as well as her physical and mental strength, make her a strong addition to the series. Jamie was a fool for not staying with her.

15. Jamie Lannister

Jamie Lannister is a character whose conflicted morality makes him an interesting character. He was very corrupt, slimy and misguided, but his moments of humanity made him more complex than he might initially appear to be.

14. Viserys Targaryen

As one of the first villains to meet his untimely fate, Viserys didn't exactly last long on the series. However, he left a memorable impression with his over-the-top villainy and horribly misguided way of acting and behaving towards others.

13. Petyr Baelish

Petyr "Littlefinger" Baelish is a charming man who is also a great mastermind. He managed to get away with a lot of bad actions throughout the series due to his intelligence and sneakiness.

12. Robb Stark

Robb Stark was kind, charming, handsome and heroic. He made a few questionable choices that led to his defeat, but he was one of the more likable and charismatic heroes in the series. It's fitting that Richard Madden, who played Robb Stark, went on to play the prince in Cinderella, because he already had the grace of a prince when he played Robb.

11. Walder Frey

Walder Frey is easily one of the most despicable characters in the whole series. He's so evil, vile and cruel that he's a very entertaining and strong villain. Also, he serves as a perfect villain for the audience to root against.

10. Varys

As one of the most morally ambiguous characters in the series, Varys isn't a true villain or a true hero. Instead, he's one of the most practical and reasonable characters in the series which keeps him an interesting character throughout the series.

9. Tyrion Lannister

As the most hated and infamous member of the Lannister family, Tyrion is the true underdog. That's ironic since Peter Dinklage played the villain in the Underdog film. Anyways, Tyrion is a consistently interesting and witty character that adds a lot to the series.

8. Tywin Lannister

Tywin Lannister isn't exactly a great dad or a good person, but he's one of the most charismatic and enjoyable characters in the series. He's one of the cleverest and coolest villains in the franchise. Charles Dance gave one of the strongest and most enjoyable performances in the series.

7. Ned Stark

At the beginning of the series, Ned Stark appeared to be the main hero. Sadly, that ended up not being the case. Sean Bean continued his tradition of playing heroes that get defeated far too early in Game of Thrones. Despite being taken out early in the story, Ned has remained one of the most important and likable characters in the whole series.

6. Jon Snow

Jon Snow is the heroic, handsome leading man that a show as dark as Game of Thrones needs. A lot of the show's most likable characters kept meeting their untimely ends, so having someone as likable and heroic as Jon Snow around for the entire series is very important. Seeing someone as noble as Jon have to deal with so many scummy, misguided characters is very fascinating and exciting. His complicated relationship with Daenerys was particularly interesting.

5. Sansa Stark

Sansa started off as Ned's brattiest child, but she grew up so much throughout the series. As the show goes on, she becomes much more mature, smart, crafty and heroic. She has one of the best arcs in the series. Seeing Sansa go from a petty, spoiled girl to a strong, empowered woman is very enduring and satisfying.

4. Cersei Lannister

Lena Headey's deliciously villainous performance helps make Cersei one of the biggest stand outs in the series. By no means is Cersei a good person, but she sure does remain an excellent villain. She was one of the coolest and most entertaining villains throughout the series.

3. Daenerys Targaryen

Daenerys started off as one of the most sympathetic characters in the whole series. She started off as meek and unsure of herself, but she grew up to be braver and more self-confident. It also led to her becoming a lot more ruthless and dangerous, but that's what makes her such an interesting character. Her complicated morality and high number of changes in character make her a fascinating, compelling person.

2. Arya Stark

Despite her young age and stature, Arya is not a character to underestimate. Arya was a cool character from the very beginning. As the series went on, she became cooler and cooler. She easily had some one of the best developments, as well as some of the best action scenes, in the entire series. She arguably had the most interesting storylines of any of the show's heroes. Also, the scene where she defeated the Night King might be the coolest moment from any episode of the series.

1. Grand Maester Pycelle

I know that a lot of fans could care less about this character, but for me, Pycelle was the scene stealer. Pycelle was one of the oldest characters in the whole series, but he was also one of the pettiest and sneakiest. I loved the subplot of him pretending to be a friendly, ditzy old man who was actually an untrustworthy spy. Also, his long-lasting hatred for Tyrion led to lots of hilarious moments where Pycelle trolled Tyrion, including Pycelle lying about what Tyrion did at his trial and a scene where Pycelle purposely drops a piece of paper on the floor just so Tyrion would have to pick it up.
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