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Kwon Yuri
Kwon Yuri
1.Yuri used to call Yoona on set so much just to hear Yoona’s voice that Yoona had to turn off her phone during recordings. Yuri was at the Madame B performance for JeTiHyun cheering like a fangirl, and used to stay up at night to tune in to Chinchin & Chunji (with Sunny) and make call-ins as random listeners.
2. When Yuri is angry , she quietly goes into her room and write what she will say and her comebacks. During the argument , when someone gives an unexpected answer , she say ” Wait one second ” goes back into her room , write more stuff , and come backs out.
3. Yuri once found her elementary school friend in front of the SM building and yelled ” What are you doing there? ” and found that he/she was Seohyun fan.
4. When Taeyeon had insomnia, Yuri bought her milk to help her sleep.
5. Yuri once called a restaurant and asked what their menu was. When the employee was done telling her , Yuri chose Omelet rice. Which the employee did not mention.
6. Yuri has once tied other 8 members shoelaces together then ran away.
7. Tiffany said Yuri is always look pretty since their debut day
8. Yuri ever owed maknae for 1920 Won because of jellies..
9. Before debut, SNSD got lots of healthy foods, etc, because the restaurant owner likes Yuri so much..
10. “I’m Sad because Kim Taewoo Chose Lee Yeonhee Over Me”
11. The press asked Yuri, “So, what if you were born again as Shin Young?” She answered, “Then I want to be born again once more,”
12. Though Yuri is one of the lead dancers, she said that she’s the one that is the slowest in learning new moves..
13. Yuri goes to the same school as BB’s Seungri
14. Once, the other members take a picture with Kyungsan first, because Yuri and SooYoung is busy CF’ing.. Haha.. (Have their own CF)
15. Once, when they just debuted, and Yuri got a gift from her fans, It’s a doll, that can sense something I guess. When you get in, the doll will ring, sing Yuri’s part. She hung it directly in front of their room’s door
16. Yuri was so bored that she thought of the doll yonogsan as YoonA… She was holding her so tight that she din even gave it to the baby resulting her worst mom… I guess she missed Yoona too much >.
17. Once, she became the worst mom, because she didn’t want to give Yoongsan to KyuYeon
18. Yuri once prepare a surprise present for all of the SNSD members, It’s their photo book with Kyungsan. You can see that in Hello Baby Ep 12
19. Yuri is bad at badminton
20. Hyungdon Thinks YURI is the prettiest member..
21. Yuri plays the main role, while they’re having hidden camera for Taeng in Horror Movie Factory 1
22. Yuri is Kim Tae Woo’s Dream Girl
23. Yuri puts lotion too much, that when she sleeps, you can see that the pillow is so creamy and wet.
24. In we got married - Taeyeon, Hyungdon nominate Yuri as his wife :DD
25. Yuri’s wish tp SooYoung in Win Win, is that hope Sooyoung would play with her on rest days
26. Yuri still treasured her calendar given by her fans
27. Yuri was a Best Mom for a week then the Worst Mom the following week
28. Yuri lead more than 50% in the “Who do you think will be the soshi rapper” thread in soshified.. She’s jjang!
29. Yuri’s birthday is the same as Walt Disney’s birthday
30. Yuri’s laughter was so loud that she woke a foreigner from his sleep
31. Yuri felt asleep while watching “Mother” with Yoona.. Yoona claimed that, because Yuri said that “Mother” is her favorite movie
32. Yuri was a couple with Gil on kko kko tour
33. Yuri got a “black pearl” from her Korean fans.. (even with the certificate)
34. Yuri can play piano and violin..
35. Yuri is adventurous..
36. Once yuri cant remember the lyrics so she paste the written lyrics on sunny’s hoody
37. Yuri is a really optimistic person.. A really competitive person too..
38. She can’t do Maths well.. :)
39. She ever forgot her parts in Honey song.. So, she just kept smiling till her part ends..
40. She’s said “shameless” person, because everytime she did mistakes while performing, she just keep on smiling.. :) (her smile melts everything, right? :D)
41. Once, she’s mistaken, by saying “Kyungsan” as “Yoongsan”
42. She ever try the baby food with Yoona before..
43. Yuri got a “slapping” habit.. Her hands automatically bit the person next to her if she found something funny..
44. Yuri love her brother’s friend before debut..maybe until now..=))
45. Yuri’s attitude change directly when she sees / with handsome guy..
46. Yuri looks the hottest in the Cabi MV
47. Yuri got the 1st place in the poll “the funniest sleeping habit” in soshified
48. Yuri used to be really thin before casted in Unstoppable Marriage with Sooyoung..
49. Yuri is included the “shikshin“‘s in SNSD
50. Yuri makes more mistakes than sunny but she tells sunny off when sunny makes a mistake
51. According to the vote from soshified, the “So Nyuh Discussion” forum, Yuri is the member that got the most vote in the topic “The sexiest SNSD member”
52. Yuri was tomboy, since she grew up playing with her oppa, and her oppa’s friends..
53. Yuri parody Narsha as the Adult-dol on IY saying strawberrys are hara’s chest >.
54. Yuri likes challanges a lot
55. She ever claimed Jessica’s opinion (though it’s on viewable radio only) Jessica said that if we go to the past, we can correct our past mistakes..Then, Yuri said, if we can’t correct all of our mistakes..It’s impossible if we don’t make any mistakes.. If we correct the past mistakes, then we’ll do the same mistake in th…e future..
56. Yuri prefers to go to the future, instead of the past, because she said that future is more challanging than past..
57. Yuri said that she got trouble during the Gee song.. But then, the other members don’t really think it’s like that.. They said that they learned from Yuri too.. They also said that they forget that it’s Yuri’s part in Gee’s song, because of her cuteness
58. Yuri is known as a member that has husky voice among the rest SNSD members
59. When Yuri gets into trouble, she’ll suddenly feel down..
60. Yuri had more oppa friends than girl friends. -^^
61. Yuri takes care of her health a lot.. Knows good for health things a lot. She’s almost known as the 2nd health member..
62. yuri has 3 steps of managing her anger.
1 - she will talk to herself in order to relax (“calm down yuri, calm down”)
2 - she stares at the person she is angry at
3 - she locks herself in a room for a while. after that, she goes out from the room and confronts the person that causes her anger, with A LIST OF HER UNSATISFIED-NESS in her hand. she will read the list one by one to the person. if the person reasons his/her behavior, she will go back to her room and come back with a new improved list. -^^
63. The thing that Yuri’s thinking when she filmed the K.Will’s MV, the crying part, is the members.. :) She cried because of thinking the members..
64. Though Yuri is a strong girl, she cried (most of the time) when she’s talking about the members..
65. Yuri is said, the member that is proud at being one of SNSD members (this is said by more than one psychologist)
66. Yuri is professional when the camera is shooting her
67. Yuri once get mad when the other members says that she doesn’t have an S-line. -^^
68. She graduated at Neunggok High School.
69.When Yuri is focused on something, she doesn’t pay attention to other thing.. She even ever made Taeng fell because of that.. But she said sorry immediately when she knows that :)
70. yuri sleeps with her toungue out. LOL
71.yuri is known as happy virus..^^
72. Yuri fell asleep while preparing Kimchi on IY
73. yuri and sooyoung have a fake commrcial in hello baby ep 13 part 1 and 2 .. LOL. super funny.. watch it..xD
74. Yuri didn’t affraid of ghost
75. Yuri scare the hell outta hyungdon on taeyeon’s WGM
76. Yuri can lick her own nose.LOL…frm invicible youth
77. yuri was casted on the series “unstoppable marriage” together with sooyoung. -^^
78. YURI is very super LONELY without YOONA, .. :(
79. yuri has hair on her stomach XD
80. yuri is jessica’s husband…^_^
81. Yuri cooking skill is lower than TaeYeon…from mtv interview
82. yuri wear a glove at her foot….
83. Yuri loves Mickey Mouse..
84. Yuri once pulled a prank where she tied the shoelaces of the shoes ofother 8 members to each others and ran away.
85. Yuri has a elder brother as seen on the picture. They really are brothers.
86. Yuri can bend her body because she attended yoga class. She has flexible body. :))
87. Suju Leader Leeteuk is afraid of Yuri..
88. Yuri and Sooyoung were schoolmate.
89. Sunny once said that Yuri’s sleeptalks are the most extreme and toughest Ishe’d ever seen.
90. Yuri has the best body in SNSD.
91. 2pm Nickhun and Yuri are the partners in their new mv “Cabi”.
92. Sunny and Yuri are the ones who get the choreography wrong most of the time…
93. Yuri can make everybody tolerant when she starts fooling around.
94. Yuri is the organized queen. Everyone knows it.
Yuri with Yoona {YoonYul}
Yuri with Yoona {YoonYul}
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