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posted by hornean
Born at sea in the teeth of a gale, the sailor was a dog. Scuppers was his name.

After that he lived on a farm. But Scuppers, born at sea, was a sailor. And when he grew up, he wanted to go to sea.
So he went to look for something to go in.
He found a little submarine. “All aboard!” they called. It was going down under the sea. But Scuppers did not want to go under the sea.
He found a little car.
“All aboard!” they called. It was going over the land. But Scuppers did not want to go over the land.

Scuppers was a sailor. He wanted to go to sea.
So Scuppers went over the hills and far away until he came to the sea.
Over the hills and far away was the ocean. And on the ocean was a ship. The ship was about to go over the sea. It blew all its whistles.
“All aboard!” they called.
“All ashore that are going ashore!”
“All aboard!”

So Scuppers went to sea.
The ship began to move slowly along. The wind blew it.
In his ship Scuppers had a little room. In his room Scuppers had a hook for his hat and hook for his rope and a hook for his handkerchief and a hook for his pants and a hook for his spyglass and a place for his shoes and a bunk for a bed to put himself in.

At night Scuppers threw the anchor into the sea, and he went down to his little room.

He put his hat on the hook for his hat, and his rope on the hook for his rope, and his pants on the hook for his pants, and his spyglass hook for his spyglass, and he put his shoes under the bed and got into his bed, which was a bunk, and went to sleep.

Next morning he was shipwrecked.
Too big a storm blew out of the sky. The anchor dragged, and the ship crashed onto the rocks. There was a big hole in it.
Scuppers himself was washed overboard and hurled by huge waves onto the shore.
He was washed up onto the beach. It was foggy and rainy. There were no houses, and Scuppers needed a house.
But on the beach was lots and lots of driftwood, and he found an old rusty box stuck in the sand.
Maybe it was a treasure!

It was a treasure—to Scuppers.
It was an old-fashioned tool box with hammers and nails and an ax and a saw. Everything he needed to build himself a house. So Scuppers started to build a house, all by himself, out of driftwood.
He built a door and a window and a roof and a porch and a floor, all out of driftwood.
And he found some red bricks and built a big red chimney. And then he lit a fire, and the smoke went up the chimney.

Then the stars came out, and he was sleepy. So he built a bed of pine branches.
And he jumped into his deep green bed and went to sleep. As he slept he dreamed—

If he could build a house, he could mend the hole in the ship.

So the next day at low tide he took his tool box and waded out and hammered planks across the hole in his ship.
At last the ship was fixed.
So he sailed away.
Until he came to a seaport in a foreign land.
By now his clothes were all worn and ripped and torn and blown to pieces. His coat was torn, his hat was blown away, and his shoes were all worn out. And his handkerchief was ripped. Only his pants were still good.

So he went ashore to buy some clothes at the Army and Navy Store. And some fresh oranges. He bought a coat. He found a red one too small. He found a blue one just right. It had brass buttons on it.
Then he went to buy a hat. He found a purple one too silly. He found a white one just right.
He needed new shoes. He found some yellow ones too small. He found some red ones too fancy. Then he found some white ones just right.
Here he is with his new hat on, and with his new shoes on, and with his new coat on, with his shiny brass buttons. (He has a can of polish and a cloth to keep them shiny.)
And he has a new clean handkerchief, and a new rope, and a bushel of oranges.
And now Scuppers wants to go back to his ship. So he goes there.

And at night when the stars came out, he took one last look through his spyglass. And went down below to his little room, and he hung his new hat on the hook for his hat, and he hung his spyglass hook for his spyglass, and he hung his new coat on the hook for his coat, and his new handkerchief on the hook for his handkerchief, and his pants on the hook for his pants, and his new rope on the hook for his rope, and his new shoes he put under his bunk, and himself he put in his bunk.
And here he is where he wants to be— a sailor sailing the deep green sea.


I am Scuppers the Sailor Dog—
I’m Scuppers the Sailor Dog—
I can sail in a gale
right over a whale
under full sail
in a fog.

I am Scuppers the Sailor Dog—
I’m Scuppers the Sailor Dog—
with a shake and a snort
I can sail into port
under full sail
in a fog.
added by hornean
“Hey, Slimey!” said Oscar the Grouch, holding up a thimble filled with water. “You’re on.”
Oscar meant that it was time for Slimey, his pet worm, to practice his newest trick.
“I can hardly wait to tell everyone about this,” said Oscar. “I bet no one has ever seen a worm dive from a diving board into a thimble full of water.”

Slimey climbed up the little ladder.
He wriggled to the end of the diving board and looked down. There was the thimble full of water.
Slimey took a deep breath and dived. He landed in the thimble with a SPLISH.

“Terrific dive!” said Oscar. “A few more...
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added by hornean
added by hornean
Once upon a time, there were three little pigs. When they were old enough, they left their home to seek their fortunes.
Mother Pig was very sad to see them leave.
The first little pig met a farmer with a load of straw.
“Please sir,” he said “will you give me some straw to build a house?”
The farmer gave the first little pig some straw.

And the little pig built a house of straw.
Along came a wicked wolf and knocked on the door.
“Little pig, little pig, let me come in,” said the wolf.
But the little pig answered, “No, no! Not by the hair of my chinny-chin-chin.”
“Then I’ll huff and...
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Once upon a time, there were three bears who lived in a little house in the woods.
Father Bear was a great big bear.
Mother Bear was a medium-sized bear.
And Baby Bear was a wee tiny bear.
One day, Mother Bear made hot porridge for breakfast.
She poured it into their bowls, and they all went for a walk in the woods while it cooled.

While they were gone, a little girl named Goldilocks came to their house.
She looked in the door and didn’t see anyone there, so in she went. Now, that was not right. She should have waited for someone to come home.
Well, Goldilocks saw porridge on the table and suddenly...
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added by hornean
added by hornean
added by hornean
added by hornean
Once upon a time, a little old woman and a little old man lived in a little old house.
One day, the little old woman decided to make a gingerbread man.
She cut him out of dough and put him in the oven to bake.
After a while, the little old woman said to herself, “That gingerbread man must be ready by now.”
She went to the oven door and opened it. Up jumped the gingerbread man, and away he ran, out the front door.

As he ran, he shouted,
Run, run as fast as you can.
You can’t catch me,
I’m the gingerbread man!

The little old woman ran after the gingerbread man, but she couldn’t catch him....
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added by hornean
golden book video
little golden book land
added by hornean