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A/N: So, guess who finally updated. Yeah, I’m sorry about the horribly long wait, but I’m not going to lie, I had absolutely NO IDEA what to write. So, after writing this chapter I have decided:
THIS IS THE LAST CHAPTER OF THIS STORY!!!!!! I like how it ends, and if I even try to write more, I’d just be leaving you all with increasing longer breaks in between chapters.
Plus, I’m thinking of writing stories for my newest obsession, James and Lily (Harry Potter), cause I have tons of ideas for them.
THANK YOU ALL FOR READING THIS STORY!! Hope you enjoy this chapter!!!
P.S. The first part of this is just a little something I was thinking of for awhile as a drabble but thought it was cute in the beginning of this story.

    “Ugh, not again,” Serena grumbled as she threw her ringing phone onto the bed. She turned to walk into the bathroom.

    “Avoiding someone?” Chuck asked, causing Serena to scream and jump.

    “What are you doing in my bathroom?” She yelled.

    Chuck took a drag of the cigarette he was holding, “Well if I lit up in my bathroom, the folks would know it was me, sis.”

    “First thing, let’s get one thing straight. I am not your sister. I do not share any of your DNA, nor do I ever wish too. Now get out,” she pulled on his arm slightly, right as he caught sight of another girl walking into the bathroom.

    “You might not wish too, but I know someone who might,” he smirked as he grabbed Blair to give her a, much too long for Serena’s liking, kiss.

    “Ummm… what are you two doing in Serena’s bathroom?” Blair asked once Chuck had released her.

    “I am trying to take a shower,” Serena hissed, glaring at Chuck.

    “And she’s avoiding someone,” Chuck countered, knowing that this would distract Blair.

    “Who?” Blair immediately snapped, while grabbing Chuck’s cigarette and snuffing it out, ignoring his angry look.

    “No one…” Serena tried to seem serious, but upon Blair’s ‘I know you’re lying’ look, gave in. “Ok, I’m avoiding Dan.”

    “But I thought that you two…” Blair trailed off, trying to explain what she thought happened between Serena and Dan.

    “We were,” Serena started, then sighed, “But then I heard my mom and Dan’s dad talking about… it. And it was just too weird so I decided to end things. Luckily it was right as Dan’s old friend came back home so I’ve been using that as an excuse, but he won’t stop calling.”

    Blair was just about to respond when someone called for Serena from downstairs. “Ugh, not more wedding planning,” she grumbled as she glared at Chuck before walking out of the bathroom.

    Chuck laughed underneath his breath as he picked up a new joint. “I wasn’t expecting to see you today,” he smirked at Blair.

    “I wasn’t expecting to come over today, but Eleanor has just returned from her first business trip since…” she trailed off.

    Chuck just nodded as he got down from where he was sitting, wrapping his arm around her shoulders and kissing her head. “And instead you chose to grace the wedding planners with your presence. I know they loved you the last time you were here.” He paused then, turning to her with a serious look on his face, “unless you came for another reason.” At this he couldn’t stop the smirk that lit up his face.

    Blair ignored his comment as they walked into the dining room, greeted with the whole family at the table. Lily was simultaneously shouting orders to the various planners running around, while lecturing Serena about the importance of hygiene.

    “Charles,” Bart greeted him, Chuck automatically taking a seat as though ordered. “Blair,” he said unsurely, almost as though he hadn’t expected her to be there even though his face showed no sign of this.

    “Mr. Bass,” she acknowledged as she sat down and started helping herself to the food on the table.

    During the next lull in Lily’s talk, Bart turned to Chuck, “As Best Man, I expect you to keep everything going smooth before the wedding.”

    Chuck, who had just been about to take a drink, froze. Then after a slight nudge from Blair he started again, “Uh… of course, father.”

    His dad nodded his head before returning to his newspaper. Chuck looked down at his plate, before turning to look at Blair, who was beaming at him, not able to help a small smile from gracing his face.

    “Ugh, I’m just going to go throw up now,” Serena said upon seeing her friends display of affection.

    “Maybe you should just take a shower instead,” Eric commented right before she left the room.


Wedding Day:

    “She’s freaking out,” Serena practically yelled as she pulled Blair aside, earning an angry look from Chuck, who Blair was talking to.

    “So thus you’re freaking out?” Blair looked at her skeptically. “It’s her wedding, she’s done this before and she’s always freaked out. She’ll forget it the minute she starts walking down the aisle. Now why did you actually pull me over here?”

    Serena looked around quickly before sighing, “He’s here. Why is he here?”

    “Hmm…” Blair took a minute to think. “No idea why, but this is the perfect opportunity for you to talk to him.”

    Serena hissed, “And tell him what, Blair? ‘I’ve been avoiding you because in a few years we’re going to be siblings and that would be awkward.’ He’d think I’m crazy.”

    “Maybe you should introduce him to them. Eric took it better then we thought he would,” Blair put on a small smile when Serena slightly pushed her, letting out a laugh. “Talk to him. Now I’m going to go back over there.”

    “I wonder why,” Serena called out as Blair began walking away, laughing at the glare she received.


    “Sorry about that… wedding crisis,” Blair smiled as she moved in front of Chuck, reaching for his bowtie.

    “Does it involve Brooklyn?” When Blair looked up at him in surprise he nodded his head in the direction of Dan Humphrey and a girl Blair didn’t know whose arm was on Nate’s. Blair froze. “That was my reaction too.”

    “But what about… everything,” she whispered.
    “Well Nathaniel didn’t like ‘everything.’ Said he wanted a break from it all.”

    “And that break was in Brooklyn?” Blair exclaimed, earning a laugh from Chuck.

    “It’s where the Captain’s rehab is.” After a minute he began digging in his pocket, taking out a bunch of note cards.

    “Speech going that well,” Blair teased, trying to reach for them, but finding Chuck holding them out of her reach.

    “You’ll hear it soon enough, Blair,” he smiled as she put on a pout. “Now I’m off to fulfill my Best Man duties.” He kissed her on the cheek before walking toward his father who’s just arrived.


    It was a whole hour before Lily even took her first step down the aisle, during which time Blair was introduced and forced to be polite to Nate’s date, who’s name was Vanessa and apparently was Dan’s best friend. Meanwhile, Serena was forced to make up wedding emergencies so as to avoid ever being alone with Dan.

    After the ceremony everyone moved inside, Blair watching Chuck the whole time, she didn’t think she’d ever seen him so happy. When he got up for his speech everyone in the dining room stopped their chatter.

    “One thing I’ve learned from my father’s courtship of Lily is the importance of perseverance. In the face of true love you don’t just give up, even if the object of your affection is begging you to. Because no matter what you do, you will find your way back to each other, and that’s something worth fighting for. To the happy couple.”


    Serena had run out back outside to where the ceremony had been held, holding her head in her hands she tried to think through what was going to happen. Right then someone else sat down next to her, “I know you’ve been avoiding me.”

    Serena looked up, “No, I haven’t.”

    “Serena, I’m an expert on people trying to avoid me. I just don’t get why. I mean, I thought you actually liked me, I guess,” Dan said, trying and failing to not seem awkward.

    “I do like you, Dan. It’s just…”

    “Our parents?” When he had seen the confirmation on Serena’s face he continued, “Yeah, I understand. I guess I just thought with her marrying Bart…”

    Serena looked over at Dan sadly, before grabbing his hand, “Maybe we should just be friends.”

    He looked down at their hands before answering, “I think I could be ok with that.” They both sat for a few minutes in silence before Dan got up, “I’m going to go look for Vanessa, tell her I’m going back.”

    Serena immediately stood up too, trying to find something to say, instead she just hugged him, “I’m sorry, Dan.”


    She wasn’t looking as she entered the ballroom, running straight into Nate. But right before she could apologize the wedding photographer rushed over, pushing them together for a dance. Neither really looked into each other’s eyes as they began swaying.

    “Where’s Vanessa?” Serena finally asked.

    “She went home with Dan after I found out my dad has fled the country,” Nate said in a monotone, but Serena caught the underlying sadness.

    They both simultaneously pulled each other closer as they danced to the song. Neither paying any attention to anything around them, until they saw a tearful Blair run past. While Serena turned to watch Blair run off, Nate looked back to see Chuck, standing frozen with a very shocked and scared look on his face. Both Serena and Nate turned to look at each other before Serena wordlessly began running off after Blair.


    “Blair?” Serena called as she entered Blair’s room, sitting down next to her figure on the bed.

    “Go away, Serena.”

    “What happened?” Serena said, ignoring her complaints.

    “I’m stupid. That’s what happened.”

    “Ummm….” Serena was very confused.

    Blair huffed as she sat up, her makeup slightly smudged she started ranting, “We were dancing and he said that he wanted me to come to Tuscany with him. Then for some reason I said it! I said the three words,” She flung herself back on the bed before mumbling, “And he didn’t say anything back. Just stood there…”

    Serena sat there shocked for a minute before saying softly, “Well, maybe it was a little too soon for him.”

    “I know that, S! But he was asking me to go to Tuscany with him, how much more official can you get.”

    “Well, you are going with him right?” Serena questioned slowly.

    “I don’t know… I just ruined everything,” Blair was sitting up at this point, looking down at her hands.

    “No, you have to go. This is Chuck Bass, you know how he is with that sort of thing… love and everything.”

    Blair sat silently for a minute, “We could travel from there to see Daddy and Roman.”

    “Great! Now let’s start packing!” Serena proclaimed as she jumped off the bed.


    He sat alone in his room, a glass clenched in his hand, still staring off with that shocked look on his face from earlier. Even when he heard the door open he didn’t move a muscle. When the three people now in the room came and sat next to him he still didn’t move.

    “Chuck, you’re going to have to tell us what happened,” Nate said softly as he sat next to his friend.

    He didn’t look up as he mumbled what happened into his glass. The older Chuck and Blair threw confused looks at Nate, asking what happened.

    He awkwardly cleared his throat and told them, “Blair said ‘I love you’.” All of them caught the slight twitch Chuck made when he heard the words again.

    “And you didn’t say it back,” the older Blair said, more as a statement then a question. They all took Chuck lowering his head as confirmation. “Well, that’s consistent. Did you still invite her to Tuscany?”

    Chuck raised his head, eyebrows raised in surprise as he wordlessly nodded.

    “You really should start packing then,” Blair commented, getting a small laugh from the older Chuck who had to hold her back from running around the room.

    “She’s not going to come now,” Chuck said the first words since they’d arrived.

    “I wouldn’t be so sure about that man,” Nate said, moved by his friend’s helplessness, using this as an unspoken peace treaty between the two.

    “Nate’s right, if memory serves correctly you’re the one that has some problems showing up,” Blair said, with a slight edge of past bitterness in her voice.

    “You want to go with her?” the older Chuck asked, already knowing the answer before he got a nod. “Then go, because if you don’t you’re going to start a long and painful process.”


    Ten minutes late. There’s no need to worry, it’s only 10 minutes, Blair thought to herself as she sat opening and closing her phone, checking the time. When she heard the limo pull up she forced herself not to turn around and look. She didn’t turn around until he touched her shoulder.

    She looked into his eyes then quickly looked away, right at the bouquet he was holding, smirking at her. She opened and closed her mouth twice, trying to think of something to say. Then he put his hand on her chin and kissed her. He pulled back, smiling, as he said, “You know, we can visit your dad in France after our trip if you want.”

    Blair beamed as she grabbed the roses, “I’d love to.”

added by hallemay550
Source: gossipgirlonline.net
added by rose2
Source: http://www.tvguide.com/tvshows/gossip-girl/photos
posted by BluckChairLover
Urrmm this is my first Fan-fic, so...I hope its ok! Not quite sure when the idea came to me, but I thought that the plot was realy just...cute :D Hope you like it:
There she was. Sitting neatly on her bed, crying. She wasn’t dramatically flung over all her belongings-she just sat there, legs folded, quietly shaking, tear drops running down her porcelain cheeks; her long mane of chocolate curls surrounded her face like a blanket. He just stood there for a couple of minuets, watching her. She was so beautiful to him. He had always thought of her so, he had just never had the guts to go and tel...
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so here's the penultimate chapter...

I hope you like it! Thank you for reading!

Previously...Marcus escapes with the Cypher, Chuck and Blair reunite...who's at the door?

"I cant believe I almost lost you," she suddenly said seriously. She looked at him with sad regretful eyes, thinking of all the horrible things that had gone on between them and how much she wished they could go back and do things differently.
"And I almost lost you...but forget that...it's in the past. I'm here now." he reminded her and she smiled in relief.
"You are." she said proudly and snuggled into him, "and you smell...
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A.N. THANK YOU for all the reviews people! I love each and every single one.

SNOW DAY! woohoo! Snow in the UK is crazy this year!

Got time to write this chapter, it was going to be much longer but it kind of got long enough….I really hope you like how it turns out because im not too sure that you’ll like it so read on and let me know what you make of it!

She gave him a wicked smile, daring him to speak. She had been right in thinking he would not have expected this, not in a million years. He would have expected her to seek revenge on him for going to the press, maybe to even come to him in...
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posted by edwestwick
Story: "French Kiss"

Author: Ana

Pairing: Chuck/Blair

Disclaimer: I don’t own Gossip Girl or movie 'French Kiss'

Summary: After being left by her boyfriend Blair Waldorf goes to France to get him back. But what will happen when she meets not really honest guy who will not leave her alone? Based on the movie 'French kiss'.

AN: Dan’s not Jenny’s sister (she’s Nate’s sis). Chuck knows Dan but Blair doesn’t. And Chuck doesn’t know Nate or Serena. Ok I hope it’s not confusing.

Here’s new update and to the guardian izz review – I don’t EXACTLY follow the movie (which you will see...
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Hilary Duff has left the building. The actress has concluded her run on Gossip Girl as Olivia Burke and there are no plans for her to come back this season.

That much was kind of expected after this week's episode and the aftermath of the now-infamous threesome. Olivia doubted Dan's feelings for her and left NYU.

But here's some other couples scoop E! Online just unearthed:

* Dan and Vanessa, as foreshadowed in "The Last Days of Disco Stick," are most definitely on. They will be getting together this season.
* Ditto Nate and Serena, who will become a bona fide couple.
* Rufus and Lily will have a major problem (Serena's father).
* Chuck and Blair will be going strong.
We haven't seen Chace Crawford on the party scene for months, and now we know why: Dude is training hard for his upcoming role in the Footloose reboot. Crawford took some time away from his training to spend a late night out at the Cinema Society screening of The Private Lives of Pippa Lee last night, which stars his Gossip Girl co-star Blake Lively. He was reticent at first, telling us that he's training "here and there" to get into Kevin Bacon–circa-1984 shape. "It's coming along," he said modestly. "Can't give away too much. Uh, it's pretty rigorous, though," he added.
Crawford said that...
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Sorry, Chace Crawford. Even you don't stand a chance with Leona Lewis.

The singer turned down a chance to kiss the Gossip Girl hunk when he appeared in her latest video because it might make her beau, Lou Al-Chamaa, jealous.

"They wanted me and Chace to kiss in the 'I Will Be' video. But I said no way," she tells the U.K magazine Sugar, adding that Chace is just not her type.

"He needs roughing up a bit! He'd be a really pretty girl … He's so beautiful, I mean, look at him," she says. "But I just don't think of him like that."

"But mostly it wouldn't be fair to Lou to kiss other guys."

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As we all know, Tyra Banks and Hilary Duff are coming to Gossip Girl next week. Today's TV Guide spoiler column has the latest on what we can expect then ...

Q: I can't wait to see Hilary Duff on Gossip Girl. Who will she have scenes with?

A: Who won't she have scenes with? I had heard that movie star Olivia Burke (Duff) would be rooming with Vanessa, but I had no idea she'd be romancing Dan and working with Serena. (Yes, you heard that right: working.)

But forget all that, if you're looking for an excuse to laugh louder than you ever have in your life, honest human emotion, wait until you see Duff and her fellow guest star Tyra Banks' virtuoso performances in Fleur.

That would be the film-within-the-show about, of course, the French resistance during World War II. Talk about Les Miserables!

Quite a lot of hype. Are you excited for Hilary and Tyra or no?
posted by KaterinoulaLove
Season 1 featured 18 episodes and began airing on September 19, 2007. However, due to the 2007–2008 Writers Guild of America strike, only 13 episodes were produced from the planned 22, but once the strike ended, the network announced five more episodes to be produced, and finally the season concluded on May 19, 2008. The season premiered with 3.65 milion viewers,[5] and ended with 3.00.[6] Although the ratings were low the network renewed the show for second season due their aiming on male and female demographics on age 18-34.

The season begins with the mysterious return of Serena van der...
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posted by Yankeesam32935
It’s not the same- Oneshot

A/N: This takes place directly after Blair and Chuck receive the text messages from Gossip Girl stating that they slept with Jack and Vanessa in episode 2.25. This is for Anja and everyone over at Ed’s forum for encouraging me to still write. *HUGS* Enjoy!

“You slept with Vanessa?”
“You slept with Jack?” Chuck looked at her with narrowed eyes and saw the guilty look that resided on her face and knew immediately that it was true. “Congratulations Blair. You’ve outdone yourself this time.”
People looked in every direction at the two people in the center...
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posted by gossip-girl999
Poker Face-- Blair Waldorf-- Oneshot

A/N: I had another sleepless night last night so I got writing this little one shot. I haven't written a one shot for a while and I really wanted to finish one. I've got about three on the go but I never seem to finish them with my other two stories to do too. Anyway I'm surprised by myself here that I have never just done a Blair fan fiction. But this is all about the wonderful Blair so I hope you all enjoy it. Please review, I really appreciate it. Thank you xoxo

Setting; Set when Blair is 16. She is friends with Serena, they have patched things up. She...
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5 years later chuck and blair are married with one kid

serena nate and blair turned around ans saw georgina her brunette hair all messy her clothes looked like she had worn them all year ansd she had a half empty bottle of whisky in her hand

B: what is she sdoing back ?
S: i dont no but the bitch better have a godd reason for coming back
N: chuck is going to be mad that shes back
B:why would chuck be mad ...
N:he hasnt told you ?
B: well obviously not wh would he be mad tell me ante
N:he should tell you himself
S:cut the crap and tell her
B(upset)we are married we aint supposed to have secrets
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posted by nataliaryanfan
Oh!Honey!Don't feel that way!!!You ARE a great

writer!!!!And you don't have to give your votes

to anyone!!!!You deserved those votes!!!!!!!!!I

swear on Bart Bass's grave!!!I seriously do swear

on his dead body!!!!And if I'm lying,may I be

banished to hell!Because I know I'm telling the

truth about you!!!HONESTLY!!

And,Lauren...when I comment a lot on some

thing,that probably means I LOVE it!!!!And,in

this case,I comment a lot on your stuff!WHich

means I love every single thing you write!!!!!!!!!

Don't you dare think you're a crappy writer!!!Cuz

you're NOT!!!!!!!!!!!!!

P.S:Please,everyone who reads this,tell Lauren(ChuckBlairLuvA)that she's a great writer,because she is.And for some damn reason,she doesn't think so!

P.S.S:Oh,and Lauren,if you read this,know that you're an AWESOME,GREAT,TERRIFIC,FANTASTIC, FABULOUS,SPECTACULAR,SUPERB writer!!!


I didn't think I would ever say this, especially with what the writers had done with her. After a season and a half, I can safely say I liked her in the latest episode.

The scene where Penelope "gives" the Queen B title to Jenny, and Jenny was all "what the hell are you on about?" Yeah, that won it over for me.

Also there was the whole Jenny/Eric chemistry shining through. I feel like the writers wasted a good thing with Eric. They made him gay, and what now? He doesn't even have a decent storyline or romance. *sigh* But I digress.

So Yes. I, who took shots at the characterization of Jenny any...
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A/N: Okay, I honestly don’t know how I can remember this dream since I had it the same night I had the dream in chapter 1…*sigh*….but I will try my best to remember as much as possible. Hehe.
This dream was a much more intensified version of the Nate/Vanessa/Jenny love triangle. When I watched it (the love triangle) on TV, I TOTALLY sided with Vanessa. Don’t get me wrong, I really TRIED to be open minded about the whole Nate/Jenny thing, but I just…couldn’t. It just didn’t feel right to me. Though whenever I watched Nenny vids, I found them adorable. I feel like they could’ve...
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posted by Leightonfan
Blair and Dan have ben going out for a few days and everything is going smooth, except for the fact that Serena is jealous. Well,they did brake up two weeks ago. Blair even asked her was it okay if they went out. Serena only said yes because it was about time she got over him and Blair really started to like him. You know they say, "All is fair in love and war."
"Hey,Blair bear." Dan said as he gave Blair a hug. Then he gave her flowers. Aww, how sweet.
"Thanks, are we still on for our date on Saturday?" She asked.
"Ofcourse," Dan got a text message from Jenny."Sorry, I have to go. Jenny needs...
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added by Gretulee