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posted by peppergirl30
Lily's POV

At least, it seemed perfect when I thought of it. ''But, Tamara,'' I plead. ''I just need something! It could be a piece of torn up parchment for all I care.''

''I am not, under any circumstances, getting involved.'' Tamara gives me a firm look. ''I mean, helping you get Hugo back is one thing, but this? No way.''

I walk away from her, defeated. Now I need a new plan for a horcrux for Abby, Hugo, and Blake. I sit down in one of the enormous maroon chairs in the Gryffindor Common Room and take a peek out the window.

My father is strolling along the grounds.

Rose's POV

Today was the day, the big meeting with Kendall, and we were sure we wouldn't screw it up. Louis' plan was a good one, but if one thing went wrong then we were in trouble. Basically, we were going to:

1. When Kendall comes, act like everything is normal.

2. After a bit of conversation, we ask her if she's talked to Hugo recently: because we haven't.

3. We take whatever information we can get.

4. We invite her back the day after tomorrow, and if she accepts we get more information. If she doesn't: then we don't.

It's really the best plan we have. James and I spent hours last night reviewing it, practicing where to go and what to do when she arrived. It was like we were meeting the Minister, if the Minister was an 11 year old girl.
Somehow, that thought isn't comforting. I still haven't told anyone about Harry: I'm still trying to convince myself that it was just a figment of my imagination. But Lily has to come in and ruin all that.

''GUYS!'' Lily's breathless, and the look on her face is pure terror.

James stands up. ''What?''

Her words are barely audible. '"Dad's back. I saw him walking into the castle.''

Since the Common Room is oddly deserted, we're allowed to do and say whatever we want. But that doesn't keep the silence from not coming, none of us want to speak.

''I saw him too,'' I say. ''Last night, walking back to the castle.''

''Great.'' Aimee says sarcastically. ''That means that our parents are coming. Just swell.''

''This could actually help, though. I mean, they could convince Hugo-''

''Nobody can convince Hugo of anything.'' I cut Lily off, and although she looks shocked, she seems to agree with me after a second.

After that, we make small talk, the subject being Harry, but I don't feel like talking about it.

My father isn't far behind from coming.

The Potter House, One Day Earlier -Harry's POV-

''Again, thanks all for coming.'' I look around at all my brothers, my sisters. Ron looks especially upset, and I really can't blame him. It's taken a toll on him and Hermione, I can tell.

''But, Harry,'' George starts. ''Do you really think that your plan will work? I mean, they're going through so much already. This could be an extra thing on their plate.''

''I'm positive. I could help them, and even though the thought of Dad entering their school may be horrifying, it's the least we can do.''

Their all silent, pondering my idea. ''It's not that I don't like it, but there's just one flaw.'' My head turns to Bill.

''What's the flaw, then?''

''It's just - do you really think that Hugo, or any of them, will listen to us? Accept our help that easily? You of all people should know that our kids can be incredibly stubborn.''

Heads nod in agreement. ''Of course I know that. But really? What plan is perfect?''

''Harry, you know that our plans never work. We plan, we get there, all hell breaks loose.'' Hermione's quoting me now, and it's just a bit infuriating.

''Hermione, that was different. We were actually defeating Volde-''

''How is it different?'' She asks, creepily calm. ''Our kids are battling their own Voldemort, and even though it's not really Voldemort in the flesh, but there's clearly someone who's acting as one and hiring their own Death Eaters.''

After that, it's quiet for a few moments. Everyone, including me, knows she's right. ''I know,'' I say quietly. ''But it's the only plan we've got.''

''Just do it, Harry.'' Ron says, to my surprise. ''I think the plan could work, really. It might be a risk - but we've taken plenty of those before.''

I picture Hogwarts in my mind, and vanish.

Rose's POV

Louis isn't happy when he hears our news. ''Are you bloody kidding me? Right when everything seems perfect, when our plan is falling into place..''

James and Albus are pale. Lily isn't here because if Kendall is on their side, and she sees that Lily's here.. she'll know that Lily is a spy. But now that they know Harry is here, it's only a matter of time before they reunite. ''How long do you think we have before he realizes we're here?'' James whispers.

''Not long,'' Albus says.

There's a knock at the door, and our eyes widen. It's one of two people: Kendall, or Harry. I don't think I'm prepared to face either of them, really.

Louis, being chivalrous, walks to the door and opens the door. It's Kendall.

''Hi,'' She says breathlessly. It's obvious she practically ran to get here: either excited, or anxious.

''Come in,'' Louis says. We all sit up straight and smile, trying our best to look pleasant. But the fear is still visible, just a little bit.

''Well,'' Louis says awkwardly. ''You can sit there,'' He points to a chair next to Roxanne, ''And I'll introduce you to everyone.'' She sits down, and looks at him.

He starts. ''Next to you is Roxanne, and to her left is Fred, Rose, James, Albus, Victoire, Dominique, Molly, Lucy, Teddy.. and I'm Louis.''

Her eyes are shining. ''Whoa.. it must be cool to have a family that big..''

''Everyone says that,'' Roxanne mutters, but she doesn't hear her.

We talk for a while, answering her questions, doing the polite thing. But pretty soon it's obvious that Louis is getting antsy: He wants to ask questions. We sit still, however, because if we came on too strong it could screw everything up.

''Kendall..'' Victoire is the brave one, and asks the question. ''Do you know what Hugo's.. plans.. are?'' She struggles to find the right word, and I don't blame her. I'd have a hard time wording it too.

Whether or not Kendall actually knows, it's hard to tell. Somehow, I really want to believe that she's not, that it's all a big misunderstanding. But Kendall is one good actor.

''What do you mean by plans, exactly?'' The smile on her face disappeared instantly.

She's got us in a tight spot. One wrong word, and she's out of her faster than if she disapparated. ''His plans, with his friends. Abby and Blake.''

Her eyebrows furrow. ''Umm.. well..'' She stops. ''Why do you need to know?''

''Because we're worried about him.'' I say, and look her right in the eye. ''And if you don't tell us, then you'll be in trouble.''

''With who? I'd be so scared if you told my Mummy.'' She tries to look defiant, but it's not working. The fear is still visible within her gaze.

''Kendall, it's not like that..'' Victoire says. ''All we need is to ask one question.''

''What is it, then?'' She crosses her arms.

''Are you, or are you not working with them?''

''I am.'' The fact that she just answered, blatantly, surprises me. I thought that she would try to protest, to make it seem less.. real?

''..Then why are you here? That's sort of giving yourself away - and they'll be pissed at you.'' Fred rolls his eyes at her mistake.

''You really don't know how it works, do you? Blake is my brother. I help him, no matter what.''

It takes a second for that reality to sink it. ''You're..his..sister?'' Roxanne, for the first time in her life, is at a loss for words.

''Yeah. And, to be honest, I'm surprised why you aren't helping Hugo, Rose. You're his sister too.''

''Because I know what he's doing is wrong,'' I fight back. ''You should too.''

''I think our definition of right and wrong is different.'' Kendall says, and I silently agree.

''But one thing still doesn't make sense,'' Teddy interjects. ''How could they just let you come?''

''..I got information for them, obviously. You haven't realized that.''

We were trapped. And suddenly, I want to quote Lizzie: I screwed everything up. It's all my fault.

''But I guess Lily is on the right track, isn't she?'' She looks at me again. ''She finally realized what the real definition of right is.'' She smirks, turns, and leaves.

''We've been tricked by an eleven year old.'' Aimee says, to state the obvious. ''And now we're in even more dangerous territory.''

''But on the bright side,'' Dominique says, ''At least they still think Lily's on their side.''

But that isn't comforting today.
Author's Note: Hmm.. for the first time I'm at a loss of words here. I suppose I'll just 'talk,' then: First I want to say that I'm having a lot of fun writing this, really. And I'm sorry if it's dragging on and on and on: I'll try and end it at a good point, not when there's like 50 chapters. xD And writing in Harry's POV was fun.. but awkward. Sort of like I was entering our queen's domain. But I might have to do it again, *SPOILER ALERT* ! Haha. So, anyway: comment, like, save! <3
added by Hermione4evr
harry potter
crazy differences
added by flowerdrop
Source: made by me - flowerdrop
added by ThePrincesTale
Source: http://floccinaucinihilipilificationa.tumblr.com/
added by GinnyWeasley16
added by VioletStormBud
posted by diku2505
Based on an original new story by J.K. Rowling, Jack Thorne and John Tiffany, Harry Potter and the Cursed Child is a new play by Jack Thorne. It is the eighth story in the Harry Potter series and the first official Harry Potter story to be presented on stage.

It was always difficult being Harry Potter and it isn’t much easier now that he is an overworked employee of the Ministry of Magic, a husband and father of three school-age children.

While Harry grapples with a past that refuses to stay where it belongs, his youngest son Albus must struggle with the weight of a family legacy he never wanted. As past and present fuse ominously, both father and son learn the uncomfortable truth: sometimes, darkness comes from unexpected places.

Harry Potter and the Cursed Child is one play presented in two Parts, which are intended to be seen in order on the same day (matinee and evening) or on two consecutive evenings.
added by Hermione4evr
added by LeviTheAckerman
added by Annabele89
added by ThePrincesTale
Source: luisborgia, deviantart (http://luisborgia.deviantart.com/)
added by AmberEdith
added by HermioneRon343
added by lauracullen66
added by RealSunshine
Source: snitchseeker
added by HermioneRon343
added by HermioneRon343