Heartache Club
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posted by anniewannie
Hitoru Akane in her Hishima Star High School uniform
Hitoru Akane in her Hishima Star High School uniform
~ A/N: This chapter goes to all of the Heartache fans that have joined The Heartache Club in Fanpop and to the fans who have commented on the first chapter as well ^^. Enjoy Chapter 2 of Heartache and I hope you'll like it ^^. Comments are approved to this chapter please.

anniewannie ~

Title: Heartache
Author by: anniewannie aka Annie

Chapter 2: A New School

"Akane-chan! Time for your first day in high school!" Akane heard her little step-sister, Maia Sakura, yell from downstairs. Akane's eyes fluttered open tiredly to meet the wide and high-reaching white ceiling of her bedroom. Akane sat up slowly in her bed and stretched her long, pale legs underneath the blankets, and her ivory arms in front of her before she let out a yawn. 'Oh man,' she thought, pulling away the blankets from her body. Suddenly, Akane's bedroom door opened and there, standing in the doorway, was a short girl. She had long, blonde hair that went to her small waist, a blonde chin-length fringe that brisked past her right eye every so often and she wore a pink-and-white headband on her head. Her eyes were dark azure like the sea and her skin was as white as snow. The little girl was wearinf a cute white dress that had pink flowers embroidered on it, white knee-length socks and black strap low heels.

"Good morning, Akane!" She cried happily. "Hey Sakura," Akane said, giving her little step-sister a small smile. The little girl, Sakura, was ten years old and she was starting Grade 5 in Hishima Grade School while Akane was starting Hishima Star High School this year as a new student. "It's time to go to your new school Hishima Star High School, Akane-chan!" Sakura squealed as she skipped towards Akane and flopped down on her bed, staring at Akane with shiny eyes.

"I'm really nervous 'bout going there by myself." Akane gulped. But Sakura huffed with a smile at the corner of her lips. "C'mon Akane-chan! I thought you told me that you weren't going to be nervous about going to Hishima Star High School!" "Yeah, but now ... I'm freaking out." Akane stood up. Sakura sighed. 'I tried my best to encourage her.' Sakura thought, watching Akane stomp off into her bathroom. Akane closed her eyes and breathed a sigh of relief as soon as the door was shut. 'I don't want that to happen again.' She thought as she stood up and walked to her bathroom mirror to star at her face. Akane was sixteen years old and she now had longer hair that went past her slim waist. It was still its normal color except that it was a bit curly and thuck. Her eyes were still a yellow color but a darker yellow so it was hard to tell if it was brown or black. Her face was heart-shaped and pretty to herself, her skin looked a lot paler then when it used to be when Akane was younger, and her lips were ghostly pale.

Akane looked down at her sink and turned on the tap to wash her face clean. She sighed after her face felt refreshed before she reached for her hairbrush that sat next to her bathroom sink, and brushed it through her hair, brushing away the knots. 'There.' Akane thought, seeing her hair good as new. She started stripping off her clothes before she started to switch on the tap of her bathroom shower and step in. Several minutes passed and Akane switched off the tap, stepped out of the shower and grabbed a clean, white fluffy towel. She rushed out of her bathroom, into her bedroom and she ran straight to her closet where her school uniform was hanging on the hanger. She immediately got dressed before she grabbed her bag from her computer chair and rushed downstairs to meet Kylie, Ryo and Sakura. Akane guessed that Tadashe already had breakfast and left for school early in the morning.

"Good morning, sweetie." Ryo greeted Akane with a smile as Akane grabbed a red, juicy apple from the dining table. "Off to your first day at school, aye?" Akane nodded. "Absolutely Dad," she smiled back at him. "I'm nervous though, but I'm sure I'll be fine as I always am." Akane shrugged and came to give her Dad a kiss on the cheek. "Wish me luck. Bye Sakura!" Akane waved. Sakura beamed and gave Akane thumbs-up. "Good luck!" She called and Akane sprinted out of the house. Akane never said goodbye to Kylie because she's always a pain to her. For example, she tried to make Akane say good morning to her when Akane was twelve and Sakura was several months old. That was when Akane knew that having Kylie as her step-mother, was going to be bad luck for her.

Akane saw a brown bike that belonged to her, and it was leaning next to the garage door. She took it out so she could ride, ride away from home, towards Hishima Star High School. Several minutes later, Akane stopped the bike on the footpath in front of the school and gasped as I stared at how big it was. 'Wow ...' She thought, gulping. 'This must be a popular school.' Akane left her bike in the small bikes' parking spot and grabbed her bag, slunging it over her shoulder. Akane breathed, trying to calm the nerves and the sick feeling she was feeling in the pit of her stomach. "Stay calm, Akane." Akane told herself. "Nothing to be afraid of." Akane closed her eyes slowly and breathed in through her nose, but before she could open her eyes again and walk to the school, she heard a voice in front of her. "What're you doing?" It sounded like a girl's voice. Akane's dark yellow eyes flashed open immediately and she saw a girl who had straight, waist-length pink hair that flowed past her shoulders and down her back with a yellow headband on her head, she had pale skin, wide, cherry blossomed eyes and she had a cute, happy and worried expression on her face.

Akane was stunned by it. "Um ... yeah, I ... I guess." Akane stammered. The girl smiled. "I'm Shaya Rumi and I'm a sophomore this year. Last year I was a new student here." Akane smiled. "I'm new here." She explained. "Oh." The pink headed girl, Rumi, said shortly and smiled. "Well, welcome to Hishima Star High School!" She beamed. Suddenly, there was a small ringing noise that rang out the entire field of students and out of the school and Akane guessed that it was the class period bell. "Let's go. It's time for classes. Oh yeah, what's your name?" Rumi asked as we both started walking up to the school. "I'm Akane. Hitoru Akane." Rumi grinned. "I'm sure you'll enjoy it this year. Some of the teachers can be quite harsh on students 'round here, but ... there's a good, clumsy as teacher that goes here." Akane perked up at that. "A clumsy teacher? Who is it?" "Well, it's Himishima Reiji and he's quite a lot to talk about around school." Rumi and Akane entered the school and Akane found it very bustling and crowded. "God, is it always like this?" Akane had to shout above the noises the teenagers were making. "Oh yeah! It's always!" Rumi cried. 'Where am I supposed to find my locker in a crowd like this?' Akane thought, groaning a little at it.

Before Akane could squeeze into the crowd with Rumi, the noise stopped as soon as the doors opened wide. 'What the ...?' Akane thought and turned her head sideways. Her eyes widened at the sight she saw. There, standing in the doors of the school, was a boy who had thick, short and red hair that brushed briskily past his adorable chocolate-brown orbs and his skin was an ivory skin tone. The guy looked like he was seventeen or eighteen, and he wore a plain, orange T-shirt, a grey jacket, blue pants and red sneakers. He looked ... handsome to Akane. The redheaded guy shuffled inside the school and, to Akane's shock, the whole school made two parellel lines like a wave making way for a king. 'I don't understand ...' Akane looked around and noticed that she was the only one that didn't move anywhere, and she was also right in front of the guy!

The redheaded guy cleared his throat and Akane shot back at him again. Then Akane heard him say something that put her in a real bad, but abashed, mood. "Move." Akane blinked, suddenly feeling like she was going to collapse to the white polished floor. But Akane still stood there. "No." She said, crossing her arms over her chest. Akane felt embarrassed for not doing what the guy said, but his words made her furious even though she didn't show it ... at least not yet. "Why not?" The redheaded guy crossed his arms over his chest like what Akane did. "Well," Akane put her arms to her sides and she bit her bottom lip. Then she beamed for a second before answering. "I'm not moving 'cause of your tone that you used with me. And also, I'm a new student here so you should keep that tone of yours away from me while I'm trying to adjust to the school." Akane said and poked the guy in his chest while she said the words. The students gasped at what Akane said while the redheaded guy looked shocked at first before he smiled which made Akane's heart beat quickly, and he leaned down to Akane. Akane saw his fingers touch her chin as he lifted it and Akane's cheeks flushed immediately.

"How would you like a kiss, then?" The redheaded guy whispered in her ear. Akane bit her lip, thinking. "Would you move out of my way then?" Akane gulped. "Uh ..." Akane was speechless. The guy was about to kiss Akane but then someone interrupted. "Kaito! What are you doing?" The redheaded guy, Kaito's his name, leaned away from Akane quickly. "Hey Anna!" Kaito smiled which took Akane's breath away. A girl who had thick, red hair, pale skin - paler than Kaito's - and brown eyes like Kaito, came up to him and grinned. "Thanks for waiting for me - you weren't that patient." The redheaded girl noticed Akane and she smiled at her. "Hi! Thanks for making my brother wait. He can be a little caught up in girls like you." Anna winked. "I'm Sasake Anna and this is my little brother Sasake Kaito. Nice to meet you." Anna waved with her free hand before she grabbed Kaito and dragged him away from Akane.

Everyone in the school either giggled or mumbled to each other as Anna and Kaito walked past them. "You really had him there." Akane heard Rumi's voice next to her. Akane blushed. "Thanks. I never thought there would be ... popular kids going here." Akane looked at Rumi and saw her nod. "There's always popular kids or crowds in all the schools." Akane shrugged. "Guess so." She mumbled.

"C'mon. We'd better get to class. You got your schedule?" Rumi asked. Akane shook her head. "We'll get it now before class starts." Rumi told Akane. "Okay." Akane smiled, the incident of her and Kaito disappeared from her mind. "The office is just down the hall so we'll find it easily." Rumi and Akane started walking again. "Oh yeah, and I want you to meet my friends too." Rumi added. "Sure. I'd like to meet 'em." By now, Akane was grinning.

'I guess the first day at Hishima Star High School isn't so bad after all.' Akane thought as she listened to Rumi talk about her friends.

~ Thanks for reading Chapter 2 of Heartache! It would really help if you comment on this chapter also like Chapter 1.
Thanks and please be patient for Chapter 3! ~
Maia Sakura
Maia Sakura
Shaya Rumi
Shaya Rumi
Sasake Kaito
Sasake Kaito
added by anniewannie
By Fine Frenzy ^^
added by lubasakura
I hope everyone likes it. this is a slideshow for Heartache ^^
A/N: Thanks soooo much for your patience with Chapt. 14 – it made me happy and I hope that this chapter will also be great! :D Thanks for giving me your support you guys and if you keep doing it until the ending of Heartache, I’ll be estastic and thrilled with happiness!

Enjoy! <333

Title: Heartache
Story Author: anniewannie

Chapter 15: Dancing Under The Moon!

Akane sighed happily as she fell backwards onto her bed as soon as she got home after school. She sat upright, hugging her knees to her chin as she leaned against her bedroom wall. “Akane?” Laina asked, staring up at her. Akane...
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Title: Heartache
Author By: anniewannie

Chapter 13: The Truth About Ito Seiji

Akane stared at Kaito as she and him walked on the path that led to Akane's house. "Kaito ..." Akane began, feeling hesitant as she felt Kaito's gaze on her. "Did ... did something happen? And don't lie this time." Akane added sternly. Kaito tilted his head up to the blue cloudless sky as he sighed softly. Akane gulped and gripped onto Kaito's hand. "Please." Akane whispered. "The ... the suspense is killing me." Akane paused. "I need to know." Kaito bit his lower lip, wondering if this was a good idea. He looked down...
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Title: Heartache
Author By: anniewannie

Chapter 12: The New Transfer Student

Akane sighed as she stared at her artwork with Laina. “I wonder when Asuka’s going to be back.” Laina said sadly. “I know. She’s been gone for a day now.” Akane whispered so that Ms Lorelei-sensei wouldn’t hear. Suddenly, a dim light appeared out of thin air and a small figure formed from the light. It was Asuka. “Asuka!” Laina flew and hugged her friend. “What happened? What did the Pixie Queen say about Theresa’s sickness?” Laina asked as Akane pretended to get back to work or else she’d get...
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Title: Heartache
Author By: anniewannie

DEDICATION: To all you wonderful Heartache fans who have commented very well with my story so far. Thank you for being patient and I’m sorry it took a while to finish this chapter.

Chapter 11: Meet Ivory, the Pixie of Fortunes!

“B-b-but ... Sakura, you’re only eleven! You must have one when you’re about my age.” “That’s not true!” Sakura pouted, putting her hands on her waist. “I know what’s been happening in the future since you went to Hishima Star High School and it’s all because my future-bonded pixie told me!” Akane sighed and...
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Title: Heartache
Author By: anniewannie

Chapter 10: Kaito’s Story

Akane smiled up at the clouds moved slowly in the wide open blue sky as she was lying down on the school grass under her tree after the second bell rang. “Hello sleepyhead,” Akane saw Shizuko look down at her. She smiled at her before lying down next to her. “Hey Shiz,” Akane greeted. Shizuko turned her head to Akane and sighed. “Hey Akane …” Shizuko began and Akane looked back at her. “Yeah?” “I heard about what happened between you and Kaito. Emi told me in Science as we took notes.” Akane went silent....
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Title: Heartache
Author By: anniewannie

Chapter 9: Ignorance Causes Pain to the Heart

Everything around Akane was dusk and the atmosphere was frigid, clawing at Akane’s skin, making her teeth chatter from it. 'Why is it ... so frigid out here?' Akane thought, mingled with confusion. Akane was standing on frost-biting snow, in the midst of a dark, shadowy forest. She didn’t know how she got there, but there had to be a reason. "Akane ..." Akane heard a soft voice that whispered to her like the wind that howled in the nights. It sounded like someone Akane knew ... "Mom?" Akane thought, narrowing...
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Title: Heartache
Author By: anniewanie

Chapter 8: Love is Blind

Kaito’s lips touched Akane’s lips after she shut her eyes slowly. The kiss felt as light as a feather and Akane leaned in to make the kiss deeper. But as Akane did so, the classroom door flew open and Akane’s eyes flashed open immediately. She pulled away from Kaito and hid herself in his chest. She didn’t want to be lectured by Ms Akira-sensei, not now. Akane just wanted to be close to Kaito. “Hey Anna,” Kaito smiled at the person that flew the door open. “Kaito, why aren’t you in the cafeteria? You’ll be told off...
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Author’s Note: This chapter goes to my fan and friend, animegurl123, who always wanted to become an author when she grows up like me. Darling, this is for you :) !!

Title: Heartache
Author By: Annie

Chapter 5: Two Pixies Are Born!

Akane screamed the next morning, loud and clear, and woke up Rumi, Shizuko and Emi instantly with confusion. “Wha-? What’s going on?” Emi asked, rubbing her eyes slowly. Suddenly, the door swung open and in the doorway stood Tadashe. “Akane, what’s wrong?” He asked. “Tadashe …” Akane began trembling and she looked down at her bed. There were...
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Title: Heartache
Author: anniewannie

Chapter 4: Truth or Dare

“I’m home!” Akane shouted when she entered the house after school. She knew that Kylie and Ryo were at work and never came home until late and that Tadashe was still at school and Sakura was with Kylie right now, but Akane still said it. Akane rushed upstairs, opened the door to her bedroom, and threw her bag on the floor beside her bed before she collapsed exhausted on her bed. Akane blew a sigh and as closed her eyes. “Hmm …” Akane murmured to herself. “I wonder what Rumi was talking about before I got off the school...
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posted by anniewannie
Thanks for those who commented on Chapter 2 of ‘Heartache’ and I hope you’ve all enjoyed it so far :). This chapter goes to my best friends here on Fanpop:

~ malmcd: Thanks for commenting on my other articles my dear friend :) !! I’m glad to have a friend like you on Fanpop. Keep it up with your articles that you’ve written because I love ‘em! They’re awesome and I hope you’ll be a writer someday like me :)

~ nmwba15: Thanks for commenting and for giving your approval of my previous chapters :) !!! You’re the bestest friend on Fanpop! I hope you’ll write some articles so I...
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