Heartache Club
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posted by anniewannie
Thanks for those who commented on Chapter 2 of ‘Heartache’ and I hope you’ve all enjoyed it so far :). This chapter goes to my best friends here on Fanpop:

~ malmcd: Thanks for commenting on my other articles my dear friend :) !! I’m glad to have a friend like you on Fanpop. Keep it up with your articles that you’ve written because I love ‘em! They’re awesome and I hope you’ll be a writer someday like me :)

~ nmwba15: Thanks for commenting and for giving your approval of my previous chapters :) !!! You’re the bestest friend on Fanpop! I hope you’ll write some articles so I can comment on them :) Hope to see you comment in Chapter 3 and who knows? You could be the first like Chapter 2 :).

~ WinxRocks: Thanks darling, for commenting on Chapter 1 of ‘Heartache’ :) !! I’m glad you’re my best friend here too!

Chapter 3 is also for the other people who commented on the last two chapters :) and I’m sorry if I didn’t put you in my best friends list!

Please comment before leaving the page. Thanks!

Title: Heartache
Author By: AnNiE/anniewannie

Chapter 3: A Surprise

The bell rang noisily around the school grounds and the classes, getting everyone in the school on the feet and out of the rooms to the cafeteria. Akane was doing Art when the bell rang and she was so focused on her work that she lost track of time. Akane wasn’t one of the best artists but she tried her best anyway to make her mark. “Hitoru Akane?” Akane looked up when her Art teacher, Ms Anya Lorelei-sensei, said her name. She was standing next to her artwork and she smiled. Ms Lorelei-sensei had long, flowing pale blonde hair that was close to white, dark azure, almond-shaped eyes, skin whiter than bone and she wore a long-sleeved yellow shirt, a blue skirt and black heels. “It’s time to go to lunch, dear.” Akane blinked and flushed a little. “Yes, Ms Lorelei-sensei.” Akane mumbled and she gathered her stuff together. At the corner of Akane’s eye, she saw Ms Lorelei-sensei glance at her art. “Akane …” She began, sounding thoughtful. “This is great artwork … where did you get it from?” Akane looked back at her work and bit her lip. It was a drawing of Akane when she was four years old and she was with Lulu under a tree that shaded them like a protective umbrella that would protect the two with their fully-grown leafed branches. Akane drew herself watching Lulu’s face; her chin was on her knees with her arms wrapped around them. Akane was wearing a plain white long-sleeved shirt that had flowers embroidered on it, a black miniskirt and grey trainers which wasn’t Akane’s style now. But Akane guessed that when she was four, she wanted to be a tomboy.

Lulu was looking at the book that she was reading to Akane and her face was lit with joy and happiness. Her long, flowing pale blonde hair was on her right shoulder, and even though Akane didn’t have her hair, she had her eyes and her face. Lulu’s eyes were pale blue and her skin was as white as snow itself. Her face was so petite and beautiful that Akane wondered, even now, that this was one of the reasons why Ryo married her in the first place – because of her beauty. “I got it from when I was little. It’s a real picture and that woman,” Akane pointed to Lulu, “is my Mom. She died from a sickness when I was five, a few months after my birthday.” Akane’s dark eyes went to her hands that were clenched into fists. “I miss her.” “Oh Akane …” Ms Lorelei-sensei sighed. “Sometimes, things have to change in our lives.” Akane smiled a small smile and nodded. “My brother said that same and he told me to just be happy with the people who love me.” Ms Lorelei-sensei nodded. “Then he is right. Now hurry along – don’t want to miss your afternoon lunch, aye?” She urged Akane to go out of her seat that Akane laughed, cheery and happily. “Okay, okay Ms Lorelei-sensei. Thanks for having me in class today.” Ms Lorelei-sensei smiled. “You’re welcome Akane, and I’m glad to have you this year.” Akane grabbed her bag and ran out the door, waving to Ms Lorelei-sensei goodbye.

The school hallway was empty as far as Akane could see as Akane shuffled her way to the cafeteria doors that said ‘Cafeteria Room This Way’. Just as she was going to open the door, she heard someone clear his throat, making Akane swivel around. It was Kaito … again. Akane’s face became hot with embarrassment and she looked down so she wouldn’t be looking straight at him in the eye. “You again?” He asked and Akane looked up to see him arch an eyebrow. Akane was shocked that she clicked her tongue to show Kaito was on her temper. He noticed and he smiled. His smile was heartbreakingly beautiful that Akane forgot that she had her mouth gaping open in a tiny O. Kaito laughed. “Am I that cute?” Akane flustered whilst closing her mouth and she looked away. “No, of c-course not!” Akane said, her eyes narrowed at him. Kaito blinked and smirked. “You’re cute.” He told Akane which stopped Akane short. Akane gulped and to her surprise, she felt her hands curl into fists, like she was ready to punch Kaito in the face. Akane narrowed his eyes as his godly-looking face. “You’re lying.” She spat. Kaito’s eyes widened and Akane thought she got him. “I’m not pretty okay?!” Akane realized she was shouting at Kaito, but she didn’t care, even if people in the cafeteria could hear her. “I mean … look at my eyes! Sometimes, I wish I had green eyes instead of yellow.” That was lie. Akane loved her eyes because they looked like Lulu’s. But Akane said it anyway.

Akane sniffled and she touched her left eye, feeling a tear form in it. Akane quickly wiped it away and looked at Kaito’s face which showedpity and sadness in his brown eyes. “I’m sorry I complimented you.” Kaito apologized and was about to walk away when he felt a hand on his right arm. He turned his head and he saw Akane look at him with intense and truthful eyes. “I’m sorry if I didn’t say thank you about what you said before. But believe me, sometimes …” Akane looked down at her shoes. “I feel left-out, even now.” Akane let her hand off Kaito’s arm and turned to enter the cafeteria room before she got to hear what Kaito got to say to her. ‘I’m glad someone said that to me.’ Akane thought as she ran to the lunch line that had several people waiting for food with red trays in hand. Akane quickly yanked a red tray from its pile and got into line, right behind a guy who had dark purple, thick hair. Akane breathed a sigh of relief and saw the guy turn around. He grinned at her. Akane saw that he had nice, dark blue orbs hidden beneath his dark lashes, his skin was a light skin tone and he was wearing the boy’s school uniform of Hishima Star High School. “Hi,” He smiled and lifted a hand out from under his tray and put it in front of Akane. Akane slowly received his handshake. “Hi …” Akane said slowly. “I’m Ichiro. Are you new here?” Akane nodded. “Cool! This is my first year too, only I had to start again because last year, I had to stay away from school because I had to see my Dad.” Akane smiled nervously. “Um … I’m Hitoru Akane. I’m the new girl today so just treat me like all the rest of the students.”

“Sure thing.” Ichiro winked and moved up in the line and Akane did the same, seeing the food. Akane cringed away at the smell of what seemed to be rotten beef and curry. “Eww … is that stuff edible?” Akane asked Ichiro. Ichiro looked at the beef and curry and stuck his tongue out at Akane. “It tastes like crap – trust me.” “I believe you.” Akane said, immediately moving away from the beef and curry. “Are school foods always like this?” Ichiro shrugged. “It depends on how you see it or taste it. I get rice and chop suey for lunch. Now that’s great food.” “I’ll take it!” Akane told him and as soon as she and Ichiro came up to the containers’ section, Akane just grabbed one without looking inside it, and it made Ichiro laugh. “Girl, you’re starving aren’t you?” “You have no idea.” Akane said and gave the lunch lady behind the counter, five bucks. “Thanks.” She said and Akane stepped out of the line, waiting for Ichiro to pay his lunch. “Hey Akane!” Akane heard Rumi call her name. Akane turned around, just in time to see an arm fling around her small shoulders. “Hey Ichiro! What’s up?” Rima asked. “Nothing much.” Ichiro smiled. “Hey, do you two know each other?” Akane asked and Ichiro nodded. “Rumi’s my girlfriend,” Ichiro grinned, mockingly. “Am not crazy-head.” Rumi rolled her eyes and looked at Akane. “Ichiro and I are cousins.” Akane smiled. “Okay, sounds cool. I thought you two were friends.” Akane shrugged and looked around for a seat to sit. It seemed that all the chairs were already taken. “Looking for somewhere to sit?” Ichiro asked. Akane nodded. “Let’s go outside – its way cooler there than in here.” “Yeah, I agree. Let’s go Akane.” Rumi urged and, without asking Akane, she grabbed her by the arm and walked towards the outside doors that were wide open.

Ichiro followed behind, shaking his head as he did so with a smile. As soon as Rumi, Akane and Ichiro walked out the doors, Akane felt a hard, cold breeze snake past her legs, raising goosebumps on her already-shivering arms. Akane’s teeth started chattering. “It’s … pretty c-cold out here.” Akane tried to say. “Didn’t you bring a jacket?” Rumi asked, looking around the school for something or someone. Akane shook her head. “No. I thought today would be sunny.” Akane explained. “Here,” Akane turned to Ichiro and saw him put a nice purple jacket over her shoulders. “Ichiro …” Akane began and he smiled. “You’re welcome.” “Aren’t you cold?” Akane asked. Ichiro shook his head. “Nope.” “Found them!” Rumi cried and rushed towards a tree that had two girls and a guy sitting underneath it. The three of them looked up as they saw Rumi and they smiled at her, until she said something and pointed at Akane and Ichiro. Akane’s face went tomato red whenshe saw their eyes on her. One girl nodded and gave a smack at the guy next to her. He looked at the girl for a moment and shrugged, turned to Rumi and nodded. The other girl nodded too.

Then Rumi came back with the three teenagers, grinning widely like the cat in Alice in Wonderland. “Hey Akane, these are my friends that I talked about this morning.” The girl on the left had dark blue, short hair, medium skin tone and bright, puppy-like cerulean eyes. She wore the same uniform as Rumi which got Akane guessing that she was a sophomore. She looked like she was fifteen years old. The girl that stood between the blue headed girl and the guy, had long dark magenta hair that was tied in two pigtails, pale skin like Akane’s and she had eyes like the forest that was at the far edge of the school grounds. Akane saw that the magenta pigtailed girl had casual clothes like the guy and she wore blackstrap heels. Akane saw how the pigtailed girl and the guy both stood pretty close together like they had their hands entwined behind their backs and Akane knew that they were in a relationship. The guy had black short, straight hair and he had a long chin-length fringe that brisked past his left eye. His clothes was casual – a white T-shirt, blue loose jeans and big white sneakers.

“This is my oldest friend Kato Shizuko,” Rumi gestured to the blue headed girl who smiled and gave Akane a wave. “That’s me! It’s nice to meet you!” She smiled and rushed up to hug Akane. “Hey, are you cold?” Shizuko asked, worried as she pulled away. Akane nodded. “Nice to meet you too. I’m Hitoru Akane.” Akane introduced herself to Rumi’s friends. “Nakamura Emi,” Rumi referred to the dark magenta pigtailed girl. She gave Akane a sideways glance and then looked at the guy. She leaned up on her toes and whispered in his ear and Akane saw a smile form at the corners of his lips before he laid his eyes on Akane. Akane felt a little down-sided when the guy looked at Akane which made Akane think that Emi was talking to him about her. “And lastly, Sanji Jin. He’s Emi’s boyfriend by the way.” Rumi added and Akane stiffed a nod. Suddenly, Akane felt an arm on her shoulders that came from her right side and Akane looked to see that it was Ichiro. He leaned into Akane’s ear and whispered, “Are you okay?” in such a quiet voice that Akane thought that no one but she could hear him. Akane just nodded and sighed, shrugging away Ichiro’s arm. “I’m … fine. Thanks for asking anyway.” Akane gave Ichiro a weak smile and she turned to Rumi who looked at her. “I’ll see you guys soon. I just feel quite hungry right now.” Rumi was about to say something when she saw Ichiro’s face behind her which said, ‘Don’t force her,’ and she nodded instead.

Akane smiled and went off under a tree to eat and think about what Emi and Jin whispered about. Akane sighed and closed her eyes as she leaned against a tree and she slid down it. She didn’t care if it wrecked her uniform. Akane looked down at the food that she bought from the cafeteria and saw that it was mixed together with white stuff in it. Akane thought it was rice. ‘This day is turning out to be worst then I thought!’ Akane thought, putting her food on the grass, pulled her knees closer to her chest and she wrapped her arms around them to keep them warm. Big, watery tears started falling from her eyes and Akane put her chin behind her arms, crying silently. “Hey … what’s wrong?” Akane heard that voice. That one voice she didn’t want to hear right now. Akane hesitantly looked up and saw Kaito in front of her. “What are you doing here?” Akane asked, not interested in talking with him right now. “I was going to ask you the same thing.” Kaito said and sat down next to Akane without asking. “Is that your lunch?” He added, looking down to Akane’s lunch. “Yeah.” Akane said shortly. “I don’t feel like eating it right now.” Kaito shrugged and sighed while slumping his big shoulders. Then he looked at Akane who stared at her feet, tears still falling from her yellow eyes. “What’s wrong?” Kaito asked. Akane blinked away the coming tears that were formed in her eyes and she started to wipe away the dry tears on her cheeks, trying not to let Kaito see. “Um …” Akane sniffled. “It’s nothing. Just feel out of place, I guess.” She lied, not feeling like telling Kaito the truth.

Kaito sighed and Akane got a bit annoyed by it. ‘Can’t he stop doing that?’ She thought and she asked him. Kaito grinned and laughed. “If you really want me to stop, you shouldn’t be so teary and sad now otherwise I’ll keep at it until you stop.” Akane’s now-red eyes were on fire and she huffed at Kaito. “I’m so glad I told you to give some respect to others. Hasn’t your parents ever taught you that?” Akane saw Kaito’s face change immediately when Akane said ‘parents,’ and she got confused. “Hey … did I say something wrong?” Akane asked. Kaito’s eyes widened and he quickly looked at Akane, shaking his head no. “Uh … no, it’s okay. Um, Anna said that. She’s my sister.” Akane tilted her head and she leaned forward so she could look at Kaito who looked away from her and looked out into the open instead. “You can tell me what’s wrong, Kaito.” Akane said, kindness came into her voice. Akane’s eyes even softened while she said it. Akane saw Kaito’s hands curl up into tight fists that sat on his knees. Akane blinked and reached out to touch one of his hands. He looked at her immediately. “I … I … can’t.” Kaito tried to say to Akane. Akane squeezed his hand. “It’s okay. But if you want to, you can talk to me about whatever it is that’s troubling you, okay?” Akane smiled. Kaito nodded miserably, just as Rumi came up to them, out of breath.

“H-h-hey … Akane, a-are you … okay?” Rumi tried to ask. Akane grinned. “Yeah, I’m okay. Sorry for what I did earlier. I …” Akane gulped and looked at Kaito who was staring at her intently. “I’ll tell you after school. I guess the bell rang?” Akane asked quickly. Rumi nodded, seeing Kaito sitting next to Akane. “Did you keep Akane some company?” She asked him casually. Akane was surprised at how calm and normal she sounded rather than some of the other girls who squealed every time Kaito came around. But Akane thought it was nice of her to act normal so she smiled as she stood up with Kaito. “Uh, yeah, guess so.” Kaito said, getting his “cool & hot” attitude on as Akane guessed it was. Rumi arched an eyebrow and she poked Kaito in the chest like Akane did to him. His expression changed into shock when she said that. “Damn it, did you really have to do that?” Kaito muttered, rubbing the sore spot on his chest. “That hurt Rumi.” Rumi peered at Kaito with big pink eyes as Kaito backed his face away from her. Then Rumi smiled, looking satisfied about something, before she leaned back from Kaito and put a hand on his red hair, making it messier than before. “Hey!” Kaito cried and moved away from Rumi. “‘Rumi, cut it out!’ Yeah, yeah, whatever.” Rumi shook her head, rolling her eyes. “I’ve known you since when? Uh, let me see … ah yeah – preschool! Kaito, what happened to you?” Akane’s face went blank as she saw what was going on between Kaito and Rumi. ‘Are these two … best friends or something?’ Akane thought. “Hey, have you two been best friends since primary or something?” Akane stepped in. Rumi looked at Akane and looked at Kaito who was staring at her. Rumi shrugged. “Well … he was my best friend and I sort of liked him when we were in kindergarten.” Rumi smiled. “But that’s all in the past now,” Rumi swung an arm around Kaito’s neck which made Kaito cough because of her weight that she had in her arm while she did it. “We’re still best friends. It’s just that he’s sometimes full of himself when it comes to girls around the school. Oh yeah, Kaito? Can I take your homework? I need it.”

“What?! Why the hell would you need my homework?” Kaito asked, surprised. “Hey, no swearing!” Rumi exclaimed and gave Kaito a hit in his shoulder. “You should’ve listened to what Akane said this morning. She’s right – you should show some respect.” Kaito rolled his eyes and, seeing Akane, he smiled at her. Akane blushed. “Thanks for looking out for me Kaito.” Akane said softly. “You’re welcome.” Kaito nodded as Rumi removed her arm away from his neck. Akane looked at Rumi who was looking away. “Well … we’d better get going, right Rumi?” Akane asked. Rumi nodded. “See ya later Kaito. Give me your homework after school, yeah?” Rumi asked, all serious. Kaito nodded and waved before running towards the school. “Let’s go. We have Gym.” Rumi explained, pointing around the back of the school. “Just at the back of the school. That’s my shortcut.” Akane groaned. “Sheesh … seriously?” she asked. Rumi nodded. “Now let’s go or else we’re both getting detention.” “Race ya.” Akane said, pulling off Ichiro’s jacket and popping it into her bag. ‘Better give it to him after school.’ Akane thought. “You bet!” Rumi grinned. “On your mark … get set … Go!” Akane started sprinting as fast as she could up the small hill that lay out in front of her. She knew she was going to beat Rumi because she was always the best at running in her old school. Akane turned her head sideways, seeing that Rumi was a bit further away then Akane was and she stopped running. “Rumi!” Akane shouted. “Wait up for me!” Rumi’s voice came closer to Akane. In a few minutes, Rumi appeared on the small hill and she sighed, collapsing on the grass. “Whew! Girl, you’re fast!” Rumi cried. Akane grinned. “And here I thought you were faster than me.” Rumi scoffed. “Well you thought wrong. I’m glad that we’re almost there to the Gym.” Rumi said, standing up from the grass, brushing the dirt off her uniform skirt. “Let’s hurry.” “Yup!” Akane smiled and sprinted off to the back of the school.

Once Akane got there, she saw lots of teenagers lining up in two lines – one boys’ line and one girls’ lines. “Hey Rumi, is this the Gym?” Akane asked, confused and turned back to see Rumi walk around the corner. Rumi nodded. “Yeah, it’s outside but inside, we do volleyball practice. We missed it earlier while we were with Kaito. But it’s okay, we can still do some stuff out here. Let’s get into our gym clothes quickly before our Gym teacher, Mr Wakalyn-sensei, gets us to sit out of Gym.” Akane’s eyes widened and she rushed into the Gym room with Rumi before her teacher saw her.

~Thanks for reading Chapter 3 of Heartache everyone! I hope you liked it (at least sort of!) and I hope you’ll leave a comment before exiting it.
Thanks and once again, be patient for Chapter 4 :)
Peace Out. And sorry - no photos in this chapter!
added by anniewannie
By Fine Frenzy ^^
added by lubasakura
I hope everyone likes it. this is a slideshow for Heartache ^^
A/N: Thanks soooo much for your patience with Chapt. 14 – it made me happy and I hope that this chapter will also be great! :D Thanks for giving me your support you guys and if you keep doing it until the ending of Heartache, I’ll be estastic and thrilled with happiness!

Enjoy! <333

Title: Heartache
Story Author: anniewannie

Chapter 15: Dancing Under The Moon!

Akane sighed happily as she fell backwards onto her bed as soon as she got home after school. She sat upright, hugging her knees to her chin as she leaned against her bedroom wall. “Akane?” Laina asked, staring up at her. Akane...
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Title: Heartache
Author By: anniewannie

Chapter 13: The Truth About Ito Seiji

Akane stared at Kaito as she and him walked on the path that led to Akane's house. "Kaito ..." Akane began, feeling hesitant as she felt Kaito's gaze on her. "Did ... did something happen? And don't lie this time." Akane added sternly. Kaito tilted his head up to the blue cloudless sky as he sighed softly. Akane gulped and gripped onto Kaito's hand. "Please." Akane whispered. "The ... the suspense is killing me." Akane paused. "I need to know." Kaito bit his lower lip, wondering if this was a good idea. He looked down...
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Title: Heartache
Author By: anniewannie

Chapter 12: The New Transfer Student

Akane sighed as she stared at her artwork with Laina. “I wonder when Asuka’s going to be back.” Laina said sadly. “I know. She’s been gone for a day now.” Akane whispered so that Ms Lorelei-sensei wouldn’t hear. Suddenly, a dim light appeared out of thin air and a small figure formed from the light. It was Asuka. “Asuka!” Laina flew and hugged her friend. “What happened? What did the Pixie Queen say about Theresa’s sickness?” Laina asked as Akane pretended to get back to work or else she’d get...
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Title: Heartache
Author By: anniewannie

DEDICATION: To all you wonderful Heartache fans who have commented very well with my story so far. Thank you for being patient and I’m sorry it took a while to finish this chapter.

Chapter 11: Meet Ivory, the Pixie of Fortunes!

“B-b-but ... Sakura, you’re only eleven! You must have one when you’re about my age.” “That’s not true!” Sakura pouted, putting her hands on her waist. “I know what’s been happening in the future since you went to Hishima Star High School and it’s all because my future-bonded pixie told me!” Akane sighed and...
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Title: Heartache
Author By: anniewannie

Chapter 10: Kaito’s Story

Akane smiled up at the clouds moved slowly in the wide open blue sky as she was lying down on the school grass under her tree after the second bell rang. “Hello sleepyhead,” Akane saw Shizuko look down at her. She smiled at her before lying down next to her. “Hey Shiz,” Akane greeted. Shizuko turned her head to Akane and sighed. “Hey Akane …” Shizuko began and Akane looked back at her. “Yeah?” “I heard about what happened between you and Kaito. Emi told me in Science as we took notes.” Akane went silent....
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Title: Heartache
Author By: anniewannie

Chapter 9: Ignorance Causes Pain to the Heart

Everything around Akane was dusk and the atmosphere was frigid, clawing at Akane’s skin, making her teeth chatter from it. 'Why is it ... so frigid out here?' Akane thought, mingled with confusion. Akane was standing on frost-biting snow, in the midst of a dark, shadowy forest. She didn’t know how she got there, but there had to be a reason. "Akane ..." Akane heard a soft voice that whispered to her like the wind that howled in the nights. It sounded like someone Akane knew ... "Mom?" Akane thought, narrowing...
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Title: Heartache
Author By: anniewanie

Chapter 8: Love is Blind

Kaito’s lips touched Akane’s lips after she shut her eyes slowly. The kiss felt as light as a feather and Akane leaned in to make the kiss deeper. But as Akane did so, the classroom door flew open and Akane’s eyes flashed open immediately. She pulled away from Kaito and hid herself in his chest. She didn’t want to be lectured by Ms Akira-sensei, not now. Akane just wanted to be close to Kaito. “Hey Anna,” Kaito smiled at the person that flew the door open. “Kaito, why aren’t you in the cafeteria? You’ll be told off...
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Author’s Note: This chapter goes to my fan and friend, animegurl123, who always wanted to become an author when she grows up like me. Darling, this is for you :) !!

Title: Heartache
Author By: Annie

Chapter 5: Two Pixies Are Born!

Akane screamed the next morning, loud and clear, and woke up Rumi, Shizuko and Emi instantly with confusion. “Wha-? What’s going on?” Emi asked, rubbing her eyes slowly. Suddenly, the door swung open and in the doorway stood Tadashe. “Akane, what’s wrong?” He asked. “Tadashe …” Akane began trembling and she looked down at her bed. There were...
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Title: Heartache
Author: anniewannie

Chapter 4: Truth or Dare

“I’m home!” Akane shouted when she entered the house after school. She knew that Kylie and Ryo were at work and never came home until late and that Tadashe was still at school and Sakura was with Kylie right now, but Akane still said it. Akane rushed upstairs, opened the door to her bedroom, and threw her bag on the floor beside her bed before she collapsed exhausted on her bed. Akane blew a sigh and as closed her eyes. “Hmm …” Akane murmured to herself. “I wonder what Rumi was talking about before I got off the school...
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