Heartache Club
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Title: Heartache
Author: anniewannie

Chapter 4: Truth or Dare

“I’m home!” Akane shouted when she entered the house after school. She knew that Kylie and Ryo were at work and never came home until late and that Tadashe was still at school and Sakura was with Kylie right now, but Akane still said it. Akane rushed upstairs, opened the door to her bedroom, and threw her bag on the floor beside her bed before she collapsed exhausted on her bed. Akane blew a sigh and as closed her eyes. “Hmm …” Akane murmured to herself. “I wonder what Rumi was talking about before I got off the school bus.” Akane asked, speaking to no one in peticualar. Earlier, Rumi tried to tell Akane something on the bus, over the noise that people around them were making. All Akane could hear from her were “Can,”, “dare,’ and “please?” before Akane’s house appeared. All Akane could do was just nod and hop off the bus. Akane shook her head and sat up in her bed, rubbing her eyes so she could see clearly. ‘Better eat something before I starve.’ Akane thought as she walked to her door and walked down the stairs again to eat something from the kitchen. But before Akane could go to the kitchen and grab a snack to munch on, the doorbell rang loudly through the house. Akane blinked and looked at the time: four thirty. ‘Ugh.’ Akane thought, shaking her head as she half-stomped, half-walked to the door.

Sometimes, around this time, Kylie would come home because of either she is dropping Sakura home or she just wants to come home early for the day, and Akane hated that. She just wished her Mom would be here. Akane opened the door and there, stood Kylie with Sakura beaming. Akane smiled at Sakura but gave a sour look at Kylie. “Hi,” Akane said to her and then she walked to the kitchen to grab something to eat. “Did you enjoy school, Akane?” Sakura asked, coming with Akane. “Yeah, I guess so. I met a guy.” Akane smiled at her as she opened the refridgerator. Sakura’s eyes went as big as saucers. “Ooh! Really? What’s his name? Is he going to be your boyfriend?” Akane laughed quietly. “Well … for now, he’s just a friend and his name is Saseke Kaito.” “Cute name!” Sakura grinned, reaching for a red apple on the table. “Did you make a girlfriend at school too?” Akane thought about Shizuko and Ichiro. ‘I guess Shizuko is my friend.’ Akane thought. “Yeah, I did.” Akane answered. “Just … three friends. There are two people who I think don’t like me as much.” At that Sakura saddened. “I’m sorry Akane. I guess you felt really sad about it.” Akane reached for a cart of yogurt and shut the fridge. “I was Sakura, I was. I thought that they were making fun of me. But Rumi, my friend, isn’t so bad. She might be coming today though. Not sure why …” Akane trailed off and shrugged, sitting down in a chair. Suddenly, the doorbell rang once again and this time, Sakura went to get it. “Hey Akan– oh, who are you?” Rumi’s voice came from the doorway. Akane stood up and walked to the door and surprise struck her completely. “Um … Rumi, why did you bring all that?” Rumi had a slumber bag with two pillows tucked under her arms and a white-and-black duvet. “I’m Maia Sakura!” Sakura greeted Rumi. “I’m Akane’s little step-sister.” Rumi smiled at Sakura. “Hey Sakura, I’m Rumi. It’s nice to meet you.” Rumi noddded before looking at Akane’s still-blank face. “I’m gonna stay here for a night!” Rumi announced. “Oh yeah, and Shizuko and Emi are going to come. Unfortunetly it took a while to get Emi to say yes because she wanted Jin to come too. She’s obsessed with him.” Rumi rolled her eyes. “But Shizuko gladly wanted to come.”

“But … Rumi, I didn’t know you–” “Oh really? I thought I told you on the bus when it dropped you off.” Rumi said, tilting her head upwards, thinking. ‘Sheesh … is that what she tried to tell me?’ Akane thought, pursing her lips. “Well … I’m not sure about having a sleep-over here.” Akane said, crossing her rms across her chest. “Sakura?” Kylie’s voice was behind Akane and she turned around quickly. “Who’s at the door?” Kylie asked. Sakura turned around and grinned at Kylie. “It’s one of Akane’s friends, Mum! Her name is Rumi and she’ll be sleeping here with Akane’s other friends, Shizuko and Emi!” Sakura explained before Akane could stop her. ‘Sakura …’ Akane thought, groaning a little as she was slightly looking at Kylie to find out what her expression was. Kylie shrugged and waved off while saying, “I don’t care if you stay here Pink Girl, just as long as Akane doesn’t mess around too much.” Akane got offended by this as she got angry. She felt like she wanted to punch a hole in Kylie’s face and leave it at that, but Ryo flashed into the back of her mind, letting her know that Kylie was now his wife and that he needed her like he needed Akane and Tadashe, along with Sakura. Akane inhaled slowly through her nose and exhaled, out through her mouth. “Akane? Are you okay?” Rumi asked and Akane guessed that she noticed her hands were in tight fists. Akane sighed and nodded. “I’m good. Just overreacted a bit back there.” She turned around and quickly helped Rumi with her duvet and pillows. “Let’s get you and your stuff up to my room before the others get here. Apparently there’s only my bed there.” Akane walked up the stairs after Kylie disappeared in the lounge room. “That’s cool. I can share with you if you like.” “Sure thing. I just need to get some matresses from the garage that’s just outside the house. You saw it?” Akane asked. Rumi nodded. “Yeah, we’ll go get ‘em after.” Rumi said as they both reached Akane’s bedroom.

Akane swung the door open and she entered her room, casually dropping the pillows on her bed, along with the duvet. “Wow! You’re room’s cute!” Rumi complimented. Akane’s room had purple and white walls, a computer was by the right corner of the bed with a bookshelf on top of the computer which sat on a computer desktop and the bed had a purple and black duvet on it along with white soft pillows. “Thanks, it’s not that much though.” Akane shrugged. “Not much? That’s awesome! It’s way better than my room – mine is so messy, you don’t even know how much mess there is.” “One-hundred-and-one percent?” Akane guessed. “Way more,” Rumi smiled. “Akane! There are two girls by the door!” Akane heard Sakura’s talkative voice by the door. “That’s them.” Rumi explained to Akane and without asking, she grabbed Akane’s wrist and sprinted downstairs to meet Shizuko and Emi by the door. Sakura was waiting for them and she smiled as they both came. “It seems that Ems is quite fascinated by me and Shizzy here, is happy to see me too.” Sakura told Akane. “Shizzy?” Akane asked, surprised. “Or do you want me to call Shizuko, Shiz?” Sakura asked biting her lower lip cutely. “Don’t worry Akane – it’s alright with me since your little sister here is very cute and sweet.” Akane lowered her eyes. “She’s my step-sister, Shizuko.” “Yeah,” Rumi added. “Oh. Sorry Akane. Don’t you have any siblings?” Shizuko asked. Akane nodded and looked up. “I have a brother who is Hitoru Tadashe. He’s older than me and we’ve been together since. But he’s probably on his way–” Akane looked behind her at the clock that hung in the kitchen. Six-thirty. “–now, or eight o’clock. Come on in – Kylie’s not going to care anyway.” Akane shrugged, helping Shizuko with her things and bags while Rumi helped Emi with hers. “Who’s Kylie?” Emi asked as they all went up to Akane’s room. “She’s my, uh, step-mother. She doesn’t like me.” Akane was stuttered by Emi’s question. ‘I thought Emi didn’t like me …’ Akane thought, opening her room. “Wow!” Shizuko cried, dropping her things on the floor by the door as she saw Akane’s room. “Your room is so gorgeous Akane, and so darn neat!” Shizuko cried and grinned at Akane. Emi nodded too. “It’s nice. But I’d rather have my comments inside myself.” Emi explained while looking around Akane’s room.

“I told Akane that I would help her with the matresses from her parents’ room and bring ‘em in here – wanna give a hand?” Rumi asked Shizuko and Emi. “Sure! I’ll help! Emi?” Shizuko asked. Emi shrugged. “Do you need my help?” Emi asked. Akane shrugged. “If you feel like we need your help then you can come.” Akane explained and was struck by astonishment when Emi grinned. “I’ll help!” She giggled and ran out, along with Shizuko. “Let’s go Akane,” Rumi urged, seizing Akane’s hand without asking and ran after her friends. Akane laughed at Rumi’s high spirits. “It’s down the hall guys! Turn right!” Akane explained.

Several hours after Akane and her friends set out two matresses in Akane’s room, Akane’s phone rang noisily as she and Shizuko were going to grab something to eat and go back upstairs to Akane’s room where Emi and Rumi were playing Uno. Akane reached into her pocket and answered it quickly without looking at the ID on the screen because she knew who it was anyway. “Hello?” She asked in the receiver. “Hey Akane! Can you tell Dad that I’ll be back home a little later than I’m used to? I’m at Ziana’s house now.” Lorie Ziana was one of Tadashe’s friends at school. “Sure thing, just be careful.” Akane asked. “You got it! See ya!” Tadashe hung up and Akane dropped her phone back into her pajama pocket. Already, she and Shizuko were in their pajamas because it was already past eight o’clock. Shizuko wore plain blue pajamas which matched her hair color and Akane wore purple-and-white spotted pajamas. “Who was that?” Shizuko asked, grabbing a few packets of chips and several bowls out of the bottom kitchen cupboards. “My brother. He’s not going to come back until later on.” Akane explained, opening a packet and crunching on a few chips. She was already starving. “Is he always this busy?” Shizuko asked. “Sometimes, but I guess it’s kind of important to him.” Akane poured the packet of chips she as holding on, into the bowl in front of her. “Is your brother cute?” Shizuko asked. Akane laughed. “Let me guess, you’re looking for a boyfriend?” She asked. Shizuko blushed and slightly nodded. “Well … to girls, he definitely is. But to me he isn’t. So yeah, he is sort of cute in his own way.” Akane answered Shizuko’s question. Shizuko smiled. “Cool. I’d like to meet him.” “Don’t get your hopes up too high. He could be a cheater.” Akane joked. “Ha, ha, funny.” Shizuko smiled and grabbed two bowls that were already filled with chips. “I wonder who’s winning.” Shizuko asked, heading out of the kichen with Akane who held two other bowls. “My guess is that it’s going to be Emi.” Shizuko added. “Really? Why?” Akane asked. “She’s played Uno since she was little with her parents and her three brothers. So it’s pretty obvious that she could win. She’s played longer than Rumi and I. How about you?” Shizuko opened Akane’s bedroom door and Akane shrugged. “Not much.” She replied. “Hey guys! We’ve got some chips!” Shizuko cried and Emi laughed at Rumi. “I win once again Rumi! You lose!” Emi squealed, acting like a ten-year-old while Rumi groaned.

“You always beat me Emi. Why do I always lose?” Rumi muttered as Akane sat down on one of the matresses. “Hey, can I have some?” Rumi immediately changed the subject when she saw Akane hold a bowl of nacho chips. “Sure,” Akane smiled and gave Rumi the bowl so she can grab a handful. “Mmm … it’s yummy!” Rumi grinned through a mouthful. “Eww Rumi! You’re showing the nachos in your mouth!” Emi shuddered. “Wanna see?” Rumi opened her mouth widely and Emi’s face became a little green. “Rumi.” Akane smiled at her friend. Rumi shrugged. “Alright, alright.” She gulped down the mouthful of chips she had in her mouth. “Hey, I have a great idea!” Shizuko screamed. “What?” Rumi asked. “Why don’t we play Truth or Dare? I remember we three used to play it in primary.” Shizuko explained, her cerulean eyes sparkled. “Yeah! Let’s play that! Akane, do you want to play?” Rumi asked Akane and she nodded. “Okay.” “Um … do you have a– found it!” Shizuko spotted a long narrow stick that was by Akane’s door. Shizuko went to get it and came back. “We’ll use this as a spindle so then when one of has a turn, you can spin it to whoever you want to question or dare to.” Shizuko explaied. “Cool. Who’s going to start?” Akane asked. “We’ll go by our the colors of the rainbow. Rumi starts first because her favorite color is red, obviously.” Shizuko gestured to Rumi’s red-hearted pajamas that she was wearing to bed. Rumi grinned. “I always start first which means that I don’t have to wait around like Emi since her favorite color is black. And it’s the last color of the rainbow.” Rumi giggled and spun the stick around on the mattress. It went to Shizuko.

“Truth.” Shizuko said. “Well … I know all about you but I’ll just ask anyway.” Rumi grinned and Shizuko’s eyes widened. “When will you get a boyfriend and who would it be?” “Hey! That’s two questions Rumi!” Shizuko told her. “I’m going to answer one of ‘em and no, I won’t tell you who it is.” Shizuko said with a smile. Rumi pouted. “You’re mean!” She told her, giving Shizuko a soft punch in the shoulder. “Well at least I’m not like my older sister Shelby. She’s way meaner than me, so you’re lucky.” Shizuko pointed out. “True.” Rumi mumbled. “My anwer is yes. I will get a boyfriend and that’s final.” Shizuko answered Rumi’s question. “Ooh la, la! What a surprise!” Emi smiled, her eyes sparkling like jewels. Shizuko reached for the stick and spun it around in the circle. It landed at Emi. “Dare.” Emi smiled a bit. “Okay.” Shizuko pursed her lips for few moments. Then she smiled. “I dare you to go outside and scream, “I love Jin so much that if you try stealing him away from me, I’ll kill you!’. There.” Shizuko grinned mischeviously. “I don’t like to kill anybody but, of course, it’s just a dare.” Emi shrugged, standing up. “Who cares what I say?” “There’s a balcony outside my room. You can scream out there.” Akane explained to Emi. Emi walked over to the curtains, drew them out and opened the door. Akane smiled as she saw her hands ball up into small tight fists. “I LOVE JIN SO MUCH THAT IF YOU TRY TO STEAL HIM AWAY FROM ME, I’LL KILL YOU!” Emi screamed as loud as she could and came back inside, looking flushed and embarrassed. Akane guessed there were people down there that were staring up at her from the balcony. “I’m glad that that’s over.” Emi muttered and Akane chuckled under her breath while she spun the stick around once again. Surprisingly, it went to Akane. Akane blinked and exhaled a breath. “Well … I guess I’ll stick with the truth.” She shrugged. “Where’s your Mom?” Emi asked immediately like she had that question swirling around in her mind. Akane looked down.

“She … died when I was six years old. My Dad remarried to Kylie and that’s …” Akane wiped away the tears that formed in her eyes, “why Kylie lives with us now. I don’t hate Sakura – she’s the best thing that’s happened to my Dad and Kylie but I still miss her. Tadashe does too, but he just doesn’t show it.” Akane explained and snifled. “I’m sorry.” Emi said quickly, lowering her eyes to her hands. “It’s okay.” Akane smiled weakly at her. “Yeah,” Rumi said. “I feel sorry for you too, Akane.” Shizuko added. “No, no. I said it’s okay.” Akane smiled. “My turn!” Akane spun the stick. It went to back to Rumi. “Truth.” Rumi said. ‘Hmm …’ Akane thought and she immediately blushed bright red at the last question she wanted to say. “What?” Rumi asked curiously. “Does … um, Kaito like me?” Emi grinned and shared the same look with Shizuko and Rumi. “Well … I didn’t see much happening today but …” Rumi laughed. “It’s possible that he’s in love with you!” She squealed. “I can see it now.” Emi said, being teasy. “Akane and Kaito …” Emi trailed off. “Taking a date …” Shizuko added. “Kaito goes up the steps of your house …” Rumi said and six eyes came on Akane. “Kaito leans in and gives you a great passionate kiss!” They all cried, making Akane flare with embarrassment. “Stop it! Why would Kaito – the most popular guy at school – go out with me? I bet he’s already got a girlfriend.” Akane said, doubt creeped into her. “You’re wrong Akane!” Emi said flinging her arms over her head. “Well … he did have a girlfriend once,” Shizuko said. “But that was when he was in primary. The girl was just too obsessed with him so that was probably why Kaito broke up wit her.” Shizuko explained and shrugged. “But it’s totally in the past now. That was the only time he’s had a girlfriend.” Rumi added. Akane pursed her lips. “Kaito’s nice. It’s just … something bothers me a little.”

“What?” Akane’s friends asked altogether. “It’s just … what I said today to him. Something about his parents. But he didn’t want to tell me.” Akane explained, folding her hands together on her lap. Shizuko and Rumi exchanged glances while Emi bit her lip. They knew the reason but they were afraid of saying it in front of Akane which got Akane a little worried. Rumi looked at Akane. “Akane … I think it’s best that Kaito tells you the reason about his parents.” She explained. Akane nodded and looked at the time. “Oh gosh! It’s past ten thirty! We’d better get to sleep.” Akane jumped up. “Yeah, you’re right.” Rumi said. “Girls, gotta get some sleep for tomorrow so please get off my bed.” Rumi said kindly and Shizuko smirked while Emi got off the matress and went to the last matress by the door. “I never thought you would use the word ‘please’ Rumi.” Shizuko smiled and Rumi grinned. “I’m still the same old me Shizuko. Now go to sleep.” Shizuko chuckled and got off Rumi’s matress. “Hey Rumi, I thought you were going to share my bed. It’s up to you.” Akane said to Rumi. Rumi shook her head. “Nah, it’s okay. I’ll sleep down here.” “Alright.” Akane switched on her lamp that sat on her bedside table and rushed to turn off the bedroom light. She came back and flung the duvet across the bed so she can sleep underneath it.

“Good night guys!” Akane told her friends. “’Night!” They cried. “Sweet dreams!” Emi said and Akane smiled. “God bless!” Shizuko said as Akane closed her eyes from the world, all her feelings became silent as her eyes were shut.

Little did Akane know that something was going to happen the moment she woke up …

~ Thanks for reading once again and I hope you’ve enjoyed it! The next chapter will be about Akane and a little surprise that she brought with her to school. Apparently, this little surprise is part of her so please be patient once more for upcoming Chapter 5 of Heartache! :) God Bless and have a pleasant day/night!
Disclaimer: These are not my picts, just to let you know, and the previous picts in the previous chapters!
anniewannie ~
Kato Shizuko with her cat Willow
Kato Shizuko with her cat Willow
Hitoru Lulu (Akane's Mom)
Hitoru Lulu (Akane's Mom)
Nakamura Emi
Nakamura Emi
Takahashi Ichiro
Takahashi Ichiro
A/N: Thanks soooo much for your patience with Chapt. 14 – it made me happy and I hope that this chapter will also be great! :D Thanks for giving me your support you guys and if you keep doing it until the ending of Heartache, I’ll be estastic and thrilled with happiness!

Enjoy! <333

Title: Heartache
Story Author: anniewannie

Chapter 15: Dancing Under The Moon!

Akane sighed happily as she fell backwards onto her bed as soon as she got home after school. She sat upright, hugging her knees to her chin as she leaned against her bedroom wall. “Akane?” Laina asked, staring up at her. Akane...
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Title: Heartache
Author By: anniewannie

Chapter 13: The Truth About Ito Seiji

Akane stared at Kaito as she and him walked on the path that led to Akane's house. "Kaito ..." Akane began, feeling hesitant as she felt Kaito's gaze on her. "Did ... did something happen? And don't lie this time." Akane added sternly. Kaito tilted his head up to the blue cloudless sky as he sighed softly. Akane gulped and gripped onto Kaito's hand. "Please." Akane whispered. "The ... the suspense is killing me." Akane paused. "I need to know." Kaito bit his lower lip, wondering if this was a good idea. He looked down...
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Title: Heartache
Author By: anniewannie

Chapter 12: The New Transfer Student

Akane sighed as she stared at her artwork with Laina. “I wonder when Asuka’s going to be back.” Laina said sadly. “I know. She’s been gone for a day now.” Akane whispered so that Ms Lorelei-sensei wouldn’t hear. Suddenly, a dim light appeared out of thin air and a small figure formed from the light. It was Asuka. “Asuka!” Laina flew and hugged her friend. “What happened? What did the Pixie Queen say about Theresa’s sickness?” Laina asked as Akane pretended to get back to work or else she’d get...
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Title: Heartache
Author By: anniewannie

DEDICATION: To all you wonderful Heartache fans who have commented very well with my story so far. Thank you for being patient and I’m sorry it took a while to finish this chapter.

Chapter 11: Meet Ivory, the Pixie of Fortunes!

“B-b-but ... Sakura, you’re only eleven! You must have one when you’re about my age.” “That’s not true!” Sakura pouted, putting her hands on her waist. “I know what’s been happening in the future since you went to Hishima Star High School and it’s all because my future-bonded pixie told me!” Akane sighed and...
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Title: Heartache
Author By: anniewannie

Chapter 10: Kaito’s Story

Akane smiled up at the clouds moved slowly in the wide open blue sky as she was lying down on the school grass under her tree after the second bell rang. “Hello sleepyhead,” Akane saw Shizuko look down at her. She smiled at her before lying down next to her. “Hey Shiz,” Akane greeted. Shizuko turned her head to Akane and sighed. “Hey Akane …” Shizuko began and Akane looked back at her. “Yeah?” “I heard about what happened between you and Kaito. Emi told me in Science as we took notes.” Akane went silent....
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Title: Heartache
Author By: anniewannie

Chapter 9: Ignorance Causes Pain to the Heart

Everything around Akane was dusk and the atmosphere was frigid, clawing at Akane’s skin, making her teeth chatter from it. 'Why is it ... so frigid out here?' Akane thought, mingled with confusion. Akane was standing on frost-biting snow, in the midst of a dark, shadowy forest. She didn’t know how she got there, but there had to be a reason. "Akane ..." Akane heard a soft voice that whispered to her like the wind that howled in the nights. It sounded like someone Akane knew ... "Mom?" Akane thought, narrowing...
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Title: Heartache
Author By: anniewanie

Chapter 8: Love is Blind

Kaito’s lips touched Akane’s lips after she shut her eyes slowly. The kiss felt as light as a feather and Akane leaned in to make the kiss deeper. But as Akane did so, the classroom door flew open and Akane’s eyes flashed open immediately. She pulled away from Kaito and hid herself in his chest. She didn’t want to be lectured by Ms Akira-sensei, not now. Akane just wanted to be close to Kaito. “Hey Anna,” Kaito smiled at the person that flew the door open. “Kaito, why aren’t you in the cafeteria? You’ll be told off...
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Author’s Note: This chapter goes to my fan and friend, animegurl123, who always wanted to become an author when she grows up like me. Darling, this is for you :) !!

Title: Heartache
Author By: Annie

Chapter 5: Two Pixies Are Born!

Akane screamed the next morning, loud and clear, and woke up Rumi, Shizuko and Emi instantly with confusion. “Wha-? What’s going on?” Emi asked, rubbing her eyes slowly. Suddenly, the door swung open and in the doorway stood Tadashe. “Akane, what’s wrong?” He asked. “Tadashe …” Akane began trembling and she looked down at her bed. There were...
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