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Again, this is part of the Broken Bride fic. If you havent' read Broken Bride, Save Our City, and Tonight's the Night, you should read them before you read this one so you'll know what's happening, because I'm going to tell you right now, if you don't, you won't.

This one is very long and is the main reason for the PG-13 rating, though Save Our City ended up being pretty gruesome too. So just a warning

Part III: The Lamb and the Dragon

Note to self: pterodactyls don’t have night vision. Raptors do. I basically dive into my machine after nearly having my head torn of my a pack of velociraptors. The problem now is that fuel cells have drains far to fast. The time portal is already glowing. The machine has already started to travel through time and I now have no control over where I am going. I had already set the machine to travel forward, so at least I know that where I’m going there won’t be dinosaurs, but that’s little reassurance because the chances that you’ll be there are miniscule.
I feel the pulling sensation that I assume is the machine being dragged through time. Then it stops. Cautiously I stick my head out of the machine just enough to see what is going on outside. The first thing I notice are the fires. Everything appears to be on fire. Then I notice the blood everywhere. I hope you aren’t here. I hope you never had to see this.
I climb out of my machine. I can’t see very well. The sun is out but it’s not providing much light. I look around. I don’t recognize anything. There are gapping holes in the ground where I can tell there used to be trees, and there are all kinds of bricks and twisted pieces of metal that I can tell haven’t been there for long. There’s some kind of precipitation falling from the sky but it’s not water. I hold my hand out to catch some and then eye it closely and realize that it is blood. Now I know why I don’t see anyone. If I had a choice I wouldn’t be outside either.
Just then the ground starts to move and a crack in the earth opens up several yards from where I am standing. Just as soon as it starts the shaking stops, but the crack remains. I have just survived an earthquake, but somehow that doesn’t seem like such an accomplishment. As I survey the ruins and what used to woods I realize that I will find nothing if I go in that direction. I turn around with the intent of looking for shelter bit I don’t have to look far. I am standing not far from Princeton Plainsboro Teaching Hospital. Go figure.
I see a person emerge from a side door. I walk towards him only to realize that he is coming to me. As he gets closer I can see that it is Dr. Lawrence Kutner from House’s team. As he approaches me he begins to speak but I can’t hear him over the grumble of another tremor. All I notice is the blood spattering is clothes. He looks like he’s murdered someone.
“I said, where have you been?” he calls, though he is right next to me.
“What’s going on,” change the subject, because even if I was prepared to tell him that I’ve been in prehistoric times I know he won’t believe me.
He takes me down the path leading up to the back of the hospital. As we pass the fountain I see that the angel is no longer spitting a steady stream of water, but there is something dark in the pool in which he stands.
“Is that blood?” I ask.
“No, that was blood three days ago,” Kutner answers as casually as if we were talking about a new nurse in oncology. “Now it’s a scab.”
As we near the hospital another figure emerges, Thirteen. She has a wide gash down her left cheek bone that looks like it’s been there several days and looks infected, but I’m guessing it’s the least of her problems.
“How’s Taub?” Kutner asks quietly, like he’s not sure whether or not he want’s to know the answer.
“We just lost him,” she says and he hangs his head.     
“It’s probably for the better,” he finally says. “With is wife already gone, that amount of damage to his head, there must have been severe brain trauma, and no one wants to live in a world like this anyway.” Thirteen nods solemnly.
I follow them through the doors. The hospital is dark. With the electricity out the hospital would only be illuminated by light from the sun, if there was any. So the large windows are doing little good.
“There were a lot of people here,” Kutner tells me. “But a lot of them tried to leave to find family. Most of them didn’t make it past the zombies.”
“Zombies?” I repeat, sure he is kidding, though I don’t know who would joke at a time like this.
“We managed to look them outside the gates,” Thirteen explains. “But that’s only a temporary solution. Sooner or later they’ll get through. We maybe have another day if we’re lucky.” I’m not planning on still being in this time in another day.
“Anyway, that’s how Taub got injured, and that how Foreman died,” Kutner finishes. “Oh, but don’t worry. We got him back,” he adds upon seeing my horrified expression. “Though I’m not sure how exactly. His throat was cut.”
“It’s a good thing though,” voice says, and I jump, only to realize that Foreman has come up behind me. “I’m the one calling the shots with Cuddy gone,” his voice is raspy through his heavily bandaged throat. We’re in the process of coming up with another plan for once they break through,” he’s talking more to Thirteen and Kutner now. His voice is coming out strong, despite the raspiness, but he’s shaking so hard I’m surprised he can stand up.
There’s a loud noises as a window is blown out. Shards of glass and bits of ruble come flying, knocking us over.
“They’ve broken through the gate,” I hear Kutner call, but I don’t hear anyone answer. I sit up and look around. Straight in front of me I see Kutner sitting up and doing the same. Around the lobby the clinic patients are recovering, but we were the closest to the blast. To my right I see Foreman. He is rolling around on the floor holding his neck. Blood is pooling around his head and left shoulder. Behind him Cameron hurries down the stairs to come to his aid. I hadn’t seen Cameron yet. I am thankful that she wasn’t in the lobby during the blast. Then I turn to my left. Thirteen is also lying in a pool of blood, this one near her hip. Kutner and I stand up.
“Are you okay?” I ask, because the right left of his jeans is blood soaked below the knee.
“I’ll be fine,” he answers. “Get those two.” He glances at Foreman and Thirteen. I hurry over to Foreman, who already has Cameron kneeling over him.
“I can’t see,” he rasps. That doesn’t surprise me. Most of his head, face, and neck is cut and covered in blood.
“Risk of infection…” Cameron is muttering. “…blindness is permanent.”
Foreman’s breathing is labored because the bandages have been ripped from his neck. “You cowards will see what power means,” he chokes. “When the dragon comes his will be done. In the fires you’ll be cleaned. Let him rise.” Then he closes his eyes. Cameron and I look at each other and we both know he won’t wake up. We also both know that we’ve been tricked. This dragon, and the zombies, Foreman has been on their side all along.
“We need to burn his body,” Cameron says.
“Why?” I ask.
“We didn’t burn Chase or Cuddy’s and they both became zombies,” she explains hoisting Foreman onto her shoulder. “I’ve got this. Go help with Thirteen.” I glance over at Thirteen, who Kutner had rolled over on her back. I hurry over to him.
“Help me stop the bleeding,” he says, glancing down at the shirt he has pressed to her side. He has only been holding it there for a minute but it is already impossible to tell that it used to be white.
“How much damage is there?” I ask, because I don’t want to remove the t-shirt.     
“Critical, but it’s hard to tell exactly what was hit,” Kutner replies.
“Are the O.R.s still sterile?” I ask.
“No one’s been in them since they were cleaned up after they were last used,” he answers.
“Get he to one,” I say. “And if there’s any kind of surgeon still here get him in there. I’m going to go see what’s happening outside.”
“Take something heavy with you,” Kutner says, beckoning to a women in what looks like it used to be a nurse’s uniform and motioning for a stretcher. “You have to hit them on the head to kill them.”
I nod and get to my feet and begin to look for discarded weapons, but when I see what’s outside the window I start to doubt that anything I might find on the floor of the lobby would be of any help. Sitting in the middle of the parking lot, standing the height of the hospital, is a large red dragon with the head of Dr. Gregory House.
“What are we going to do?” I hear from behind me. I turn to see Kutner and Cameron coming up behind me.
“I guess we know now why House never showed up,” Kutner sighs. “I’m just glad Cuddy didn’t have to see this.” Just as he finishes the House dragon shrieks loudly and breaths flames onto the other half of the hospital. Within seconds it’s burning to the ground.
“We’re screwed,” Cameron says, and I do a double-take because I would have never in a million years pictured her saying that, but I guess things change when half the people you know have died and you’re facing what could very possible be the end of days.
Then my eyes fall on it, my machine, and I know that’s the one thing that can save us. That means I would have to give up on saving you, but I have to do it. I can’t just go and leave Cameron and Kutner and Thirteen here to face their deaths.
“Come on,” I say and I make a run for it. I hope they’re following me because I don’t have time to check. I crouch behind my machine and they get down next to me.
“After I flip this switch we’ll have a maximum of five second to hit that thing with this. Otherwise we’ll get dragged back in time to who knows when,” I explain quickly.
“What is this thing?” Cameron asks.
“Never mind,” I say. “We get one chance.”
“Is this a time machine?” Kutner asks in amazement.
“Help me lift it,” I say, digging my fingers under it. Cameron gets to my left, Kutner to my right, and we manage to hoist it a few feet off the ground.
“We need to get closer,” I say. “There’s no way we can throw it that far.”
“Are you kidding?” Cameron protests.     
“Either we die by the dragon or we get sucked back in time and get attacked by raptors,” I reply. “At least this way we have a chance to live.” We move as quickly as we can, which is still pretty slow, towards the House dragon, who’s busy enough burning down the hospital that he doesn’t notice us.
“Okay, here’s how it’s going to work,” I whisper, because we’re right at the dragon’s feet. “ I’m going to count to three, flip the switch, and we’re going to throw this thing and run to those cars over there without looking back, understand?” They nod and try to look calm, but I can tell they’re both terrified. “One,” I say. “Two. Three!” I flip the switch, which I can just barely reach with my right thumb, and we toss the machine with all our might. It must only go up about five feet, but is was enough. It hits the dragon’s knee and we all three turn and run. Behind us I hear the explosion. Kutner is in the front, already ducking behind the car. Cameron and I are farther back, and we’re not going to make it. I make the decision in a split second. I diving into Cameron knocking her to the ground. I grab her and roll us behind an overturned marble picnic table, which I hope is to heavy to be moved by the blast, because I don’t think the three of is together could have gotten it back up.
Once the echo stops it is silent. Cameron and I are both afraid to breath, but after a minute we here Kutner calling for us. We stand up, thought our legs feel like gelatin, and we look around.
“No dragons,” Kutner is smiling and coming towards us. “No zombies. It worked…Why aren’t you happy?” Cameron turns to me and they both stare. They are both beaming.
“What’s wrong?” Cameron asks, concern evident in her eyes. I shake my head. “Come on,” Cameron prods. “You saved my life. You saved everyone’s life. What can I do?”
“It’s just, I built that machine to go back in time to May 17, 2008, right before she left to go pick up Amber left to go pick up House, and save her,” I explain. “And I know now that I won’t be able to, but I just wish that I could tell her goodbye.”
Cameron smiles serenely. “It’s done,” she says, and suddenly I can’t see her and Kutner anymore. I’m spinning very fast in pitch darkness, and then I’m outside our apartment building. It’s a breezy and warm outside, though it’s already dark. I look up to our living room window, and through the blinds I see a shadow. There you are.

posted by Chandlerfan
Wilson was working late once again and he was finally ready to go home. He practically sprinted down to the lobby knowing Nurse Brenda or any other evil person would stop him, being the only one at the hospital at this hour. Even Cuddy had left before him. He was just about to walk out of the main lobby doors when he noticed the heavy rain outside. He decided to sprint towards his car and quickly shoved his briefcase in the back seat. Just as he was about to get into his car, ready to drive off he saw her standing there, completely soaked, seemingly enjoying the rain.

He was now completely entranced...
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posted by housecuddy4ever
"Yes and could it be this Friday?"Cuddy said into the phone.She was already at Princeton Plainsboro Teaching Hospital.House's team barged into her office."I have to go."Cuddy said hanging up the phone."House isn't here."Thirteen said.Thirteen's hair was in a low ponytail.She wore a tan shirt that had long sleeves,suspenders,a gray shirt under her tan shirt,and her shoes were black pumps."I know.I fired him."Cuddy said drinking her Starbucks.House's team stood there in shock."Then who..."Taub said.Taub wore a pale blue shirt,green and blue tie,black slacks,and brown oxfords."Dr.Foreman."Cuddy...
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posted by TheHiddenCane
Author's Notes: First Huddy fic ever! non-graphic sex... if that doesn't suit you, you have now been warned! Never wrote sex before, but I've tried my best and I think it shows. Hopefully tender and not blunt. Starts out sad... because it's me. This is a kind of fake painless post-ep since the episode hasn't aired yet so I put in House's emotions in one of the clips...


It's All Not Lost.

The weeks after Amber died, no one could look at Wilson: The pain in his eyes was too much, it made them feel slightly guilty for being happy. Why? because they related to his pain, they understood it,...
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Yay! I finally got around to writing this for the Fanfiction Challenge #2! It was a lot of fun, especially since it was so wonderful writing from Cuddy's perspective. Hopefully, you guys will enjoy this. :)

Prompt: Cuddy, change

Summary: The title's pretty clear about it. ;)



“I want to be a doctor!”

Her father laughed at her, his grey eyes crinkling.

“Now now pet, that’s not a suitable job for a woman,”

“Why not? It’s what I want to be. I’ve decided.” Twelve year old Lisa Cuddy pouted from her father’s lap.

“There’s still...
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Set right after the final scene of "The Softer Side"
I don't know if it's any good, people who know me well are aware of the fact that I tend to dislike my own work.
But decide yourself and enjoy.


She knew the answer perfectly well and was aware of the fact that he did, too.
It was obvious but maybe it was something one had to differ between. Or maybe not.
Pain was pain, no matter if physical or emotional.
She understood him, sometimes it scared her utterly because she did not want to acknowledge to herself that she was so similar to him in some...
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A/N: I know, another late update…but I have been really busy lately and am so so so soooo sorry!!!

Murder in the Clinic
Chapter 6: Breaking the News

The morning after diagnosing his latest patient with meningitis, House, wanting to keep his mind off of the troubling police investigation as much as possible, was feverishly searching through a mountain of files, hunting down one that could make a half way decent case to get his mind of things. Finally, he pulled out one that seemed vaguely interesting. Patient: Kevin Carson, Male, 14 years old; came to clinic complaining of nausea, vomiting,...
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Summery: In this fic, basicly House will end up taking care of a kid. Eventual Huddy, but not in this chap.
Disclaimer: If i owned House MD you know that Huddy moments wouldnt be PG-13. Alll i own is the plot, the patient aka patient's family. 'nough said.
ENJOY, PLEASE Rate and comment!

Everything was to blurry to see anything, Katherine realized. She was a sight, battered and bruised at practically every inch of her body. She shook in her room, hearing the front door of her house slammed closed. She coughed, but knew from experience not to move. Excruciating pain would no doubt follow afterword,...
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Discaimer: This fan fiction is made for fun,not profit.I don't own anything from the characters
and/or the show.

Wilson was lying on his bed completely naked!He liked to be that way.It felt natural...
He has ordered a pizza and was waiting.And so someone knocked on the door.
It was 13 delevering the pizza!
"What are you doing Dr.Hadley?You are a doctor,you don't need to deliver pizzas!":Wilson
13 answered:"Are you kidding me?Do you know how much intrest I have to pay for my car?
They totaly screwed me!I need the money."
Wilson,still naked,told her to come in.
"Just for a drink.."she said.
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posted by Immunity
Being with you touches me, more than I can say...
Being with you touches me, more than I can say...
So now she was sitting in Kutner’s apartment, on his couch, wrapped up in a warm blanket, wearing a big t-shirt and boxershorts Kutner had given to her.
All the protesting had been pointless. Thirteen had said at least a hundred times that she didn’t care wether her clothes were completely soaked or not, Kutner hadn’t been willing to speak to her until she finally took the clothes he offered her and put them on in his bathroom.
As Kutner came into the living room and put a cup of warm tea into her hand, she felt completely awkward.
She was sitting here, on the couch of her co-worker, in...
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OK, so I haven't seen S5 yet (and please don't spoil it for me!) so there obviously won't be anything concerning those epis written here apart from maybe things from a few spoilery vids etc. So basically, it's still S4 based-ish.
Anyway, enjoy! =]

When House woke up to find Cuddy holding his hand he felt an overwhelming sense of relief. All because he knew that someone was there beside him, someone cares for him deeply, someone hasn't just turned their back on him, like so many others have. He felt her concern for him by the way she held his hand and curled up in the chair beside his bed, relaxed...
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Hey everyone! I love how active this spot is right now, and I'm so impressed by the multitude of fantastic writer's we have here :)

Well I thought I'd join in on the action and post this story I have been working on for a long time, its still a work in progress but I'd thought I'd post it here.

It was a decision that even Cuddy was surprised she had made. She had got an email from an old colleague of hers telling her about a conference that was being held in London for Endocrinologists. He had suggested that she go. At first she was reluctant, stating that she was busy, running a hospital and...
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posted by Immunity
^°~*this is more than just a bet*~°^
^°~*this is more than just a bet*~°^
Well, this is an old fanfic of mine. I wrote it about 9 months ago, but in german and now some people asked me to translate it, so ... here is the first chapter :D (it consists of 4 chapters plus an epilogue..if I remember that right)

I hope you enjoy it, translating is a lot of work and I kinda hate it^^°. Back then I also made a trailer video for this fanfic, if you are interested in watching it, it is here:

The translation of the german sentences:

It is just a bet...
A bet between House and Cuddy...
If he can diagnose 3 patients in 2 days...
...he will get 2 weeks of paid holiday...
But if...
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Wait, don't run away's not depressing this time. Honest!
Enjoy! =D

We Walk – The Ting Tings

You never alter
You’re always you
Everything’s breaking
But I don’t care

He stood in front of her desk, staring down into her blue grey eyes, almost challenging her.

She couldn’t decide whether his stubborn gaze was an admirable trait or annoying trait.

On second thoughts, it’s more of the latter.

She smiled to herself but it didn’t go unnoticed by him; she asked him again.


‘I’ll never change; I can’t make you happy...walk away while you still have the chance’

He began...
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So, I've just joined this site recently, and I'm so glad I found it. First of all: it's posting made easy. Second of all: it's a great forum, well-organized. Look forward to meeting other House fans who love to write as much as I do!

I'm also greatful to the Drabble-A-Thon, for aiding me in the idea of writing the fic "Tough Love". I found "Dying Changes Everything" to be one of the most heart-wrenching episodes of this or any other season. We've never seen House so vulnerable...not even, perhaps, in "Merry Little Christmas". He's desperate in this episode to keep Wilson grounded. It made my heart ache to see him trying so hard! When House really cares, he shows it, but in his own special way.

Would love to hear what others think about my fic. Please comment. As a writer, it would make my day!

Sara K (Rivercrossing)     
First chapter of the sequel to Iris. I don't think it will end up being as good as the origonal (they never are), but whatever. Hope you like it

Before it’s Too Late

Chapter 1: I wonder through fiction to look for the truth

Kutner was pulling on his coat as he walked, hoping to get to his car before it started snowing to hard. He knew he had to wait for Thirteen. He at least wanted to give her a ride to her car if she wouldn’t let him take her all the way to her apartment.
Thirteen was like that. She didn’t like people to know where she lived. She thought it would...
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posted by housefrk
Chapter 8: I just don’t want to miss you tonight

Kutner sat on his couch, the case file spread in front of him. He was flipping through the papers over and over again. He couldn’t seem to find the data from the patient’s blood test.
“Crap,” Kutner muttered.
He guessed House, Foreman, Taub, and Thirteen probably had the results in their copies of the file, but it was one in the morning. He sighed. He needed those results. He would have to get them from somebody. That meant waking someone up.
He thought about who...
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posted by housefrk
Chapter 5: ‘Cause all I can taste is this moment

Kutner jerked awake. He’d been about to roll of the side of his chair. He knew where he was right away, but it took him a minute to figure out how he’d gotten there. Then he remembered.
He looked over to the couch. Thirteen was still asleep. He checked the clock.
“Crap,” he muttered. It was five to nine.
“Thirteen,” he said loudly, hoping it would work so he wouldn’t have to touch her. “Come on, get up.”
It didn’t work, but he had...
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posted by ilurvedward
A/N: this chapter was accomplished with the brilliant brain food provided by CSINaomi at! props for her!!!
A/N: also, there might be one or two more chapters after this, I am not sure yet.
Booth opened the door to the SUV for Brennan. She climbed in and gingerly buckled herself in. as Booth put the keys in the ignition and started out of the PPTH parking lot, all was silent. About 20 minutes into the drive, Brennan spoke. “This thing,” she gestured in the general area of her stomach, “will be inside me for seven...
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Cameron watched Chase drive away.She shoved her hands into the pockets of her coat.She walked to the coffee shop.The night was silent and sharp.Everything seemed like it was high-definition,Cameron loved it.She'd always loved watching the snow fall in the winter.But something has changed about her.She can't figure out what.She looked around,and saw the Starbucks sign up ahead.Moments later Cameron was in the coffee shop."Hello,welcome to Starbucks."greeted the barista.Cameron inhaled the scent of the coffee and sighed.She walked over to a table and sat down.She took off her coat and looked...
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posted by Immunity
But something happened for the very first time with you
But something happened for the very first time with you
Please comment when you rate low! I want to get better. Btw english isn't my first language, so please be nice..

When Kutner woke up again, he felt much better.
Thirteen looked at him, glad that she could finally leave the men's toilet. And she didn't hesitate to do so.
Kutner followed her.
"I can drive you home.", Thirteen offered, knowing that the alcohol wasn't out of his blood yet.
He nodded. "Thank you."
She was told by him where to drive. Half an hour later she stopped her car in front of his apartment.
Kutner thanked her again as he got out of the car. Before he shut the door behind him,...
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