House MD Fanfiction Club
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House walked into his house, hanging his cane on the edge of the archway, making his way to the couch to knock out. He slept for several hours before Wilson called from work around five.
"What the hell do you want?"
"Do you love her?"
"This is a very popular question people like to ask me."
"Do you?"
"Yes, parts of her. "
"I'll take that as a yes."
"Couldn't this wait?"
"I had to make sure."
"Why would you need to make sure...What would you need to make sure of..."
Wilson remained silent.
"You know what I'm doing don't you."
"Was it the way I was acting or did you check my planner--?"
"You left it on your desk."
"I took it before anyone could see it. It's in my drawer, locked up."
"Thanks. The last thing I need is for everyone to find out."
"Most importantly her?"
"That too. Wouldn't really matter if she found out. Makes her all the more happier, why would that be bad? It's everyone else...All the questioning..Badgering..I don't need to relive seven months ago."
"It's nice. How much you spent?"
"Couple ten thousands."
"Wh-h-at? Lies."
"Everybody lies."
"Couple ten thousands."
"You wanna bet? I'll show it to you tomorrow. I'll bring you to the store."
"So are you going to let me go back to sleep?"
"Give me a minute."
"Or I can just hang up...Now." And he hung up the phone, throwing it on the floor and went back to sleep.
House woke up a little less than two hours after Wilson had called. It was seven so he decided to pop in at work. The team had already left, along with Wilson. The place was pretty much deserted by now. So he checked up on Cuddy who was working hard in her office.
"I don't care," he said mockingly. He kicked back on her couch and popped in two vicodin.
"I don't need you stoned in my office."
"I don't need you working in your office."
"I don't need you annoying me in my office."
"What are you doing anyway?"
"Fixing files, signing forms. The whole deal."
He got up from the couch and pulled up a chair close to her.
"Why don't you go home? Go take care of Rachel or something, so we can send the babysitter home."
She was nearly focused on her work, 50% of her focus towards it. The other 50%, towards House.
"She won't mind. She knows how hard you're working. You have to take care of me for god sake."
She gave a quick smirk. House began rubbing her back, almost massaging it. That's what Cuddy thought he was doing, till he undid her bra. She stopped dead in writing the rest of her signature and slowly turned her head to House.
"I don't apologize. I'm supposed to be like that, it's apart of my gender. And it doesn't apologize either."
She put down her pen and glared at him. She shook her head, forcing a smile off her face, while trying to hook it back together. She finally hooked it on and he began to stroke her head. Sliding his hand from the top of her head, down to her neck.
"You love me right?"
"You, are the last person I would expect to be asking me this."
"Is us what you call love?"
" 'Love is a wildly misunderstood, although highly desirable malfunction of the heart, which weakens the brain, causes the eyes to sparkle, cheeks to glow, blood pressure to rise and the lips to pucker.' These are the very symptoms I experience every day, so I think that answers your question."
She looked at him and gave a sincere smile. He brought her head to his chest and kissed the side of her head. Then he threw two more tablets of vicodin into his mouth, crushed them with his teeth and let the fragments make their way down his mouth. He turned off the lamp on her desk, lifted her up, quickly laying her on the couch. He saw her face and then said,
"Vicodin. Two pills. I'm fine."
"No, you're not. Stop doing that." Her voice became stern so he just rolled his eyes. He joined her on the couch, and she shifted and put herself on him, resting her head right on his neck, grasping her hand on his as they moved their hands back and forth. He saw her eyes closed, and he could hear the long breathes she took, meaning, she was about to fall asleep. So he whispered to her,
"We're going home. I'll take my bike tomorrow. Come on."
She was half asleep so he just carried her to the car. It was probably the hardest thing he'd done in his life. For he had to hold her, lock up her office, balance his cane on her as he limped, and attempt to open doors with no hands to spare. When he came into the lobby, he asks the nurse for some assistance. They both walked into the parking lot towards Cuddy's car and the nurse headed for the passenger seat door. She opened it, allowing House to lay Cuddy on the chair. He gently pulled back the lever, and the chair went gliding down. He slammed the door shut, and thanked the nurse, making his way to the drivers seat. After he buckled both their belts, he threw back a vicodin and drove home.
The babysitter was trying to calm down Rachel when House had walked in. She was crying, but more quietly this time, signifying that she was tired.
"I'll be back." And with a tone of reassurance in his voice, she gave a look of relief and walked back into the nursery.
In Cuddy's bedroom, he was undressing her and attempting to put on any pj's lying around. After he had put on her pants, he tucked her underneath the comforter, slowly resting her head down. He stroked her head and grabbed his beloved cane, which carried the weight, and giving a sense of satisfaction to even out the pain in his leg. When he saw the sitter packed up, he swiftly took out his wallet pulling out twenty bucks, handing it to the overly tired teen.
"Thank you."
"Go home."
After she closed the door, he looked down on the wooded floors. He studied the patterns they carried before looking up. He looked towards the nursery, staring at the crib, watching a small and gentle hand wave back and forth, striving for attention. And so, he took all the strength left embedded in his muscles and bones and made his way into Rachel's room. He rested his cane on the wall as he always did, and limped over to the crib. He lifted her up from the crib, and stared at her as her eyes adapted to his, she began to realize the same penetrating stare that she had met before. She gave a smile at him and he went to the stereo, putting on music to soothe the child. He swayed with her back and forth, humming along with the music. As she began to fall asleep several minutes after, he gave a quick kiss on her head and laid her underneath her blankets. But as soon as he had taken a few steps toward the door, grabbing his cane, she began cooing, which turned into upset moans, which quickly turned into screams. So he came back over to the crib to calm her down and she reached out for his finger. They screams slowly diminished and then finally disappeared. So, unable to do anything more, he took his cane and grabbed the stool nearby. So he sat while she held his finger, and they both eventually fell asleep.
A good couple hours later, he felt a hand grazing up and down his back. So he opened his eyes and turned his head to look behind him.
"Come to bed."
It was Cuddy, wearing the same pj's House had put on her hours earlier.
"Wow, no yelling? That's a first." They both spoke in gentle whispers, their voices, gently caressing the air in the room.
"She's asleep. I'm doing that tomorrow. Or if I can get you to bed."
"Then I'd rather stay here."
"Come, now. You're going to strain your back that way."
"Let me be woman. This one is reluctant to let go. If I make her let go she begins to cut my ear drum out."
"She'll be fine. It's because she was awake. She's sleeping now."
House rolled his eyes and slowly removed his finger from Rachel's grasp and put back the stool. He left his cane hanging on the side of the crib and followed Cuddy.
They walked into the bedroom and got in bed, wrapping themselves in the sheets.
"Why the hell didn't you wake me up?" Her voice had raised greatly from the tone that she had in the nursery.
"Knew I should've stayed with Rachel."
"This is the third time you've done something stupid like this."
"Yeah I know, so this makes me thrice as stupid. I can do the math."
"This is the last time I'm warning you."
"Or what? I know the stakes here. I'm not taking them impulsively."
"Why? Why do you do stupid things like this? So many unnecessary things you do, so many reckless and irrational actions you take, and for what? To impress me? I'm more worried than impressed."
"It's in my character. My personality. I act, irrationally, impulsively, recklessly, because I know what I'm doing. I know what I have. I know what you're worth. And I'm not taking you for granted. I'm not putting a price on us."
The dedication, the drive he had, was far greater than she imagined he could.
He moved in toward her and gave a lingering kiss..Her expression was filled with guilt. Her eyes were shut tight, keeping it all in, including the tears that were beginning to flood. So she shut her eyes, hiding all truths, as the foreplay emerged and as it all advanced on..
House had fallen asleep several minutes after, but Cuddy laid awake in bed. She couldn't sleep, so, feeling guilt-ridden, she got out of bed, put on a bathrobe and stepped out of the room. She went out on the porch and sat down on one of the chairs. She let the tears flood down her rosy cheeks, caused by the chill of the morning as the sun emerged from behind the trees. She closed her eyes shut, allowing no more tears to fall as the sun continued to rise, bringing the innocent light of morning.
Somehow I am very inspired today XD. Actually I have a bunch of stuff to do that has nothing to do with House, Huddy or Cuddy. (Physics and history *coughs*) Nevertheless I wrote this oneshot and I hope you like it. It is set after Joy.


The room was filled with silence.
Except of the brawl of the water that was coming out of the shower head and the silent, halting sobbing next to it. And there on the floor was a squatted figure who had wrapped its arms around its knees and was rocking back and forth in a slow rhythm.

The figure lifted its head...
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Lol Now I'm addicted. I'm sure by now you've all heard about how House MD is in fact a modernized version of Sherlock Holmes, or at the very least based on it. So I thought it would be an interesting idea to base a fanfic off of it. I wrote this a long time ago, and I'm still not sure if I will continue, have to be smart enough to come up with twists and turns for a Holmes mystery. Well I hope you like it, comments and critiscm are welcome :)

Throughout the many years of working together, never have I enjoyed such a case that had been brought to our attention at 221 Princeton Street as the one...
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Neighborhood Legend
Chapter 5: Halloween

All in all, it has been a very stressful couple of weeks for Tom Wiltzer ever since he broke into The Mad Doctor’s apartment. If all went to plan, he and Pat probably would have had a grand tale to tell to every kid on Baker St. Well, they still probably have quite the tale to tell but Tom just wasn’t as enthusiastic about it as Patrick happened to be. To Pat, it was a heroic story of escapade that put him league with his older brother, Jack. To Tom however, it was a topic he wasn’t too comfortable discussing, mainly because he felt that it was...
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posted by Chandlerfan
Thirteen woke up one day and headed straight for the bathroom to throw up. She wasn't even hungover or anything, and she went through all the possibilities.

She cursed herself when she looked at the time knowing she was going to be late. Again. She rushed out the door and ran back in realising she still had to get changed for work. Again she cursed herself and ran out the door to the hospital as quickly as she could.

She walked into House's room and all the talking stopped and all eyes were on her. Four grown men staring at her in silence. What were they thinking? She caught Kutner's eye as...
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posted by ToEkNeE
"So did he ever really ask you? Or was it all just...implied?"
"Well...we went back to my place...."
House was sitting on Cuddy's couch drinking a glass of scotch. He was waiting for Cuddy. She came out from Rachel's room and closed the door quietly. She wanted to tuck her in when they made it back to her house. She walked over by House and sat on the opposite side of the couch staring at him.
"Is my drinking seducing you?"
"Yes, why wouldn't it?"
He finished off the last of the scotch in his glass and then they both put their feet up on the couch overlapping...
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posted by housecuddy4ever
This is a new chapter

Cuddy sighed.She began to rub her temples.House didn't want to see her like this.Miserable.Hurt.House limped to her and wrapped his arms around her.Cuddy put her head on his chest."Should I go?"Cuddy asked."It's your choice.Your mother."House said with no emotion in his voice."Oh Greg..."Cuddy sighed."You never called me Greg.Even during sex.The last time you called me Greg was..."House began.He started to think about how he'd been with Stacy.He remembered the face Cuddy made when she saw him in pain.Hurt and guilt.House snapped back into reality.He put his head on...
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Author's Notes: Trying new things... Sweet_Pants says I can control minds... I crawled into Wilson's for good measure. I am not him and thus I am unsure about this thing. But I always am when I do something new.

It's one of the worst things to see. I honestly don't know how I ever grew able to just... watch it. I guess he trained me: Through years of seeing this, I kind of started to remember when to do whatever it is I do... some call me a Saint for it. I'm not. I'm a horrible man. A sadist.

House is on the couch watching some shady B-movie, or, pretending to, anyway... and I was pretending...
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added by Chandlerfan
Not made by me but by aleramp88.
house md
posted by salemslot
This is a Cuddy centered ff.There is no House/Cuddy interaction except for the first scene;) but there is the idea of Huddy in the air.The medical stuff is make-belief to help the plot of the story.Didn't really know if this is PG13 or 15(I'm too corrupted to know the difference),so VIEVER DISCRETION IS ADVICED.Hope you enjoy it :)

Night.The door of House's apartment opens abruptly.Through the door storm House and Cuddy in a passionate,tight embrace.House pins Cuddy against the wall and the two lovers start kissing each other as though their lives depended on it.The only thing that mattered...
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Last chapter. I'd like to apologize for how bad I've been about updating this fic and thank anyone who stuck it out

Chapter 16: It’s all that I need in my life

Thirteen joined Kutner at the car and got in the passenger side without saying a word. She knew what she needed to do, that she needed to tell someone. She’d decided to tell Kutner.
She let Kutner pull out of the hospital parking lot before breaking the awkward silence.
“I only ever trusted two people,” Thirteen said suddenly. “One of them died when I was six. The funeral was the...
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Chapter 7: So stand on the edge with me

“Search his house.”
Those were the words they had been dismissed with. While Foreman and Taub where busy at the patient’s office, Kutner and Thirteen would be rummaging through dirty laundry.
“Why do they always get the better job?” Kutner had asked on their way out of the hospital.
“Seniority,” Thirteen had answered shortly.
“Taub’s just as knew as us,” Kutner had pointed out.
“But Foreman’s not,” Thirteen had replied....
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posted by housefrk
Unfortunately, I couldn't get Bo into this chapter. Too bad, she's really fun to write.

Chapter 2

“So Taub,” House said the next morning. “Whatever happened to that sister of yours?”
Taub looked up from his copy of the file surprised.
“Come on Taub. We’re all curious,” House prodded. “Did she move to Canada? No, that doesn’t seem right. Did she join the Peace Corps? No, that’s not it either.”
“My sister is in Africa,” Taub informed the team before House could get to it. “She’s doing mission work....
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added by lilou0803
Huddy/Hilson. Very very sad video-fiction
house md
house fanfic
Chapter 9 – I quit, I give up

House turned off the ignition and looked down. He wasn’t going to show anyone his emotions again. Stupid accident, what was he thinking? He knew what she wanted; damn it, he wanted it too, but she didn’t want to admit it. Now who was stubborn?

That wasn’t how things were supposed to have happened. She was always his kill-joy, his conscious; she kept him for doing crazy things, she saved his ass all the time. At the moment, he was the logical person; she was the one who kept running and avoiding the situations… how ironic was that?

He entered his house and...
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posted by housecuddy4ever
As the person knocking on Cuddy's suite door,she got worried.
"Who is it?"Cuddy asked."Room service."the person said.She knew that voice.It was the same voice."I didn't order anything!"Cuddy yelled.The knocking stopped.The door's handle start to jiggle.Cuddy ran into the bedroom and locked it.She heard the door in the main room open.She ran into the bathroom.It had 5 locks on it.The bedroom door got kicked open.Cuddy got into the bathtub.She curled into the fetal position.Her heart started to race.There was banging on the bathroom door.She looked out of the bathtub that could help her."Damn...
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Wow i haven't written a fan fiction in ages... so i decided i might as well finish the one i started after Birthmarks. This could be a one shot or i could add more chapters, depending on what you guys think and where you think it should go. ITs supposed to be just a bit offun - a laugh, basically, and i have used so far just House Cuddy and the new team. Its certainly a very huddy fan fiction and they are dating. If i do more chapters i will certainly add Wilson and maybe the old team, but it will remain light hearted.

House was leaning back on his chair, listening absently to his team discussing...
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The sun was nearly high noon. Birds we're singing, the breeze was blowing, and the warmth was creeping all around. Cuddy was lying in bed, perfectly still. She began to wake up, and felt around the bed for House, but he wasn't there. She opened her eyes and sat upright in bed and found that he was no longer next to her. She scanned the room; His cane and key had remained in the room so he clearly hadn't left. She looked curiously around, and then finally got out of bed. She walked over the the bathroom checking if he was there, but he of course, wasn't. Soon enough he came in the room with...
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Yesterday the idea came into my mind while I was studying physics. I screwed up the exam Oo, I wrote down the idea. After watching "let them eat cake" I had to write it.
I hope you like it...cuddles-like as always it will be sad xD :(...
I still don't have a beta reader so there might be a couple of mistakes in it.

Please don't kill me, no matter why, just don't...I've warned you.

Authors note: I never have thought about a title that almost 1 am...and it drives me nuts.
There will be a different version of this oneshot...inspired by Olivine and therefore dedicated to her, it will...
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“That was... interesting,” Kutner said, finally breaking the silence.
Foreman stood up and went to the white board,
“ patient, male, 32, suffering from skin conditions and fainting, all blood tests came back negative and the ER ruled out all the normal suspects,”
The Team ignored him and continued to talking about House and Cuddy.
“ it will end badly, its not professional and it will get in the way of there work,” chipped in Taub, “ if they break up we get killed and there’s chaos, its better for us if it ends before anyone gets hurt,”
“ didn’t look like it was interfering...
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Here is part 1 of 2 of the last chapter.

Part 1:
Cuddy awoke in a hotel.House was looking out the window.Cuddy sat up in bed.She looked at House.House turned around.Cuddy wanted to smile,but she couldn't make her facial muscles to form a smile."Where are we?"Cuddy barely managed to get out.House replied,"Intercontinental Boston."Cuddy sighed."Mouthful."Cuddy joked.House turned his head back to the window.Cuddy got up out of bed and walked over to House.She looked out the window."It's beautiful.Can't even see the water in Princeton."Cuddy said.House sighed and said,"Quit avoiding the subject."Cuddy...
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