House M.D. Does anyone else think...

Trisha posted on Jan 04, 2007 at 10:15PM
Hugh Laurie is amazing? I'm new here and I don't really know the rules of these post things I just wanted to know you opinion. Are there any other Hugh Laurie fans out there?

House M.D. 16 replies

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over a year ago jerseygirl said…
Hey Trisha! Welcome to Fanpop! It's a pretty fun and laidback site so there aren't really any "rules" for posting. lol. I'm a huge fan of Hugh too...he's such a jerk sometimes on House, but it's because he's SUCH a good actor! It's pretty cool to hear him in interviews with his British accent too...soooo sexy. :)
over a year ago yukio said…
hugh laurie is perfect in this role...witty, snappy,
impeccable comedic timing and a hint of tragedy
in his gaze...
over a year ago chunkyrice13 said…
What's really mindblowing is that on British tv he's most famous for playing sweet but vacant simpletons. I can believe a person could be that good an actor, except for his eyes: on House they're so remarkably soulful, full of wisdom and pain, right? On Jeeves and Wooster, you would swear there was absolutely not a spark of intelligence behind those big ol' baby blues.

I mean, how do you act with your eyeballs? It's like a superpower.
over a year ago girardi4222 said…
amen. like that look when he looks at stacey is amazing
over a year ago Huddyfan2007 said…
I don't think that there's another actor who could play House any better.. Hugh is soo amazing!
over a year ago blargg said…
go on and look for his audition video.
he did it in a bathroom in a Nairobi hotel. made up the accent/character pretty much on the spot

his best character tho is by far the Prince Reagent on Blackadder
over a year ago hughlauriesgirl said…
No you are not the only me! I love love love him, he is awesome! Trust me rent "Maybe Baby", "Sense and Sensibility" and if you CAN find it "Peter's Friends", he is so great in them! Its good to know there are more Hugh Laurie lovers out there! ha! ha! :) Kate
over a year ago liono said…
Here's that audition video!
over a year ago staffy12345 said…
"What's really mindblowing is that on British tv he's most famous for playing sweet but vacant simpletons."
On British tv he is best noted for his spell in Blackadder which is a legendary series over here. Though he fits the role of House very well.
over a year ago stephinjapan said…
Hugh Laurie is an amazing actor! I still can't believe that he not only has a British accent but that he doesn't walk with a limp. He is amazing.
over a year ago krys1258 said…
haha yeah i'm definately in love with Hugh Laurie. when i first saw him in House i was so excited cuz i had seen him in Blackadder and a few random movies. i love how he picks the most random roles to play (but boy does he play them well!)
and i totally agree with chunkyrice13. he does have superpowers.
over a year ago LisaS said…
Absolutely! He's incredibly talented. Massive fan of him as House. Hope he continues to play that role for many more seasons to come. Though, I prefer not to watch him in his earlier British roles as staffy12345 says, playing "vacant simpletons"
over a year ago emilee24 said…
He is amazing! I just Hope House Lasts a few more seasons!
over a year ago roundabouts said…
Huge Laurie is ace! He's such a good actor, he's so smart but not up his own arse which is good. Love him as House the most though, sexy as hell!
over a year ago F1_11 said…
Hi, I'm new hear and I just wanted to say that I love Hugh Laurie. I'm British so my first taste of him was from Blackadder and Jeeves and Wooster. I only got into House recently and it was cool seeing him play a character like that, (also, House is pretty much my boyfriend but older which makes me giggle, he's just as sexy too :). Can't wait till season 4 but I'm prob gonna have to wait years before it's on TV hear :(
over a year ago cents4spence said…
Hugh Laurie freakin rocks!!! I must say, I'm obsessed with 'House, MD'