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posted by k_tap
This is my first Huli fanfic, so I'm sorry for any mistakes. Before you read I would like to give you a little bit of background on where this one-shot came from. I was listening this song Best Thing by The Graham Colton Band and was inspired to write and the only thing I could think of that would work was Huli, so I listened to this song over and over again while I wrote this little fic. I hope you enjoy it......PS: It might help you to listen to the song while you read!



The Best Thing

Here they are sitting in hard, plastic chairs in an airport; they weren’t talking to each other, just sitting. There was obvious tension between them; it had been there for months now. This cloud of tension and hurt feelings seemed to have magically appeared the same day that Jo, Hugh’s wife, had come to LA for a surprise visit. She claimed that she wanted to surprise Hugh and that she wanted to help him celebrate the end of another season of House. Lisa was no fool and she knew that this was not a surprise visit; she could tell by the way Hugh wouldn’t look at her, at times, during those three long months.

Jo has been gone for two weeks now but that dark cloud of tension didn’t disappear when she did and that horrible cloud was the reason why they were sitting here in the airport right now. Within those three months that Jo had been in LA Lisa had change her summer plans and decided to go to Spain, alone. She didn’t want to go but she just couldn’t take the tension anymore. When she told Hugh about her plans she could tell that he was surprised and disappointed, but he just accepted her decision. Soon after she bought the ticket she regretted her decision and started to drops hints about staying, but he didn’t seem to get them.

So here they were sitting in the airport waiting for Lisa’s plane to be called. She looked down at her watch and saw that it was almost time for her plane to start boarding. When she stands up Hugh quickly follows suit; he stands in front of her and gives her a small smile that she can tell is fake. She sees him moving closer to her and she quickly looks down and intently studies the floor. She feels his left hand move to her arm while his right gently cups her cheek; she looks at him and her eyes quickly begin to fill with tears but she blinks them away. He pulls her into a kiss that she fully participates in hoping that he breaks away and asks her not to leave, but their kiss is interrupted by her plane being called to board. She breaks the kiss and sighs.

“Well, I guess I’ll see you when I get back.” She whispers while she stares at her plane ticket.

He lets out a painful, shaky sigh and whispers, “Yeah, I guess so.”

She takes one last look at him and says a quick goodbye before she turns around and starts walking towards the line of people. He watches her walk towards the line then he turns around and begins to walk towards the exit. During his journey to the exit he gets lost in his thoughts, and as soon as he walks out the door he remembers the one this he needed to tell her but could never find the right time to tell her. He quickly turns around and starts running towards her gate, hoping that this is the one thing that will make her stay.

When he arrives at her gate he sees her plane taking off, making its way to Spain. He begins to quickly scan the room hoping, no praying that she changed her mind and didn’t board the plane. He is about to give up looking for her but then he sees her sitting in the chair he was sitting in earlier. He begins to walk towards her; the closer he gets to her the more visible her face becomes and it kills him to see tears streaming down her face. His pace quickens and as soon as he reaches her he pulls her into his arms and begins to apologize.

“Oh God Lisa, I’m so sorry. I should have told you that she was coming…her coming to LA was the worst thing for me to keep from you.” He whispers in her ear while he rocks her as she cries into his shoulder.

“I, I…. should have told you I didn’t really want to go…b, but I though… I though you were going to try and fix thing with her.” She sobbed into his shoulder. He must have taken to long to explain thing to her because she began to sob harder than before.

“Shhhhhh, Lisa…please look at me” when she refused to left her head, he pushed her away and placed both his hand on her cheeks. “Baby, I’m not fixing think with Jo,” she flinched at her name, “we’re getting a divorce. The only reason she came here was to make me change my mind.”

The look on her face was of shock then relief; a small, happy smile began to slowly light up her face.


“Really. I tried to tell you but you just seemed preoccupied with your trip. God Lisa, you mean so much to me, you are the best thing that has ever happened to me in my whole life.” He told her.

Her only answer was to pull him into a passionate kiss that was definitely not appropriate for a public place such at the airport. He slowly broke the kiss.

“Come on let’s go home.” He said with a smile.

She answered him with a smile of her own as she grabbed his hand with her right and her suitcase with her left. They slowly made their way towards the exit and towards a new journey in their relationship.
added by pistachio_
Source: Justin Stephens
posted by huddyislove
Attention, Huli lovers and sinners! (and both XD)
Since I think that this spot needs a bit boost, and since I want to thank you for earning me a red medal with your rating :))), I decided to write a new fic!

(Actually, I'm lying. I had one in mind for a month or so, I just wanted it to sound nice XDDD)

So, since I didn't write enough to be publish (yet),
I'm gonna do what I always do...
Give you a sneak peek.... :D

Tell me what you think, guys :D
Reviews are lovely! :DDD

...When something you want more than anything is forbidden ....

“We shouldn't” he whispered in between the kisses. “It seems...
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added by alenapaula
Source: Warner Music Entertainment
added by LisaLover
Source: Me
Hey!! I just had to write this! I am totally in love with this song, have been for a while and I really wanted to write a little fic with it;) I hope you enjoy!

Lyrics from the song (Not mine, all credit goes to Ilse DeLange) are in italics and if you want to listen to the song you can do that link

Hugh was playing the piano when he heard someone enter his house. Stephen walked into the living room with, what looked like a newspaper, under his arm. ‘I thought you had to work today?’ Hugh asked him. ‘Well, I went to the studio but then Luciano, you know him he’s Fox’s best hairdresser,...
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added by hulismacked
added by zob67
added by emma1850
added by alenapaula
Source: Gareth Davies, Getty Images
posted by blinkbackatear
Hello guys! Here I am again with the longest fic/chapter i have ever written:) Thank you so much for the comments, they always make my day! I hope you will like this one as well:) just for you!

It was 10 in the morning and Hugh was sitting in a cab in front of Lisa’s home, trying to take up the courage and go inside. He has been there since 9 o’clock. His plane left 2 hours ago, but he couldn’t move. He has been thinking about the past years. When life was so much simpler. They were fine. They were friends, he could turn to her anytime he wanted, and she could do the same. When they...
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added by near_ty1222
added by friehouse
added by friehouse
(First of all: I'm not English or British so forgive me if there are any errors in this "article")

Well, I guess we all know those famous pics of Hugh and Lisa at Malibu Beach shooting for House season 7. First it looked like they were shooting a great scene! But... There's always a but...
People started to think it wasn't only a Huddy moment but also a Huli moment. Well, I wanna make clear that there also was a Huli moment. That's totally sure right now 'cause David Shore is the one who said that.
I was looking around at Google and I found an inteview with David Shore about Huddy And the first...
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posted by huddyislove
Ok, so. Good news and bad news.
Good news first?
I don't have school for 11 days :D
and bad news?
Oh, there is NO bad news :D XD
I'm going to write and post my fic every day (I hope I'll manage :D)
So, you better prepare yourself, cause I'm planning on teasing you as never before!
I hope you haven't lost interest in the fic!

“Oh... god.. that feels so good” Lisa exhaled as he placed wet kisses on her collar bone.
“I always make you feel good” he smiled proceeding with what he was doing. He really did make her feel good, more than good. He made her feel great and so...wanted and loved....
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posted by huddyforever
Ok, so this one is really boring and it is not the best one (in my opinion) but I hope you enjoy it anyways:)

“It seems that your baby is two.” The Dr. informed them. “What do you mean two?” Hugh asked. “I mean, you are having twins. Congradulations.” The Dr. turned the screen towards them so they could see. Tears of joy filled Lisa’s eyes as she looked at her babies. In black and white two little figures moved. They both had two arms, two legs, and a head for each. “Holy shit!” Hugh said as he looked at his babies in shock.

“Here is a tissue to wipe your tummy off and I...
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added by huddycallianfan
added by la_nina
I have been wondering for a while whether I should have addressed this to Santa Claus, instead. After some pondering, I started flipping through the pages of my calendar in order to check how long it would take my wishing list to be delivered to him. You know, it’s not as simple as it sound dealing with air mail postage delivery times when it comes to Lapland….apparently air communication lines with Italy aren’t that efficient. But, anyway back to the point, I was flipping through the pages of my calendar, right? On a side note, I know, sorry…I love digressing, I have realized almost...
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