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posted by maverickangel35
Quite a long while ago, on Just Friends...

The dogs came galloping out of the kitchen and ran full speed into the closet door, slamming it closed. Hugh let out a gasping laugh into Lisa’s ear as she jerked her head around to see what had happened.
    “No offense to your dogs, Lis,” he said huskily, taking the opportunity to repay a favor that she had done him numerous times over the course of the season, “but tonight we are going to my place. Unless you want to be interrupted again.”
    The sudden jolt of heat that struck Lisa’s stomach and slithered its way lower shocked her into silence as Hugh’s tongue began to tease at her earlobe.
    “God…” she breathed out hard. “Ok. Your place it is.”

    Hugh breathed out hard as he put his car into drive and turned carefully off the small side road that Lisa’s house was situated upon. There were no cars anywhere to be seen, a fact for which he was endlessly grateful. It wasn’t at all that he liked hiding this new and beautiful addition to his life… it just was not the right time or the right way for people to find out.
    “Hugh Laurie Makes a House Call!” Hugh put on his very best fake-announcer voice as he sped along toward the studio. “The married House star was spotted leaving the home of his co-star Lisa Edelstein in the wee hours of the morning in what looked like suspiciously day-old clothes!” A sarcastic smile flashed in his rearview mirror and he rolled his eyes. “God. How are we going to manage to keep this under wraps?”
    Of course, the phrase ‘under wraps’ brought to mind another type of ‘under cover’ and that was sufficient to nearly send him plowing into a light pole.
    Hugh let himself into the meeting room quietly, noting that everyone had already sat down and were just about to start as he took his seat.
    “Glad you could make it, Hugh,” Greg Yaitanes said drily. “Coffee?”
    “Yeah.” Hugh poured himself a cup and looked around. “Sorry. I made it. Just a late night last night, and—right.” His British accent flowed naturally and smoothly, and the other EP’s looked around and shared private, if uneasy smiles. No one was quite sure how he was going to like this…
    “Well we were just going to briefly recap how we did in terms of productivity and budget this season,” David started, “and then we’ll talk a little about the premiere of next season while we have the finale still fresh in our minds. We’re already thinking about some ideas and we’re pretty excited about them…”
    Lisa poked her head in the door of her favorite dress shop and called for the owner. “Mindy? It’s Lisa, I’m here for—”
    “Oh my Lord would you look at yourself? Skin and bones is all you are, skin and bones, and I don’t care what you say about the camera adding ten pounds, you have got to fill yourself up if you are going to wear any of my clothes. Now just look here—” Lisa found herself being manhandled into a dressing room with nothing in her hands. “I am going to bring out the most darling little number that I made with you in mind, assuming you’re going to be dancing the night away like you always do, and where in the world did I put those shoes? I found the most perfect shoes that go just exactly with this outfit and I set them aside and I said to myself, ‘Do not lose these shoes, Lisa absolutely must have them for this party, they will just look ravishing’ and now would you look at this, I can’t find them anywhere…” Lisa peered over the door of the dressing room, clad only in her bra and panties. “But here is the dress, and I have to say I have outdone myself on this one, I said ‘Mindy, the skirt is perfect, just think how it will move when she dances,’ see look it will hit you just below the knees but I used my best silk so it has some movement and I said to myself, ‘Now Mindy, she wears those blasted pencil skirts,” she spit those words out as venom. “That display her gorgeous derriere to such advantage but don’t allow her to move her legs more than an inch at a time in any direction, so let’s put her in something looser that lets her walk and dance and move any way she wants to…'” Mindy tossed the dress over the door and Lisa held it out and looked at it critically. “Shot silk, and that silver grey is going to make your eyes just luminous if you don’t mind my saying, you pair it with some smudgy grey eyeliner and that fabulous eye shadow you were wearing the last time I saw you, I can’t remember the brand but I’m sure you still have it somewhere now I am coming in so cover yourself up if you’re shy which we both know you aren’t and oh my are you gorgeous! Look at how that falls, that is just the most beautiful thing I have ever put on you, now turn around a moment and let me see this—see this? See where I have to dart the side here? Dieting. You’re going to wind up in a hospital bed if you keep this up, honey, and what kind of man wants to go to bed with a stick and bone skinny Marie? Curves. Now see the neckline, I didn’t want to make the v-cut too terribly deep, you see how it just hints at the one place you still have curves, it’s the mystery of the unknown, all those boys will just be wetting themselves when you walk in now come out here and I’m going to pin you…” Lisa was dragged up onto a stool in front of a three-paned mirror while Mindy pinned the dress on her side. “This is going to be fitted just perfectly, you go take it off and don’t dislodge the pins, honey, and I will put the dart in right this very minute so you can walk out with it and oh Lord would you ever believe? Here’s those shoes, what did I do? I set them down next to the machine and said to myself, ‘I will bet money that girl has gone and lost weight again, and I will need to take in the dress, and so I will put the shoes by the machine and that way I won’t lose them, now you put your jeans back on and try on the shoes do you see how perfect they are? Just look at those heels, you will absolutely make the boys faint dead away to the floor when you walk in, now—” Lisa smiled as Mindy blindly reached over the dressing room door and snatched the dress out of Lisa’s hands. The whirring of the sewing machine filled the shop but Mindy just talked over it. “This won’t take but a moment, honey, you come set out here and put those shoes on, I want to be sure they fit you! I do hope you’re planning on wearing your hair up tonight, this neckline does not need embellishment beyond just this necklace that I have set out for you, now where did I put it… oh it was just the length to hang right at the point of no return if you’ll pardon my language, now just look at how gorgeous those look! With jeans, no less, now let’s see if you can walk in them, walk over to the other side of the room because I think that’s where I put a box with your name on it, it’ll have the necklace inside and you take a look and see if you like it. Gunmetal, that’s what I’d call this color, and just look now it is absolutely perfect, I’m just going to set it in this dress bag and you take it straight home and hang it up so it doesn’t wrinkle, you hear me? Dry clean only, this stuff is not for throwing in the dryer or Mindy will come straight to your house and take it back away from you but not before smacking you upside your pretty head, do you understand me? Dress bag, shoes in the box, necklace, you are ready to party! I will put all this on your bill and you’ll find it in your mail sometime in the next week or so, now you try and have a good time tonight, honey, I am going to close up shop for an hour or so and finish ripping the stitches out of old Miss Lambert’s cocktail dress—I swear she takes on water every time an event comes around just to aggravate me but you enjoy and don’t even think about putting that dress in the dryer, do you hear? Have a lovely time and say hello to that nice Mr. Laurie for me, you tell him if he ever wants a little company in the nighttime all he has to do is call old Mindy and she will be more than happy to oblige…”
    Hugh shifted in his seat, trying not to look at the clock.
    “Now. Next season.” David folded his hands on the table. “We are going to try something that is probably going to cause some concern so I want to bring it up to you all right now so we can get on the same page. The premiere. Hugh. Hugh?”
    “Yeah.” Hugh shook his head. “Sorry. The premiere?”
    “We’re going to do a 2-hour premiere, and it is going to be much much closer to a feature film than an episodic drama. I don’t want Mayfield to be the total focus of the entire season so we’re going to do it up right in the first episode and then get back to the hospital.”
    Doris Egan drummed her fingers on the table. “And you think that is going to cause concern?”
    “…no.” David looked at Katie, who was leaning forward on the table. “We think there’s going to be concern about what he encounters when he returns to the hospital. We’re thinking about—”
    “We’re going to put Cuddy in a relationship.” Katie broke in, smiling all around the table. “With Lucas.”

*sigh* Sorry... not my best work but it had to be done to try and bust through this writer's block! Still feel Stuck, but at least now I'm trudging toward the light!

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Source: FOX and me
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Source: estherliquid
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Source: /hugh_lisa
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Source: who's dating
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Source: My baby Aivi :)))
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Source: me, heh.
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Source: google images
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Source: clevya90 for video
added by TheDubs
Source: cleyva90 for video
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Source: italian site, dunno which
posted by HuddyBea
Sorry to keep you waiting :) If you were waiting xD Anyway, here you go. I'll post the following one later or tomorrow. Have it written already :)



He sensed her shifting upwards a bit, arching down on him.
He winced stifling, averting his eyes.
God he shouldn't, should he?
“Hugh?” she called.
He sighed, looking up into her eyes again.
Her fingers softly tickled behind his ear. Her eyes pointed at him. Fixed upon him. Large, pale, of a bewitching bright changing color more than ever.
“Yes?” he breathed.

She eased her eyes closed...
continue reading...