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posted by HumphreyAlpha
(A.N.: I've edited the actual events to make it a little smoother and easier to understand, and more interesting. I got the important bits though)

It was during Scar's stay in Jasper Park that I started trying to find temporary homes for Scar's and our pups. Having their best interests at heart, I couldn't have them stay with us, because I had just lost my job, and the only reason I was still in the house at that point was because I'd had a fairly large savings.
I'd put up photos of them on Fanpop, and started asking around to see if anyone would adopt them. Little did I know that I was opening a Pandora's box...
First, I tried the one wolf I knew for sure would have my back; Sweets the first. I told her what was happening, and although she said she couldn't take one in, I understood that she had my back and that I could always count on her.
After Sweets, Chris, aka Red Pyro, contacted me and said that he would like to adopt Jon and Hayden. I did my homework and asked him if he knew for sure that he would be able to care for them, and he said yes.
So, with nothing better to do, I waited for him to arrive.
Having forgotten about his uncanny ability to teleport, I was quite surprised when he showed up a few seconds later. Jon and Hayden ran over to him and started playing with him. It broke my heart.

* * *

The next day, Phil contacted me saying that he'd love to adopt Maggie. I went through the same thing with him, and he passed. So, I took her over there, and that was that.

A day later, I'd managed to adopt out Griffin, my diabetic son. He went to Phil, same as Maggie, but that was beside the point.

* * *

I was never quite sure how Scar knew that I had done this, but the day after Phil adopted Griffin, he sent me a message on Fanpop IM that scared the crap out of me. "Scar's pissed" the message said. I dug into this and found out that, during our conversation on the matter in the car up to Jasper, she'd said no, instead of yes.
She didn't listen to reason, instead preferring to grab Sweets the second, get them both in the car, and start driving back, threatening me with grievious bodily injury.
Not wanting to risk my life, and those of my daughter Scarlett, Bolt, Jenna, Kodi, and Aleu, I bundled all of them up, along with some possessions, including my FAL, and we got out of that house like a bat outta hell.

* * *

A few hours later, Phil contacted me again and told me that Scar was at the house, and that she was wanting to get some of her shit and leave. It broke my heart to hear that she wanted to be out of my life...
So I drove back, opened the door for her, helped her get what she wanted, and helped her contact Chris, who had been involved with her before. He teleported here, bundled her stuff up, teleported it back to his place, and came back. Right before they left, Scar said one thing.
"I hope you have fun with Sweets, because she's all you have now."
That stung. But I couldn't let that one go.
"Yeah? I've got Bolt, I've got Jenna, Kodi, Aleu... And I have YOUR daughter. I have Scarlett," I shot back.
She sneered at me. "Not for long you don't. Scarlett, come here honey."
Scarlett toddled her way over to her mother and sat there next to her. The resemblence was uncanny.
"You know what, Scar, fine. Fine! Fuck, two of our kids are already with this guy!" I shouted, pointing at Chris. "The other two are with Phil!"
She cut me off before I could continue.
"They're not our kids. They're my kids. You are an unfit father, and I can guarantee you that in Jasper, if you pulled this stunt, the Alphas would have banned you from the pack an hour ago."
"But we aren't in Jasper, damn it!" I screamed.
It was then that I noticed what Sweets was doing. She was over on the driveway, hiding behind a car.
I went over to her and crouched down next to her, rubbing her head. her tail slowly wagged.
"Scar, just go. You're going to start shit, and I don't want that happening."
She was LIVID!
But, being a mature female wolf, she opted out of killing me and settled for a last minute insult hurled over her shoulder. I'll not post it here...
Once she was gone, Sweets and I went inside, went to bed, and fell asleep.
Well, that wasn't the only thing we did, but don't tell Scar! SSHH!
posted by HumphreyAlpha
Chapter 10
(March 30, 2011)
(this is what happened an hour after the end of part 9)

About an hour and a half after I had seen my love Scar in the arms of that Milly, the doctor came out to speak with me. He was a thin, tall, balding man of about 45.
"Colby?" he asked.
"Yes, sir," I said, standing and extending my hand.
He shook and introduced himself.
"How is she, doc?" I asked, scared shitless.
"She's refusing to be treated. I've tried explaining to her that she could die, but she refuses to allow it," he said.
"Why won't she?" I asked.
"She said that she wanted you in there with her, but I can't...
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posted by HumphreyAlpha
Chapter 9

(March 30, 2011)
(This is my view of the same incident, plus what happened later)

When we got to the park, I let Scar out of the car. She ran straight up to this German Shepherd dog, tail wagging up a storm. The dog went into a play bow, or whatever its called, and Scar responded in the same way.
I went over to a bench in the park and plopped down on it to watch her have fun.
She rolled around and played and jumped with that dog for half an hour before Scar moved in an odd way. I watched this with interest, but before I could do much more than move, I heard her yelp loudly. I saw the...
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posted by HumphreyAlpha
Chapter 7

(March 30, 2011)
(this is the morning after our amazing night in bed)

The next morning, I woke up to bright sunlight. I yawned and stretched, feeling a little stiff for some reason.
Then it all came back to me. The sex of the night before.
It had been the most amazing night of my life.
I got up and made a pot of coffee with the Folgers Black Silk stuff. The aroma rising from the pot was enough to give the boost that I needed.
When I went back into the bedroom to put some clothes on, Scar was just waking up.
"Morning, beautiful," I said, smiling.
She smiled back. I wasn't sure whether it...
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posted by HumphreyAlpha
Chapter 5

(March 29, 2011)
(The second part of the stop in Sacramento)

The car, a white Ford Taurus, labored as it moved all of us through downtown Sacramento. Our destination was a park that had been chosen by Brandon, Lilly's new "mate" as a site for a rendezvous. In the trunk of the Taurus was a fully kitted out semi-automatic M4 carbine with alaser, a tac light, a scope, grip, and dual mags with FMJ rounds. Riding in a shoulder holster was a Colt M1911A1 pistol given to me by Jon, Kate's mate. Before we had left on our half-cocked adventure, he had given me the weapon with the instructions...
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posted by HumphreyAlpha
Chapter 2

(March 25, 2011)
(Sorry this is such a short chapter. The next one is going to be far longer. BTW, the romance starts soon enough.)

3 days after that fateful flight where Scar and I became one, I decided to ask her to move in with me. I had been arguing with myself the whole three days about it and I couldn't get her out of my mind.
"Hey, babe."
"What's up, Colby?" she said.
"I've got some good news," I said happily.
"You're not coming up here, are you?" she said, sounding a bit worried. Her comment was surprising.
"I wasn't planning to til later, why?" I said slowly.
"Oh whew," she said....
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posted by HumphreyAlpha
Chapter 1

(March 22, 2011)

I was on my approach to land at Jasper International Airport when my phone rang. I fished it out of my flight suit and answered the call.
"Where are you, Colby?" It was Scar, my date for the evening.
"I'm on my way," I said into the phone, hoping against hope that she couldn't hear the roar of the F-14D's turbines.
"I'll be waiting," she said seductively and hung up.
I let out a huge sigh of relief. My surprise, it seemed, was safe for the moment. I was cleared in to land and the F-14 flared in for a perfect 3 point landing.
I taxied off the runway and shut down the engines....
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added by HumphreyAlpha
added by HumphreyAlpha
added by HumphreyAlpha
added by HumphreyAlpha