Internet Camp Half-Blood Club
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posted by PenelopeWolf1
How do you like Camp?

Alex: It's cool. The only thing I honestly dislike is Archery. Besides some of the people.

Greatest Moment?

Alex: *Grin* Definitly when I tackled Sadie into the lake. I was taking pictures of her and her boyfriend kissing. Well, she saw me and I tackled her into the lake. After that we started a demigod lake part!

Saddest or Worst moment?

Alex: ... Do I have to answer this?

Do you have a boyfriend?

Alex: Yeah.

Would you like to tell me who he is?

Alex: No, not really.

Favorite Prank?

Alex: Hanging Connor on the flag pole by his PINK CAREBEAR UNDERPANTS *Smiles smugly*

Favorite people at camp?

Alex: My best friends of Course.

One of your own Quotes?

Alex: Life sucks sometimes. Just gotta deal with it.

If you could name your favorite Quest, what would you name it?

Alex: Hmm... The Wild Extravaganza to turn Wolf Mike back to Normal.

Anything else to say?

Alex: Conner. Travis. Stay out of my stuff. I have daggers for anyone who touches my stuff.

Thanks for reading!!

This was Kiki, daughter of Aphrodite, head reporter of the ICHB News Team. Thank-you and goodnight!!
posted by percyLover101
I don't really remember the walk back to camp, but at least I got back right? When I do get home though, the sun's low in the sky. How the time passes sometimes. Making my way back to my cabin to do some stuff, I run into Mike.
“Hey, Hope.” He beams gleefully.
I manage a small grin, “Hey. Oh yeah, Um.... There’s something I want to tell you.” I wait for a response, but all I get is questioning eyes. “Okay,” I start, “Tonight in Capture the Flag we have to protect Alex……. Okay?”
He quirks his lips to the side in thought, “Okay, of course I’ll help, but if you don’t...
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posted by PenelopeWolf1
Book Idea. Meh.


Brelle and Willy were walking towards the bus stop. They lived right next to eachother, but they never spoke. Brelle was one of the populars and Willy was in soccer.
Brelle, with her bright blonde hair and green eyes, was in jeans, a white and light blue striped ssweater, a scarf, and boots. Her bag was over her shoulder.
Willy, with his shaggy black hair and mysterious opal eyes, was wearing jeans, his soccer shirt, and converse. His bag was slung on his back.
As they stopped and waited, Brelle tried starting a conversation.
"Hey, Willy."...
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posted by rapunzeleah123
Credit goes to Penny for giving me the idea of the songfic unconsciously. Alex for the song. "White Horse" by TSwift.
I lay down on my bed, feeling like it was one of those days when I couldn't move because everything reminded me of him... and my daughter, my baby girl... I was too weighed down.

I switched on my iPod, touching the password keys before clicking lightly on the Music app. The song I needed was right at the top. I smiled bitterly as the sweet notes filled the air like honey. To me, anyway.

Say you're sorry
That face of an angel comes out
Just when you need it to......
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Chapter 2
The real world

I screamed as Eclipse poured the cold water on my aching burn. Why had it burned me!?! Everyone from the party had left but me. Stupid I, the girl who had to touch the pendant and now my hand was fully black.

“You weren’t supposed to touch the pendant until you were trained!!” Eclipse said as she rubbed my hand. We were in the kitchen. The red from my finger had spread to my forearm. “You weren’t trained!! Now the burn could spread to your heart!!” She yelled. Karin was in the other room on the phone with my parents but I knew they wouldn’t understand this...
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posted by PenelopeWolf1
What do you know about your fellow Campers?
Well, here are some campers!!!

Down below are the Campers of ICHB :)

Randi, daughter of Nike
Alex, daughter of Hermes
Anna, daughter of Artemis
Mike, son of Poseidon
Evan, daughter of Hades
Lark, daughter of Artemis
Alec, son of Athena
Hon, daughter of Poseidon
Teddy, daughter of Hestia

They all have different personalities, but they are all best friends :)

ICHB is a place for family, friends, love, and happiness.



Live - Laugh - ICHB!
Alex :)
Alex :)
Anna :)
Anna :)
Mike :)
Mike :)
Evan :)
Evan :)
Lark :)
Lark :)
Alec :)
Alec :)
Hon :)
Hon :)
Teddy :)
Teddy :)
posted by Alex13126
So your married to Conner Stoll, yes? How's that like?

Anna: Oh, it's excellent. Never in short supply, if ya know what I mean. *wink* xD

Best quest?

Anna: Oh, definitely the one with the Mentos explosion.

Mentos explosion? Care to explain?

Anna: *chuckles* While we were staying in a hotel, Alex Chance put some magic Mentos into a Coke, and we had to clear out fast. The force blew up the entire building

Who is Nightshine?

Anna: My pet wolf that my mother gave me for my birthday.

Why'd you name your kids Luke and Silena?

Anna: *sighs* After Luke Castellan and Silena Beauregard, two spies for the enemy...
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posted by Alex13126
Dear Alec,
We all miss you on Internet Camp Half-Blood, come back soon, will you? Evan keeps having a spazz attack every time someone mentions you...Sibling love? Haha ;]
But really, everyone does miss you. I even made a banner for Alec, saying we missed him/you. The ICHB icon was Alec at some point as well.
By the way, thanks for sticking up for me and Leah against Mike. ❤ I know you'll be back one day, and when you do, don't be a stranger!

Dear Anny,
ARGH, GET ON MORE >.< I see yo notification on Facebook, are you forgetting about Fanpop..? I hope not, you ARE family here.
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posted by rapunzeleah123
Have you ever been betrayed by someone you loved?

I stared at the paper, stunned. I reread the question.

Have you ever been betrayed by someone you loved?

I glanced nervously around the small, washed-out room. A fluorescent light in the corner flickered glumly. The iron-fisted, similarly-haired teacher at the front of the room paced in front of the blackboard, checking her watch every few seconds. The rest of the class was bent intently over their sheets of questions.

The teacher of our Communications class, Mrs. Coldiron, looked at me intently with small black eyes that vaguely resembled a bird's,...
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posted by beetlebrain3
Name (Demigod name): Lydia Bayheart
age: 15
Immortal Parent: ares
Weapon: a red sword and a silver shield
looks: long dirty blonde hair with blue highlights, tall and slightly chubby, a small scar on her lip and freckled cheeks
personality: defiant and Independant, confident and with an easy Temper and high values, slightly narcissistic and too serious at times
powers: standard ares powers: profficient in fighting and using most weapons

Age 12, June

I groaned belligerently as I groped helplessly in the air next to my soft bed. Finding the elusive snooze button I slammed it down proceeding to fall...
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posted by vlad_todd_fan
Name: Michael J. Gavin
Age: 15
No I won't tell you what my middle name is. I was born on August 6 1996. I like to play water polo, video games, reading, writing, movies, hanging with friends and family, Fanpop definitely, music, cooking, I do love baking.
I have lived all around the country was born in Virginia then moved to Pennsylvania than Louisiana, than Texas and then am living her in California. Me and family take trips to Chicago to see the cousins.
I am terrible judge of character. My only girlfriend didn't really consider me a boyfriend because she turned out to be a lesbian.
I am 6'1,...
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(i was bored so yea.....)

Hi guys. Randi here.......there making me report on this t.v. thingy for work. they were going to make me scrub tables......i need to stop throwing stuff at the aphrodite cabin when i'm mad. Anyway.....I'm interviewing Evangeline......yea. I'm calling you evan.

Evan: Okay........

Me: so. Who's your parent?

Evan: Gosh should know this.


Evan: Okay.... Hades.

Me: OK.......why do you have an accent??

Evan: Uh....I'm french.

Me: Oh...okay. So.....who has got to be your best friend in the entire world?

Evan: That's not fair. ALL my other friends...
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posted by rapunzeleah123
Hi, Alex.

Alex: Meh.

So… how long have you been at camp?

Alex: 8 years.

Who are all the people that have annoyed you?

Alex: Andrea, my brothers, Derik, and a few others.

I said ALL. ;)

Alex: There's too many!

Fine… Your favorite color?

Alex: Green.

Your favorite moment?

Alex: *Smiles* Fireworks on the beach with a guy I really like.

What is this guy's name?

Alex: Michael. Michael Gavin. He's a son of Poseidon.

Least favorite moment?

Alex: I have to answer this?

Um… yes.

Alex: *Glares for a moment then sighs* Watching my little sister die. Or being stuck in a nightmare. *shivers* That was awful....
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added by greenstergirl
Carlos Moran
Yo mama so stupid she thinks taco bell is a mexican phone company
Like · · 23 minutes ago ·

Carlos Moran Yo mama so stupid when she went to the la clippers game she was asking for a haircut
22 minutes ago · Like

Joel Mejia yo' maaaama is FAT when she died god could not pick up her spirits.....
15 minutes ago · Like

Carlos Moran Yo mama so stupid she got locked in a grocery store and starved!
14 minutes ago · Like

Carlos Moran Yo mama so fat God told her he had no room in heaven and the devil said there was no room in hell
12 minutes ago · Like

Joel Mejia yo maamaa is so talll she...
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posted by spongeekat
Me: Hello, and welcome to Interviewing Demi-gods! I'm Evangeliene, as many of you probably know, and here we have Randi Winston! So, Randi, who is your parent? *smiles, eye twitching in annoyance*

Randi: You're gonna ask that? NIKE, DUDE! *fistpumps*

Me: That's not obvious.... who's your mortal parent?

Randi: DAN WINSTON, BABY!!!! THE COOLEST DAD EVER! He played football in college for Boise state Broncos, and now works for NIKE!!! YEAH BABY! And he designs gloves! He's pretty boss.

Me: Sounds... fun? When was the last time you contacted him?

Randi: Well.... he's been way busy. I send him letters......
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added by Alex13126
posted by PenelopeWolf1
Our Family
Our Family
What If is the Question most people in life have. All girls, guys, animals, moms, dads and everyone has it in some type of form.
From those simple two words, major Questions come. After those Major Questions, come Major Answers. After those Major Answers... We lose a Major responsibility called ourselves.
I know this sounds like it would be a sappy thing, and your probably thinking "Oh, what a SAP!" But this happens everyday in our lives.
Some 'What If's are "What if my Uncle never died in that car crash?" "What if my brother was never born?" "What if I never met my soul sister?"
What If. What...
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posted by Alex13126
Thanks for joining! Now you need your own cabin. First go to forums and see if anyone else has your cabin. If your a Hermes kid and there's already a Hermes cabin you have to join the already existing cabin. If there's not already a cabin you have to make you own.

1. Go to forums and create a new forum
2. Name it Hecate Cabin or whatever cabin your in
3. Since you made the cabin your now the head! Introduce people to your cabin.
4. Don't forget to give a small tour
5. Give any warnings that your cabin may have
(Ex. Caution. You can get hurt easily ;]]])
6. Have fun!

If you do create your own cabin make sure you list everyone that's in your cabin. (Real people not book characters)
In your cabin you can do whatever you like! You can post pictures, have parties, post videos, or do something completely random!

Cabins so far.
Hermes- Alex (Head of the cabin)
Artemis- Anna (Head of the cabin)
Poseidon- Mike (Head of Cabin)
added by spongeekat
Source: Google~
added by Alex13126