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posted by TakTheFox
Tezz: The Rebel Irkin
Chapter one: Break-out on the Irkin Moon

The Location is planet Irk. It has been two whole years since a catastrophe occurred, which spread from the battle-field of a conquest for the Irkin Invasion force, to the Court Room of Irk. Many of the planet’s citizen’s remember it all too well. It was not the first, but defiantly the largest rebellion yet.
The only other time a destructive force had occurred was not even in rebellion. It was caused by a young Irkin named Zim. Zim was banished to a food-making-planet, but escaped, and was later sent to the planet Earth, as a “special” mission. The second destruction was not so merciful.
Three years after Zim had attacked, a young Irkin female by the name of “Tezz” was brought before the almighty tallest, for Treason.
“Is this thing on?” The purple one asked. The red gave a unsatisfied glare, as he turned back to the accused; a tall-headed, and long-legged turquoise Irkin, chained, electrically bounded, and nerve-numbed.
“You, Invader Tezz!” Red said. “You were assigned to invade planet Creenik, and not only failed your mission, but endangered the lives of the entire fleet at your command. What do you have to say for yourself?” The Irkin said nothing to the two leaders. She simply looked up at them with a glare filled with rage.
“Well,” The purple one began, “if you have nothing to say I guess we’re done here! For attacking fellow invaders, aiding our foes, and… uh… something else, you are to be sent into solitary for life!”
Two Irkin soldiers, wearing height-enhancing armor, and carrying electric staves, clutched Tezz by her arms, and began to drag her to the prison. She refused to go quietly. The Irkin female lunged upward, straining herself from the heavy chains and weight, designed to hold her down, then lunged them downward onto the soldier’s heads.
“Hey! She attacked the soldiers!” The purple one announced, as he ran over and pressed a rather large red button.
A short, but still shocked look came upon the girl’s face. There would be more soldiers soon. She quickly grabbed the two electric staves, and sliced her chains off. Seconds later, dozens of Irkin soldiers bursted in, with lazer-pistols, then began firing. She began to spin the rods in quick circles, thwarting off the lazer-beams, then began to charge at the enemies she once led as allies.
No matter the amount approaching, the fury of the Irkin rebel was enough to drive her through a sun and out again. Once the soldiers were taken care of, Tezz quickly ran towards the exit door. While half-way through the arch-way, a giant lazer wall came crashing down on her, knocking her out completely. She gave a small grunt as she fell, and was later carried, then imprisoned, on the prison moon of Irk.
Two Years later…
The almighty tallest are sitting in their main room, attempting to recover from yet another stressful report from Zim. As the purple one began to hover downward, he tripped on something.
It looked like a S.I.R. unit, but was much more advanced. It’s legs were longer, it’s arms were different, and it seemed to be a more female design. This particular robot was remembered very well by the tallest. It was Tezz’s.
“Hey!” The purple one exclaimed, recovering his fall. “Who put this here?!”
The red one came over, and picked up the small metallic being. “It’s a specialized S.I.R. unit Female Edition… wait a minute… this is Tezz’s robot! What’s it doing here?”
“Who cares!?” The other asked, angrily. “It almost killed me!”
“Well… what do we do with it?” The red one asked.
“Hmm… I’ve got it!” The purple tallest walked over to a com-link, and spoke out loudly… “WHO WANTS A FREE ROBOT?!!!?” before throwing the robot through a small whole in the wall.
“That was the trash-hole.” The red one informed, placing his palm to his head.
“Oh… whatever. Let’s go eat!”
On The Irkin Prison moon…
Two patrol guards walk back and forth, guarding the many cells of conquered alien species. As they approached a certain cell holding a young irkin girl, they mocked her a bit, insulting her weakness.
“Please… leave me alone.” She pleaded, but they did not. The only piece of food that the little irkin girl had, they swiped from the cell-floor, then continued to laugh at the young prisoner.
“Your entire unit betrayed the Irkin Elite! You don’t deserve food.” One of the guards said.
“I didn’t betray anyone!” She pleaded. “Please! I’m only twelve!” They did not let off still.
Finally, after much poking, and insulting, an angry female voice called out “BACK OFF!!!” They turned around and walked towards a specialized cell, holding another irkin girl, whose hands and feet were held up, not allowing any form of movement except for her mouth. Tezz.
One of the guards took his prod, and clanked her on the head with it. She gave a small groan, as her talking ceased. “Traitors will be dealt with harshly!” The guard said. “Especially ones who were given everything, and still turned.
The bound irkin gave a deadly glare at the two guards, and began to pull and tug at her bound limbs. This was futile. She eventually gave up, and remained silent for the rest of the day. That night however, was different.
That night the young irkin girl that Tezz defended stood up from her cell, holding something strange in her hands. “Hey!” She called out to Tezz. Tezz awoke, and stared squinting at the young girl, the dim-light causing it to be hard to see anything.
The young irkin tossed Tezz a small metal stick, with little spikes and a curved edge on its side. Tezz caught it in her mouth, then grabbed it with one of her rather large antennas. From there she began to move the small device through the cracks in her right-hand cuff.
The metal eventually broke, as did the small pick, allowing her arm freedom, but only that one arm. The young irkin girl gave a small sigh. “Sorry that it broke. Guess that plan was futile.”
“Was it?” Tezz asked hintingly. She took her hand, and began to scrape the side of her left-hand-cuff. It broke off completely, causing Tezz to fall a bit, but be held up by her leg cuffs. As she was still falling, she grabbed both leg cuffs, then ripped them off. Unfortunately this set off an alarm.
Quickly, Tezz ran over to the young irkin girl’s cell, and rammed her heel down the hinges, completely shattering them. “How did you do that?!” The girl asked in awe.
“Training… and genetic enhancements.” Tezz replied. “Let’s go.” They both turned to their sides to see almost one-hundred guards facing them. The little irkin girl ran back into her cell, while Tezz simply stood there glaring at them.
“Surrender, or face destruction!” The lead-guard ordered.
“Destruction sounds nice.” Tezzed quipped. She picked up the cuffs that she was originally wearing, then pressed on a small button, before throwing them at the guards. The cuffs sent out a giant electrical shock-waved, blocking, or harming, the guards. She then walked over to a large pipe-hole, and pried a connector off, creating an escape route.
“You coming?” She asked the little irkin girl. The girl quickly ran over, and the two of them rushed through the pipes. They had made it to an opening, where dozens of irkin ships awaited.
The irkin girl began to climb down, but Tezz put her arm out to stop her. “What’s wrong?” She asked.
“Wait here. Don’t get seen. I’ll be back in a bit.” Tezz replied, as she began crawling back through the pipes.
“What are you going to do!?” The irkin girl asked.
“I’m going to get back what’s mine.” Tezz answered. The girl obeyed, though she was very confused.
Tezz made her way through the pipes, until she had come over a room with a large capsule in it. She broke down through the pipe-line bottom; landing directly in front of the capsule. Guards were hot on her trail, and approaching rapidly. She turned to a voice-lock and spoke out “open” in the exact same voice as the purple tallest.
The capsule opened, and the irkin rebel walked inside, as it closed again. The guards attempted to open the vault, but did not have the authorization to do so. After around five minutes the capsule reopened, and Tezz walked out of it wearing a different outfit, far more advanced than the battered Irkin uniform she was wearing before.
It was a dark-purplish-skirted suit, with a multi-utility-belt, and inhibitor boots. Also there was a headset, around the back of her fore-head, which cloaked from sight. She was also holding a tall, double-bladed staff, glowing red on the bottom, and blue on the top.
“RUN!!!!” The guard yelled to each other as they tried to escape. Tezz denied them this request.
The irkin girl was still waiting in the pipe-line, nervous being belief. Guards were approaching her direction, and they were getting very close. As they walked, a giant electrical blast, pounded them into a wall.
The girl quickly hopped out of the pipe, to see what had happened. She saw Tezz; now battling twelve guards at once, while holding on to her new weapon. As the guards began to over-power her, the irkin rebel quickly pressed on a small yellow button on her new gloves, then slammed her fists into the ground, creating a sonic wave, blasting away her foes.
“Come on!!” She called out to the young girl, as she approached an irkin ship. The girl obeyed, then the two of them escaped into space, sending one last energy blast into the prison as a thank-you for its hospitality.
“Thank you!” The girl expressed, as she sat down to recover from the stress.
“Don’… actually, I guess you could mention it.” Tezz teased a bit. “Where should I drop you off on?”
“What do you mean?” She asked.
“You can’t go back to Irk, so there has to be some planet for you to live in, far from the invaders.” Tezz explained.
“But… I was hoping to come with… you…” The girl suggested.
“Oh… well… um… are you sure? This is probably going to be a deadly scenario.” Tezz warned.
“I don’t care.” The girl said. “After what they did, I’m proud to fight back. I’m Lexi.”
“I’m Te-“
“Everyone knows who you are.” The girl interrupted. “You’re Tezz! The Rebel-Irkin… well aside from that Zim guy… though I couldn’t tell if he was rebelling or just being stupid… anyway, you’re legend!”
“Legend? Just how many people know about me past?” The rebel asked as she began to work on the ship’s computer.
“EVERYONE!” Lexi informed. “I found on Irkin Wafnar’s info-site that you had quite the adventures. You went to the academy, and were Invader Tak’s fan-girl for… like ever, then you graduated at the top of all your classes. You were the first to be genetically enhanced and the only one to survive. You also led four invasions, before turning traitor. And before the third invasion, you created the new Irkin Armor, and you own matching weapon. And then you… what are you doing?”
“I’m sending out a tracking signal to find my S.I.R.G. Unit.” She answered.
“Don’t you mean S.I.R.?” Lexi asked.
“No.” She replied blankly. “If we’re going to work together, you should know that we have to make a quick rest stop at a far-away planet. While we’re traveling, I can teach you what I know about combat, and you can learn the rest from the ship. Ready?”
“Ready” The girl answered.
The two irkin allies thrusted into to gear, and started off towards the mysterious planet that the S.I.R.G. unit had crashed on.
added by IrkenWave
Source: meh
Helena: WTF!! You like Dib.
Sulflex: Yeah he's so cute.
Helena: *barfs*
Sulflex: Yuck
Helena: I can't believe I'm doing this, but Sulflex I'm giving you tips.
Sulflex: Yay :)
Helena: 1. Be nice to him
Sulflex: got it. you mean like asking him about his day or something.
Helena: Right! 2. Ask him if he likes you.
Sulflex: I hope he says yes.
Helena: *rolls eyes* 3. Kiss him.
Sulflex; WTH. I don't think I could make it to 3
Helena: you'll be fine.
Sulflex: thanks. i'll invade his heart
Helena: Go Get Him Cobra
Sulflex:* walks out the door* I will
posted by Foxy10
Okay so I made a tumblr blog for my fan character DJ Darike and started posting music and stuff. Then out of the blue some chick asked me hey can you mix some song together smoothly for a performance?
I wanted to stay in character and wasn't thinking so I was like "you got the tracks I got your back! <3"
......o_O she took me seriously now I have to learn how to DJ! You may say just kindly decline but I always wanted to become a DJ so I told my self this was a good thing to do just to learn,but seriously people learn that there are role players out there on tumblr SOME ARE NOT REAL !!!!
Anyway so I "bought" >:3 Virtual DJ Pro online and now have started to scratch some records just like DJ Darike X3
Dib nodded his abnormally large head and moved the cursor towards "Christopher Membrane." He clicked, and it took a bit of time to load. His dad's website was very informative, so therefor, very slow.
Gaz waited impatiently. Once it loaded, she slapped Dib.

"Ow! What was that for?!" he asked.

Gaz gave a sly smile and replied. "So I could have the laptop."

Dib reluctantly stood up from his computer chair and pulled it out for his sister. He left the room and went into the kitchen to get a soda. Gaz slid down into the chair and read the article, which said:

"Professor Christopher Membrane-

Age: 35....
continue reading...
posted by EvilLittleHan
Derp heres Shkillz Bio cuz I'm bored as hell =_=

Ok lets start :)

Her bio :
Born to cannibals and cultist. Eye's pure purple when born. She was a beautiful irken girl, born to Irken Am and Swi. They loved her, with all their heart. They wanted the best for her. Unfortantly, the best for her was the worst for them. She feed on flesh like they did and they killed for her. Her father, Swi, soon had a paranoia that the empire was catching onto them. So he enrolled himself as a solider that he had killed for his daughter. He was pretty good as posing as soldier, until one day...
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posted by invaderlin123
happy birthday lin!!!!!!

lin: ah! 17th birthday!!! aw you guys you didnt!!!

hi my name is lin i live in outer space in a in a far away galaxy.yes im an alien and my planets name is irk and today is my 17th birthday!!!!!

reeka:happy birthday dear!!!

lin: hehe im so happy!!! im finally going to hobo 13 tomorrow!!! with zag and ida and fluke im so freakin excited!!!!

jet: happy birthday babe! *hugs lin*

lin: thanks babe! your coming too right?

jet: jeez of course i am i would never leave you alone!

lin: ^^ aw thanks jet ^^

*veer comes in the room dragging jetsy with her*

veer: im ready!!! and i packed...
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posted by IrkenWave
Personalty: A Irken that seem to be mad at the world. Kai hates males in a way and kinda acts like one. Once, a guy held her heart, broke it, and watched it burn. A tomboy if thats what you would call her. She hates it.

Age: 17 earth years

Rank: Loyal

Height: Around 5 feet.

Job: Invader

Kai was just a smeet when she became an invader. She crept into an invader's ship, killed the invader and ended up on earth. She could fly the ship because Kai PAK was programed for her to be an Irken Pilot. Kai still wanted to be an invader. She had her PAK upgraded by a smart Invader. (Taz)

She landed on earth...
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posted by invaderlin123
may and lin are talking and playing video games ^^

may: haha im so gonna get you this time XD
lin:ha! i laugh in ur direction see? HA!!!!*laughs in mays face*
fluke:0.0? wat u guys doin?
lin:fluke plz go put ur shirt on ur gonna poke someones eye out -.-
may: 0.0 woah....heheh ^^
lin:*looks at may* may? you ok?
may: eeeeeehhhh 0-0 *nosebleeds*
fluke: sheesh ok i was gonna go take a shower dont get ur hopes up lin
lin:mmmhmmm and somehow u put may in a game coma
fluke:yeah if idas not home by the time im out of the shower...
lin:wat? idas coming home? finally?
fluke yea havent u heard?
lin:mom didnt tell...
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posted by spongebobfan98
Ambronite was born in the clouds of heaven. She got her name because when she was born, the first thing she touched was an ambronite gemstone tied around an angel's neck. She was raised in heaven to be a wonderful angel. One day, a man came up to her. The devil. He told her that being like him was much better and angels are useless and a lie. Ambronite didn't believe him because she had so much faith. He then told her that all she believed in was a lie. There was nothing to have faith in and that Ambronite should join him. She wanted to cry but she just couldn't. The devil was in her body now...
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1. She absolutly hates Justen Biber.

2. She can win a fight, and still lose, and take you walet, all in the same fight.

3.She isn't scared by the wierd Chiwhawha, she loves it.

4.( I know its random) you can't lick your armpit

5. if you ever look, Miz always falles in love with guys that don't really like her.(Grimm was evil, and just using her, and Dib...well you can guess)

6.I made Miz by accadent, I was makeing a random Irken, and made her.

7. Miz became my OC by accadent too, I wanted to use her sister, Mia, but ended up using Miz the most offten.

8.Mia is Miz's gaurden angel.

9.Miz's is a funny...
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posted by invadermoon
Red: We know your all excited! For impeding doom 2!
Purple: These sapearier ones behind us have been chosen to go on galaxy conquests some will be partners and some will not.
Red: Let the great assighning begin!

5 minutes later

Red: Phoenix you will be partnerd with Invader Moon!
Phoenix: OMG really?!?!?!?
Purple: *Nods* really!

3 minutes later

Jacob: Hello smexy irken!
Phoenix: Ugh! *Jabs jacobs face*
Jacob: AGH! *Covers eye* That hurt!
Phoenix: Thats for messing with me.... *Looks straight again*

The end of the Phoenix's History for now
added by merilixo
added by sws
Source: i draw it
added by Misty199
added by FanficOc_Crazy
Source: Me!
added by DMhello
Source: meg(c)LillyTheSeedrian on deviantart
added by Wicked-Invasion
added by dreamcatcher321
Source: bluexcanary
added by Irken_Girl
added by invaderlin123