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posted by zgfangrl

"did I actually fall asleep last night?..." Penelope yawned and picked her head up. She was lying on the couch next to a snoring Matt. Penelope jabbed the boy in the stomach but he didn't move. Mail had always been a very heavy sleeper so being poked and prodded didn't wake him. 
"Matt... I have to leave. And go to work. And meet L" Penelope squealed happily. She was very excited about getting to meet L again and to see him for the first time. 
"..." Matt continued to snore loudly. Penelope decided to play a little prank on him and pulled a pad of paper out. The girl Snaked her hand into Matts vest and tried to pull his PSP out. But the second she grabbed a hold of the device Matts other hand shot out. 
"I would not touch that if I were you." he smiled. Penelope ripped the black square out of the boys pocket and went running off. 
"AH! GET BACK HERE! I NEED THAT!" Matt shrieked and went fumbling after her. Mail followed the girl around through the penthouse, sprinting as fast as he could. Penelope dove onto the bed with hopes off sliding off it to continue the foot race but snagged and got stuck on the fabric. Matt grabbed her legs before she could crawl off. He quickly jumped on top of her and pinned Penelope down. 
"GAH! Stop Matt stop!" she giggled. Mail reached over and pulled the black PSP out of her hand. 
"and now I get my revenge." he said deviously. Penelope began to struggle and pull out of his grip. But Matt held her down. He pulled his goggles off and smiled. 
"no! No revenge! What are you gonna do?!" Penelope protested. She was still laughing and giggling inaudibly. 
"what do you want me to do?" Matt laughed. 
"release me!" Penelope cried. Matt did as he was told and let go of the girl. But quickly after that he started to tickle the girl. 
"stop! stop! Hahahahahah!" Penelope screamed. Matt continued to tickle Penelope while she laughed hysterically. 
"stop! Stop!" the girl cried and pushed mails hands away. 
"nu-Uh! I get revenge!" Matt said playfully and continued to tickle Penelope. 
"please STOP!!!" Penelope giggled crazily. 
"on one condition!" Matt replied, still tickling the girl. 
"what? I'll do anything!" Penelope shrieked over frenzy laughs. 
"kiss me." Matt smirked. Penelope grabbed Matts head and pulled it down to hers. She pressed the boys lips to hers and then released him. Matt stared at her, his mouth hanging open slightly. 
"umm... I-I h-have to go t-to work n-now..." Penelope stuttered, also shocked by the kiss. 
"y-yeah. G-go ahead. I'll be hanging around back here. Call me, if you need anything. Or want anything. Or just want to say hi." Matt fumbled. He clumsily pulled himself off the girl and stumbled off to the bathroom. Penelope, still shocked, hauled herself up. She grabbed her cloak off the coat hanger and climbed out the window. Penelope pulled a slip of paper with the address of the hotel she needed to meet the team in on it. She punched the two and from locations in on. Her phone and then scurried off to the location. 

"alright, just slip past the guards and go to room one seventeen. Then you meet L!" Penelope whispered to herself. She was perched above a large doorway arch and was contemplating how to pass the door guards that checked your name of a list. Penelope scanned the rest of the hotel. 
"there! An open window. I just crawl in there and then weave my way to one seventeen." she smiled. The girl grabbed a ledge just above her and began to creep over to her goal. Slowly an carefully, Penelope crawled over to the window and hopped inside. 
"no ones here? Perfect!" Penelope cried and went shooting through the hotel room. She opened and then slammed the large door behind her. Penelope checked the door number '214' it read. Penelope took of to the right, following the decreasing numbers. She ran for a few minutes until she reached her final destination, room one seventeen. Penelope tested the door, locked. She knocked loudly until a bright and happy matsuda swung it open. 
"HI!" he cried. 
"matsuda! Can I come in?" Penelope smiled. 
"yeah yeah, please do! L is waiting just inside." matsuda said sunnily. Penelope blew past the man and jumped inside. 

L sat directly in front of her, in his signature stance. Penelope breathed in so quickly she choked on her own spit. The sixteen year old started coughing and hacking to try and dislodge the saliva. 
"are you... Okay?" the man looked up. Penelope started hacking harder and pointed at the man excitedly.
"who are you?" another man appeared behind Penelope. His name was Aizawa the only man on yagamis team with an Afro. 
"I-hack-am-cough-Penelope." she was cut off by a series of choking breathy sighs and coughs. 
"seriously, are you alright?" L asked. He raised his eyebrow and bit into his cake. 
"I-hack-I'm fine. OH MY GOD! YOUR MOTHER F****** L!" Penelope shrieked. She was absolutely starstruck and completely disoriented. L was the man she had trained to become and risk her life to meet. 
"yes I am. But you may call me L." the man shoved a fork in his mouth. 
"I think I'm gonna faint! It's always been my biggest dream to meet the three most famous detectives ever and now I have!" Penelope swooned. 
"oh, so you've met denuve and coil?" L Asked. 
"your so silly! Of course not! You are coil and denuve and L! Your the three most awesomest detectives ever!" Penelope cried. L snapped his mouth shut, he was awestruck by the fact a random sixteen year old could figure that out. 
"I see, your not the average sixteen year old are you?" L replied. 
"no! Of course not silly! I'm only the best FBI agent! Your so funny! I LOVE YOU." Penelope grabbed L and snuggled his cold body. 
"hi, I'm light yagami." a seventeen year old extended his hand. 
"I just wanna take you and snuggle your adorable L-ness into oblivion! Oh, hi im Penelope." the girl was still clinging to L's arm. 
"would you please get off me?" L asked. 
"but why? Your so soft and cute! Like a puppy... A really smart totally sexy puppy." Penelope protested. 
"o-okay then..." light said and wondered away shaking his head. 
"I will allow you to 'snuggle' my arm later if you release it now." L replied calmly.
"REALLY? yay! Ohmygod!" she blurted. 
"now, everyone assemble here." L called. Matsuda, Aizawa, chief yagami, mogi, and light yagami all crowded around the couch. 
"what is it L?" yagami asked. 
"I'd like you all to meet Penelope. she's a certified FBI agent that's going to be helping us with the Kira case. Penelope will mainly be observing and occasionally covering as a friend of misa's. But, if she has any ideas or thoughts, she will report them. Now I know you aren't fans of FBI agents but... Penelope is... Very different from misora or penber. In fact, and I hate to reveal this to you, she was one of my main successors. She nearly managed to surpass mello. But complications happened and she ran off to here. Anyway, Penelope will be helping us and she is a very very important part of our team. I'll expect you all to give her the utmost respect." L said, toting with a slice of cake. 
"successor? Her?" light asked, surprised. 
"well yeah! I only trained for years to become him. Mmmm..." Penelope took hold of the mans arm again. 
"I know she seems childish and stupid, but don't underestimate her. Penelope is very smart and agile. for example, how did you get here?" L asked. 
"childish and stupid?! Herr..." Penelope grumbled. "I got her by free running and scaling this entire building! Thank you very much!" 
"and no one saw you?" chief asked. 
"no. People only look upward 2% of the time. So I was virtually invisible. Plus if anyone did notice, which I doubt, I pull out this handy dandy badge," penelope ripped a badge out of her pocket. "and it erases everything." 
"she's right, no ones going to mess with a certified FBI agent." light interjected. 
"so there we go. She's a very smart individual." L mumbled. 
"I guess so. Well then, welcome to the team Penelope. Do you have a last name?" yagami smiled. 
"thanks and no I don't. At least not that I know of. I was abandon right after birth." Penelope grimaced. 
"no way! Your THE orphan?! I read an article about you in some newspaper!" matsuda cried. 
"oh... Yeah... I am..." Penelope mumbled. She hated when people talked about her past. It always reminded her of near and mello and BB and watari. 
"matsuda! Please stop. It's making her uncomfortable." L said calmly. Penelope was still clinging to his arm. 
"oh... Sorry. I just got a little excited. Ehaha..." matsuda laughed awkwardly. He wasn't great with people and was very easily excited. 
"fine, fine. I'm alright. So what's next? Should I just kind of... Watch?" Penelope replied. L shook her off his arm and then shoved some cake in his mouth. 
"Actually, I need to interview you personally. Just to be positive that you are not Kira." L  said nonchalantly. 
"alright, whatever's nesesscary. How long will it take though?" Penelope asked. She grabbed L's arm again and the man sighed. 
"probably a quite few hours. I was up all night interviewing these others. Oh! I'm also going to make sure you understand all of our findings on the case." L replied, a fork sticking out of his mouth. "the rest of you are dismissed for the time being. Be here tomorrow at ten sharp." matsuda, Aizawa, mogi, and the yagamis walked out slowly. Leaving penelope and L alone. L began questioning her while strange happenings were occurring in westchester. 

Near walked into his bedroom in the wammy house. He had been abandon so the others rooms were now his as well. Near didn't mind being alone though, in fact he enjoyed it. No one to annoy him while he was testing his theories, no awkward small talk he want any part in, and no one to call him weird or albino. Mello had always said things like that to him but near hadn't minded. He hadn't liked it but it didn't matter to him. Matt had never really spoken to him, so he had no reason to miss mail. Near went to grab a toy from his toy chest, but noticed something lay on his bed. It was a small white box with smears of dirt and grime on it. Near hated dirty things, things that weren't white and clean and freshly pressed were terrifying to him. He looked at the box, closely examining it. Near didn't want to open it, or touch it for that matter, but he was so curious about what lay inside. Finally, the white haired boy gave in and opened the box. Inside was a cake. It was small and white and had a huge N in nears signature font on it in icing. Near gasped, he had never received a gift like that before. He had received new toys on christmas and birthdays, but never a cake for no reason. Near didn't really want to taste it though. It had been sitting in a grimy box for who knows how long. He poked at it; soft and fleshy the cake bent to his finger's will. Near stared at it for a little while longer and then tore a piece off. He sniffed it and poked it a bit and then lifted it to his mouth. Near carefully bit off a tiny nibble of the cake. It was a soft fluffy vanilla sponge cake with creamy fondant on top. Near wondered if he should take another bite. He didn't know if the cake was poisoned or not. Or even if it was just plain dirty and grimy like the box. Near left the rest of the cake, retrieved a toy, and then left back to the main room. Hours later he went back into the room, another box lay on his bed. He opened it quickly and peered inside. This one had cursive lettering and said 'wanna play?' on it in bright green icing. The cake itself was coated with red and black striped fondant. Near pondered the appearances of the cakes emotionlessly. 
"why two of them? Why so close together? Whoever it is has connections to a bakery or a kitchen of some sort... But why me? Who is this person? Male... Female...? It's a fifty fifty chance there... Are they some sort of serial killer? Or are they just innocent and bored...?" he whispered to himself. Near studied the frosting work on the two cakes and took notice of how carefully the work had been done. Each angle and curve was perfectly illustrated, each pinch and line was executed with the utmost grace. Whoever it was near was now 60% sure it was a female. Why would a male take the time to execute everything perfectly? But perhaps that was the trick. Perhaps whoever was making these cakes so careful and dainty was trying to make near think they were female. when truly, they were male. Near pondered this fact while twirling some hair intensely. 
"what do they mean by 'wanna play'....?" he mumbled. Near left the room for a moment to retrieve a toy plane and then walked back. This time a banner was placed in each window. The first banner said 'come on' the second 'and play' the third 'with me' and the fourth 'Nate river'. That fourth one was what scared him. Only watari, mello, and Matt had known his real first and last names. Whoever this person was they had done their homework on the young boy. Near crept over to the banners and peered at then intently. He idly twirled a piece of hair around his thumb an then his forefinger. Each banner had been colored with marker. Washable crayola marker to be exact. Near suspected a younger person now, what with the marker and fancy design. Someone with no job as it was nine fifteen when near had seen the first one and one o' five for the second. The banners had been hung at probably around one thirty or one forty five. Near wasnt sure when exactly he had left the room for the plane. He did, however, know that it had only taken him maybe a minute to grab the plane. The child doing this to him was smart and witty as well as agile quick. They had made sure to assemble each cake while wearing gloves, you could tell by the small black hairs near saw occasionally interrupting  the otherwise perfect flow of fondant on cake. Near figured that each time he left the room, a new plea would emerge. The child had already expressed the power they had by putting the cakes inside and the banners out. It was as if they were saying 'I can be in or out, your not safe from me'. Near left the room again for an hour and then returned. This time a message was written with nears toys on the floor. He could barely make out the steady stream of random letters 'N-ccbd-aaaai-pwmism-xirut'. Near had absolutely no idea how to decode this scrambling of random letters. He began to try different things like the letter after each dash but that gave him 'capx' which meant nothing. Then he tried the letter before each dash 'Ndim'. Still made no sense. He tried multiple different decoding equations but only one gave him a viable acronym. He took the first letter and then the first two of the third word and finally the first of the last. 'NpwmX' was the answer. He guessed it meant 'N play with me X'. 
"so you've revealed your name X." he thought aloud.
"so nice of you to notice." a scrambled voice echoed. Near was startled at first but showed nothing to make sure that whoever was doing this, couldn't see his emotions. 
"your welcome..." he replied softly. Near didn't like being involved in conversation all that much, he wasn't really a people person. 
"so do you want to know who I am?" the voice echoed again. Near had a feeling that they had stashed a microphone somewhere. But he had no idea of it's location. The boy figured this was more of a taunt then a conversation so he didnt respond. 
"do you want to know Nate? Do you?" it asked sinisterly. 
"no." he finally replied. But this was a lie. Of course near wanted to know just who this person was and why they were stalking him. He wanted to know every little detail about this person. But he restrained himself from admitting that fact or showing it in his facial expression. 
"are you sure nate? Don't you want to know how I know your name? And all that?" it taunted. Near still couldnt make out if the voice was male or female, thanks to the voice scrambler, but he could sense a little higher pitch. Which seemed to hint that it was female. 
"I'm positive. I do not want to know." near replied. 
"oh really? Because yours eyes tell a different story." the voice said. 
"cameras? Should have expected." near growled back. He didn't know how much longer he could keep it up. 
"of course N. Would I not place cameras ?" it asked. 
"please go away." he said and left the room. The speaking ceased and near crept back in. 
"I expected someone smarter N. Or are you just a secret genius?" it said haughtily. 
"I am smart. Just stop..." he protested. 
"if you wish. N." the voice replied and then ceased. Near, relieved, grabbed a few more toys and went back into the main room. He sat down and began to fidget with a rubix cube but couldn't seem to get the thoughts from his mind. 
'who is this? Male or female? Why do they want me? Do they know any others? Could it be mello? Are they going to kill me? Should I tell watari?' Near shook the thoughts from his mind and returned to his toys. It only took a few seconds for his brain to go back to the mysterious messages and X. 

Atop the roof of the wammy house sat a small pale girl. She was happily toying with a piece of hair and was lapping an unknown red substance off her other hand. Next to her, a small microphone was sitting vacantly with a radio and a small TV monitor. 
"near really is a dumbass." she laughed. "how could he possibly miss the fact I'm sitting right above him. I feel so accomplished, I've outsmarted the outsmarter. And as it seems, lambs have become lions." she carefully spun her tongue around her thumb, licking the last of the red away. "so near, do you accept my challenge?" she spat into the microphone. 
"challenge? This is hardly a challenge. I could defeat you anytime." near growled back. X held a laugh back from the other line of the microphone. 
"oh really? I honestly doubt that. I'm just as smart as you. Just as devious and ten times as adorable." X replied through a mouthful of toast coated in powdered sugar.
"adorable...? You are a very strange child. If it's a challenge you want, it's a challenge you'll get." near said, his voice dripping with anger. 
"yes, your rather cute. But not as cute as I. And I accept your challenge." X smiled evilly, a crumb of toast hanging from her lip. 
"what? I didn't challenge you. You challenged me." near protested. 
"oh I did? Your crazy. I don't remember that at all." X laughed. She was simply playing around with nears mind for the fun of it. 
"I'm not crazy, you are. You challenged me." near growled. 
"I honestly have no clue what your talking about. Bye!" she cried and turned the microphone off. She flicked a piece of her bleach white hair from her face. 
"oh near, your such an idiot. You don't even remember who I am." X smiled to herself. Her red eyes were shining brightly despite the foggy England wheather. "but we're gonna have so much fun. I can hardly wait. After B defeated L, it only makes sense I defeat you N." the girl burst into meniacle laughter and then jumped off the roof.
invader-kia:Hey emo were are my tickets to the concert invaderzimemo:.... invader-kia>:( invaderzimemo:hehe long story invader-kia:TELL ME invaderzj]imemo:ok ok FLASH BACK i was holding the tickets because my pak was already ful until i saw invader-kia:let me guess ash(as a wolf) invaderzimemo:LET ME FINISH THE STORY!! so i saw ash and i i throw the tickets and chased after ash invader-kia: THOSE TICKETS COST OVER 100 MONIES WHY DO YOU LOSE THEM TO CHASE A WOLF THAT ALLWAYS SCRACHES YOUR FACE invaderzimemo:because shes such a cute wolf :) invader-kia: DO YOU EVER TAKE ANYTHING SERIOUSE invaderzimemo:no invader-kia:GRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRR
posted by InvaderStickly
Cynthia's POV
"So your telling me that Zim, Stickly, Libby and Tak have all been to Earth?" I asked. "Yeah." my friend said. "I hope they rot into a deeper and deeper area of Hell, one by one experiencing PAIN! Then, slipping into an area of complete humiliation. Once that stage is over-" Yeah, she had a little issues. "Moon?" I said. "Yeah?" Moon said. "Your having your jealous moments again." I told her. She sighed. "Why do I keep having my jealous moments?!" she asked. "I don't know!" I said. "It is getting annoying though. How about you go to Earth. It seems that everyone is going to Earth....
continue reading...
posted by InvaderStickly
Okay. This was awkward. "Oh-" started Noshei, still frozen. "Okay." I was afraid she would tell everyone. "You know, this is more awkward for me than it is for you guys." Libby said. "I doubt it." I said. "Why would an Irken be here undisguised? Do you know how dangerous that is?" Libby looked down in shame. "We just wanted to explore." Lana said. "I'm scared." Noshei said. "Aliens are real. That means Bigfoot could be real. And ghosts. And zombies. And vampires. AND SANTA!" Libby looked up. "Santa's not real?!" she said. "Look, I don't wanna do any harm." I said. "I just wanna...
continue reading...
posted by InvaderStickly
I got Dib, Gaz and GIR go look through fields with me in search for Tak. "I can't believe we're helping you stop Tak, again, Zim!" Dib said, still walking. "Yeah, she's dead." Gaz said. "Quiet!" I yelled. "Remember the time we stopped Tak?!" Gir asked. "I was dancing! Gaz was dancing! Dib was dancing!" Dib looked up. "Huh?" he said. "Hey." Gaz said. "You said you'd never speak of that day again!" She looked angry, as usual. "And I didn't dance!" said Dib. "And Zim was dancing!" I looked back at GIR. "What is this nonsense?!" I yelled. "I know Tak." Stickly said, walking with us all...
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posted by Solo28
Zero's homicidal side
Zero's homicidal side
This is the sequel to 'Z-9: A SIR of Doom'. Only this time it's Zero not Z-9.

Zero is an Ex-Elite Soldier. He was arrested because Zero was taking his Invader's test when Zim intruded. Zim's idiotic self broke the Control Brain and it created a wave of doom that shut the power off Irk for 50 years. The Tallets desperatley wanted the person caught. Zim framed Zero and Zero was banished to Vort Prison for 3,000 Years. He teamed up with Prisoner 777 and created his Sir unit, Z-9. He used Z-9 to escape and build a new ship that was only second to most advanced ship.

Zero's friends are Z-9, Kierra,...
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posted by nigahigarocks98
On the day he was born, the Tallest were there to see. They were looking around for an inspection, and as they passed Griffon's cloning tube, the face turned into a smiley, and Griffon was brought to life. A donut was dropped at that moment, so he walked over and chewed on it. The Tallest shared his love of donuts, and thought he could be one of the Tallest someday. So, they took him in...
Griffon grew up with the Tallest. At first, he enjoyed his days of relaxing and bossing people around and eating snacks. But all that changed, on the first...
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    It was so dark that I couldn't see my hand when I held it three inches from my face. I felt the cold, rough dirt ground beneath my feet. The cool air was thick with fear. My fear. There is no sound exept for my heavy breathing. Wait, I can hear someone call my name way off in the distance.
    "Kierra! Where are you? I need you!,"
    I recognized Zero's voice instantly, and, remembering the terrible thing that happened the last time we were in a place so dark, starting running in the direction the voice was coming from.
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SCENE 15 - Dark Alley

Lard Nar pinted the IDD directly at Zero.

Lard Nar: This time I'll make sure you die.

SCENE 16 - Lard Nar's Ship

Z-9 comes back online, but a little damaged. He morphed his hand into a buzz saw and cut through the tube. He cut Kierra, Pooky, and Zera out too.

Pooky: Y'know, for an ignorant SIR bot, Z-9's pretty cool. Now, he's still damaged. Maybe I can fix him up a little bit.

Zera: Well, while you do that, I'm getting out of here.

Pooky: Uh, hello ragdoll, You'll need the robot.

Zera: Don't call me ragdoll!

Kierra: Stop fighting, you two! We need to help Zero!

Pooky: Alright,...
continue reading...
posted by Diblover111
It was dark. I couldn't see a thing, but I felt I was bound to a table of some sort. Suddenly an extremly bright light turned on over my head. It took me a while for my eyes to adjust...
I saw that the light was the kind you use to do an operation. Wait...
I was immediatly aware of the Irken surgeons around me, ready to play around with my organs, of the Tallest standing in the doorway, waiting for the result...
I squeezed my eyes tight, and when I opened them again, I was safe in my bed, drenched in...
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posted by invaderzimrox
The helper invaders were gathered around for a SIR unit, and Riz was next. She was often made fun of by the others because she has bright cyan eyes, a little duller dress,(same with sleeves)and spiked black boots. Whenever someone made fun of her, she was tempted to hit them back, but she was too nice for that nonsense. She was just standing there with her eyes closed, not realizing that she was next for a SIR. "Hey...Hey..HEY!!!" The Red Tallest screeched.
"Huh...What..." She studdered. "This isn't a joke, Riz. We can automatically make you return to Irk." he shouted. "I..I'm sorry...I just...
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Another new character! Enjoy!

Irken Invader Zema:

Name: Invader Zema
Gender: Female
Age (Irken years): 12
Alien Race: Irken
Skin Color: Green (like any other Irken)
Eye Color: Light Pink
Clothing: Pink Irken dress and black Irken shoes
Friends: Invader Zim and Invader Tak
Enemies: None (yet)
S.I.R Unit: Mica

Earth Human Zema:

Name: Zema
Gender: Female
Age (Earth years): 112
Animal: Human
Hair: Long, straight, light pink hair
Eyes: blue, pink eye shadow
Clothing: Pink (Irken) dress and black (Irken) shoes
Friends: Zim (Zema's boyfriend), Tak, and Gaz
Enemies: Dib
Pets: A purple cat named Mica
If you missed part 4, here's the link to it---->link

And the story continues.....

The next day, at skool......

Larua: *walking with Zim*

Dib: Hey, Larua!

Larua: Dib, what?

Dib: I know that you're.....An alien!

Larua: *gasps* I am no such thing! I've never heard of someone as crazy as you!

Dib: But I was spying on you and Zim last night! I know you're an alien for sure!

Larua: You stalked us?! How dare you! You had no business at what we were doing!

Dib: I really do know you're an alien, though.

Larua: Oh yeah? *smirks* Do you have proof?

Dib: Uhhh.....Well.....You seem to hang around Zim a lot. He's...
continue reading...
added by icefirechrissy
added by Foxy10
Source: GlitchingCircuitry
added by invadermoon
what i got over xmas break
added by InvaderJet
My shadow is the only one that walks beside me...and mah luff Angela (Saber) X3
added by kiddygirl98
Source: (c)invaderlin123
added by wolfy123
Source: Me and what zg looks like
added by invadermoon
Source: Rubii-Ruby Art-ME
added by IrkenWave
Source: meh