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posted by just_bella
LL this one's for you! Thanks for all the support hon, you're the best! Thank you to EVERYONE for everything :)

End of Chapter 15
***Edward's POV***

A second later we heard the doorbell ring and Emmett run down the stairs to see who it was. He returned a minute later holding a pizza box, the most confused look on his face.

"Who ordered pizza?" He said as he scrunched his face in disgust.

"Me, thank you Emmett." I said as I stood up and took the pizza from his hands.

"You owe me 19...wait 25 dollars. I tipped him good seeing as how I think I scared the daylight out of him.

"I'll pay you back." I said as I thought of the poor delivery man.

"Let's go, you have to eat." I said as I offered her a hand and helped her stand.

We were just walking out the door when I thought I heard something. I turned and looked at everyone, wondering who was messing with me.

"Edward, HELP ME!!!" Alice's voice screamed in my head, surprising me to the point that I almost dropped the pizza.

I turned back and looked at the bed where Alice lay, still as she had ever been. I was about to start walking back out of the room when she screamed again and this time everyone ran to her side, the scream out loud.

Chapter 16
***Alice's POV***

When the red light would come on there was no way of knowing what would happen. One minute I was being chased by things I couldn't name, things I had never seen before....but those were the good things.

This time I was standing in my bedroom, everything exactly like it was when I left..well like it was before this happened. I heard someone coming up the stairs and knew it was Jasper before the door opened. I turned and faced the door, waiting to see him in what seemed like it was forever. When the door opened I launched myself at him and was surprised when he reached out and stopped me, setting me on the floor a few feet away from him.

"Jazz?" I said as I looked up at him, noticing that he was not looking at me at all.

"Alice, we need to talk."

"Jasper, I missed you so much. Hold me, please?" I said as I reached one hand out to him.

He looked at it for a minute before turning and looking at the door. He took a deep breath, his entire body tensing up as he reached for the door handle.

"Please don't go." I said softly.

"Alice," He said as he turned and looked at me. "Alice, we can't..I can't pretend anymore. I have to tell you the truth."

"Jasper?" I said, my body freezing in fear.

"Alice, I can't do this. You need to listen, please. Alice I know the things we promised on the hill many years ago, and I had all intentions of honoring it. But, things have changed. I can not pretend anymore, Alice...I don't love you."

I shook my head, not believing what he was saying...thinking that this was all wrong. We knew each other better then anyone, how could I have missed this? I looked up at him to see him staring down at me, his eyes staring into mine as if he were looking for something.

"I love you." I said softly.

"I know, and I am sorry. I will leave, you always felt this was home. Take care Alice, I won't bother you again." He said as he started to walk out the door, but I stood up and grabbed his hand, forcing him to turn and look at me.

"I love you Jasper." I said as I bent in and kissed him, my arms wrapping around his neck as I held myself tightly against him.

A few seconds later the red light faded and everything became clear. I could hear Edward and Bella's voices in the background, and I knew that this was one of the few moments I had where I was between the red and the white lights. I tried screaming, tried thinking...but nothing worked.

I was about to give up hope when I saw the sun, the actual sun coming through the window. I tried moving, to let them know I was in here but nothing happened. I took a breath and saw my chest move, I had to try...I had to get to them.

"Edward, HELP ME!!!" I screamed as loud as I could, unsure if anyone heard me.

It didn't take long to figure out that people had in fact heard me, Edward's face appearing in front of my eyes. I threw my arms out, wrapping them around Edward as hard as I could..I wasn't sure but I hoped that it would keep me here, that Edward would keep me in this world.

"Alice," Edward said as I hugged him. "Alice are you ok?"

"I don't know, don't let go." I said against his shoulder.

"I won't." He said as he hugged me, I felt someone touch my hair, running fingers through my hair. I looked over to see Bella sitting on the bed next to me, tears streaming down her face.

"Bella." I said, my voice cracking. "I heard you." I said as I blew a kiss to her.

"Alice?" Jasper's voice called from the end of the bed.

I felt Edward start to loosen his hold on me and I whimpered, not wanting him to let go. I needed him to hold me here, to keep me from falling back into the nightmare.

"Don't let go." I said to Edward.

"But, Jasper." Edward thought.

"I'm scared, the things I saw." I said as I replayed what I had just seen before I 'woke up.'

"Oh." He said as he hugged me again. "It was just the nightmare. Alice, he's been so worried."

"I just can't right now. Please help him understand." I thought.

"Bella, can you take Alice to clean up. Help her?" Edward asked as we both looked at Bella.

"Of course." Bella said as she stood up and helped me stand, walking out of the room without another question.

"Be gentle." I thought at Edward as I chanced another look at Jasper who looked hurt and scared.

I wanted to run back in the room, to hold him and tell him everything was alright. That I was so sorry to hurt him like this, but Bella held my arm as she led me down the hall to my room. I hoped that Edward would talk to him, to tell him I just needed a minute..and that I still loved him regardless as to what he had said in my dream.
posted by just_bella
When I first read the Twilight books, I didn't really like Jasper. Now though...well at least for me he's kind of interesting and fun, hope you all enjoy!!

End of Chapter 13

I smiled and nodded, not wanting to make any sounds to ruin her 'hunt.' She smiled and launched herself to a tree across from the one she started in. I watched her dance from branch to branch, like she had this all choreographed before hand.

She stopped at the edge of a branch, her toes on the edge..balancing her small weight on just her toes. She looked down and smiled before launching herself at something in the brush....
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posted by just_bella
Hi!! Just wanted to say hi and thanks to everyone, you all are so supportive!!!
love you all!!

End of Chapter 43

"Yes, he was going to expose himself on the day to celebrate how Marcus chased all the vampires out of town." I said as I laughed at the irony.

"Bella and I made it in surprising time to town, but with the celebration going on..there were so many people. I knew that he was going to step out into the sun at noon, next to the clock tower, in the middle of town. Bella ran as fast as she could, trying to stop him before he condemned himself."

"I couldn't stop to watch her though, I had...
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posted by just_bella
Well....here we go again. :)

End of Part 55

I opened the door, pulling my arm behind me to hide the flower. I heard Rosalie running down the hall, calling my name quietly.

She jumped at me from across the room, and I caught her in one arm, her legs wrapping around my waist. She tried to turn her head to see what was behind my back, but I quickly pressed my lips to hers...taking her mind off of it for the minute.

I walked down the hallway, ignoring everyone else who was in the room...I walked into our room, our lips still very busy. I walked over to the bed, gently placing her on it without...
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added by just_bella
added by just_bella
added by just_bella
added by just_bella
added by just_bella
added by Brysis
added by Brysis
added by Brysis
added by just_bella
added by just_bella
added by just_bella
added by just_bella
posted by just_bella
Hmmm almost 1100 at night...have to work tomorros...need to sleep but I can't!!! HAVE TO WRITE JASPER!! Ok sorry about the cliff hanger last time..couldn't resist!!! Here's the answer to most of your questions :)

End of Chapter 12

I turned my head into the woods, trying to figure out what that intriguing smell was. It smelt of the earth, natural...yet mouthwatering at the same time.

"What is that?" I asked as I turned my head, smelling again.

"That is a wolf." Alice said as she smelt next to me.

"Wolf?" I asked.

"Yes, trust yourself Jasper. Just let yourself go, it'll happen." She said...
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posted by just_bella
OMG I should be getting ready for bed, I have to work tomorrow....but I can't sleep until I write this and Jasper......oh....I'm addicted!!!
Well, here we go!!
Love ya!!

End of Part 55

I thought about it for a few seconds, about to argue when I realized that they were right. I knew that they were trying to help me, to help us. I smiled at both of them as I walked back over to look at the rings.

It only took me a few minutes, I had seen many rings...but none of them seemed perfect for my angel. I was about to suggest that we walk out when I saw a small, silver ring set in the back.

"May I see...
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posted by just_bella
Last one for tonight, getting tired. Thanks to everyone!!!
<3 me

End of Part 25

Jasper reached out and pulled me back into his arms, moving so that I fit just perfectly into the hallow of his arms.

"I would be honored." Esme said as she reached for the book.

I relaxed, closing my eyes again. I realized that I did this for two reasons, the first is because it helped me concentrate on what was being read. The second reason...I couldn't stand the looks from my own family.

"This entry only has a few lines." Esme said as she turned the page over to see if there was something else written on the...
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posted by just_bella
I'm so glad I'm not the only one addicted!! I have figured out why I get nervous!!! It's because this one is so new and so many people seem to like/love it..and I worry about if I write a bad one..so that's why!! Oh well..here we go!!

End of Chapter 11

I shook my head, realizing that I was making a fool out of myself. I was defensive and ready to fight just at the idea of her having to fight another of our kind. I decided at that moment that I wouldn't let that happen again, she should never have to fight anyone again. I would protect her from everything that would ever think of hurting her....
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added by twilightGGlost