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posted by just_bella
I will be the first to admit that I have NO clue where this story is going to go...but lets find out shall we?

End of Chapter 13

He watched me, clearly weighing his options. I wanted him to stay, wanted him to comfort me, to tell me it would be alright. To just talk to me, I wanted to tell him about my mom, what I had seen.

"Are you sure?" He asked as he stood up.

"Yes, please don't go." I said, looking at my legs because I didn't want to see him leave if he chose to.

"I will stay if you promise to rest." He said as he walked over to the edge of the bed.

"Ok, I will try." I said as I moved slightly and tried to get comfortable, but with the large bump on my head it was difficult.

"Here, let me help you. If you don't mind." He said as he moved slightly, climbing on to the bed again.

I watched him, wondering what he was doing until he moved up next to me, arranging the pillows behind his back. I smiled as he reached over and gently pulled me over next to him, tapping is chest as a sign for me to lean on him.

"Are you sure?" I asked as I smiled.

"Come on, you need to rest for a while." He said as he helped me get comfortable, I was instantly relaxed being close to him. I was going to comment on that when he started running his fingers through my hair, relaxing me instantly..before I knew it, I was asleep.

Chapter 14

In my dreams I was riding Piper, Concho running along side of me, to me this is what I would imagine flying to be like. I had no limitations, no restrictions, no one asking me to be anything. I threw my head back and laughed as loud as I could, knowing that I was safe as long as I was on her back.

I felt her muscles tense as she slowed to a walk, Concho tapping my leg with his nose. Obviously he was trying to tell me something so I looked up and saw that we were walking back to the house. I looked around, noticing that there were three people I hadn't met before sitting at the picnic table, all three of their heads snapping up to look at me as I approached.

"It is about time young one, didn't your mother ever tell you it's rude to keep your elders waiting?" A ancient man asked as he stood up, his bones creaking as he walked over to help me down off of Piper.

"What are you waiting for? You delivered her to us, you have done your work...get." A woman asked as she stood up and shook her finger at the horses.

They both looked at me, waiting for me to tell them what to do. I looked at both of them, waiting for them to leave, but when Concho snatched my sleeve I knew that he was waiting for me to tell him, not this woman.

"It's ok Conchi, Piper. I think I will be just fine, I will find you when we're done." I said as I patted both of them and smiled as they turned and trotted back to the barn.

"I think you are loosing your touch Diana." The old man said as he laughed.

"I've never had that happen." She said softly, almost in disbelief.

"Don't let it get you down dear." The third voice said, my head turning to see my mother stand up and walk over. "Maija has always had a way with animals."

"Mom?" I asked, not believing that I was seeing her again.

"Yes love, I'm sorry I didn't tell you earlier. Come, sit with us for a while." She said as she led me back to the table, sitting me down before she sat next to me.

"I suppose I should myself." The old gray haired man said as he hobbled back over and sat across from me.

"I think you should show her your true self first." My mother said as she laughed.

The gnarled old man shook his head as he caught my eye and winked at me. A few seconds later there was a bright light that blinded me for a few seconds. I blinked until I started making out rough outlines of everything, and when I looked back up at the old man I found him missing. When I could see again there was a guy who looked not much older then I was his eyes twinkling as he smiled at me.

"Hello Maijalissa." He said, his sounding rough, like he had a cold.

"What?" I said as I looked over at my mom, so incredibly confused by what was going on.

"Maija, I need to explain some things...please be patient with me. Maija, this is Diana." She said as she smiled at the older woman with long red hair. She was small in stature but from looking at her I knew that she was someone I wouldn't want to anger. "As I'm sure you noticed she has....a way with animals."

"Well I usually have a way with animals, they have always listened until those to." She said, her eyes glaring at the barn.

"I'm sorry." I said softly, hoping she would forgive me.

"They can't help it dear, they have been around you for so long that you are rubbing off on them. I don't think they would know what to do without you." Diana said as she smiled, her face lighting up as she grinned. "Do you recognize the name dear?"

I thought about it for a minute, nothing coming to mind. I saw them

"Diana, would you like to tell your story?" My mother asked.

"Maija, have you heard of Diana the huntress? The goddess of animals?" Diana said.

"Yeah, I've heard of her...wait....are...no." I said as I stood up.

"Maija, you must calm down. We have to explain everything to you, if you get too upset you will wake.." My mother said, unable to finish her sentence because I started hyperventilating.

I sat up like someone had shocked me, Michael sitting up with me a very surprised look on his face.

"Maija?" He asked, rubbing his hand up and down my back, trying to calm me. "Maija, breath."

I tried to listen to him, to calm myself but I had just been told that I met a GOD that they were real, I had just seen my mother again, what was she doing with a God? And what was the deal with the old man who changed himself, reappearing as a young man.

"Maija, do you need me to go get help?" He asked, obviously panicking.

"No, please just give me a minute." I said, my breathing slowing.

"What happened?" He asked as he brushed his fingers across my cheek.

"My mom, I dreamed of my mother. She was with the goddess Diana and another man, someone I had never met." I said, not believing what I was saying.

"Diana, your mother...Virbius." He said, his voice changing as he said the last name.

"Who?" I asked.

"Another God, they don't know you aren't ready." He said to himself and to me. "I have to go tell Dale."

"Wait," I said as Michael stood up and walked over to the door, pausing as he looked at me.

"Maija, you have to know about your mother. You must hear this before you dream again." He said as he walked out the door, running down the stairs.

Great....proof that everyone knew what was going on with me. And what did Michael mean that I had to know before I would dream of her/them again?
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