Justin Bieber Club
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posted by DracoLuver
Doesn't he look happy to you?
Doesn't he look happy to you?
Everyone: I love Justin, we have so much in common and I feel like he is perfect. Before, I had never been attached to heartthrobs, so it was surprising when I found out I liked him.
I know that many of you feel the same way, and so get hurt when you see him with other girls, particularly, Selena Gomez. I admit, I don't like Selena one bit, she annoys me very much and I know for sure there are better girls out there for Justin, but seriously, I am okay with this relationship.

One,what you need to understand is that Justin is a teenage boy. He is going to have crushes and dating is normal at that age. He can't help who he is attracted to. Be thankful that Selena is a somewhat nice girl. He also looks so happy when he is with her. As fans, that's all we can ask for. If you really did love him, you'd accept that and be thankful that he is joyful.

Two, I know this hurts, but he has over 12m fans! Claiming him is going to do nothing! We do not own him, he is his own person. It's stupid for us to say "back off, he's mine." Has he personally said this to you? No. He is all of ours in a sense, but we do not control him. If he likes Sel, then let him.

Three, sending her death threats and going crazy with rage is immature. Don't you see we're hurting him? We are personally attacking the person he loves -- and she's terrified. Do you think he LIKES us behaving like this? We shouldn't be so selfish - think of what we're doing to him. Do you think it's funny when you like someone, but you're afraid of your own fanbase who will most likely send DEATH THREATS? We're his fans - not friends or personal advisors. What he does is his own personal life which we have no right to question or insult. Also, don't you see how we're making ourselves look like idiots? Other people laugh at our immaturity and brain-less actions!

Next time you decide to flame Selena for any reason, please think:

1.) Is what I'm saying rude or insulting in any way?
2.) Would I be happier/would this change anything if I post this?
3.) Would my parents or friends be happy I am saying this?
4.) Would I be happy if someone said this about me?
5.) Would Justin feel hurt or ashamed if he saw the way I was acting?

Please, we don't need to spread hatred in this world. Thank you for reading, and please, take this into consideration. x
Look how bright he is smiling!
Look how bright he is smiling!
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