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Imagination Forest
Imagination Forest
Imagination / Fantasy Forest:

The summer breeze knocks,
And when I open up the window,
I hear the chirps of birds wandering from afar.
I put a half-read book aside,
And say with a smile, "Where did you come from?"
With my blindfold still on, three in the afternoon...
The world is surprisingly simple,
But it's me who's bizzare,
With complication
Which no one ever understands...
Outside the town, in the forest,
In this house beyond people's notice...
Yes, that's why none ever come to visit.

Don't make eye contact!
With a hardened heart,
I resign to loneliness,
Living out my days seeing only "things"...
All I know is what's in stories,
And if I long for the world,
Just a bit, will you forgive me for it?

It faintly flowed along;
Even in this irrationality I was born into,
Surprisingly, there was life,
Somewhere inside me.
Tell me, won't that wide world
In which I imagine a wild future,
Whether it be today or tomorrow...
Won't it knock on my door?

As I was having such fantasies,
And gazing outside,
I suddenly heard someone speaking...
I knocked over my half-drunk herb tea,
Spilling it all over the desk.
"What am I to do...?"
I thought, staring past the door.

"Look anyone in the eyes,
And they'll turn to stone..."
That's what my parents had heard,
And it seemed my eyes were the same...
And the way that always goes in stories
Well, such people are to be feared.
I knew that, and that's why.

A thumping sound echoed out,
The first knock I'd ever heard.
And to say I was nervous...
It wouldn't be quite enough.
Let me say, that wild world
That I imagined to knock
In reality, it opened the door
Much more easily than I expected.

Finding me cowering, covering my eyes,
The person was surprised;
"If I look you in the eye... turn to stone.",
I stammered, but he just smiled.
"I've been living afraid as well,
Afraid I'd turn to stone...
But wouldn't the world be so much better
Without that fear?"

Reverberating peacefully,
My heart overflew with imagination,
And a bit of it rang out into the world.
And tell me, you who came to me
To teach me about a wild future.
That if I'm ever lost again,
You'll be here waiting for me.

Konoha's State of The World:

The meanings and dreams and lives amassed together
That went into this body
Seem to make a machine that's jostling an ended life back up.
(This is a tale of his past.)
Each and every one of them are shedding tears
Whispering, "I want to see them again."
The end-all experiment in this paper-mache town
Was proceeding as flaccidly as predicted yesterday.
By then, wouldn't it have been better to give up?
The next two people saw such a pale-blue dream
In a cranny of the town.

Contrary to expectation, at the end of the road
His little body was flung out again.
With my eyes closed, I watched the crying, shouting girl.
The second hand stopped ticking
And tries to blind the whole world with it.
This dream will not end.

The meanings and dreams and circumstances cobbled together
Make a head sunk in endless thought.
"This world appears to be a little dangerous."

(This is a story about him and her.)
With this manufactured heart,
No words have a chance of reaching it anymore.
The sounds of a withering sun
And the sweltering eyes of the blazing flare
Seem like they ejected me into this summer-battered society.
Even if the cicadas already start stridulating
With my wobbling see-through body
My hand won't reach them in time.

Contrary to expectation, at the very end of my sights
The second hand screws around to block my way
As I watch a future become squashed in the oncoming lane.
Pulling me out from this mechanized world
Into a future landscape of falling leaves
With your eyes.

The mocking sunbeams vanished somewhere
August has come and passed again and again.
Would a future in which they laugh to each other
"See you next year" be...?

Contrary to expectation, in a nook of the world
Unforecasted rain poured down to earth.
In that time, in that time...

Even if we can rewrite the futures
Those eyes...

Kisaragi Attention:

Wow - where am I going to go?
I dunno if regular clothes will work out.
Ahh, everything's
Getting given up this afternoon.
Wow - if I wear those tall heels,
It'll be a little hard to walk.
So I'll just throw on this hood,
And try not to be found out.

In the shopping district, through back alleys,
Ah, my heart is
Kind of starting to pound.

Suddenly, the wind blows, lifts my hood,
And I'm the center of attention.
"I guess I'm not having a regular weekend after all..."

It's so harsh, I want to give up.
Sure, you give me a full house,
But it really makes me blue.
So I get anxious - I really stand out.
It's so harsh, I want to run away -
That's what I start to hope for.
"Don't look at me anymore!!"
But I stuff the words
Away in my pocket.

Wow - for such a long time,
I've sort of caught people's attention,
And I started
Getting used to even that.

Wow - I've heard it before,
But I can't exactly seem to remember.
"Argh, geez! My constitution sucks!"
But of course, I didn't ever say it.

As the streets switch into panic,
It just makes me want to give up on being an idol.

"To think it would be like this..."
But I thought so foolishly and simply then,
And I planned out my dreams
In the glare of the stage lights.

It's so harsh, but I can't say it -
I'm drowned in cheering, but...
"Am I really that good...?"
I'm just a bore - I don't get it!
It's so harsh, I want to vanish -
But I can't speak up
"No. You're making me cry!"
But I bury away the words in my pocket...

You can't do this anymore.
You hear the cheering, don't you?
The things you dreamed of
Are already right in front of you.
If it's "harsh," then change it -
You know you're not alone!
Now say it -
And no need to sound too stylish.

Ahh, I think I can do it!
I feel like my heart's going to burst,
It's overflowing so much.
So can I steal yours away?!
This "dream" is packed to the brim
With all that I want to say.
So don't take your eyes off it!
And so tomorrow,
Let's keep skipping ahead!!

Night Talk Deceive:

“Lying is my forte, you know?”
“But I’m not so good at being honest…”
“It’s kinda funny, actually…”
“My truest tales sound the most false!”

A floating, bebop sensation, as the night diffuses my reflection
Shining with the two-beat - I guess I can complain sometimes, huh?
Hey, can I talk for a bit? It’s about some stupid, hurtful habits,
But I can’t keep still anymore - it’s just a short tale; you up for one?

Well, I guess I’ll get talking. There’s something unique, unusual about me;
I’ve disguised it as common, but it’s always troubled me
One day - feels about ten years ago - a “monster” spoke to me,
Gulped down my heart, and said “Keep on lying!”

Since then, I’ve been a true liar,
Nothing and no one I couldn’t fool
I guess I’ve been reduced to a “monster”…
…Hey, sorry! Don’t cry, now! It’s all just a tall tale, okay?

Oh my, dirty! So disgraceful! I falsify it all;
So I say - but doesn’t this truth seem a little uncanny?
I’m deceiving, turn the other way as the lies pile on;
Once again, I sneer at the tedium…

Bebop - could vanish any moment, a girl who seems to hate night;
Two-beat - could cry in a second, a youth who hates lies
Yes, much the same way, they had input their petty “ideals,”
And their hearts were gulped, and afterward, they noticed…

We simply had our wishes granted,
So there’s no way we can live alone in our world
Is that a lie? No way, I’m serious, okay?
My crumbling mind fills with “no”…

Oh my, dirty! Listen closely! Listen to my heart;
To my ego, to these lies, and to my truths…
Go and say it’s lonely, it won’t change me;
I’m always a surpriser, making jaws drop…

Oh my, dirty! How I hate it! Come on, listen to me!
You look surprised, but I can’t be saved, alright?
Just say “Ain’t no problem”? Ah, you never change
“Whoops, I screwed up…”
As always, I’m drowning in my uncanny self…

“Ahh, maybe I went on a little too long…”
“But hey, like I said, it’s just a tall tale.”
“Well, that’s where I’ll stop for today…”
“Next time you hear the signal…”
“I’ll tell you an even stranger tale!”

Lost Time Memory:

Even after years, the shadow doesn't fade;
It only invites more emotions
I crouched, and I drew alone

Under a blazing sun, on a hilly road,
We walked, blurry figures,
The summer heat was left in my eyes

“Don’t mind me,”
“Just go off somewhere,”
And I brushed your hand away

“I won't go,”
You said to me,
And grabbed mine back

“You’re so annoying!”
I walked a little bit ahead,
Without looking back

“What’s your real heart?”

With things like “wisdom,” I can’t look forward;
There’s no reason, so I keep rotting
If only things could be wound back…

As many years pass, I won’t die,
Always proclaiming hopeful ideas,
Even though naturally, you’re still not here…

Saying “I don’t care, go die, go die,”
I grab my wrist and curse

I can’t do anything, so I just casually
Indulge in life

“If the summer can show us dreams,
Let’s go to before you were taken away…”

The days I hid out of shame light up the air,
Scorching my mind…

A boy at the age of 18
Waited somewhere again
It’s a blurry silhouette, but
He remembers the shape

On a campus clear under a blazing sun,
You were smiling again
Again you said “let’s play,”
And gently swayed…

“I’m worried,” says an awkward face
Some neighbor wouldn't understand;
Stop pretending to be so sad

Let’s keep living faint and unnaturally today,
Let’s keep to yesterday’s pace,
So I won’t forget your warmth…

If I’m wishing for a dream that can’t come true,
Then I’ll just embrace the hurt past,
And have a dream I won’t wake up from

As if naturally, I secluded myself…
“So you can’t even see tomorrow, then?”
I’m perfectly fine with that…

I stain my hands to kill off the boring days,
Because I chose to be “alone”…

A rotten, 18-year-old youth
Was praying another day
Your colorful smile still
Clings to him…

To the blazing sun I muttered, “Just take me with you, somehow”;
And my breath quietly stopped…

The voice of “Can you hear me?” vanished,
And I somehow understood the reason
I reached out to the summer warmth…

Under the blazing sun, a youth
Had wished to stand in the “then”
Your summery smile still
Was unchanging…

“I died. I’m sorry,” you say;
“Shall I say “goodbye”?”, you say;
Don’t say such lonely things, don’t go away
The silhouettes stood by,
And they watched me…
Konoha's State of the World
Konoha's State of the World
added by mimansa
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added by mimansa
Hey guys! Original creator of this club on fanpop Kagerou Project here!
It's been awhile since I've been on Fanpop but I wanted to give you guys so really useful links and guides to the Kagerou Project, hope you'll appreciate!


Here is a link to all the ORIGINAL videos for Kagerou Project posted by the creator Jin!

Here is a link to my playlist for all the Kagerou Project songs, English subbed. This includes songs without a PV. It's not done, but will be soon. Please support my channel!

What? Novels? Yes, the creator of Kagerou Project, Jin has created novels to the series....
continue reading...
added by stickgirl35
Source: TheZealotNightmare
added by mimansa
Children Record:

With white earphones in my ears
I give the signal with a little grin.
The moment I knocked on the door,
The heat permeating me floods out.
"You still don't see?"
A staring contest with strained eyes.
When I faltered then
The chord rang out:
"Now's the time, take it back!",
As from inside my mind.
The world is lovable yet harsh.
There were some who loathed it.
With their cruelly irrational "system"
If I approve, then the future won't exist...

Boys and girls, face forward
Finding hope in even the unbearable heat.
"Bring it back!" , "Bring it back!"
The crescent moon rises in red flames.
Now, come,...
continue reading...
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added by mimansa
added by mimansa
added by mimansa
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added by mimansa