Katilicious Club
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Evening fell and Stefan walked out of the hospital. There was no one outside, at first sight. Stefan headed to the parking lot when he heard a whoosh and turned around. No one was there. He turned around again and faced Rachel.
“Rachel, hi, I was wondering when I’d see you again” he said calm.
“I’m sorry, Stefan, but I have to do this” Rachel plead apologetic.
“Do what? Stefan asked suspicious. Then he felt a sharp pain in his shoulder. Three of Veronica’s minions had snuck op him. Stefan turned around and grabbed the vervain stabber by his throat. Stefan snarled and the minions cried from fear. It was the first time they saw a vampire in his true form.
One of them searched in their pockets and conjured a small bag of vervain herbs. Stefan, unable to watch all three at the same time, didn’t see him coming. The minion rubbed the vervain in Stefan’s eyes and Stefan, blinded by pain, fell on his knees. Rachel grabbed his head and snapped his neck.
“Is he dead?” the vervain stabber asked trembling.
“For now” Rachel replied.
Caroline walked out of the Grill. After her visit to Elena and her bumping into Bonnie in the hospital she had needed a drink. Lots of drinks. She understood Elena’s point of view, but didn’t Elena understand theirs. Caroline wasn’t ready to lose her best friend. She wanted Elena to fight for her life. After all, Caroline had fought too. It hadn’t been easy, but with Stefan’s help she made it through and she came out better than before. But Elena wouldn’t even give it a chance. She could always stake herself if she really didn’t like being a vampire. Caught up in her thoughts Caroline stepped in her car, but the moment her skin touched the upholstery she shrieked. Someone had rubbed her seats with vervain.
“Yep, vervain’s a bitch” a female voice said from behind Caroline. Caroline turned around and looked at an unfamiliar girl. She grabbed her throat, but withdrew her hands immediately. The girl showed Caroline a bottle. “Vervain oil. Really good for the skin. If you’re human, at least” She aimed the bottle at Caroline a squeezed. A gush of vervain oil spouted on Caroline’s face and Caroline screamed.
The girl conjured a chain and chained Caroline’s hands.
Katherine was pacing up and down the Boarding House.
“Will you relax, please?” Rebekah requested annoyed.
“He should’ve been here by now” Katherine said nervous, referring to Stefan.
“Maybe he’s found someone better” Rebekah teased. Katherine was too concerned to notice.
The door opened and Derek rushed inside.
“Katherine, you have to come with me” he said agitated. “It’s Veronica. She’s going crazy. She has Stefan”
“Stefan?” she repeated horrified. “I’ll come with you”
“Me too” Rebekah said determined.
“No” Derek replied quickly. “You should gather your friends. Damon, Tyler, Caroline and prepare them”
Rebekah nodded in agreement and Katherine went with him. Once outside she felt a sharp pain in both her sides. When she pulled the stakes out they were replaced by two others.
Derek realized they would never get Katherine to the van, so they decided to bring the van to her. Struggling and throwing around punches, Katherine tried to escape. But with a new stake entering her body within seconds, she eventually had to give up.
Inside Elijah covered Rebekah’s mouth. As much as she disliked Katherine, she’d wanted to come her assistant when she heard the screams.
“If you go now” Elijah whispered in her ear. “they’ll know what you are and we’ll have lost our only trump”
Tyler was having dinner with mother and mayor Carol Lockwood. Tyler had been trying to talk to Caroline ever since Veronica broke up with him. He wanted to try and make everything alright with her.
“Something wrong, sweetie?” Carol asked worried.
Tyler shook his head. “Can I be excused?” he asked and Carol nodded. Tyler walked to his room, when his phone rang.
“Tyler, hey, it’s me” Veronica said with a heavy voice. She sounded like she had been crying. “I’ve been thinking. I think I made a mistake breaking up with you. I can’t stop thinking about you. I miss you all the time”
“Ronnie, I’m sorry, but you were pretty clear” Tyler commented a little annoyed. He hated these hot and cold kind of girls.
“I know you must hate me right now, but can we at least talk about it?” Veronica asked tearful.
Tyler glanced at the door. If he was quick his mother wouldn’t have to find out.
“Alright then. I’ll come over” Tyler sighed indulgent.
“Thank you, Tyler” Veronica sobbed and she hung up.
Tyler walked to the window, opened it and jumped. The moment his feet hit the ground, a rope was wrapped around them and he lost his balance.
He tried to get up and fight his attackers, when one of them held a stake against his heart. “I know this won’t kill you” he started. “But if you try to resist this stake will go inside your girlfriend’s undead heart. And by girlfriend I mean Caroline Forbes” He gave Tyler proof that they had Caroline and Tyler went with them.
“It’s alright, you can take your time” the doctor said. She stared at the young woman who was sitting opposite of her and hadn’t said a word since she walked in.
“I need help” Bonnie eventually said with a small voice. The doctor nodded. “That’s why you’re here. Acknowledging you’re powerless is the first step and you’ve taken it”
“I’ve done horrible things” Bonnie said staring at the desk. “And my victims will carry the scars forever”
“That’s how things look like right now” the doctor said. “In time it could change. They can learn to live with it, as...
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Elena parked her car in front of the Boarding House and got out of it when Bonnie walked out of the house. Elena quickly walked to her with fierce steps. “What are you doing here?” she snapped upset.
“Elena, please, just hear me out” Bonnie begged. She reached out her hands, but Elena pushed them away.
“Did you talk to him?” she asked mad. Bonnie nodded. “But he wouldn’t listen to me. He wanted me to leave” “Why would that be?” Elena said sarcastic. She pushed Bonnie aside and ignoring her tears she ran inside.
“Damon?!” she shouted.
Damon was sitting on his knees, collecting...
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Elena was lying on the bed her eyes wide open. Alaric had called her to get up, but she wanted to stay in bed. All day. Maybe listen to some sad songs.
“Elena, get your ass out of bed, you’ve got mail” Alaric shouted outside her room.
“It’s Sunday, I deserve one day of feeling miserable” Elena muttered. The latch went down and Alaric entered the room. He walked to the bed and sank down.
“I know you’re hurt” he started. “But you can’t let him have this kind of power over you. You can’t stop living, because he’s a jerk”
Elena wiped her eyes and sobbed. “You’re...
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One week later.

Damon was only half dressed when he heard footsteps. Knowing better he hoped it was Elena. But it wasn’t, obviously.
“You’re an idiot” Caroline said reproachful.
“That doesn’t even come close to cover it” Damon said turning around. “You want some?” he asked waving his glass of Scottish Whisky.
“Please” Caroline nodded and Damon gave her his glass which he had already refilled.
“Yeah, just take it” Damon insisted when Caroline frowned. “I’ve been drinking way too much already”
Caroline accepted the glass and took a sip. “Well, like I said, you’re...
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The moment he closed the door, Damon’s phone rang.
“Caroline?” he said when answering.
“Damon, can I speak to Elena?” Caroline asked. “She won’t answer my calls”
“She’s a little distracted” Damon said. “Maybe I can help” he offered.
“You could, but I don’t think you will” Caroline sighed.
“Try me” Damon said a little tired.
“Would you come to the station and call Bonnie so we can find out where she is? I tried, but she won’t answer my phone calls. Maybe she will answer you” Caroline said not very hopeful.
“I won’t have to see her, right? Just call...
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Ronnie was sitting on the hospital bed while the doctor carefully pulled out the fragments and disinfected the wounds. Tyler was standing with his back towards her.
“I’m really sorry” he said for the umpteenth time.
“Yeah, I got that from the first zillion times” Ronnie said with a small voice. “Ouch”
“Please sit still, I don’t want to make these wounds any worse” the doctor said.
“Right, sorry” Ronnie said. When all fragments were removed and all wounds disinfected the doctor turned around at Tyler.
“Can you leave us alone for a second?” he asked.
“Yeah, sure”...
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Elena entered the Grill and walked to a table. She was going to meet Damon there.
She looked up at Stefan. “Hi” she said uncomfortable. They hadn’t really spoken since she had declared her love for Damon.
“Can I sit with you?” Stefan asked careful. Feeling it would be impolite to reject Elena nodded. “I’m sorry I wasn’t there last night. Caroline told me she was giving a party to celebrate you and…Damon”
“It’s okay, Stefan, it wasn’t that big of a deal” Elena said.
“I just thought it would be weird” Stefan explained. “After all that happened I’m not...
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Caroline was standing with Elena, her cell phone in her hands, while cheerleading practice was on.
“I can’t believe I quit this a year ago” Elena said.
“Why? You miss it?” Caroline asked as she was dialing a number.
“Not really, no” Elena sighed. “Maybe I should just get rid of my costume. It’s not like anyone’s going to see me in it anymore, right?”
Her eyes still on the phone Caroline replied mumbling: “Oh, I could think of someone who would love to see you in it”
Elena elbowed her friend, but smiled at the same time. “So, what’s up with you and Tyler?” she tried...
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“How do I look?” Elena asked, spinning around.
“Delicious” Damon said with a gleam in his eyes which glided over Elena’s face, over her breasts, her belly and her legs. He wanted her so badly, but he pressed his lips, swallowed and got off the bed. “You look amazing” he said, kissing her. He let go of her but Elena pulled him back, sticking her tongue in his mouth. “We should go” Damon said hoarse. Elena shook her head. “No” she said. “We still have some time”
She held one of her hands around Damon’s neck and with her other hand she went down in his pants. “Oh God”...
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A twenty-three year old woman entered the Grill. She was wearing a sleeveless mid-dark blue blouse of which she left the three upper and lower buttons open so her belly button was seen, a black leather mini skirt and high heels. Her dark red hair was tied up loosely and she wore heavy makeup. She headed to the bar, very well aware of all the eyes on her back.
“I hear you’re looking for a new bartender” she said to the man behind the bar. He nodded. “You’re signing up?”
“I need a job” the woman said. “And I like to socialize. I like to talk. I’m a good listener”
“Do you...
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“I know there’s a connection!” Liz exclaimed. “I know how to do my job. I don’t need some vampire to tell me that”
Caroline looked away, avoiding her mother’s stare.
“Caroline, I’m sorry” Liz said soft. “I didn’t mean…”
“Yes, you did!” Caroline said firm. She turned her back on her mother. “You know, I just wanted to help you. I just wanted some distraction”
“I know, honey” Liz said. She lay her hand on Caroline’s shoulder, but she pushed it away.
“I guess I should go back to Elena” she said bitter. “At least she appreciates my help” And that being...
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The door of the Grill opened and Matt saw Tyler sitting at the bar, kissing Veronica. Matt rolled his eyes and turned around to leave again, when Tyler blocked his way.
“Are you leaving already?” he asked surprised. “Don’t be so stupid, have a drink with us”
Matt glanced at the bar. “You mean with you and Veronica? Yeah, I think I’m going to pass” He wanted to leave, but Tyler gripped his arm. “Aahh!” Matt exclaimed and looked shocked at Tyler, but he didn’t let go.
“We have to talk. It’s about Caroline” he started. “I need you to tell her that I love her. This...
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“I’m the one getting you out of jail” Stefan pointed out.
“And I’m the one still waiting for that to happen” Rachel responded with raised eyebrows. She tried to look beside Stefan. “How did you get in here? I mean, with all the deputies and the sheriff”
“I used the backdoor” Stefan smirked mischievous. He took the bars and wrecked them. He took Rachel’s hand and pulled her out of the cell. “Let’s get out of here”

“Where are we going?” Rachel asked when Stefan dragged her along at a rapid pace.
“I need you to meet someone” Stefan responded. He stopped at Mystic...
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Keith knocked on the door of Veronica’s lair. Not ten seconds later she opened the door, grabbed his arm and pulled him along.
“I specifically told you not to come here. Did I have to spell it out for you?” she hissed angry.
“I have to talk to you” Keith said insisting.
“And it couldn’t wait till tomorrow? What is it?” she snapped. She looked around agitated to see if anyone was there to see or hear them. She turned to Keith. “Okay, make it quick”
“Can’t we go inside?” Keith suggested.
“Absolutely not” Veronica replied. “Now, hurry up”
“It’s about Bonnie”...
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Damon poured himself a glass of bourbon and drank it out. He spit it out.
“Yeah, I put vervain in all your drinks” a familiar voice said. Damon turned around and saw Katherine standing in the doorway of the living room. “I told you you had to drink vervain again. I thought Elena would’ve convinced you by now”
Damon looked away.
“That’s right. Trouble in paradise” Katherine said. “If I were you I’d try really hard to make things okay. We don’t want her to run back to Stefan, do we?”
Damon looked up angry. “She wouldn’t do that. Elena isn’t like that. I just…need to...
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Tyler followed Matt into the men’s restroom. He first checked if no one else was there and then grabbed Matt’s arm.
“What the hell is your problem?” Matt asked surprised.
“I can ask you the same question” Tyler hissed.
“I don’t get it” Matt said confused.
“You need to knock it off” Tyler said. “Caroline doesn’t want you anymore, so you can stop with the annoying taxes”
“What taxes? Tyler, I have no idea what you’re talking about” Matt said.
Tyler pulled out his phone and showed Matt the tax he just got.
“Dude, that’s not even my number” Matt said.
“I know it’s hard to see me and Caroline together, but acting like a jealous ex-boyfriend isn’t going to put you back in her good books. So I think it’s best for both of us if you would just knock it off” Tyler threatened. He let go of Matt and left the restroom, leaving Matt dumbfounded.
Katherine and Rebekah were walking in the mall. Well, actually Rebekah was walking. Katherine was staggering behind, her arms loaded with plastic bags.
Rebekah turned around. “Come on, Kat, keep the speed up” she made fun of the vampire. Katherine put the bags down and Rebekah walked to her. “You know what Nik said, Katherine. You have to be nice to me, make sure I can adjust to this new world. I’ve been dead for quite a while, you know. Now will you please pick up those bags? The clothes and shoes in it were expensive”
Katherine pulled a face when Rebekah turned around and she picked...
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“Isn’t it kind of weird and ironic that Alaric who is a vampire hunter is now teaching us to kill a vampire hunting army?” Caroline pointed out.
“Ironic, maybe, but not weird” Elena commented. “Ric can teach us their weaknesses. Besides we’re not going to kill anyone”
“Except Veronica” Damon added dark and bitter. Elena slapped his chest. “We’re not killing anyone” Damon raised his eyebrows. “I’m serious, Damon. I don’t want anyone to get hurt” Elena said sharp.
“Not even her? You know she wouldn’t hesitate to kill you, so why are you so determined to keep...
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Rebekah stormed downstairs into the sitting room where Elena was still sitting on the couch.
“What happened?” she asked worried when she saw Rebekah’s face. Rebekah didn’t answer, but raced to Elena, grabbed her neck and attacked her.
Elena screamed and Rebekah tightened her grip.
“Hey!” Damon shouted and he rushed to Rebekah. He grabbed her hair and swayed her into the room. He bit his wrist and held it against Elena’s lips.
“No” she groaned. “No vampire blood”
Damon pressed his wrist against her lips and forced her to drink. Elena’s neck healed and she relaxed.
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Someone banged the door and Rachel jumped up. She ran to the door and opened it. Ronnie was standing in front of her, covered in blood and crying.
“Can I please come in?” she asked careful.
“Yeah, of course” Rachel said and she stepped aside. She closed the door. “What happened? Who did this to you?”
Ronnie wiped her eyes. “Stefan Salvatore and a vampire named Rebekah. They held me in their basement and tortured me. They couldn’t eat me, because there’s vervain in my blood, but they sliced and cut in me”
“I’ll take you to the hospital” Rachel said and she grabbed her...
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