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posted by RainbowOtakuX3
The following fanfiction is a CRACK CROSSOVER couple fiction.. -w-
Couple:Sebastian Michaelis & Izaya Orihara.
WARNING~!! This is a YAOI fanfiction.
~Random situation/mixture (xD)
~Slight OOC-ness (Sorry.. ^^')
~Explicit sex scene (Oh yes. -w-)
~Slight language
~A very subtle hint of CielBastian (Again, sorry xD)
~Subtle hint of Ciel/Izaya.. Wat.
~Rushy-ness.. Oh, and this isn't very good.

Enjoy. xD;


"Yes, young master."

A pale, black haired butler picked up the leg of a dark blue eyed boy who had the face of dissatisfaction and boredom. The butler set the boy's leg onto his lap and started to untie the lacing of his dark leather boot. The boy watched.
"I still don't know why I have to go to this.. Ikeburu place anyway."
The butler, who had just started rubbing his master's foot, glanced up at him. "Ikebukuro, master." Ciel narrowed his eye, then looked out the window of the carriage. "Whatever! I still don't understand why I have to go there.." The butler only blinked and put his attention back to his foot, which was covered in a soft black fabric, "Business trip, master. You have to go."

Ciel rested his cheek onto his gloved palm. "Why couldn't I have just sent you? I don't want to go to bloody Japan! It'll take us forever to get there." Sebastian pressed into the center of his master's soft foot with his thumbs,
"Usually, master, I would've just gone myself.. But this man wanted to meet you personally."
Ciel stayed silent, pulling his foot away from Sebastian's hands roughly. Sebastian smiled with amusement, "The aching in your foot is gone already?" Ciel glared at him, slamming his leg back onto his lap. "No. Massage better, you useless demon!"
A smirk formed on the butler's pale face and he wrapped his gloved fingers around his master's foot, rubbing yet again, "Yes, young master."


After a 10 mile carriage ride and a very tiresome boat trip, Ciel and Sebastian had finally arrived in Japan. When the boat docked, Sebastian stepped off and turned to his slightly wobbley master.
"Master." He held out a hand and Ciel glanced at it, giving a fake displeased look, but his eyes glinted faint gratitude. He took his butler's hand, tightening his grip ever so slightly as he walked off the boat. He stumbled a bit, but regained his balance. "Ugh. I've never been on a boat that long! When we get back to London.. I'm making sure I decline going on such riduculiously long business trips!" Sebastian released his hand, giving a curt nod. "Shall we board a train to Ikebukuro now, master?"

Ciel nodded, "Of course. Let's go." He walked ahead, his heels clacking on the stone with each step. Sebastian followed right behind,
"Are you tired master? I could carry you if you wish."
His master glanced at him over his shoulder, a very faint hint of pink on his cheeks.
"I'm fine. Let's just go." His voice was irritable.


Ciel looked around, feeling uncomfortable and very out of place. He glanced up at his butler who was focused on him already. He's demonic eyes expressionless.
"Wh-where is this man, Sebastian?" He's voice cracked a bit. Sebastian was surprised by his nervous gesture. "According to his letter, he's a-"
The butler was inturrupted by loud crashing sounds and people screaming.
The loud, growl-sounding yell echoed against the tall, window abundant buildings. This was followed by eerie giggles and the sound of quick, swishing blades.

"What the bloody.. hell..?"
Ciel was dumbfounded, backing into his butler, wanting to get as far as possible from the smoke and crumbling concrete. He felt two hands fall onto his small shoulders.
"Would you like me to intervine, master?"
Ciel nodded,
"Y-yes.. Stop them now, Sebastian."
He removed his hands,
"Yes, young master."
Sebastian stepped from behind his master, then stepped forward in front of him.

"Oh, Shizu-chan~! You have to aim better than that to get me!"
A pale boy wearing a black coat lined with fur appeared from the smoke, a blonde man who was dressed like a bartender followed after with a beat up parking meter in his hands.
"I'm gonna fuckin' kill you, you damn pest!"
The black haired boy cooed, smirking. He dodged the blonde's parking meter by a hair, thrusting his hand out. A piece of the blonde's sleeve blew into the wind. It was cut.
Sebastian bent his knees and thrusted himself into the air effortlessly.
Ciel watched as his butler squeezed himself inbetween the quarelling two and pushing them. They started to drop from the air, Sebastian caught them under his arms and his feet hit the ground with a thud.

"Hey! Put me down, dammit!"
The bartender squirmed. Sebastian lifting his arm and he fell onto his knees. He glared at the butler (who looked extremely unimpressed, might I say.), then stood up.
"Who the hell are you? What gives you the right to interrupt? I was just about the squash that roach!"
The black haired boy just stared at the butler as he spoke with the pissed batender, he almost seemed taken away by his beautiful pale face. He liked the way his raven hair framed his thin face perfectly. He watched his lips as he spoke, his tongue pressing against his teeth occassionally. He blinked, and Sebastian set him down as well.
Ciel cautiously took small steps toward the three.

"Now," Sebastian fixed his coat and chain. "if you'll stop blundering like idiots.. I-"
Ciel walked up to them, he glanced from the bartender who was still furious, to Izaya who was still studying his butler.
"Tell me where Mr. Orihara is. Now."
Izaya shook his head a bit and looked down at the impatient child.
"I.. I'm Orihara.. Izaya Orihara."
Ciel tilted his head, his eye clouded with disbelieve. "You?"
Izaya nodded, his lips curled into a smirk.
"Yes. You must be.. Seal Phanto-whatever."
Ciel's frown stretched lower, curling his lip a bit.
"Ciel Phantomhive. You twit! How dare you refer to me in such a-Eh?!"
The boy was startled by the sudden feel of his hair being tugged.

"Aren't you an interesting and cute little.. human."
His smirk widened as he let Ciel's blue tinted hair fall from his cold fingers, trailing the tips of them down the boy's cheek. Ciel shuddered, flushing faintly. Sebastian watched, highly intrigued by the older boy's actions towards his master. Ciel pulled away, his eye narrowed.
"Wh-what the hell? Don't touch me!" He placed his hand onto his cheek.
Izaya chuckled softly, shoving his hand into his coat pockets, his shoulders lifted a bit.
"Such a pissy human, aren't you~? ..Hmm~" His eyes wondered to Sebastian.
"Before I take you back to my place.. You must tell me who this interesting fellow is." (How flamboyant. xD;)

Sebastian raised an eyebrow, Ciel sighed and muttered under his breath as he stood beside his butler.
"This is Sebastian.. He's just my butler. Now, let us go to your.. place."
He said, he was obviously loosing more and more patience. Sebastian smiled thinly, giving a small nod. Izaya smirked at the demon,
"Pleasure to meet you.. Sebas-chan."
Sebastian cringed a bit, Grell had given him that same damn nickname. He faked a smile,
"Pleasure's all mine. Shall we go?"
Izaya nodded.


Izaya opened the door to his apartment, holding it as Ciel stepped in cautiously. His butler followed closely behind. Izaya watched him closely, a slightly sinister smile plastered on his face. The door creaked as he closed it.
"Please.. Take a seat Mr. Phantomhive.. and Sebas-chan."
Himself took a seat in his black leather chair at his desk. Ciel crinkled his nose, dissatisfied with the furniture. He glanced at Izaya,
"I'll.. Just stand."
Izaya shrugged, "Fine."
Sebastian stood beside his master, facing Izaya as well. His face, as per-usual, a pokerface. Ciel crossed his arms,
"So, what is it you've wanted to.. speak with me about Mr. Orihara?"
(Too lazy to type explanation.. 8D /shot)


"See you tomorrow, Sebas-chan~ Bye, Ciel."
Izaya shut the door quietly, turning and pressing his back against it.
His eyes wandered to the ceiling, he bit his lip softly.
Sebas-chan.. He thought, looking down as he stepped from the door. Continuing on to his desk. I couldn't stop staring the whole meeting.. He's a human I really want to further study. He's perplexing.. He seems to not show any physical flaws. Maybe he has physological flaws.. Yes. He must.. He is human after all, right~?
Izaya slumped into his chair, his nails digging into the arms. Scrapping softly.
His pale cheeks filled with rosy pink colors as he thought about the butler. He started to feel hot as he slowly started to fall into a fantasy about the unbeknownst demon. He whimpered. Izaya slowly trailed his pale fingertips over his shirt, circling his nipples as he imagined his sudden crush touching him tenderly. He stopped abruptly, opening his eyes and sitting up. (I'm sorry this part seems rushy + random.)
No. He thought to himself. I.. only just met Sebas-chan.. How could I have fallen so suddenly..? He chuckled under his breath, "How silly of me. Of course these are not.. deep, realistic feelings. I was only taken back by his.. immortal-like beauty. Nothing more." He reassured himself, smirking smuggly as he leaned back. His chair creaking.
He closed his heavy eyes, yawning quietly before falling asleep.. ~

My eyes slowly fluttered open, I looked around at the unfamiliar room.
"H-?!" I couldn't speak, there was a gag between my lips. I groaned loudly and got a bit worried, I looked down at myself and noticed I was handcuffed. "Mm?" What's going on? Wh-where am I? Why am I..?
I looked up and my eyes widened. Lingering at the foot of the bed was a dark figure. I squinted, trying to make out who this mysterious person was and wondered why they had kidnapped me.
I mumbled, trying to talk, but the gag only made me salivate more. I wriggled and rubbed my ankles together, trying to get my feet free of the rope.
"No use trying to get the rope loose, Mr. Orihara."
My head shot up quickly to the figure. The eerie voice lingered in my ears, I squinted at the figure again. S-sebastian..? The figure stepped closer, revealing Sebastian with the usual smirk on his lips. I watched him in silence as he walked over to the side of the bed. He caressed my face with his gloved hand and took the gag from my mouth, I blushed. "Sebas-chan.. Why did you tie me up?" My voice was surprising calm, as if knowing Sebastian did this wasn't odd at all. He chuckled softly and removed his hand, "I heard you wanted to "further study" me, Orihara. I plan to give you a fist-hand, up close look.."
My pupils dialated a bit and my face reddened, "Wh-what do you mean?" I was now starting to feel a little panic. "Up close look"? ..I-Is he going to.. rape me? Molest me? Feeling this sudden rush of fear was very uncomfortable, it was unnatural to me. Sebastian slipped onto the bed, tugging on his tie to loosen it. His crimson, almost demonic eyes glued to mine.
He loomed over me, lifting his hand to his lips, he bit into the tip of his middle finger and started lifting the glove off his hand. He spat his glove off to the side and trailed his pale, thin fingers down my chest. I bit my bottom lip, watching his fingernails gently dig into my shirt, traveling down to my stomach.
I shuddered as his cold hand creeped into my shirt, his fingers explored my warm skin. I felt his sweet breath on his lips, making them quiver in anticipation.
"K.. kiss me, Sebastian.." I finally muttered, giving in to his tempting scent. Sebastian grinned, brushing his icy lips against mine. I gasped quietly under my breath, surprised by the sudden chill. My fingers curled into fists as he pressed his lips more firmly, his tongue forcing it's way through my teeth. I moaned softly, closing my eyes tightly as I felt a wave of pleasure wash over me. Sebastian's tongue felt good lapping at every inch of my mouth. Something isn't right.. He's so.. cold.. I couldn't feel any heat or warmth coming from my unexpected lover. He.. he isn't human.. I pressed my hands against his chest and pushed him away. He tilted his head, puzzled.
"Why, Mr. Orihara, what ever is the matter? I thought you wanted this."
"I.." I so painfully do.. I want him.. I want him to explore me.. I want to explore him. "..I don't.." I lied.
Sebastian raised an eyebrow, "Is that so..?"
I nodded, "Now, please, release me.."
He chuckled, "Oh, I don't think I'll do that just yet.. I would feel bad for not granting you your one desire."
My eyes widened a bit, I squirmed, but my efforts were pointless, he had me pinned against the bed. I opened my mouth to protest, but painful moans escaped from me when Sebastian smashed his lips against mine roughly. I winced, closing my eyes tightly. He shoved his strong tongue into my mouth and started pulling at my jean zipper.
Sebastian.. Please..! I moaned and wriggled violently, kicking my legs and groaning with protest. Sebastian ripped away the button from my pants and shoved his hand violently into my boxers. "Mm!" My muffled moans grew louder as Sebastian groped my penis, rubbing harshly. My hips bucked against him, I could feel his erection press against my stomach. I turned my head and broke my lips free of his. I panted heavily, my mouth felt wet with saliva. "S-sebastian! St-stop!" I moaned.
Sebastian released my penis, but trailed his fingers down further. My eyes opened widely when I felt his cold finger slip inside me slowly, "You're already so wet, Mr. Orihara.." He smirked at me. I whimpered, tears trickled down my cheeks. "S-sebastian.." I moaned as he stirred his finger inside.
I starred at the demon penetrating me with his fingers, my vision blurry from the tears. "S-sebastian, please.. I-I don't want this." He only looked at me, his eyes glowed with lust. My cheeks flushed, I'm scared, but.. why does he make me feel like this.. Like butterflies are nawing at my stomach? I felt morbidly disappointed with myself. I shouldn't be wanting this..
Suddenly I was on my stomach, Sebastian behind me and tearing my jeans down.
My eyes widened and I wriggled like a pathetic worm brought up from the dirt. No! Not this! "Not this!" I yelled aloud. Sebastian said nothing, I heard the sound of unclipping and the creak of the bed as he moved.
I screamed, a sudden grusome pain shot through my pelvis and lower back.
H-his erection is so big.. s-so hot.. I moaned in pain, fresh tears mixed with the sweat on my red cheeks. Sebastian thrusted the rest of his erection inside, hitting my prostate. My nails dug into the sheets tightly, my knuckles turned white.
"S-sebastian!" I screamed, biting into the pillow, I groaned loudly as Sebastian thrusted repeatedly. He got faster with each movement. The pain was intense, I've never felt anything so painful.
But.. there was a slight sensation of pleasure mixed within the pain. Though it felt as if I would be split in two any moment, it felt good in an almost twisted way. Sebastian was groaning softly, his nails dug into my skin as he got close to releasing. I panted heavily, bracing myself. There was a sudden feeling of warmth and I found myself screaming. My moans mixing with Sebastian's. The warm liquid spread within me, lapping at my insides. I felt relief when Sebastian had slipped his penis out of me. I groaned softly as Sebastian toppled down ontop of my back. I panted heavily, my grip on the blanket loosened. I felt Sebastian's lips press against my shoulder. An unexpected smile spread on my face weakly, "Sebastian.. I lo-

Izaya's eyes fluttered open, he groaned sleepily. "H-hmm..?" He looked around a little, rubbing his eye. A.. dream?

I was actually going to write more after the dream to develope more story, y'know? ..But I'm getting really bad cramps in my hands from typing so much at once. xD

I hope this was.. tolerable. -w-; The erm.. sex scene was hard to put together. xD; I probably got both Izaya and Sebastian's personalities totally wrong.. ;w;'
..This was probably the most interesting concept for me to write about. xD Thanks Tay-san and Sofie, darling.. My crazy bitches. <3 C:
added by RainbowOtakuX3
added by RainbowOtakuX3
added by RainbowOtakuX3
added by RainbowOtakuX3
added by RainbowOtakuX3
added by RainbowOtakuX3
added by RainbowOtakuX3
added by RainbowOtakuX3
added by RainbowOtakuX3
added by RainbowOtakuX3
sekai ichi hatsukoi
ending theme
added by RainbowOtakuX3
added by RainbowOtakuX3
added by RainbowOtakuX3
Source: Zerochan |3
added by RainbowOtakuX3
Source: Zerochan |3
added by RainbowOtakuX3
Source: Zerochan |3
added by RainbowOtakuX3
Source: Zerochan |3
added by RainbowOtakuX3
Source: Zerochan |3
added by RainbowOtakuX3
Source: Zerochan |3
added by RainbowOtakuX3