LeafClan Club
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Attention Clan. I have to tell you about what I just did. I was a very bad Clan leader. I was playing Warriors outi nmy pasture...alone when I looked across the road. Other people live over there and they have a forest. It is quite far from my pasture and I am NOT suppose to trespass...Well I got bored playing in my pasture so I did. Okay, to get there I had to follow a stream that starts in my pasture and goes across the road and to the forest. I crossed the road and started exploring. I jumped the curvy creek lots of times and deeper I went into unfamiliar territory. Then the creek banks no longer sloped up so I had to walk in plain sight. If the people in he house looked out the window, they could see ME exploring by the creek. So I started to crawl in the weeds. Then I went uphill and was heading straight for the house. I had to go past it to get into this other bigger woods. I was having so much fun. I pretended that I was Hollypaw going to RiverClan like in Dark River. I started hiking up the hill and on my way when I heard a car coming. I thought it was going down the road but it wasn't. It turned righti nto the driveway of the house I was at. I started freaking out because I wandered too far from the safety of the cree banks. I was in plain sight oh my gosh! So I curled into a little ball and prayed to StarClan they wouldn't see me. If the person in the car looked to the left then I would be canned. The person disappeared behind the ridge into the long driveway and I RAN. I kept going straight, blundering through a million thorn bushed and I didn't know where I was going. I appeared in my friend's back yard. I was extreme TRESPASSING!!! I bolted as fast as I could to the road and ran into the safety of PrairieClan territory. I made it without being caught. Can you believe that? I would of been in serious trouble if I was caught because the neighbors don't even know me and I was well into their woods. That was very fun even though I broke the Warrior code about staying in my territory. I had a very fun time though and I am definatly going back. AWESOME!!!