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Core 5...I miss them♥
Core 5...I miss them♥
So, I'm in a complete rant on NEW OTH mood, right now!!! I have so many things I need to rant about:p
But before you guys read I just want to let you guys know that I truly am a huge fan of this show, seasons 1-6 of this show will always own my heart and they will always be my number #1 show. I mean this show gave me my beautiful, amazing, wonderful OTP and I will forever be grateful for that. But some crap does annoy me... :/
So I titled each rant, so if your a fan of whatever I'm ranting about...SKIP IT!!!!!lol...

Seasons 7-8 of OTH:

WHAT THE HELL!? WHY MARK!? WHY!? Why the hell would you torture us and continue this show...WHY!? People can call me a bitter LP fan all they want, but the matter of the fact is that the show litterally sucks now.Look back at the old seasons of OTH... every single episode had meaning in it, heart to it, sentimental value..but now OTH just seems like a bunch of random thoughts,scenes, and couples mixed up and thrown into a script. I mean do I really want to sit here and watch three grown women dressed up as super heros running around on the streets!? Or do I really want to sit there and watch three grown men beat up a boy whose younger than them, and even going as far as throwing him off a bridge!? WTF!? That would have NEVER happened on the old OTH:(

New Characters/Secondary Characters

Do I look like I give a flying horse shit about Marvin FREAKN' Mcfaden!!! UHHHH NO!I hate how Mouth, Jamie, Skills, Lauren, etc. etc. are now the center of the show. It's even gotten to the point where they're getting more screen time then the originals!? WHHHAAAAT!? The point of having secondary characters is so that they give support to the main characters, not so they can completly take over the show. Espeacially in the final season! I really want the final season of the show to focus on Nathan, Haley and Brooke because they're the only three originals we have left...but is that going to happen? I highly doubt it:/

James Lafferty Not Being a Regular

I'm so dissapointed by this:( Now you all know I'm not the biggest Nathan Scott fan...but he's an original! He's a Scott Brother! He really couldn't be in all of the final season!? Especailly considering the final season only has 13 episodes!? The show was supposed to be about two brothers and there feelings for the same girl and there love for the same sport. It's so dissapointing and ironic that the three characters that were originally meant to be the main characters are not going to be regulars on the show for the final season. That truly is heart breaking weather you'd like to admit it or not.


Brulian...SIGGGHHH. So much potential thrown down the drain:/ Okay so I admit BJ's story lines are nothing like LP or BL and I also admit atleast every single OTH couple as stolen/copied a scene from another OTH couple...BUT... Brulian has done it so much! Like every other scene of theres is taken from LP or BL.link I think Mark is simply just out of ideas so he's editting a bunch of BL and LP scenes and making them into BJu scenes. But I'm sorry we notice...! Julian Baker! WTF happened to you!? I remember seeing Julian in season 6! He was amazing! He still had the dorky/nerdy side but he was also funny, sarcastic, badass, and just an interesting character over all. And then in season 7 he turns into this complete goof ball who can't do shit. They made Julian into one of those stereo typical girls who can't do anything for themselves, and thats insulting. Like seriously a grown man running around a field catching butterflies!? UGH in the process of making Julian's character more funny and a comic relief they made him pathetic and annoying! And Brooke Davis. No words. No words at all. Brooke Davis changed for the worse.PERIOD.


Leyton was deffinitely one of Mark's favorite couples, I think he made it pretty obvious over the years with all his coments about them. So I think Clay/Quinn were an attempted Leyton gone all wrong. First of, they happened way to fast! One minute they don't even know each other and the next minute they're declaring there love for each other and are meant to be? I've heard many people say this and I completly agree. Clay and Quinn were simply two single, new characters and Mark had no choice but to put them together. They have NO story what so ever!And Quinn:/ I'm sure Shantel is a nice person and all but I don't think she can act! I have never thought she could act:/ And just like the couple, Quinn was a rushed and forced character as well. She had no development at all. As for Clay, I believe that Quinn was the one who ruined him:/

Nathan Quitting Basket Ball

WOW. When I heard of him quitting I was so pissed:/ We sit through 7 entire seasons of Nathan struggling to become a basket ball player, every single season had a story line dedicated to this story and then all of a sudden he decides he doesn't want to play anymore!? I just found that to be such a waste of all of our times.

Forgetting LP and BL

So as a Leyton fan, I don't really understand the whole BL thing, but I know for a fact that BL fans are insulted by the constant reminder the Julian is the love of Brooke's life, etc. etc. I guess I understand. If I was in that position I would be pissed to lol. but I don't have much to say, becuase like I said. I'm an LP'r here and I don't fully understand lol. But LP being forgotten completly irks me. Because they were a couple, they got endgame, they should be remembered. Not only that, but Peyton and Booke have been best friends since they were 8! Lucas and Haley have been best friends since they were 8! Nathan and Peyton used to date and are child hood friends. NATHAN AND LUCAS ARE FREAKN' BROTHERS! You don't just forget about people like that. So LP not being remembered, its not only unfair to the fans, but it doesn't make sence logically either.

Chad Returning with out Hilarie

Okay so maaaayyyybbeee this is the bitter LP fan in me talking! But honestly, I don't see the point in Lucas coming back with out his wife and child. What's there for him to do? ehh.


I HATE THESE TWO WITH A BURNING BITTER ANGRY PASSION! I hate them so much. They're insulting. Straight up. All there friendship is, is insulting Breyton and Laley. Thats all there is to it. Why are Baley so close in season 7 and 8!? I'll tell you. Because there is no Lucas and Peyton. Mark just threw Baley together and made them BFF's because they're real best friends are gone. And in the process all he does is insult Breyton and Laley. And I will NEVER forgive Brooke for saying Peyton was never there for her. Really Brooke??? Who was there for you when all the Vicotria shit was happening? Peyton. Who was there for you when you got attacked???Peyton. Who was there for you when you were struggling to raise Angi? Peyton. Who was there for you when Lucas got mad about Chris? Peyton. Who was there for you when Rachel was making your life a living hell? Peyton. Now Brooke, where were you when Ellie died? No where. Where were you when Peyton was attacked? No where. Where were you all through out season 4 when Peyton's life was a living hell? Oh right, you were being a hypoocrite and holding a childish grudge...so yaaaa hmmm.... Peyton was never there for you and you were always there for her. okay. Oh and Haley wanted to be friends with Brooke Davis ever since she met her??? Okay last time I remember Haley was insulting Brooke in front of Lucas and discluding her from her party. Haley and Brooke didn't even become proper friends until the end of season 2/start of season 3...and they only become close after Peyton and Haley had there rift. I'm sorry but this is one of the most fakest things I have EVER seen on television. And yet they're still continuously getting shoved down my throat every single episode...

So they're so much more that irritates me but these are the main things. I truly am sorry if I insulted any one by this article but like I said above if your a fan of the thing, you shouldn't have read;)

So yeah. OTH ended for me after season 6. This is why I will never feel sad or heart broken about the show ending now because it already ended for me. The only thing I'm completly heart broken about is the fact that I will NEVER see a scene from my OTP again</3 I miss the old OTH but its gone now:(</3 This show was a huge part of my life, but just in a couple of episodes it lost all of its magic. I said my good bye's already.

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Don't you guys miss THIS is as well???
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Okay,so I know Nic hates metal and you don't know the songs I sung,so here is an other video,with a song everyone knows. I'll add Radioactive later ^^ Again,tell me what you think.
added by XxXrachellXxX
Source: by me
not mine