Leyton Family<3 Club
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posted by XxXrachellXxX
Go read Nic's article! <3
Go read Nic's article! <3
Now it's NIC'S turn!

My favorite things about him:

1) He's very funny
- Like Nad, Nic is incredibly funny and he always knows how to make any sort of situation humorous, and he's really good at cheering people up or lifting up a depressed crowd! I love that!

2) He's super sarcastic
- His Chandler Bing mode is very often on, and when it is, he really is the most sarcastic person I've ever met. And I'm not saying that as a bad thing, it's mostly hilarious and always witty, so it also shows that he's intelligent and capable of not taking himself too seriously.

3) He's very strong
- Like many of us, Nic has gone through a lot in his life, but he's gotten through all of it and it's just made him stronger, and I think his attitude towards life is very admirable and strong, and I really admire him for that!

One of the many characters who Nic is like!
One of the many characters who Nic is like!

4) He's honest
- I always go to Nic when I want an honest opinion of how things are. A lot of people have the tendency to sugar-coat things for me, because, I'm... well... let's just say... short-tempered :P But Nic will tell me how it is, and I appreciate that, because it's a lot better than lying. And Nic also knows how to not be rude in most situations. Sometimes what he says might come off as a bit rude, but he always has the best intentions for sure!

5) He's a HBIC.... kinda :P
- I feel weird calling someone by these labels but Nic really is like this. He is very strong and independent, and if someone messes with him or someone he cares about, they're in for a world of pain. He also has a badass side, but thanks to his snarky comments I leaned more towards a HBIC than a BAMF.

6) He's very smart
- All this shows in his sarcasm and in his daily things. He has a lot of intelligence, and I value that a lot. I'm sure he's going to do a lot of amazing stuff in his life, and all his good qualities combined will get him to so many great places!!

Another Nic-like character...... did you guys consider that Nic might be Monica and Chandler's child?
Another Nic-like character...... did you guys consider that Nic might be Monica and Chandler's child?

7) He's very welcoming
- Nic is friendly to like everyone on the LPF, and I'm sure it's the same in RL! He is just one of those people who can at least somewhat get along with everyone, and who makes everyone feel like they belong, and that's a great talent!

8) He is caring
- Nic always makes you feel good when you've done something good. He never dismisses you or makes anyone feel bad for no reason. He is caring and he cares about the people he loves so much, and he will do quite a lot to protect them. That is an amazing quality and his incredible friendship is only one of the many reasons why everyone should get to know him.

9) He's talented
- Nic is talented in art, vid-making and in writing. I've read some of his writing and I was surprised about how good he was, and I hope we get to continue that someday. He's also epic with his icons and fanarts, even though he doesn't think so himself. He should, though. He really should give himself more credit in these things!

10) He's realistic
- And down to earth, definitely. Nic knows how things are and he knows how things are not going to be. We've had a few discussions about this and even though I may not be quite interested in discussing this topic most of the time, I do consider myself almost as realistic as he is. And as I've mentioned before, this is really something that's going to help him in life.
So all in all Nic is really awesome and I think you all know that!

My headcanons for you:
Actor I imagine you looking like: Adam Brody
#1 actor to play you: Topher Grace
#1 character/actress ship: Jess Day/Emma Stone (+ Zooey so much but I wanted to put someone else too!)
Character you're most like personality-wise & why: Chandler Bing. Honestly you're like so many characters, but I see so much of Chandler in you with the sarcasm, the humor, the strength and the loyalty towards the people you love. Definitely.
You/Jess:Time for the three headcanons!
- I can see you two living in the same apartment building and then one day Jess comes over to borrow like a cup of sugar or something and you two get to talking and you discover you have similar interests and you start to hang out and eventually fall in love!!
- Because of ADF I'm a sucker for the Peter/Wendy storyline for you two. Basically you being Peter and you carrying Wendy off to Neverland where you two have adventures together and fall in love!!
- I can see you both living in New York and one day you just bump into each other on your way to Starbucks or something and you get to talking and boom, instant chemistry!

Nic's girl <3
Nic's girl <3

Go write your favorite things about Nic!!
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