Meg Masters Club
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“I arrived at Daphne’s house in the afternoon. Lex was watching TV. Shannen was not there. Lex said she was going to see where she was. She went upstairs, while I waited. A few minutes later she and Shannen came downstairs. Shannen was acting strange. Her hair was messy and she wore her clothes inside out. And when I told her she turned all red. I wanted to know more, but then Daphne’s husband Emmanuel came downstairs. I didn’t even know he was in the house. I thought he was at the hospital. When he left I asked Shannen what she was doing with him upstairs and she confessed that she slept with him. I called her a slut and told her I never wanted to see her again. Then I left the house. She followed me into the alley. I took a shorter way home. I had taken a cab, but I didn’t want to wait for another one. I wanted to get away from her as soon as possible. So, I took a shortcut via the alley and she followed me. She cried and tried to talk to me. I didn’t want to listen and got angry. She grabbed my arm and tried to stop me from walking away. I slapped her and she fell on the ground. I walked towards her and checked on her. She was awake and she was only hurt a little” Andy said.
“So she was still alive when you left her” inspector Anderson said.
“Yes” Andy confirmed.
“Can anyone confirm your statement? Was there anyone with you when this happened, aside from Shannen , naturally”
Andy thought about that and realized how deep he was in trouble.
“No” he said. “We were alone”
added by Bibi69
Source: Bibi69
added by Bibi69
Source: Bibi69
added by Bibi69
Source: Bibi69
added by Bibi69
Source: Bibi69
added by Bibi69
Source: Bibi69
added by Bibi69
Source: Bibi69
added by Bibi69
Source: Bibi69
added by Bibi69
Source: Bibi69
Meg walked through an alley when her phone buzzed. She pulled it out of her pocket and looked at the screen.
“What?” she said hostile.
She recognized Dean’s voice, but there was something about the way he said her name. There was only one person who said her name like that.
“What do you want?” she asked, determined not to let het guard down.
“Can we meet?” Cas asked. “At Butterfield Park?”
“Sure” Meg gave in. “See you there in ten minutes”
Ten minutes later Meg stood by the swimming pool in Butterfield Park when Cas walked her way. Before she knew what happened...
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Dean, Sam and Meg were sitting in a diner. Meg was having fries, Sam was having a salad and Dean was having a cheeseburger. Or at least there was a cheeseburger lying before him, begging to be eaten, but Dean merely pricked it with his finger.
“What are you thinking about?” Sam decided to break the ice.
Dean put the burger down, figuring he wouldn’t be able to eat anyway.
“Cas” he answered honest.
Sam and Meg exchanged looks.
“Yeah” Sam commented slowly. “I still can’t believe he tried to kill you”
“He only threatened to kill me, because you chose a demon whore over your...
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Cas and Meg’s mansion.
It was ten o’clock in the evening and Maryana, the witch was back. Anna had informed her that the coast was clear. Sam, Meg and Dean were not going home just yet.
She conjured a white chalk and marked a circle of average size. Then she put candles inside the circle, surrounding it completely. She lit the candles with her mind and then took a bowl and a bag with herbs. She pulled out the herbs one by one and crushed them on the bottom of the bowl, while chanting a Latin incantation.
She put the bowl down and conjured a picture. Cas and Dean were both on it, but there...
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Meg was back home and she had told Sam what happened.
“So, it’s official, then. They’re together” Sam asked for confirmation. Meg shrugged. “I’m going to try and call him again” Sam said resolute.
“You’ve been trying to call him for the last twenty minutes. What makes you think he’ll pick up now?” Meg snapped bitter. “They’re probably too busy banging each other”
Sam tried anyway.
Cas tied Dean onto a chair. They were in a motel.
“Your phone keeps ringing” Cas snarled annoyed. He pulled Dean’s phone out of Dean’s pocket and looked at the screen. “Sam…Just...
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“Put your clothes on” Dean said.
“Why? What are we going to do?” Cas asked suspicious.
“You shouldn’t spend your last day of freedom in a hospital room” Dean explained. He conjured his keys and waved them. “Let’s go for a ride”
“Now we’re talking” Cas smiled and he put on his clothes.
Five minutes later they were outside, with the Impala. Cas walked to the passenger seat.
“Hey, Cas” Dean called and Cas looked up. “Catch” Dean said and he tossed the keys at Cas. Cas caught them with one hand and walked around the car. He got in and so did Dean, but before the latter...
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Sam was back home. He had given his statement to the police and they had no reason to question it. Anna was there, too and she wasn’t alone. She had brought a woman with her.
“Sam, this is Maryana, she’s a witch” Anna introduced the woman. Sam squeezed his eyes in suspicion.
“You brought a witch here?” Sam exclaimed. “You know we can’t trust them. They’re selfish”
“I’m standing right here, you know” Maryana pointed out.
“I know it’s risky” Anna started to explain. “But right now I think it’s the only option we have. Cas has gone completely off the rails and...
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“Dean, wait!” Cas called agitated. “It’s not what you think. I can explain it”
Dean widened his eyes. “I’m waiting” he commented trembling.
“He said he was going to take me to prison” Cas started, shaking himself. “But I know he can’t do that. He has to follow strict orders from his superiors. So…I knew he was going to take me somewhere else and probably waste me…I had no choice, it was him or me…Dean, you have to believe me”
Dean relaxed. “Of course I believe you” he sighed and walked back to Cas. He took his hands and saw the cuffs had cut Cas’ wrists....
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“We should talk about what happened yesterday” Dean said hoarse.
“I’m not sorry” Cas replied convincing.
“Neither am I” Dean sighed relieved. “But I have to admit that you took me by surprise. I didn’t see it coming. Besides, I thought you loved Meg”     
Cas looked away and gazed through the window.
“Meg betrayed me. You were right about her. I should’ve listened to you” he admitted softly. He looked back at Dean. “I think one of the reasons I’ve been acting so…reckless…is because I didn’t know how to act on my feelings for you. Especially...
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The next morning.
Cas was sitting up, a bandage wrapped around his chest. The door opened and Dean walked in. The guard wanted to close the door again, when Cas called him.
“Sir, would you mind staying here? I’m worried about my safety” he said. “The intention is to keep me from going anywhere. Best way of doing that is to stay here, so I don’t climb a window or something”
The guard went standing next to the door, his arms crossed.
Dean pulled a chair and sat next to the bed. “How are you feeling?”
“I’m still hurting a little” Cas admitted.
“Can you tell me what happened?”...
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Dean was wandering through the aisles of the police station. He had no idea where to find Cas, but fortunately a helpful police officer walked his direction.
“What are you doing here? You can’t just walk around here” he said a little mad.
“Yeah, I’m looking for Castiel Novak. They said it was okay, but now I’m kind of lost” Dean explained.
The officer sighed. “Actually Castiel Novak isn’t allowed to have prisoners” he started. “But since he’s being transferred tomorrow morning, I suppose it can’t hurt”
The officer explained where Cas’ cell was. “Usually we bring...
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Meg was pacing up and down the living. Sam had been trying to reach Dean, but without success. He didn’t get it. Half an hour ago Dean had insisted that they would have to turn Cas in. It would break their hearts, but they had no other choice. Sure, they had killed as well, but those were monsters. Cas was simply a murderer.
“I still can’t believe Dean kissed Cas” he said, still a little perplex. “I mean, I know they have a…more profound bond, but I never thought of it like that”
Meg stopped pacing and turned to Sam. “Do you mind? I’m trying to erase that image from my memory”...
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For a few seconds Dean stared at Sam and Sam stared back, so neither of them saw how Cas was enjoying this. Dean turned around quickly and ran outside. Sam followed him and saw him leaning against the Impala.
“Would you mind explaining what that was?” Sam asked, still a little shocked.
“Actually, I do mind” Dean snapped in response.
“So, what, you have feelings for Cas?” Sam asked confused.
“What? No!” Dean replied defensive. “I don’t know”
Meg walked past Cas to the telephone.
“Meg, it’s not what you think” Cas tried to talk himself out of it. “It’s Dean. He kissed...
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