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After 18 years of installing his systems, Brad Sundberg saw everything from Michael’s work ethic to his love for his chimps. Integrators tend not to be star-struck since many cater to extremely affluent clientele. There are celebrities, and then there was Michael Jackson.

When Brad Sundberg, owner of BSUN Media Systems, mentioned his work on Michael’s infamous Neverland Valley Ranch during his CE Pro of the Week profile, questions came to mind:

What was Michael Jackson like as a client? What was he like away from the cameras?

Sundberg, who says he worked with Michael on countless personal and professional projects over 18 years, wrote about his experiences in a long essay in a BSUN e-newsletter sent a year after Michael’s June 2009 death. Following are some excerpts:

Meeting Michael Jackson

“Michael was working on Captain EO for Disneyland and Epcot Center. He was fresh off the Victory Tour, the Thriller album, his dominance of MTV, and he was back in the studio. I wish I could remember our first meeting, but it was likely just passing each other in the hallway. He was always warm, yet shy. Over time we would chat now and then, but it took time to build the trust.”

Michael’s nickname for Brad Sundberg

“Early in 1986 the team moved into Westlake Studio D in Hollywood to record the Bad album, and welcomed me in. I worked other sessions during the day, but at night I was invited to sit in and learn. Eventually I worked my way up to technical director for the team, and the trust was solidified. It was during this time that Michael nicknamed me “Really Really Brad,” a twist on the chorus, “Bad, Bad, Really, Really Bad.” Check the album credits, it’s there.”

Michael’s love of food and “family day”

“During the making of the BAD album, Fridays quickly became known as “family day.” He would have his two chefs, affectionately known as the Slam Dunk Sisters, prepare a large dinner for the crew, musicians and any family members that might be around. Since I was working sometimes 80 hours a week, it was not uncommon for Deb to come have dinner with us. Michael loved these family get togethers.

In later projects I would bring my girls, whom he loved and would play with. There is one moment in time in my head when Deb brought my daughter Amanda, who was just a baby at the time, into the studio for the afternoon. She set up a play mat and brought some toys, and Michael sat and played with her for a while. He looked at Deb and said, “This is her own little world, isn’t it?”

Celebrity visitors and chimps

“It was not uncommon for celebrities or VIPs to stop in. One day the Secret Service searched the building for a couple hours before Nancy Reagan came for a visit. Next it was Princess Stephanie from Monaco … The chimps were common guests in the studio, as was a giant snake, both of which I would wind up holding during MJ’s vocals.”

Watching Michael write songs

I have watched him write many songs, and the process is amazing. I asked him where they came from, and he said they were gifts from God. He could hear the entire song in his head before we could get tape on the machines. He would sometimes sing the drums, bass, percussion, keyboards, etc., and we would later bring in musicians to replace his demo tracks.

Michael’s childhood

I remember him telling me about grown women throwing themselves at him when he was just 9 or 10 years old.

One story I will never forget was him telling of flying with his dad and brothers through a lightening storm at night. The plane was being tossed around, lightening was flashing, and he started crying in fear. His dad ignored him, embarrassed. A flight attendant sat with until the plane cleared the storm. Hearing him tell that story, with tears in his eyes, gave a glimpse into his life.

Working at Neverland

Somewhere around 1991 he asked me to visit a ranch he had purchased, and design a sound system for a carousel. The next thing I knew I was at Neverland Valley Ranch, in Santa Ynez, CA. There was construction everywhere, and the amusement park was in the early stages of installation.

Over the next few years Michael asked me to build system after system, putting music on the bumper cars, in the petting zoo, on two trains, all around the amusement park, the boat lake, the train stations, and eventually inside the house, and inside his bedroom and bathroom. Deb loves to tell of the times Michael would call at 2 in the morning (his sleep schedule was never normal) to talk to me about a new attraction he had coming to Neverland, and if I would put music on it.

I still have an old answering machine tape of him thanking me for one of the systems we had built.
posted by journeemj
(sorry if the spanish isn't correct but i tried)

I start to contemplate in my mind what should I do ? Take her in. but wait what if she is playing me. No she couldn't be playing me with the look of fear on her face and the tears of sadness and heart ache. I just had to help her out.

“hey you know what you could move in with me for a few weeks until you find the right job again if it's ok with you.” “oh I could never do such a thing, I would never be able to pay you back”. “ it's ok” I like to help people out” “gracias michael” , she says to me and she gives me a hug.

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posted by MJISALIVE
I woke up in the middle of the night not able to sleep....I knew mother wasnt going to let me see him even though he is my father. "God what can i do?!" i ask myself. Then I got an idea, it wasnt the best idea but it was worth a shot. I looked at my clock and it said 1:00 am, i turned on my laptop and googled SouthWest Airlines....."6:45 am should be fine" i say to myself "If i went on foot i should be there in about 4 to 5 hours...there...i have my ticket so all i need to do is pack and get dressed" i got up and pulled out my suit case from my closet. I pack all things necessary, then i get...
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posted by asya10wooten
jonna p.o.v

well i guess it's time to tell michael the truth i went to his house but he wasnt there so i went to his mother house she was a little shocked to she me well she fanited i walk in and ask for michael everone was shocked so i left i went to my mother she is the only one who know im alive when i went in my moms house i was my mom knocked uncoisece on the floor i dint see michael i went up stairs to lay down but when i went to go lay down i saw michael lay ing on the floor bleeding i went to call 911

on the phone
911:what is your problem
j:my husband he dieing i need help
911:we'll be right there


the put michael on the gerne i travled in the hospital van to the eregacy room they called everyone mom was there too they said she is ok just a bump from where she got hit .i told everone my little story about my FAKE death my mom told us she know what happen to my sons after i found out about my little girlfriend had my kids she going to die.
posted by MJISALIVE
"Huh??...." i say "Your father is Michael Jackson" says mother

*in LA*
*phone rings* "Hello this is Janet Jackson" "Hi Aunt Janet" says a familiar voice "Paris! how are you?" "Im good...I need to ask you something though..." "Sure anything" "Have you ever had a feeling that we have an unknown relative???" "...Sometimes yes...why?" "Prince is having the same feeling..he even said that daddy had the same feelling..." "Wow..." "I called Aunt LaToya and she said the same thing..." "Well I dont know what to tell you...no one knows the future but God alone..." "Your right...well thats all i wanted...
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posted by asya10wooten
jonna wedding dress she was trying on <3
jonna wedding dress she was trying on <3
Michael pov
You lookin sexy in that weddin gown she blushed she keeps sayin that j.cole is alive I dont belive it so I shurged it off
I been trying to make her feel good but she wont bugh she says im to tried to sleepy I cant even get her to love me anymore maybe she's telling the truth about j.cole being alive and I.must do something about it . I walked up to her and started kissing her on neck she started to laugh oh I just miss that laugh she keeps telling me to stops so I tickle her I cant help but laugh.

J.cole pov
I been stalkin jonna for sometime now I couldnt just stalk her so I go to clubs...
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posted by MJISALIVE
Its dinner time and tonight its my favorite! Spaghetti!! then with my favorite dessert Ice Cream!! "Thanks for the dinner and dessert Mom" I say "Your welcome sweetie" just then the doorbell rang "I got it!" I say. It was my lil brother coming back from a sleep over at his friend, Bobby's house "Hey!" i say hugging him "Did you have fun at Bobby's?" "Yeah I did! it was so fun!!" "Im glad! Mommy made spaghetti for dinner" "Spaghetti?! Where?!" he asks running into the kitchen. I laugh then walk into my room again. "Only three more days until my birthday....man I cant wait!" I say to myself..I...
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posted by asya10wooten
jonna upset because julio wont stay in her room
jonna upset because julio wont stay in her room
jonna gets a call from a stranger needed a new look at new mexico

jonna gets a call she pulls out her phone its said private so jonna it ingores it at frist but then it ranged a again so she's answer it.

on the phone

J:hello this is jonna who is this
stranger:hello jonna my name julio and was in new mexico your friend said i can stay with you for a while
J:who gave you this number
Julio:your friend savanna
J:ok where are you now
Julio:down town at the flea market

Jonna went down town to the flea market.Jonna remeber when she was a little girl and she always went to the flea until she heard someone...
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Michael stood there for a moment, wondering if he should answer the door since it was late.
He decided to answer it and walked up to see who it was.
It was a man who looked to be in his early 40's.
Short brown hair, green eyes, and sophisticated clothes.
He seemed decent so he opened the door and greeted the man.
"Hello Mr. Jackson." The man said shaking his hand.
"Hello, please, call me Michael." He said smiling.
"As you wish. Please, let me introduce myself. I am Doug Shelding. I am the head of Shelding Productions which is a company that records certain TV specials on celebrities." Doug said.
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As we were in the car going to the hospital Brooke was screaming really loud. I said" Honey calm down." " Michael i can't." As we drove up to the hospital the doctors took Brooke into the labor room. She was lieing on the bed screaming her head off. When she started having contractions it was time. The doctors asked me to go out side in the waiting room but i said "NO." The doctors said okay. As Brooke was pushing she said to me " Michael i HATE you right now" I said "I know just hang in there." A few minutes later we heard a cry of a baby coming from the doctors arms. They went to go check...
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Back In California
Michael, Becca, Prince, Paris, Blanket, Brandon and Keiko exited the plane. They saw Frank waiting in the terminal with a sign that said "Jacksons" on it. They went up to him, Paris holding Brandon and Prince holding Keiko. "Hey Frank, it's been a while, huh?" Michael asked. Frank looked at Michael and was in shock. "Did your family get bigger or something? Who's this pretty lady?" He asked back. Becca giggled at him. "This is Becca Yamamoto Jackson. These two babies are our new children, Brandon and Keiko. So yeah, our family did grow a bit." Frank nodded and they went to...
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posted by asya10wooten
michael was so angry that he pinned tatiana on a tralior and screamed "WHAT DID YOU DO TO HER ............ANSWER ME DANG IT tatiana was scraed oh what just happen

Tatiana was to scared to answer his question 'ANSWER ME DANG IT " he kept reapaeting
it over "shut up shut up shut up shut up " chrisy finnally said "yall too are ridicouls michael if you love her go be with her dont spend your time
hooking up with a trashy girl like that and listen me and alicia and dominic are going to go to the hospital" chrisy said . WOW for the frist time chrisy said something that wasnt about math or me tutoring...
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The next week during rehearsals
Becca had to sit out because of her being pregnant. Although, she couldn't wait until next week. Mainly because she gets to find out the gender of the baby. She watched Michael dance on stage and it was just phenomenal. Soon, she heard her phone go off. She got up and went out into the lobby and answered it. "Hello?" She asked. "Hello, this is Dr. Sharp. I'm calling about your ultrasound results. I'm gonna need to you come in to check it out." He said. "What time should I come in?" "Any time is fine. Just as long as you get here. It may surprise you." "Alright....
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At rehearsal the next day
Becca was getting her 60's clothes on for this. Michael requested her to wear something similar to what Jackie wore when they were the Jackson 5. Becca couldn't wait for it. She was in so many colors that she nearly forgot who she was. Michael walked in once she was done changing and looked at her. "Are you Becca or Jackie?" He asked sarcastically. Becca turned to him and giggled. "I'm sure I'm Becca, not Jackie." She told him. She had her hair down, at least that's what she wanted to keep. She didn't want to totally look like Jackie from back then. She put on the platform...
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posted by MikeyJacksonzz
Michael wakes up from a horrbie dream that he kill someone but he would never so that ! so he went back to bed. Early in the morning Michael woke up he was just laying there thinking about that dream he had last night he couldn't believe it . he got off his King size bed he walk in his bathroom and took a shower and he got out just walking around house. so he went outside alone !! and without his bodygaurds but im going out so be right back guys :) yeah so hope u like it soooo Far :D

:D :) (L)
Becca's dress from behind. Imagine the silver jacket with it.
Becca's dress from behind. Imagine the silver jacket with it.
The next day, after rehearsal
Becca was gonna go find a dress today. She had to wait for Janet to get off work, so she was bored. She took out her phone and started messing with it. Michael passed by her and saw her mess with her phone, putting it between her hands. "I'll explain this one last time. Too high to get over, too low to get under...therefore your stuck in the middle." He said. Becca looked at him and chuckled. "And the pain is thunder. I know that." She finished and giggled. He sat down next to her. "So who are you waiting for?" "Janet. Gotta get things done today." "Oh, waiting...
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posted by MJlover101
"Is this your friend?" Michael asked.
"Yes." Harvey replied.
"Is she okay?"
"I don't know. I heard Matron Helen taking her down here with a metal rod this morning and I haven't seen her since."
Michael moved closer to the girl on the floor. She looked like she was unconcious.
"What's her name?"
"Rosabel Diamond."
He crouched down beside her and examined her body. Rosabel had bad bruises on her arms and legs and she had dried blood around a large cut on her forehead.
"Rosabel?" Michael said quietly, shaking her slightly. "Rosabel? Rosabel!"
"Is she alright?" Harvey asked nervously.
"She isn't,...
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posted by MJlover101
Rosabel tried to keep on her best behaviour for the rest of the day. She'd cleaned everything, she'd fixed everything, she'd even done other childrens' chores as well as all of her own! By the end of the day Rosabel was exhausted. She wasn't even sure how her legs could carry her. Before she went to bed though, she had to get to the living room for Matorn Isabelle's evening announcement.

"Alright children, gather round. As you know by now, we're expecting a visit from Mr Michael Jackson, while he's on his Dangerous Tour." Matron Isabelle said in her natural soft voice.
Whispers of excitment quickly...
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posted by mjjennine
It,s been a long while since I heard you sing SMILE
It,s been forever since I saw you dance and heard you sing ONE MORE CHANCE
Eternity I think or so it seem, since I heard you sing BILLIE JEAN
Tears fall down my face the most when I watch the movie you called GHOST
When I hear you sing BLOOD ON THE DANCE FLOOR my lips move sftly as i say I LOVE YOU MORE!!!
The love pounds deep inside of me, when I see you concert HISTORY
Lust pours through me with all its might, when I watch you sing BLACK AND WHITE
I knew you weren,t just a passing fad, as soon as i saw your cute face sing BAD
If I could talk to you on the phone, I would say Michael YOU ARE NOT ALONE
I wish we together just us two, cause darling Michael I JUST CANT STOP LOVING YOU!!!!!
my beautiful Michael
my beautiful Michael
jennine entered a room and faced ten nervous girls and five stern looking judges seated at a desk. Sitting in the last empty chair jennine smoothed her short black skrt . She suddenly felt very self conscious. All confidence had flown out the door. The judges looked her up and down. Unable to read their expression Jennine blushed . Asking the other girls a series of questions they finally came to Jennine. "Who do you love most"? the balding judge in the middle asked his eyes staring intently at Jennine.Jennine didnt even have to think about that one for a second."Michael Jackson" she said feeling mildly embarrassed. The judges looked at each other and nodded. They each stood up and holding out their hands announced. "Jennine. Congratulations youre the winner". Feeling faint Jennine shook their hands. They told her to go through a door to the right where a woman was waiting. she told Jennine to put on a red dress and red shoes.
posted by MJlover101
Michael Jackson is:

Amazing, Awesome, Artistic, Angelic, Attractive

Breathtaking, Benevolent, Beautiful, Brilliant, Black

Charming, Cute, Captivating, Caring, Charitable, Cool, Childlike, Chivalrous


Enchanting, Extraordinary, Entertaining, Excellent

Fabulous, Facinating, Fun, Funny, Fantastic, Famous, Friendly

Gifted, Generous, Great, Godly

Humble, Humanitarian, Handsome, Hot, Helpful, Honorable

Incredible, Intelligent, Invincible, Iconic, Inspiring, Innocent

Joker, Jannock

Kindhearted, King

Loving, Legendary, Lonely, Lovely

Magnificent, Magical, Marvelous, Mysterious, Merciful, Musical, Misunderstood...
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