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posted by jazzyjaz31
"Michael, I love you with all my heart and soul. Nobody can make me feel soo good like you. You the only person that i really love and admire the most. I got to let you know that living without you is not easy at all. I miss you everyday of my life. My heart loves you very much. Hold on to my heart and never drop it. You make my world feel soo great and lovely. I cant take away my love i have for you.My love is for you to keep forever. you my life,my butterflies, my angel,my sunshne, my heart, my food, my drink, my teddy bear. We will always be together forever and ever.R.I.P my love."
my beautiful ghost
my beautiful ghost
hand shaking she turned the huge brass door knob. Gasping as the two doors swung open to a room that looked like a masive ballroom. Shiny black and white tiles and a huge chandelier which looked like crystal. And best of all this rom had lighting. There was a huge fire place in the corner and Jennine shivering decided to try and light it. After she brushed aside the cobwebs she found an old fashioned lighter. a pile of logs were already in the middle so she lit them and soon there was a crackling fire. the room looked cozy as Jennine looked around for where she would sleep. She thought that someone was watching her as she moved around the house. Probably just her imagination she thought. Finding a huge old bedroom with a giant brass bed with red velvet bedspread and huge heavy red velevet curtains which made the room even darker. she placed her bag at the foot of the bed. Suddenly a footstep outside the door made her shrink in fear.
my beautiful ghost
my beautiful ghost
Jennine awoke to the sun shining into her room.She glanced at the clock and realised with a start that she had overslept. She had a long drive that day.Gulping down a quick cup of very strong coffee she threw some things into an overnight bag and quickly raced to her car.Driving along the highway she shook her head. I should NEVER have agreed to this stupid bet. Her brother had bet her his new car that she wouldnt have the nerve to spend the entire night in this infamous haunted house. She had heard some scary stories but was sure they had been made up growing more and more elaborate with each person telling them. Glancing at the road map she saw she had to turn left at the next sign. her car struggling to make the corner as she almost missed it and turned at the last minute. Smilimg she thought this is an easy bet. She couldnt wait to get rid of this piece of junk and get behind the wheel of her brothers shiny red new car.
posted by 123pixie
the doc
the doc

Michael waited at the steps of the house.
Two hours past and jet nothing happened still.
Another hour added on to that and he started to get worried. “What if something happened to her?”He asked himself “What if something Skulduggery Pleasant killed her?”Michael thought a lot to himself. He started to pace, “No, of course not, she’s fine. Just running a bit late,” He said to himself, “But I’m going to phone her anyway. Just to make sure.” He raced into the house and grabbed the phone. He dialled the number and in the second ring she answered, “This is a bad time!”...
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posted by AlovesmJ
Here's the link to the intro if you guys haven't checked it out already: link

Angelica woke up from her multicolored polka dot bed after hearing raucous in the hallway by her room. She peaked her head outside and took a look. Of course, it was two of her cousins, Royal and Jaffar, and her sister, Paris, laughing at some YouTube video they were watching on Paris’s computer, and to make matters worse, at 4 in the morning. Angelica became angry that she had awoken so early for such complete bull crap, as she called it. Angelica particularly didn’t like to swear, to any degree, but sometimes...
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posted by flinn123jacko
it was 5 am, but in MJJ studio, its already job time.
there was patricia and her best friend michael jackson. sitting while waiting for the next scene.
they've been best friends for more like 7 years. and never get mad at each other.yet.

"hey pat, could you help me with something???" michael asked

"sure. and stop calling me pat. my nickname is cece" patricia said.

"but i like it...." he said

"just stop it okay...."


"i'm not listening........"


"say shamone again and i will kick your butt"

"fine.. cece"

"okay.. what do you want me to do again"

"oh ya, i want you to come with...
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posted by mjjennine
love of my life
love of my life
I.... Irrisistable

J.......Jaw dropping
O.......Oh my God

My beautiful Michael
You are my whole life
If you were alive
I would love to be your wife
My heart deeply sighs
When I see your beautiful brown eyes
My heart beats at a faster pace
When I gaze at your breathtaking face
I will love you forever
My heart will leave you never×××××
posted by flinn123jacko
At brittanny apartment, brittanny was doing her internships job, until there’s someone on the door.

“who is it” brittanny asked

“it’s the pizza delivery guy”

“really??? I didn’t order any pizza.”

“um…………. Yeah you did. It says here that the name brittanny jones, has ordered a pizza with a Michael Jackson toppings”

“what????????? Michael………….” Said brittanny when she opened the door

“I told you I would come” Michael said

“how did you know my apartment number???????? I didn’t remember that I told you.”

“easy…….. I asked the doorman”

“well then,...
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posted by flinn123jacko
At the coffee shop, Michael talk to brittanny for more than 1 hour.

“where do you live?” Michael asked

“ oh, I live at my own apartment here down town.”

“when is your birthday?”

“you don’t wanna know”

“c’mon tell me”

“ 29 august……….” Brittanny said quietly

“ REALLY??????????? Oh my god. We shared the same birthday!”


After talking and talking for hours brittanny look at her watch

“oh my god, I’m late!”

“late for what?”

“my singing lesson. I have to get a A+ to get a perfect collage diploma”

“I thought that to get your diploma you just...
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posted by Rose_Jack
Michael was a very good and sensitive.He loved nature and animals, but above all he loved children.It was a generous nature, has helped many children to solve health problems.When I feel tired, I think Michael and his ambition that made ​​everything come out perfect.Then I mobilize myself.I find the strength to work on and make everything better.
His songs are diverse: some energetic and more sensitive.But all are attributed to the idea that people are equal, you should love and protect nature, children and animals.
Even if Michael Jackson died he will always live in my heart and memory of those who loved him, respected him as a musician and dancer talent, and they valued the sensitivity, generosity and strength work.
posted by theonlyking
She's lookin for a job and a finer place to stay,
She's lookin for the hope in the empty promising,
She's workin two jobs, keepin alive,
She works in a restaurant night and day
She waits her life away
She wipes the tears away

She cries inside every time she feels this way,
And she’s dying inside every time her baby cries, no

Keepin your head up to the sky,
Keepin your mind just stay alive,
Keepin your wings so we can fly,
(Keep your head up tonight)

Keepin your head up to the sky,
And we can just rise up tell me now,
Gimme your wings so we can fly,

Giving up the life of the birds in the trees
And we’re...
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posted by msmj2012
Meanwhile upstairs Prince played with Blanket. Soon Latoya and Janet walked into his room. When he saw them,he ran to them and Blanket followed him.

"Auntie Latoya and Auntie Janet!", he cried.

Blanket whined and held out his arms to be picked up. Janet reached down and scooped him up into her arms.

"Hi,Prince. How are you doing?"

"Fine. Have they found Paris yet?"

"No.", said Latoya.


"Don't worry, sweetheart. They will find her.", said Janet.

"Why did she leave anyway?",he demanded.

"We don't know, but when they find her and she comes home. We will ask her why she left.", Latoya said hugging...
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I asked Michael over for dinner one night. We had to keep quiet about it, because if anybody found out, word would spread like wildfire. It was 1978 and at age 19, Michael was already well-known around the world. So he came over to our apartment in Bergenfield, New Jersey with his armed bodyguard, Spence. Dinner was Cornish game hens and, by Michael’s request, Stove

Top Stuffing, which he said the folks in his home town of Gary, Indiana referred to as “dressin’.” When he ate, he really dug in: He got food all over his face, all over the table, all over his clothes. He was very passionate...
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posted by koolkat-1104
*Precious Star*

Once you came and knocked at my heart
your smile so brilliant, your eyes so smart
Just for you is all my love
you are a gift sent from above
Treasures are rare in life, it's true
I'm the blessed one 'cause I found you
My life was nothing until that day
please now tell me that you are here to stay
You already know how I feel
you can see it is for real
And there's no way to explain
I don't want to try in vain
Nobody told me about love, no
only you taught me all what I know
A fantastical miracle that's what you are
even more precious than a twinkling star
Can you hear me Michael? My beautiful lover
here I promise you my love forever.
i have read your story/article and the comets so far like one "why would mj be hurting his fans" and stuff like that well in a solution if i was THE KING OF POP after all he has BEEN through i can see why he would fake his death not to hurt his fans no. but maby to get away from all the pain and the stuff that he's been through can't you see why if this is true god please let it be true i hope he did fake his death i just want him hear now V_V but who knows we can only hope right now....idk bout you or me but i will still care for michael even if he faked his death and im sure theres superstars who fake there deaths to get away from all the relive and stuff like michael the way the tabloids treated him....can't you see? he has a right/reason to fake his death he's not hurting you or anything if this is true we can only hope but another question....why would he fake it? other than the reasons giving from this article?
A plate concrete 170 kilograms, hand prints and the foot of the King of Pop, in addition to his firm, will be auctioned next month in Los Angeles.

The piece has received the name "broken heart stone" because a relief break runs through the heart designed with the imprint of Jackson's left hand. Online auction will take place in natesanders.com and will be February 15 as the date of closure. Board dates back to 1984, when Michael Jackson made the impression for the Las Vegas Walk of Fame project that never materialized. The piece was discovered in the basement of the Hotel Riviera in 2006 and was in the hands of a guest, who sold it in 2009 to its current owner for an unknown amount.
"Um Hi Mccala." Says Michael in a very nervous tone. I couldn't say anything I was speechless. "Mccala?" He asks. "Yeah?" I reply. "Are you going to say anything?" He asks. "Um yeah sorry." I reply nervously. Michael is still standing at the door. "Um Mccala?" He asks. "Oh I'm sorry come in." I reply letting him in. "Can I talk to you about the party?" He asks. "Ummm....ok." I said. "Mccala...I'm sorry I never meant for any of this to happen." I didn't kiss her." "She kissed me." He starts to cry. "Oh...And don't cry Michael." I said. "Mccala It's her fault." "I hate her." Michael said still...
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When I was younger, I used to always care about the presents and receiving presents and how many presents I got. I used to be disappointed when I didn't receive much. Michael cared about giving to the children, especially the ones in need. He gave them toys and what they needed to make them feel good. He didn't care about receiving. As I thought about that a long while ago, it inspired me. Now I don't care about receiving, I care about giving. I never asked for much but clothes this Christmas. And I was happy that I received way more than I asked for.
I feel so lovely that Michael inspires me even in the most specific ways.
posted by mccalamccool
I love you more than anything.
You are my heart and soul.
To see you when I die is my goal.
There is no-one I can love more than you.
You know it's true.
Why did you have to go?
I want all my love for you to show.
I need you.
This world is a better place thanks to you.
You are my life.
When you died I thought about cutting myself with a knife.
I love you so much Michael...
My heart isn't broken...
I have no heart at all without you.
When you died you took my heart with you.
I love you the most and nothing will ever change that I promise.
You are the one I love. <3
posted by MJangellover
there are alot of things ,That I adore In MJ
but The best is He didn't wait for others to help the sick and dying people, he did it first and was
doing until his death, he visited espcially the sick children ,gave them toys,played them,Just i want you To Fancy how they were happy and me too
cause he wanted to change the world and he did it
although he was very busy with songs and tours,but
he went to them ,he did care about Them and us by spreading out the love ,peace and help,MJ I love You
very Much MY sweet angel you're always inside and
my heart god bless you,Rip!!!!!!
After a year and almost five months, it's still a bit on the difficult side to admit to my heart that Michael is no longer here physically. I never had the chance to tell that I honestly loved him when he was here and I completely regret it. I kept my love for him locked inside my heart, I never let it out. I wish I did, I utterly wish I did. There is so much I wish I had told everyone who walked in my direction, let the words flow. But I was afraid... afraid of what they'd say. I'm not saying this in the way that I was embarrassed to like Michael. I'm saying this in the way that the ones who...
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