Michael Jackson Club
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In the autumn of 1992 in a small town from a small country,Madeline Blackeyes wakes up like always at 7 o'clock to get ready to go to her job.After she finished washing and dresing,she goes to kitchen to make herself a breakfast,but she surprisely founds there her grandmother who says:"Good morning,dear!".Madeline hugs her and says:"What are you doing here?The doctor said you should not go outside or make too much effort!"."Oooh,don't worry dear,I'll be just fine!Besides,you're the one who should not make too much effort and go to work.Are you shure you'll be allright?"Madeline went to the table and sat down on a chair silently."Yes,of course!You don't have to worry about me.I'll be allright!"But not even she believed herself."Dear,losing your parents it's a very terrible thing,so I'm shure your boss would understand it!And what if you get hurt?!I mean,you can't even drive your car,what if a car hits you on the zebra crossing?"."Ok grandma',you know that this can not happen to me,ok?Even if that's how they died,that doesn't mean it is going to happen to me,ok?".After finishing what her grandmother made her for breakfast,she left to work,taking her car.While she was driving,Madeline was thinking:"Why this had to happen?".And she started remembering that day,a week ago.All she could remember was that after she went back from her job at 10p.m.,she received a call from the police,and they asked her to come there because something happened to her parents.After she saw them,she couldn't even cry.She just sat there and watched them,then her grandmother,her only relative left,took her home.Soon after that,her grandmother fell on the stairs,but she had no broken bones after that."Why did they had to die?And why can't I cry for them?".Indeed,she couldn't cry even if she tried.She was too shocked,said the doctors."Yeah,right!".When she finally arrived to her job's place,she went in there like nothing happened,after a week of absence and started working like always.
While her life had it's own intersting cource,someone's other life had one as much intersting.
In a very expensive hotel room,a man wakes up at 8 o'clock and after he's having a shower,he's dresing and he calls to room-service.After he eats,he goes to the phone and calls a friend and invites him to meet in his room.5 minutes later,a man shows up and the 2 of them start talking."Are you shure there's nothing we can do?",asks the owner of the room."No,I'm sorry mister Jackson,we can't let you to go anywhere out of here except your rehearshals.",answered the guest."Ok then.Let's go to the rehearshals.",says mister Jackson.They went to the rehearshals and Michael Jackson rehearsed like he never did before,like a machine.No smiling,no jokes,no fun...Everybody noticed that,and at the end someone came to him:"Are you ok,Mike?"."Yes,I'm fine.I just need some fresh air.",he answered.Actually,what he needed was to go somewhere where he can spend his time doing something fun,no rehearsing and beeing locked in his hotel room.He needed someone,so he arranged for his girlfriend to come in visit.They saw togheter like 5 times untill now,but it was ok for her to come,since they were a couple.He took a separate room for her.After that,he found out that she doesn't wants to come.When he asked why,she said that she doesn't wants to lose her time for a day spent with him.They'll see together anyway after he comes back from his tour.That hurt him soo deeply,that he didn't even knew if he could sing tonight.But he had to.For his fans,the ones that love him enough to do what she didn't wanted to do.
We will now come back to Madeline,who was working in a store.She was thinking,while working just like a robot,that she left behind the fact that her parents died and she should go out tonight with her friend,Alexandra."I mean,I'm only 19,why should I let this to ruin my life?I shouldn't,that's what they'd wish for me to do!",she was thinking.And now that all was clear,where is she going with Alexandra?She refused to tell her,but she was really excited about that.If it would be a ticket to Mj's concert tonight,it would be amazing,but it is so expensive and her friend's financial situation was worse than her's!"What am I dreaming here?I'll never see that concert!I can't believe that I'll miss it!MJ is my idol since I know myself!My parents told me they'll buy me a ticket for shure!But they never had the chance to do it.And they were fans also...".Before she realised,it was already 2p.m.,time to close the store because it was sunday.After that,she came by Alexandra's house.After they went into Alexandra's bedroom,Madeline asked her:"Where are we going tonight?".Alexandra told her to sit down and said:"You know that my mother has a cousin who is friend with someone in the government?"."Yes.",Madeline answered."Well,my mom knows how much we love MJ so she asked her cousin if he can get us tickets for his concert,and here they are!",said Alexandra,while showing to her friend 2 tickets at Michael Jackson's concert.Madeline got up and hugged her and started jumping with Alexandra screaming:"I'm goin to Michael's concert!We are going to Michael's concert!I can't believe!Aaaahhh!"And Alexandra was screaming and jumpin with her too.Both of them thought they were dreaming,but this dream was true!So they prepared for the concert.Madeline was wearing a nice white dress,long untill her knees and Alexandra was wearing like always,dark pants and a very nice t-shirt.And the hour 7 came and they arrived to the stadium,it was all so full.But they were lucky because someone asked everybody to come to show their tickets,and since Madeline and Alexandra arrived the last ones,they were the first checked and in the front line as the concert began.The light was incredible and when Mj showed up,everybody started screaming:"Michael!Michael!We love you Michael!" and all that kind of things.Madeline was simply shocked to see how powerful is Mj's voice in reality.And his dance moves were just incredible!Uneal!She saw so many people carried by the security from their places to ambulances and she prayed to Gog not to go there!The concert had his routine,like it was in the others countries.And the moment came!The moment when Michael should invite a girl from the public on stage with him!The one who was in charge to pick a girl saw Madeline,he stared at her,but he left looking at the other girls.Madeline knew from Alexandra about this and almost started to cry when another girl was choosed,but when tha man wanted to pick that girl up,Madeline caught his jacket and said:"Take me!Please.".She didn't screamed or something,so the man needed some time to reailize what she said.So he picked her up and when Michael reached his hand,Madeline came to him and hugged him.He was singing "She's out of my life",one of her favorite songs.After the hug,she took his head in her hands and kissed his forehead and said:"God bless you,Michael!".At that point,Michael looked better at her and saw how beautiful she was!He forgot the lyrics,so he stoped singing,although the music was still playing.He returned her favour,and she said:"Thank you!".Then he hugged her again.And he didn't wanted to let her go!He even sent the security out of the stage when they came to take her.After the music stopped,he kissed her on her cheek and then told to the man that came to take her to sent her in his dressing room.So the man took her there.After the man left,she remembered that Alexandra was still there."Oh my God!",she tought."Well,there's nothing that I can do about it.I hope she's not worried about me."
After the concert finished,Michael came in his dressing room and talked to Madeline:"What is your name?"."Madeline.",she answered with no emotions.After 2 seconds of silence he asked:"How old are you?"."I'm 19.".After 5 seconds of silence,he finally said:"So,what do you think about the concert?"."It was brilliant!At least what I could see!",she said laughing a bit."Why did you brought me here?"."Because I wanted to know your opinion.",answered Michael."Well,now that you found out what you wanted,can I ask you a question?"."Yes,shure,anything!".He wasn't shure if he said that because of emotion or the butterflies from his stomac."How do you think it was?"."I think it could have been much better!",he answered totally disapointed."But you did a very good job out there!Haven't you heard the crowd?They loved you!I was so shocked about how incredible was that I don't even know how I grabbed that security man's arm and told him to take me on stage with you!".Michael was speechless."This girl is amazing,she speaks so easy,like I'm just an ordinary man!Maybe this night wasn't so bad at all",he thought."Wow,did I did such a good job?",he asked amazed by the way she was talking about his concert."Yes,you did!".After that they spoked for about 1 hour,and at one point she realized that her friend Alexandra and her grandmother were probably worried about her."I have to go home,it's already midnight!",she said worried."Really?Oh my God I'm so sorry,I didn't realized when the time passed!",he said truly sad,more because she was going to leave,not because he probably made her troubles!"It's ok,I'll take my car and I'm shure that I can get home in uhmm... 5 hours...",she said realising that she was in other town then her's."Why 5 hours?",he asked."Because I live in other town and it takes you 5 hours to reach to it from here.",she said."Well,you can't go home now!It's too late for you to drive.Do you know your home phonenumber?"."Yes,I do but what..."."I will call them and tell them that you're staying at my hotel tonight,in a separate room which I payed for because someone was supposed to come but the plans have changed so you can stay in it,ok?"."Ok.".
So he called and everything was allright.When they went to the hotel,Michael gave her the key from her room and both went to sleep.The room next Madeline's was Michael's.
In the middle of the night,Madeline had a nightmare about her parents death and she started screaming.And because Michael was in the next room he heard her because he wasn't sleeping and he went to her room.He woke up Madeline,so he can enter and he found her crying.He hugged her and both went to his room.After they sat down on the bed's border,he asked her:"What did you dreamed?".So she told him about her parents death and he almost started crying,but she was already,so he had to be strong for her.He hold her while she was crying and telling him the whole story.After that,Madeline realized that what she was doing might be wrong:to stay on a bed's border alone with a man was not very innocent fo others,so she decided to come back.But when she was about to open the door,Michael got up and grabbed her hand:"Don't go!",ha said.She turned back and he hugged her again,and after that he kissed her on her mouth and she could not rezist,althought she knew it was wrong.After that kiss,they kept talking about eachother and they fell asleep wihout to notice,embraced in that small bed,face to face.
In the morning,Madeline woke up and because Michael was sleeping so deeply she wrote him a letter and then left the hotel.1 hour later,Michael woke up an saw the note:"Please forgive me,I have to go home,but please call me as soon as you can.I'll be waiting your call all day,so hurry up!",and after that was a small smiling face.Michael was so happy,that he could jump through all the ceilings above him and reach the sky!So he did his morning routine and when he was ready to go to her house,he found out where she lives after the talking from last night,the concert organizers said that he must leave right now if he wants to be in the next location for his concerts at the right time for the show.He didn't knew what to do so he called her and she accepted to go with him.But after that,she was wondering :"How about grandmother and the others?".But she still went with him because she loved him and she was 19,so she could decide where to go and what to do.When they saw eachother again they were so happy,and even more when they arrived,but a surprise was waiting for them in the next location.
When they arrived,everything was ok so they went to visit the places.When MJ had to go to rehearshals,Madeline said she will stay at the hotel and sleep because she was very tired.
During a breake of the rehearshals one of MJ's friends came to him:"How comes that you're so happy,huh?It's because of that girl,right?".Michael blushed and said"Yes."."So,you 2 are togheter?"."Yes,we are."."And how Diane reacted when you dumped her?".When Michel heard that,he became pale."What happened?",Michael was asked."I completely forgot about Diane!How can I be so stupid??!!!What am I gonna do?",Michael said."Well,dump her before your new girlfriend founds out."."Easy for you to say,she's the most wanted woman of all from Hollywood and if I dump her just because she didn't wanted to se me yesterday,she'll realize that there's something wrong.An if she founds out about Madeline,we both are in trouble."."Yeaah,I believe you,I know how she is and because you're the most desired man from Hollywood,she won't gave up that easy!You better make a decision because if she founds out about Madeline,she's like dead.But anyway,why are you still with her if you don't love her?"."I don't know.But she never did anything to hurt me except what happened yesterday,so I have no chance to make her to believe me when I syi that I don't love her anymore.What should I do?Why this happened to me right now?"."I don't know.I guess love makes it's own rules."
When Michael wanted to continue his rehearshals,a woman came to him and kissed and hugged him,then said:"Hello,darling!Aren't you happy to see me?"."Michael just stood there frozened and finally said:"Hello,Diane."
Go on girl!

Hey pretty baby with the
high heels on
You give me fever
Like I've never, ever known
You're just a product of
I like the groove of
your walk,
Your talk, your dress
I feel your fever
From miles around
I'll pick you up in my car
And we'll paint the town
Just kiss me baby
And tell me twice
That you're the one for me

The way you make me feel
(The way you make me feel)
You really turn me on
(You really turn me on)
You knock me off of my feet
(You knock me off of
my feet)
My lonely days are gone
(My lonely days are gone)

I like the feelin' you're
givin' me
Just hold me baby and I'm
continue reading...
Where did you come from lady
And ooh won't you take me there
Right away won't you baby
Tenderoni you've got to be
Spark my nature
Sugar fly with me
Don't you know me
Is the perfect time
We can make it right
Hit the city lights
Then tonight ease the lovin' pain
Let me take you to the max

I wanna love you (P.Y.T.)
Pretty young thing
You need some lovin'(T.L.C.)
And I'll take you there
I wanna love you (P.Y.T.)
Pretty young thing
You need some lovin'(T.L.C.)
Tender lovin' care
I'll take you there

Anywhere you wanna go

Nothin' can stop this burnin'
Desire to be with you
Gotta get to you baby
Won't you come, it's emergency...
continue reading...
I was wandering in the rain
Mask of life, feelin' insane
Swift and sudden fall from grace
Sunny days seem far away
Kremlin's shadow belittlin' me
Stalin's tomb won't let me be
On and on and on it came
Wish the rain
would just let me be

How does it feel
(How does it feel)
How does it feel
(How does it feel)
When you're alone And you're cold inside

Here abandoned in my fame
Armageddon of the brain
KGB was doggin' me
Take my name and just let me be
Then a begger boy called my name
Happy days will drown the pain
On and on and on it came
And again, and again, and again...
Take my name and just let...
continue reading...
posted by Beatit
They wanna get my ass Dead or alive
You know he really tried to take me Down by surprise
I bet he missioned with the CIA
He don't do half what he say

Dom Sheldon is a cold man
Dom Sheldon is a cold man
Dom Sheldon is a cold man
Dom Sheldon is a cold man

He out shock in every single way
He'll stop at nothing just to get his political say
He think he bad cause he's BSTA
I bet he never had a social life anyway
You think he brother with the KKK?
I know his mother never taught him right anyway
He want your vote just to remain TA.
He don't do half what he say

Dom Sheldon is a cold man
Dom Sheldon...
continue reading...
posted by Beatit
Like a comet
Blazing 'cross the evening sky
Gone too soon

Like a rainbow
Fading in the twinkling of an eye
Gone too soon

Shiny and sparkly
And splendidly bright
Here one day
Gone one night

Like the loss of sunlight
On a cloudy afternoon
Gone too soon

Like a castle
Built upon a sandy beach
Gone too soon

Like a perfect flower
That is just beyond your reach
Gone too soon

Born to amuse, to inspire, to delight
Here one day
Gone one night

Like a sunset
Dying with the rising of the moon
Gone too soon
Gone too soon

posted by Zimbarino
On earth you reached into our souls,
Sung to our hearts
Removed evil from our worlds with your sweet loving nature.

But behind your smile was both happiness and pain.
You carried the pain,
While we, oblivious, stole the happiness.

A ray of sunshine and in a class of your own.
This world ever trying to destroy your light, not worthy of any part of your life.
Yet you never saw it that way and gave us everything till nothing was left.

How could we have placed hatred on someone completely incapable of it.

In heaven now, you have been set free to live eternally where you belong. No pain will reach you up there, of that I’m sure.

You entered this world loved, left loved, and forever will be loved - what happened in between is unforgivable on our part but I pray that home at last it can be dealt with.

- you said you saw the face of God in children, we saw it in you.

R.I.P Michael.
king of pop.
Welcome to Hollywood
That's what they told you
A child star in Hollywood
That's what they sold you
Grace with beauty, charm and talent
You would do what you were told
But they robbed you of your childhood
Took your youth and sold it for gold

Elizabeth, I love you
You're every star that shines in the world to me
Elizabeth, can't you see that it's true
Elizabeth, I love you
You're more than just a star to me

Lovely Elizabeth
You have surpassed them all
My friend Elizabeth
Learned to outlast them all
Many started back when you did
Lost their way and now they're gone
But look at you, a true survivor
Full of life and...
continue reading...
posted by Beatit
(Naku penda piya-naku taka piya-mpenziwe)
(I love you too-I want you too-my love)

Liberian girl . . .
You came and you changed my world
A love so brand new
Liberian girl . . .
You came and you changed me girl
A feeling so true
Liberian girl
You know that you came
And you changed my world,
Just like in the movies,
With two lovers in a scene
And she says . . .
"Do you love me"
And he says so endlessly . . .
"I love you, Liberian girl"

(Naku penda piya-naku taka piya-mpenziwe)
(I love you too-I want you too-my love)

Liberian girl . . .
More precious than any pearl
Your love so complete
Liberian girl . . .
You kiss me...
continue reading...
posted by Mallory101
"Billie Jean" Written and composed by Michael Jackson.

She was more like a beauty queen from a movie scene
I said don't mind, but what do you mean I am the one
Who will dance on the floor in the round

She said I am the one who will dance on the floor in the round
She told me her name was Billie Jean, as she caused a scene
Then every head turned with eyes that dreamed of being the one
Who will dance on the floor in the round

People always told me be careful of what you do
And don't go around breaking young girls' hearts
And mother always told me be careful of who you love
And be careful of what you do...
continue reading...
posted by Mallory101
It's close to midnight and something evil's lurking in the dark
Under the moonlight you see a sight that almost stops your heart
You try to scream but terror takes the sound before you make it
You start to freeze as horror looks you right between the eyes
You're paralyzed

'Cause this is thriller, thriller night
And no one's gonna save you from the beast about to strike
You know it's thriller, thriller night
You're fighting for life inside a killer, thriller tonight

You hear a door slam and realize there's nowhere left to run
You feel the cold hand and wonder if you'll ever see the sun
You close your eyes...
continue reading...
posted by Beatit
I took my baby
On a Saturday bang
Boy is that girl with you
Yes we're one and the same

Now I believe in miracles
And a miracle
Has happened tonight

But, if
You're thinkin'
About my baby
It don't matter if you're
Black or white

They print my message
In the Saturday Sun
I had to tell them
I ain't second to none

And I told about equality
And it's true
Either you're wrong
Or you're right

But, if
You're thinkin'
About my baby
It don't matter if you're
Black or white

I am tired of this devil
I am tired of this stuff
I am tired of this business
Sew when the
Going gets rough
I ain't scared of
Your brother
I ain't scared of no sheets...
continue reading...
added by cherl12345
added by Reis7100
added by nanjakorya
added by kiss93
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